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Mulgrave Settlers Museum in Gordonvale, Queensland | Community museum

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Mulgrave Settlers Museum

Locality: Gordonvale, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4056 1810

Address: 60 Gordon St 4865 Gordonvale, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Have you read the April Pyramid Views. A couple of our volunteers have been busy again with submissions on pages 5 & 6 and the museum has also helped out with a photo for the story on page 8. A great read.

25.01.2022 Don (museum volunteer) has put together this wonderful display for Remembrance Day ready for anyone to view when visiting the museum.

25.01.2022 We now have more locally produced banners from the ‘Friends of Gordonvale’ group depicting life in Gordonvale in the 1990’s on display at the museum. Come visit Mon - Sat, 10am to 2pm

25.01.2022 Who remembers this?

24.01.2022 The Mulgrave Settlers Museum is reopening on the 29 June under COVID-19 safe conditions. Our hours will be 10am to 2pm, Monday to Saturday. To ensure that the museum operations are in line with the advice from the Queensland Government and the Queensland Chief Health Officer we ask you to:... Use the hand sanitiser available for use at the entrance to the museum Refrain from entering if you are unwell Keep the number of visitors to 6 people because of the museum space Respect physical distancing, you may be reminded by a volunteer Refrain from touching books, objects etc. Your details will be entered in the Visitor Register. These details are being collected to assist in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and will be handled in line with the relevant privacy act. We look forward to seeing you.

24.01.2022 The Mulgrave Shire Historical Society held a book launch for the book Edmonton-Hambledon People and Places 1881 -2019. More information to come, thanks Curtis Pitt MP for attending the launch and sharing this information.

24.01.2022 Our latest purchase, thanks for the creative help from Jasmine at CairnsPrinting.Com

22.01.2022 From Pyramid Views

21.01.2022 Yes lots of my recent reads are awaiting for new readers

21.01.2022 Such an amazing response to the release of the EDMONTON-HAMBLEDON People and Places book, we have sold out. Thanks If you would still like a copy you can email the Mulgrave Settlers Museum to place an order. [email protected]

21.01.2022 For sale at Mulgrave Settlers Museum - $10 plus postage $3.30 you can find a list of other publications available at museum on our website here.

21.01.2022 Remeberance Day- 11th hour 11th day 11th month. Thank you to all who gave some and some who gave all for our freedom

20.01.2022 The museum is open throughout the school holidays. Mon - Fri 10am - 2pm, walking distance from the main street of Gordonvale. 60 Gordon Street across from the sugar mill. Adults $5.00, Pensioners $4.00 and Children $3.00 We have two colouring books available for purchase: My Grandad’s Glasses -$5.00 plus postage $2.20... A colouring and alphabet book by Clive Morton. Gone Fishing A colouring book with creatures from the sea to colour. - $5.00 plus postage $2.20 You can visit the museum to purchase the above books or email an order through to [email protected]

20.01.2022 Our Website Book Preview - The Fair Dinkum North by Ivy Zappala Portraying people, places and poems of Far North Queensland... Cost $8 plus postage (please email [email protected] for postage costs)

19.01.2022 Discover the real cane toad story @Cairns Museums Toad Vs Beetle exhibition, a collaboration with @qldstatearchives and @mulgravesettlermuseum

19.01.2022 One of our volunteers Sallyanne has collated this for the Pyramid Views

18.01.2022 Yes found lots of bits and pieces in storage.

16.01.2022 Discover the real cane toad story @Cairns Museum’s Toad Vs Beetle exhibition, a collaboration with @qldstatearchives and @mulgravesettlermuseum

16.01.2022 25 Years since Mulgrave Shire Council Amalgamated with Cairns City Council The Mulgrave Shire Historical Society held a morning tea at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum on Monday 23rd March for councilors of the former Mulgrave Shire Council plus members from the first Cairns City Council. This occasion was to mark 25 years since the Shire was dissolved and absorbed within Cairns City Council on 22nd March 1995. Then in 2008 it became Cairns Regional Council. On the 16th November... 1940, the Shire of Mulgrave was named after going through many transformations. The local government area, surrounding the city of Cairns, covered an area of 1718 square kilometres from the beaches north of the city to south of Mirriwinni. The last serving Mulgrave Shire Councilors during the one-year term 1994-1995 were: Tom Pyne AM (Chairman), Jeff Pezzutti (Deputy Chairman), Division 1 Councilors Graham Brasch, Fran Lindsay, Jeff Pezzutti, Naomi Wilson, Division 2 Councilor Warren Martin, Division 3 Councilor Angle Mustafa, Division 4 Councilors Brian Down, Ken Gibbs, Judi Turner, Division 5 Councilors Ron Crew, Ross Parisi and Annette Sheppard. First elected councilors to the amalgamated Council- Cairns City Council 5-year term to 2000 were: Mayor Cr Tom Pyne AM, Deputy Mayor Jeff Pezzutti and councilors Angle Mustafa, Fran Lindsay, Jeff Pezzutti, Graham Brasch, Bob Burgess, Darren Cleland, Jan McLucas, Deirdre Ford, Brian Down, Sno Bonneau & Annette Sheppard. Unfortunately, due to the Corona Virus outbreak Fran Lindsay, Jeff Pezzutti and Bob Burgess were the only ones able to attend. While practicing the social distancing now required, the former councilors enjoyed the morning tea and reminisced about council times. The Mulgrave Shire Historical Society hopes to once again host another morning tea for past Mulgrave Shire and Cairns City councilors in a years time. Pictured from left are Fran Lindsay, Jeff Pezzutti and Bob Burgess. Please note the Mulgrave Settlers Museum in Gordonvale will be closed until 31st May 2020 at which time the Mulgrave Shire Historical Society will review the situation for a re-opening date. See more

15.01.2022 WE HAVE A BUYER - Hurricane Lamps and Blue Umbrellas by Dorothy Jones. A history of the Shire of Johnstone to 1973. Hard cover. No jacket cover. Good condition. $80. If interested please send us a message or an email to [email protected]

15.01.2022 Our Website Book Preview - The Old Cairns Aquatic Club - The Making and Breaking of an Icon - 100 years of History by Ray Taylor ONLY TWO COPIES LEFT Cost was $30 but now only $15 each plus postage (please email [email protected] for postage costs)

15.01.2022 Early Days of Gordonvale by R S Jamieson. Contains the names of businesses and their personnel from 1920 to 1976 as well as organisations and their participants in the early 20s and 30s. Cost is $10.00. Postage is $2.20. The book can be bought at the Settlers Museum in Gordonvale 60 Gordon Street. Phone 07 4056 1810 or email [email protected] if you wish to purchase a copy.

14.01.2022 Hooked on the Mulgrave By Lynda Gregg. Part 3: A Quest for Riches. On Friday, the 21st of November 1873 Dalrymple ascended the Mulgrave for sixteen miles ...towards Walshs Pyramid. He noted, a fine river navigable for light draft vessels, timber of the best description in plentiful supply, thousands of acres of rich soils, and probable good auriferous country inland. (1) Dalrymple followed instructions from the Queensland Government to explore the rivers between Cardwell and Cooktown, ascertain their navigability, the nature of the soil on or near the riverbanks, and to collect botanical specimens. In response to Dalrymples mention of minerals and speculation that copper existed near Walshs Pyramid; bank managers William Smith and William Smart came from Cairns in search of riches. They were accompanied by George Upward and Sam Williams. No minerals were located, but groves of cedar were. Its believed Williams shared the location of the red cedar trees, (where the Mulgrave Sugar Mill stands today) with the Alleys. William Saunders Alley and his son in law Richard Blackwell knew the value of red gold. In 1877 they became the first European settlers in the Mulgrave district, and were rewarded with magnificent stands of timber; cedar and pine being the most sought-after. Between 1878 and 1880 over a million feet of cedar and pine logs (2) were hauled to Alleys Landing near Redbank on the Trinity Inlet and rafted to Cairns for export. Wild stands of red cedar and kauri pine were soon depleted. The decline in cedar cutting was replaced by a rush for alluvial gold in the upper reaches of the river, whilst in the lower valley small crop farming and sugar cane replaced the logged rainforests. On 8th August 1879, two men arrived in Cairns with a few penny weight of alluvial gold found in the Mulgrave River. Within weeks the field enticed some 200 adventurous prospectors. The Mulgrave Goldfield was officially declared on 1st July 1880. (3) Two settlements were developed on the goldfield; Top Camp near Butchers Creek, and Fanning Town, on the junction of Toohey Creek and the Mulgrave River. Fanning Town, later renamed Goldsborough, was a lively place boasting hotels and stores. Whilst around 5,580 ounces of gold were produced, the Mulgrave Goldfield never became the boom goldfield that Cairns hoped for. Today hobby enthusiasts search for gold and treasures in the Mulgrave River. Striking it rich requires more luck than skill.(4) In the 1980s Maurie Morrisson successfully panned for gold upstream from his house on the bank of Mulgrave River at Goldsborough, over 30 yrs. later, I gave some of the Mulgrave gold and my worn, fragile and cracked wedding ring to a jeweller to melt & fashion into the ring I wear today. (5) Please share your stories and photos of treasures found in the Mulgrave River via email, or on the Pyramid Views Facebook page. [email protected] References. 1: Dalrymple, 1894 QLD Narrative and Reports of the North East Coast Expedition 1873. 2: Alley, Jan, Recollections & Recipes of Riverstone. 3: A pictorial history of the Mulgrave Shire, 1980, Cairns G.K. Bolton. 4 & 5: Maurie Morrisson. Information for this article was sourced from Mulgrave Settlers Museum.

14.01.2022 See below for those who missed out on purchasing from the original print

13.01.2022 This is one tea cosy that has been started. Have you thought of your design, will it be knitted, crocheted or surprising us with another medium?

13.01.2022 Thank you Phil Manning for all the work done to get the cane toad recognised for some better reasons

12.01.2022 Our Website Book Preview - By Strong Arms by Clive Morton A history of sugar cane growing in the area and the Mulgrave Central Mill.... Cost was $15 plus postage (please email [email protected] for postage costs)

11.01.2022 Monthly Meeting today - All Welcome

10.01.2022 Edit - Sorry, we had to repost as had incorrect address in original photo. One Person’s Trash is a Museum’s Treasure The Mulgrave Shire Historical Society has a new display at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum.... The museum located at 60 Gordon Street Gordonvale re-opens on Wednesday 27th January 2021. Our hours are 10am 2pm Mon-Sat. Entry price is $5 Adults and $4 pensioners and children. We are showcasing our forgotten treasures. On display are tools from days gone by, handmade baby clothes of the 1920’s and 30’s, the old fashioned chamber pot with commode, lady’s pantaloon, bodice and corset worn in the 1900’s and locally produced banners from the ‘Friends of Gordonvale’ group depicting life in Gordonvale in the 1990’s.

10.01.2022 Did you can help correct digitised newspapers etc on Trove? I thought I would share as there maybe just one person looking for something different to do while having to stay at home. Here is the link for more information.

09.01.2022 Book - ‘Edmonton- Hambledon People and Places 1881-2019’ is now available. Contains the early days of the Edmonton area, industry, the town of Edmonton, education, government and community organisations, residents past and present. Can be purchased at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum in Gordonvale - 60 Gordon Street 10am - 2pm Mon to Sat Cost is $25.00 ... plus Postage $12.50 (if required) Phone 07 4056 1810 or email [email protected] if you wish to purchase a copy.

09.01.2022 ‘Early Days of Gordonvale’ by R S Jamieson. Contains the names of businesses and their personnel from 1920 to 1976 as well as organisations and their participants in the early 20s and 30s. Cost is $10.00. Postage is $2.20. The book can be bought at the Settlers Museum in Gordonvale 60 Gordon Street. Phone 07 4056 1810 or email [email protected] if you wish to purchase a copy.

08.01.2022 Looking for another book to read during your time at home? Have you checked out the list of publications listed for sale on our website? We will have a volunteer visiting the museum every couple of days to check on emails. Please send through your orders and we will have the books you requested mailed off asap. We will post a book on here every couple of days. Today we are sharing Jan Alleys - Recollections & Recipes of Riverstone. Do you remember Riverstone House? Recipes include Caramel Slice, Scones, Honey Bubble Ice cream Cake, Apricot Mustard and more.

08.01.2022 Our website book preview - The Evo Owen Story by Clive Morton Reveals for the first time the real Owen gun scandals. The only Authorised Version.... Cost - $25 - postage not included (please email for postage cost)

08.01.2022 RELOCATION OF MULGRAVE SETTLERS MUSEUM On 17 November 1977, Councillor Shirley Harwood of the Mulgrave Shire, chaired a public meeting which lead to the formati...on of the Mulgrave Shire Historical Society. The aim of the Society was to record and preserve the history of the then Mulgrave Shire which stretched from Palm Cove to the Mirriwinni area. In 1992, with the help of the Mulgrave Shire Council and the then owners of the Mulgrave Central Mill, the Mulgrave Settlers Museum was opened. The museum houses a collection of objects, documents, photographs etc from the residents of that Shire. The museum building reflected the Rambler Station adjacent as at that time the Rambler was a tourist venture instigated by the Mill. The museum building (erected by the Mulgrave Shire Council) sits on Mill land and was first leased to the Mulgrave Shire Council for 10 years. A second lease with the Cairns City Council extended the lease for another 10 years. That lease has now expired and the current Mill owners require the land. The Mulgrave Shire Historical Society held its monthly meeting recently at the Anglican Church hall. Curtis Pitt, (Member for Mulgrave) Brett Moller, (Division 1 Councillor for Cairns Regional Council) Jo Wills, (Development Officer with Museums and Galleries Qld) along with Society members discussed the future of the Mulgrave Settlers Museums location. The museums lease will end in June 2021. Looking for a new home for the museum is not going to be an easy task. We hope the people of the Gordonvale district will support the retention of a museum in Gordonvale by becoming members of the Mulgrave Shire Historical Society. Our membership form can be found on our website at Words and photo provided by Mulgrave Shire Historical Society

06.01.2022 Hooked on the Mulgrave. By Lynda Gregg. Part 5: Swimming Carnivals Eric Briscke was... the judge at this swimming carnival (photo 1) held on the Mulgrave River near Gordonvale in the early 1930s. (1) " Bells Hole situated at the back of the Chief Engineers house upstream from the Mulgrave Mill was the chosen spot for the swimming club. Take off and turning boards were installed in the river, the measured distance being 25 yards per lap. The riverbank was hollowed out in places and seats for spectators were installed. The committee charged one-shilling (10 cents) admission. The seats became uncomfortable towards the end of the afternoon swimming carnival The Gordonvale Amateur Swimming Club produced outstanding swimmers. Training in the river was serious business, a coach, timekeeper and handicapper assisted swimmers. Tom Beck and Norm Wedlock were champion swimmers. Tom won the One Mile title at the Australian Championships, and Norm was successful in the 1933 State Country Junior Championship, being placed 2nd in the 100-yard event and winning the 50-yard event in the record-breaking time of 26.6 seconds. Fred Lindsay was awarded his Beginners Swimming Certificate in 1951, the test was conducted in the Mulgrave River at Greenpatch. Learn to swim classes and certificate tests for primary school students were held in the river before the Gordonvale pool was built. Fred later trained for competitive events by swimming upstream from Greenpatch to the water pipes and downstream to the railway bridge. The competition between the Cairns and Gordonvale swimming clubs resulted in much rivalry. Fred gave away competitive swimming because of the heavy handicaps imposed on him, he was still winning the 200-yard races despite the handicap of 30 seconds. Reference 1; P3 Mulgrave Shire Historical Society Publication 994.3 GOR. Information for this article was sourced from resources held at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum.

06.01.2022 Do you know the answer?

06.01.2022 Keep those guesses coming we will post the answer up on Friday. Answer - This is a handheld bag sewer used to sew hessian sugar bags.

04.01.2022 Membership - The Mulgrave Shire Historical Society Membership Benefits *Monthly Bulletins *Free entry to Mulgrave Settlers Museum... *10% off books sold at Mulgrave Settlers Museum *Access to library and research materials Membership Fees - Fees can be paid by Direct Debit - Mulgrave Historical Society BSB 084-679 Account No 164614367 or at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum. Family (2 adults and children under 18) - $30 Single adult - $25 Concession Card holders: Couple - $20 Concession Card holder: Single $15 Please download and complete the membership form from our website. When completed please forward with payment to the Mulgrave Shire Historical Society using one of the following methods - Email - [email protected] attaching a copy of the membership form and advising when direct debit paid. In person to - Mulgrave Settlers Museum 60 Gordon Street Gordonvale QLD 4865 or, mail printed copy of membership form and cheque (if paid by direct debit please email to advise date of payment) - The Mulgrave Historical Society P O Box 566 Gordonvale QLD 4865

03.01.2022 Our Website Book Preview - A Bend Too Many The story of the Gillies Highway Cost $18 plus postage (please email [email protected] for postage costs)...

03.01.2022 Our Website Book Preview - The Story of Gordonvale About the early beginnings of the town of Gordonvale and profiles of three pioneers - William Saunders Alley, Richard Blackwell and John Gordon. Cost $6 plus postage (please email [email protected] for postage costs)...

02.01.2022 Reminder that our AGM will be held this Saturday 10th October at 1:30pm. All welcome.

02.01.2022 The Mulgrave Settlers Museum is closed at least until the end of May. Any queries or anyone seeking family history or for any other reason please contact us on [email protected]

02.01.2022 From the latest edition of the Pyramid Views (Information and photo provided by the Mulgrave Shire Historical Society) THE HISTORY OF LADIES HOCKEY IN GORDONVAL...E The Gordonvale ladies hockey team was named the Celtics and their uniform consisted of a white top and skirt with a green border and green bloomers elasticized above the knee. The Gordonvale club won many premierships and became Queensland champions. Their most notable wins were the Mt. Etna Shield from Brisbane in 1930 and again in 1931. The names of the members were: Emmie Trevor, Mary Trevor, Vera Knust, Kate Lauridsen, Stella Lauridsen, Lily Lauridsen, Sally Brown, Elsa Fell, Jane Carne, Nell Cleary, Girlie Gammie (Captain), Jessie Baker and M Weare. Club coaches were: Jack Cable, Jim Mathewson and Charlie Graham. Cable and Mathewson came to Gordonvale from Scotland by a chance meeting of Australian soldiers from Gordonvale at Gallipoli whilst they were there as members of the Black Watch. They heard such glowing descriptions of Gordonvale and its surrounds that after the war they both decided to emigrate to Gordonvale. Jack Cable bought into the news agency and Jim Mathewson worked in the Mulgrave Mill. Cable and Mathewson had excellent qualifications for coaching as they had played international hockey representing Scotland. Under their tutelage, the Gordonvale team became extremely proficient. Mary Trevor showed how powerful a hitter she was. On one occasion, as goalie at the old State School toilet (south) end of the field, she whacked the ball with such strength, it soared through the air to hit a roof top in Sheppards Street and ricocheted over into OLearys Creek, a distance of approximately three hundred metres. Three girls of the Gordonvale Club, namely Kate Lauridsen, Jane Carne and Vera Knust were chosen to represent Australia in the team to play in England, but the parents of these girls refused permission for them to go. On one occasion, the Celtics played East Queensland in Norman Park - of course, Celtics won. It was reported in Brisbane papers that the game was played in black rain (bagasse) also that motor vehicles lining the field shone lights and blew horns in support of Celtics scoring. (Photo- Gordonvale Hockey Team 1930-1931 If you would like to read more about the early days of Gordonvale, you can purchase the booklet Early Days of Gordonvale by R S Jamieson from the Settlers Museum.

02.01.2022 Back in stock Book - ‘Edmonton- Hambledon People and Places 1881-2019’ This book contains the early days of the Edmonton area, industry, the town of Edmonton, education, government and community organisations, residents past and present.... Can be purchased at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum in Gordonvale - 60 Gordon Street 10am - 2pm Mon to Sat Cost is $25.00 plus Postage $12.50 (if required) Phone 07 4056 1810 or email [email protected] if you wish to purchase a copy. See more

01.01.2022 Book - Edmonton- Hambledon People and Places 1881-2019 is now available. Contains the early days of the Edmonton area, industry, the town of Edmonton, education, government and community organisations, residents past and present. Can be purchased at the Mulgrave Settlers Museum in Gordonvale - 60 Gordon Street 10am - 2pm Mon to Sat Cost is $25.00 ... plus Postage $12.50 (if required) Phone 07 4056 1810 or email [email protected] if you wish to purchase a copy.

01.01.2022 With all the schools photocopying work for students learning at home who dont have access to computers for online lessons we thought you might be happy that we have progressed from the gel pad used the 1960s.

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