Maritime Union of Australia in Sydney, Australia | Social service
Maritime Union of Australia
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9265 8444
Address: 365 Sussex St Level 2 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Listen to Paul Garrett on radio this morning regarding the many issues with new ferries.
25.01.2022 Sydney wharfie Julie-Ann Mason organised a #naidoc event today with Aunty Rhonda Grovenor Dixon, Nadeena Dixon, Lauren Ella Duncan and Brock Tutt. #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOCWeek2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #ausunions
25.01.2022 Following last years massive fight for basic workplace decency at NRMA Fast Ferry, the MUA is today opening nominations for Health and Safety Representatives. This is how a workplace goes from being a corporate dominated shit-show to being a organised, safe collective of workers who look out for each other
25.01.2022 Locked out union members need your support at Wyong Woolworths distribution centre. A few of us are heading up there today.
25.01.2022 On the 60th Anniversay of the day Paul Robeson sang to construction workers building the opera house we re-enacted this wonderful historic event with the help o...f acclaimed opera singer Rachel Bate. CFMEU Construction & General NSW Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch NSWTeachersFederation
24.01.2022 A Sydney ferry worker who was sacked for failing a breath-test has been the catalyst for the remaining workers to walk off the job today, forcing the network into a standstill. #9News
24.01.2022 We are very sad to announce that our comrade from the Hutchison port in Jakarta, Ivan Sukoco Hiastoto, today passed away. Ivan was a waterfront worker, and the former Vice-President of the formidable SPJICT. SPJICT is the union that has been fighting for justice on the Jakarta waterfront since 1999. Ivan embraced the spirit of internationalism, and warmly welcomed representatives from the MUA to the port of Jakarta. Ivan and his comrades have together been facing down pr...ison, vicious assaults and threats to their lives in the pursuit of justice at the Jakarta Hutchison terminal. Last year Ivan ran to the aid of SPJICT Safety Officer Rio Wijaya who was being assaulted by port security. With Ivans assistance, Rio was able to break free from his attackers. At the time of his death, Ivan was still facing charges for this brave act of selfless solidarity. We mourn the passing of a comrade, and a leader of the fighting working class in our region. Tragically, Ivan was taken from us by COVID-19. His death reminds us that we must never cease in our struggle for equal access to healthcare across the globe, regardless of the colour of your passport. Salamat jalan kawan kami. You will never be forgotten by the MUA.
23.01.2022 Climate Change is a working class issue. The Sydney Branch of the MUA passed the following motion in support of the school climate strikers. These kids are leading the charge - and the MUA is behind them the whole way. 25 September 2020 - Build our Future: Climate Justice & Jobs PREAMBLE... On Friday September 25, School Strikers, First Nations communities and workers are once again taking action in their communities to demand the Federal Government Build our Future. Australian communities have been hit hard by the dual bushfire and coronavirus crises. The Morrison governments hand-picked Covid-19 Commission are making secret plans for an emissions intensive gas-fired economic recovery. But a giant bailout for the gas industry will not benefit working Australians and will harm those on the frontlines of climate change. Instead, we must ensure that public money is used for public good. We are entering a period of mass unemployment in the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression, alongside accelerating climate breakdown. Post-pandemic recovery efforts should drive solutions to the climate crisis, not make it worse. MOTION This meeting of the Sydney Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia notes that climate change is a workers issue. There is enormous opportunity to expand maritime jobs, particularly in offshore wind projects, starting with two significant projects off the coast of Victoria and Newcastle. These would provide thousands of jobs, especially for unemployed seafarers in our union. Right now, there is an opportunity and necessity for our government to build a future we can all thrive in, by creating millions of clean jobs that care for country, climate and our communities. We support the School Strikers 4 Climate (SS4C) demands of: No public funds for gas and other damaging fossil fuel projects. Instead, recovery funds should be spent on: 1. Resourcing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led solutions that guarantee land rights and care for country 2. The creation of jobs that fast-track solutions to the climate crisis and help communities recover 3. Projects that transition our economy and communities to 100% renewable energy by 2030, through expanded public ownership. The Sydney branch of the MUA endorses the national day of action on the 25th of September and will: Sign onto the SS4C statement in support of the day: Seek endorsement from the MUA national office to issue a national statement of support for the day of action Stands ready to mobilise for the day of action and future days of action for climate justice and jobs Passed unanimously
23.01.2022 The MUA is campaigning with other unions for Offshore Wind Farms. You can read more about our campaign here
23.01.2022 National Indigenous Officer, Thomas Mayor, addressed the biggest rally Darwin has seen, marching against racial injustices internationally and in particular right here in Australia the plight of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. He drew the correlation between the attacks on unionism and the suppression of Indigenous Voices. This speech makes it clear why we as union members must continue our support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatterAustralia #UluruStatement
23.01.2022 This morning (Dec 3rd) SeaLink announced the closure of the Lane Cove Ferry Service. This is devastating news for crew and passengers. The letter was dated 23rd of November. Why did SeaLink wait a full 10 days before notifying his crew that this service was being closed?... The MUA has been informed that Captain Cook Cruises was receiving support from the State Government to run a service for the school children that use the route. SeaLink has almost certainly had confirmation of this service change for weeks, if not months. Instead of working with crew and the MUA to try and secure a fair outcome for everyone concerned, management made the cyncical decision to wait until after the Collective Agreement vote in an effort to try and manipulate crew. This is unfortunately the kind of deceitful behavior we've come to expect from SeaLink management. It has now been three days since the poor, management-proposed collective agreement was overwhelming rejected by crew, and we're still waiting for SeaLink to pick up the phone and fix their broken business model. Now more than ever we must stick together if we're going to secure a positive future for maritime workers on Sydney Harbour.
22.01.2022 As expected Captain Cook Cruises crew have voted overwhelmingly to reject the management-proposed agreement. A big congratulations to all the members and delegates that got this done. By sticking together like this, we will make this a workplace we can be proud of. The MUA has already reached out to senior SeaLink management seeking a high level meeting to get this agreement sorted.... MUA? Here to Stay.
22.01.2022 A message from Yasmin Catley MP I am writing to seek the support of your union for an online petition that calls on the State Government to support local workers and boost local jobs, by buying locally. With the assistance of a number of unions, NSW Labor has brought a Bill to Parliament which will force government agencies and departments to buy goods and services from local companies and suppliers who can guarantee jobs will stay here in New South Wales, rather than being s...ent offshore. The ‘NSW Made Local Jobs First Bill’ will require public money to be used for the public good by supporting local industries. We must use the purchasing power of state government to restore local manufacturing capacity, expand our services sector, boost local content, and provide long-term, stable and rewarding jobs for local workers in New South Wales. To bring on a debate in Parliament, we need 20,000 online signatures to their petition, which you can access below. Please sign the petition and distribute to others and ask them to share with their friends, family and workmates so that we can bring on this debate in Parliament ASAP. The Bill: The Petition: In solidarity, Yasmin. Yasmin Catley MP Deputy Opposition Leader, NSW Labor Shadow Minister for Rural and Regional Jobs | Shadow Minister for Building Reform and Property [email protected] | Parliament House Office: 02 9230 3086
22.01.2022 Watch The Eviction today on SBS.
22.01.2022 Captain Cook Cruises scores an 1/8. Thats a Fail. The Sydney Branch dragged SeaLink company Captain Cook Cruises kicking and screaming to the bargaining table earlier this year. MUA delegates have spent countless hours developing proposals for how to make the company an excellent place to work. On Tuesday this week, management tabled an agreement that scored a 1/8. Sorry SeaLink, youre gonna gave to do better than that.
21.01.2022 We support the End COVID for all campaign and show solidarity with vulnerable countries tackling #COVID-19 #EndCOVIDforall #ausunions #auspol sign the pledge
20.01.2022 A message to all the Captain Cook Cruises crew voting today on thier EA. Vote Now and Vote No! Every MUA member on Sydney harbour has your back - reject this offer and you will get a better deal.
20.01.2022 They have plied the harbour for decades, but most of the famous Manly ferry fleet could soon be sunk and turned into dive sites. Just one 'Freshwater Class' fe...rry will be kept replaced with smaller but more frequent services. #SydneyFerries #7NEWS
20.01.2022 It seems Captain Cook Cruises likes the way the MUA lays out fliers Meanwhile, a report has surfaced of a very senior manager in the business having a little hissy fit and yelling that The crew are stupid and that he can shut down the business whenever he wants. Well let’s see if the stupid crew at Captain Cook Cruises think that 15% is a affordable loading for casuals while the CEO pockets $500k on TOP of his salary
20.01.2022 A magnificent celebration of NAIDOC week down at Hutchison Port Botany. We have everything to learn from our First Nations peoples all throughout this continent. I’m very proud of our members for investing in connections that will unite us all and give us all peace and justice. Thank you to all who organised and contributed to this great event.
19.01.2022 Please email your MP now click here: Toxic uranium mining could become legal in NSW within weeks if your local MP supports a One Nation and National Party deal to overturn a 30-year ban. The media reported last night that NSW Cabinet members have bowed to pressure from One Nation Leader Mark Latham and Nationals Leader John Barilaro to overturn a ban on uranium exploration and mining. But there is still time for people like you and me to stop this disaster. Cabinet is set to make a decision this Monday, ahead of a vote in parliament.
19.01.2022 ATU members face racism daily. Our members live in and work in the neighbourhoods where actions like this [murder of George Floyd] happen, and where this took place, now watched in horror across the globe. Police brutality is unacceptable! This system has failed all of us in the working class from the Coronavirus to the economic crisis we are facing. But this system has failed People of Color and Black Americans and Black youth more than anyone else... In ATU we have a sayin...g, "NOT ONE MORE" when dealing with driver assaults which in some cases have led to members being murdered while doing their job. We say "NOT ONE MORE" execution of a black life by the hands of the police. NOT ONE MORE! JUSTICE FOR GEORGE FLOYD!" Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005 Minneapolis passed the above motion on May 28th. The mighty ILWU sent this letter. Solidarity to all our sisters and brothers courageously confronting racist state violence here in Australia, and everywhere it occurs in the world.
18.01.2022 Check this out: on today free online with MUAs Jim Donovan
18.01.2022 Check out this killer wrap of the battle of botany from Sharkadile. Sound on!
17.01.2022 On 20 August 2019, Rio Wijaya, a dedicated trade unionist from the Indonesian dockers union Serikat Pekerja Jakarta International Container Terminal (SP JICT), was brutally attacked by security guards at Hutchison Ports terminal in Jakarta, and subsequently Rio was arrested and detained under false allegations of defaming and assaulting the security guards on 21 November 2019. Please join us in demanding that Hutchison Ports do everything within its powers to set the record straight and facilitate the immediate release of Brother Rio and that all charges levelled against him are dropped.
17.01.2022 Naidoc Week event organised by Sydney wharfie Julie-Ann Mason with special guest elders Aunty Rhonda Grovenor Dixon, Nadeena Dixon, Lauren Ella Duncan from Weave and Brock Tutt (Julie-Ann Mason’s son) on the didgeridoo. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #NAIDOCWeek2020
16.01.2022 A message to all crew at Captain Cook Cruises from members and delegates at Sydney Ferries: Vote No to the management-proposed collective agreement tomorrow. Give your delegates a chance to get a better deal for the crew now and into the the future
16.01.2022 Since 5am Friday morning workers in the Wyong Woolies distro shed have been on the picket line. They started with a strike and have now been locked out. This bottom feeding behaviour by one of Australias richest companies is a disgrace. Maritime workers from Wollongong to Newcastle have been on the picket alongside our comrades since the strike started, and well be there until they win. If you can, get up to the picket and extend some solidarity
15.01.2022 Watch the NSW Bushfire Smoke Inquiry with Jake and Nat
15.01.2022 Traditional owners have called for a massive demonstration of support for the Black Lives Matter movement in Sydney. Today wharfies at DP World Port Botany threw their shoulder behind the wheel. No Justice, No Peace. See yas all on the streets July 5th:
14.01.2022 Should have bought NSW Made.
13.01.2022 If you missed The Eviction on the weekend you can watch it on SBS on demand.
13.01.2022 The union movement has been screaming for years for public investment in offshore wind (and other renewables) as a way to mitigate climate change and create good, dignified union jobs along the way. These courageous students are taking the lead in holding big business and the state accountable for their polluting, union-busting ways. The MUA wont let these students walk alone. Get down there on Friday 25th, 10am.
12.01.2022 Demonstrations of solidarity for our comrade in Jakarta Rio continue to flow in from the mighty MUA rank and file. Bangkit! lawan! Hancurkan Tirani! Were behind you 150% of the way Rio.
12.01.2022 Bus drivers in Sydney and their union have been fighting the Liberal Governments plans to sell off our busses. Public transport must remain in public hands!! The RTBU has triggered a debate in NSW parliament about bus privatisation by collecting more than 10,000 signatures. While the politicians are inside talking, the May1 movement is going to encircle parliament with our cars. Join us.
09.01.2022 Sign and share please comrades.
08.01.2022 All MUA members, please make time for this AGM. There are plenty of things happening around our industry, and we look forward to reporting on them.
06.01.2022 MUA ALERT: Asbestos found on new ferries The four new 24m River vessels are not to be boarded, inspected or worked by MUA members until further advised from the Maritime Union of Australia.
06.01.2022 Ruby Princess special commission of inquiry report due today read MUA statement here
05.01.2022 Due to ongoing restrictions and for the safety of all, the May Monthly meeting has been cancelled.
04.01.2022 Solid monthly meeting with industrial updates from across all workplaces. Unanimous support also given for a motion (below) to not allow the 30+ year ban on ura...nium mining and nuclear power in NSW to be lifted. The MUA Sydney branch monthly meeting affirms complete opposition to lifting the longstanding ban on uranium mining and nuclear power in the state. The nuclear chain uses vast amounts of water, pollutes mine sites and leaves radioactive waste that must be managed for many generations. The health risk to workers handling these materials and to communities along the transport routes is unacceptable. The price of uranium has remained depressed since the Fukushima disaster; there would be very little employment or economic gain in exchange for a radioactive legacy. The NSW government must urgently invest in the renewable energy opportunities that create long-term, sustainable, climate jobs. We call on all NSW parliamentary Members to vote against plans to expand the nuclear industry and we will continue to strongly campaign against any such proposals. August 25, 2020
04.01.2022 In the wake of the announcement that SeaLink CEO Clint Feuerherdt has received a $500,000 BONUS, the following motion was passed last night at the Captain Cook Cruises union meeting. At the meeting there was crew who have only become members for the first time in the last few months. For some crew it was their first ever union meeting in Australia. It is an absolute pleasure to welcome these maritime workers to the MUA. Staunch, hilarious, and not scared to stand up for whats right. It took over a year to drag this company kicking and screaming to the negotiating table, even though their agreement was over 10 years old. Now theyre trying to use the pandemic to smash through a terrible agreement and lock it in years. Looks like the crew isnt ready to roll over just yet....
03.01.2022 Our comrade Rio Wijaya is facing jail time for fighting for safety at Hutchison Port in Jakarta. Last night the MUA Sydney Branch recieved this film fresh from the Tanjung Priok union rooms. This message is to all of the MUA members across the country that have extended solidarity to our comrades in Jakarta, from Queensland to the West Coast. It is us that should be thanking you Rio. The courage of the Indonesian dockers in confronting Hutchisons bottom-feeding corporate bastadry in Jakarta is an inspiration to us all. Every struggle against injustice, anywhere, makes the world a fairer place for all of us. We will always be by your side. One Struggle, One Fight. Hidup Buruh!
03.01.2022 The 16 Days of Activism to end family violence is an important campaign. With 1 in 3 women in Australia experiencing physical or sexual violence by someone know...n to them we all can do more to raise awarness, change culture and behaviour. Together we can save lives.Anyone effected by family violence can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for support and assistance. See more
03.01.2022 Today we learned that the new ferries being shipped in from Indonesia are riddled with asbestos. This just proves our point -- the only way we can be sure that our ferries meet Australian standards is if we build them here!
02.01.2022 This is a tale of inconvenient working class people being socially cleansed so that nothing stands in the way of the wealthy people of Sydney getting everything they want. Featuring the MUAs own working class warrior Barney Gardner - well worth the watch.
02.01.2022 In an act of the lowest corporate bastadry Coles has locked out distribution workers for 3 MONTHS!! The May1 Movement has called a community protest in support this Friday at 2.30pm. The MUA is behind these workers 150% - there will be a contingent leaving from Port Botany this Friday. SMS Branch Organiser Shane Reside if you can make it: 0400526313
02.01.2022 Bottom-feeding Woolworths executives tried to bully and intimidate these workers into accepting shitty pay and conditions. In the face unbreakable solidarity, today management crumpled like the gutless parasites they are. A MASSIVE win for the entire working class. Congratulations to every worker that decided it was time to take a stand. Every time a group of working people take some ground from the bosses we all win. Thank you for your struggle comrades.
01.01.2022 The zoom link for the Sydney Branch AGM will be sent out today.
01.01.2022 A message from Thomas Mayor, National Indigenous Officer regarding Black Lives Matter.
01.01.2022 This morning Captain Cook Cruises announced that the management EA would be put to a vote of crew AGAINST the wishes of the union delegates. While the SeaLink CEO has pocketed a 500k BONUS, this proposed agreement fails the basic decency test. 15% casual loading? 1.75% Payrise? No thanks.
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