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24.01.2022 How many coffees did you let go cold today, mama? Did you actually sit down and take a break, or did you spend all of naptime cooking, cleaning and tidying up? That girlfriend you were meant to call back, 2 days ago, how did you go with that?... And your hair? You swore to yourself that you'd wash today. Well....? When did it become OKAY for us mamas to put everything else before ourselves? When did we actually start BELIEVING that caring for ourselves was selfish? When will we learn that enjoying that hot coffee, taking that break, calling that friend, washing you hair (seriously!) - all of those things are part of taking care of our families. Because we CANNOT look after ANYONE until we have looked after ourselves. Mama, promise us that, tomorrow, you'll put YOUR oxygen mask on before helping others. Your family DEPENDS on it!
22.01.2022 Take a sneak peak into our Breastfeeding Survival Kit!
22.01.2022 Do you ever catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or hear yourself say something you never in your wildest dreams thought you'd say and think to yourself: HOW DID I EVEN GET HERE? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE?... Anyone else remember that very moment when they realised that they'd actually LOST their entire selves, their complete identity, to motherhood? Staring deep into the laundry basket, wondering if under that mountain of never-ending laundry, is the woman you USED to be. Strong. Smart. Successful. Ambitious. Sexy. Isn't it the most bitter sweet of all realisations? Of course,you absolutely love your child and your family. There is no question of that. But motherhood. That 'thing' you do, day after day after day. Well, motherhood has spit you up and chewed you back out - leaving behind barely a resemblance of your former self. You know what, mama? It doesn't have to be this way. There is a way back to becoming a priority in your own life. There is a way back to feeling joy and happiness. There is a way to finding yourself after motherhood. PODCAST: Finding yourself after motherhood With Amy Taylor-Kabbaz What it means to be a happy mama Beating the superwoman complex Tuning into the way we speak to ourselves Re-establishing a strong sense of self beyond motherhood Building a practice of self-care Living in a masculine society Children as mirrors of ourselves Modelling balance and reflection
21.01.2022 If you could go back in time, what's one thing you would tell yourself as a first-time Mum? Tonight on Motherhood Melbourne, Ive shared a letter that I wrote to myself as a first time mum about the first (and hardest) year of motherhood. These are the words that I wish I had when I became a Mum. ... ___ Image credits: #mamasofmelbEDIT by @motherhoodmelbourne Photography @jessworrallphotography Stylist @personlised_style Dress Leesie Shoes Cammino Shoes Earrings - SSDesigns Hair - @HairbyElesharae Make-up @renuops Kids Top @frankie_and_roy Dress TinyFinery Shoes @justray_baby Toys - Lucas loves cars Teepee - @littlepartyplay
21.01.2022 If we had a dollar for every time someone said this.... And your chance to join us for this year's very last Beyond Birth is almost coming to an end, so act quick or you will miss out! Let us help you begin your parenting journey with confidence.... Feeding expert, Maternal Instincts by Amberley Sleep expert, Sleep Sisters First Aid and Safety Expert, The Parentmedic Movement
21.01.2022 Yes, yes - all babies are different. But guess what? All mamas are different too! What works for one mama, may not work for another. And if it's a problem for me, it may not actually be a problem for you. ... So before you take on advice from well-meaning friends and family, ask yourself this - IS THIS ACTUALLY A PROBLEM FOR ME RIGHT NOW? And if it's not, then mama, you just smile, nod and carry-on. Because being a mama is exhausting enough without making problems out of things that are not a problem for YOU!
21.01.2022 I remember the very first time I took Delilah for a walk in the pram. As I walked down the street, I couldt shake that feeling. Like everyone was looking at me. Like I was a complete fraud. An imposter. A mum? A baby? Was this really me? Its funny, because 4 years later, the only thing in my life I am sure of is, THAT... I AM A MUM. Just a mum. So, when the guy who makes my coffee asks me what I do for work - I shrink and mutter something about help new mums. When friends gush at the success of Beyond Birth - I quickly change the subject. When Delilah tells her kinder teacher that her mama helps new mums and dads - my face grows a bright shade of red. Despite helping over 100+ new mums and dads begin their parenting journey with confidence - I still look at my life, and feel like a FRAUD. Because ironically right now - what I know is this I am a mum. I am just like you. I am tired, I am frustrated, I am anxious. My kids are loud, they are messy, and they dont listen. I am a mum. With an incredibly BIG dream.
20.01.2022 Sure, it's not the light-hearted sort of thing you'll find them discussing over at Mamamia or in the 'women's mags' but hey who are we kidding - we are NOT Mamamia or the women's mags. So let's cut to the chase. HAVE YOU WRITTEN A WILL?... HAVE YOU CHOSEN LEGAL GUARDIANS FOR YOUR CHILDREN? We get it, we really do. No-one wants to discuss their own death over coffee and cake. And when you've spent all day changing nappies and feeding children, the LAST thing you want to spend your time doing is putting a Will in place. But the bottom line is THIS ----- when you have children there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for not having a Will in place. PODCAST: Planning Ahead - Making A Will & Choosing Guardians With Jacqui Brauman (TBA Law)
20.01.2022 Well isn't that the truth! Except that there's always just enough energy to argue over who is more tired....
19.01.2022 Theres so much that people just dont tell you about becoming a parent. Things that not even your closest friends or family will ever share. Like the incredible strain that a newborn and a lack of sleep can have on your relationship The resentment youll feel when you wake to feed your baby for the 4th time that night, while your partner lays snoring comfortably in bed ... The way that holding your newborn all day long will make you wish to never be touched by another human being again The longing youll feel for spontaneity, independence and romance The way youll both secretly keep score - from who has had less sleep to who changed the last nappy to who made dinner Weve all been there - perhaps in different degrees, but, yes, we have all been there. Heck, a couple years on, and some of us are still there! Whether its its the strain on your relationship, the isolation that comes with new motherhood, the way youll feel about your body, the financial struggle, postnatal depression/anxiety OR the million other realities of parenthood - the hardest part is thinking that you are ALONE. Which is exactly why it is so important for us to include a panel of real life mums and dads sharing their experiences of parenthood at BEYOND BIRTH. Because yes, you need to be prepared to care for your newborn, but the less we talk about the REALITIES of parenthood, the more unrealistic our expectations of parenthood are likely to be! You've got this mama, you've got this
18.01.2022 Mamas, we have received quite a few emails over night asking if we'll be hosting Beyond Birth early next year. The answer is NO. Our next event is not scheduled until at least mid-2019, so if you want to begin your parenting journey with confidence you need to join us on 11 November.... If you have any questions - you know where to find us
17.01.2022 Our favourite Sleep Expert, Penni Bowd from Sleep Sisters, recently shared her top sleep tips on the First Time Mums Australia Podcast. And it's not too late for you to join us to have your newborn sleep questions answered by Penni herself at our upcoming BEYOND BIRTH
17.01.2022 Worried you wont know what to do once you bring your new baby home? Have questions about caring for your baby, sleep or first-aid? Feeling unprepared, overwhelmed, maybe even anxious?... Would you like to begin your parenting journey with CONFIDENCE? Do you want to learn all the things new parents wish they knew but no-one told them (not even in prenatal classes)? Want to be prepared for more than just birth? Let us help you at our next BEYOND BIRTH
15.01.2022 Eeeeeeeehhhh! - check it out The Mamas of Melb EDIT is now live on Motherhood Melbourne I was absolutely thrilled to be involved with my two girls (and alongside the most incredible team of women who've made it their mission to support other mamas) Check out the fab Mamas & businesses involved. Squeeeeeeeal!
14.01.2022 When I was first pregnant, I couldn’t wait to learn more about what we’d need know once we brought our baby home. But after an entire weekend of prenatal classes and speaking to other new parents, I realised that those classes were all about birth and labour, and not at all about taking care of a baby. I remember complaining to my husband and always the optimist he said to me ‘If we needed to know they would have told us'.... Well, a week into parenthood it became pretty clear that he was wrong. We had no idea how to settle her when she cried 2 or 3 hours straight. We had no idea how to break the sleep all day, party all night cycle. We had no idea why she was choking on her milk and whether we needed to panic. So a couple of years and another baby later, I’m on a mission to make sure that other parents don’t begin parenthood unprepared like we were! I’ve teamed up with leading experts in everything from newborn care and sleep right through to first-aid, to help you begin your parenting journey with confidence. I’ve also put together a panel of real life mums and dads to share their experience of early parenthood. During this fully immersive 1 day experience you’ll have all your questions answers plus you’ll master practical skills like swaddling, bathing and changing your baby. To find out how you can begin your parenting journey with confidence - click on the link below. Ani (Founder)
13.01.2022 This is it. Sunday 11 November 2018. Our last BEYOND BIRTH event for the year. All previous events have sold out, so book early to avoid disappointment.
13.01.2022 When I was first pregnant, I couldnt wait to learn more about what wed need know once we brought our baby home. But after an entire weekend of prenatal classes and speaking to other new parents, I realised that those classes were all about birth and labour, and not at all about taking care of a baby. I remember complaining to my husband and always the optimist he said to me If we needed to know they would have told us'.... Well, a week into parenthood it became pretty clear that he was wrong. We had no idea how to settle her when she cried 2 or 3 hours straight. We had no idea how to break the sleep all day, party all night cycle. We had no idea why she was choking on her milk and whether we needed to panic. So a couple of years and another baby later, Im on a mission to make sure that other parents dont begin parenthood unprepared like we were! Ive teamed up with leading experts in everything from newborn care and sleep right through to first-aid, to help you begin your parenting journey with confidence. Ive also put together a panel of real life mums and dads to share their experience of early parenthood. During this fully immersive 1 day experience youll have all your questions answers plus youll master practical skills like swaddling, bathing and changing your baby. To find out how you can begin your parenting journey with confidence - click on the link below. Ani (Founder)
10.01.2022 Thrilled is an understatement when it comes to describing how excited we are that the lovely Amberley Harris, midwife and founder of Maternal Instincts by Amberley will be joining us for our last BEYOND BIRTH of the year. Amberley will talk about: The basics of feeding, including burping... Common feeding challenges and tips for overcoming those challenges Common questions asked by mums and dads Where to go for help when things dont go to plan And of course she'll be answering all your questions so that you can begin your parenting journey with confidence. So...what are you waiting for?
08.01.2022 Ask anyone who works with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder and they'll tell you that early detection and intervention is key. Which is why ASDETECT - the Autism 'detection' App - is so incredible. Through a series of video-led questions, the App is able to assess a child's liklihood of autism.... ASDETECT is suitable for use with children aged between 11 and 30 months and is available in all App Stores!
08.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what happens during a water birth? Or what its really like to be a new mum? Wish your friends and families would just cut the BS and tell you exactly how it is? Well here it is - Ani shares on the First Time Mums Podcast, her very own 'warts and all' account of birth, parenthood, relationships, finding balance.and absolutely everything in between.
08.01.2022 We love this tip from Monika. Have you made the MCHN switch?
08.01.2022 In the the mood for some truth-bombs? Head on over to our Insta stories because sh*t just got seriously real!!!
07.01.2022 The ONE thing I didnt realise I would need when I brought my baby home. A PROTECTOR. A protector to wholeheartedly support my decisions, especially when those decisions were questioned by others.... A protector to set boundaries and decline visitors, especially on days when I was struggling to just be human. A protector to ask for and accept help, especially when I was too blind to see that it was help we needed. A protector to advocate for my (and my daughters) rights, especially when I felt that I wasnt being heard by the experts. A protector was what I needed. This man he was my protector.
06.01.2022 Everyone's experience of depression and/or anxiety is different. But if you've ever wondered what it's like to be a mum with anxiety, this is a pretty accurate account! Thank you Laura for being so open and honest with your experience xx
06.01.2022 There's those that are winging it.....and then there's us... The over thinkers. The planners. The note-takers... The question askers. Well mama, you're safe here with us. We've got answers to your questions. Want to be prepared? We've got your back. We're here to help you begin your parenting journey with CONFIDENCE! You're not alone. Let us help you. BEYOND BIRTH, 11 November, The Larwill Studio.
05.01.2022 Digging through my phone recently I found this list I compiled when Delilah was just 6 months old. That's over 4 years ago now and it's still as true as ever (if not more!). I didn't realise it at the time but this list would become one of the many pieces of inspiration that would lead to the creation of Beyond Birth. Let's stop spreading these myths. Let's get real and have the courage to speak about new motherhood with honesty. Let's stop sugar coating what can often be t...he most challenging and difficult time in most women's lives. That mama, is 100% up to you! [ First time mamas - we'd love for you to join us at BEYOND BIRTH where our expert speakers and parent panel will help you begin your parent journey with confidence ]
04.01.2022 There are many things I'm proud of, this being one of them In 2016 I became the 100th Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia Community Champion. If I think back to mid-2014 I was absolutely terrified to say it out loud - "I have postnatal depression and anxiety".... Honestly, even up until a year, I couldn't even talk about it freely. I worried that people would think that because it wasn't 'severe' that it wasn't real. But to me it could not have been any more real. It was truly the worst 6 months of my life. And no, having had that experience doesn't define me. But sharing my story so that others seek --- well yes, that does define me. Reaching out to people who appear strong but are crumbling inside --- that defines me too. Because at the end of the day, I know that I'm not alone. 1 in 5. Honestly. Think about all the people you know having babies. 1 in 5 (and 1 in 10 dads). It's for those people I share my story. So in the spirit of Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Anxiety week - here it is What I wish I knew.... Pretending to be okay will just make it harder for others to see the signs and for me to get the help I need. Breastfeeding is not for me and maybe if I stop sooner maybe things would have been different It would take huge amounts of courage and strength to ask for help. Asking for help would not make me weak. Perfect mum does not exist, it's not and never will be the standard. My husband won't leave me if I tell him the truth. Everyone's experience of postnatal depression and/or anxiety is different - just because I'm not harming yourself, doesn't mean I don't need help! I'm not "fine". There is zero shame is admitting that motherhood is hard and sometimes flat out just shit. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenthood. Stop wasting your time and money on all those people and things. It's not my forever. And it's not yours either. You are not alone. You've got this xx
03.01.2022 YES This Because no-one has time for nappy leaks - especially in the middle of the night! And while we're talking nappies, make sure to fit that nappy nice and snug because as it fills, it will get heavier and you may just end up with a mess....front and back ... Just one of the many practical tips (and demonatrations) we share at Beyond Birth.
02.01.2022 Cluster feeding. It's like the best kept secret that new mums don't discover until it's 8pm and baby has been marathon feeding for what feels like the last 948 hours! * We don't keep any secrets from you at BEYOND BIRTH. Why? Because we want you to walk away feeling confident that you have all the knowledge, skills and resources you need to begin parenthood.
02.01.2022 Oh hi there first-time mama-to-be! This one is for YOU!! Preparing for a new baby can be exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.... With so many baby products on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. Our ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BUYING FOR BABY will help you decide what you absolutely must have and avoid you buying things you dont love (or worse, you dont need). 13 things to consider to find the right pram for you Deciding how much clothes youll need to buy The pros and cons of using an infant carrier/capsule Making sense of different types of baby monitors Tips for stocking up on nappies before your baby is born Bath accessories to take the stress out of bathing a slippery newborn! Plus, for a limited time only, youll also receive a FREE set of Printable Milestone Cards designed by Brittany Chard Photography, exclusively for MumLife Australia.
01.01.2022 This is me. Ani. Founder of MumLife Australia. Host of Beyond Birth. Mum of 2 girls.... Wife. There are so many things that define me, but nothing as big as my desire to make a difference. Because I remember a time as a new mum when I felt completely alone. Afraid that I was doing it all wrong. Most nights I'd go to bed wondering if my husband would leave me because I wasn't a good enough mum. I'd wake in a sweat because the anxiety of new parenthood was just too much. 'But you love her, don't you?' - he would ask. Well sure, I think I loved her, but motherhood was something I never imagined I could love. It was the most difficult 12 months of my entire life. If there's anything I've learnt having met over 250 new mums and dads at our Beyond Birth events it's this I was NOT alone. I wasn't doing it 'wrong'. And I did love her. I just didn't have the support or confidence to know it. And that's why my biggest passion is giving you the confidence to begin YOUR parenthood journey with confidence. Just because I didn't, doesn't mean you shouldn't.
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