Mumma Samin in Gold Coast, Queensland | Health/beauty
Mumma Samin
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 410 584 367
Address: Labrador, Queensland. 4215 4215 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Feathers . Found in unlikely places, or found on your direct path, are said to be signs from angels, loved ones, God or Spirit. Confirmation that you are on the right track. . Wether you believe it, or not, it’s a beautiful sentiment. ... . It’s nice to know that someone has your back & is watching out for you. It’s these little, subtle hints that we often miss. This is spirit talking, reassuring or redirecting. We often miss & don’t notice these signs often leading to our lives being massively upheaved because we didn’t pay attention, didn’t believe or just didn’t take action. . Take note next time you see one on your path, and give thanks for the reassurance. See more
25.01.2022 Sunday, January 10th we are welcoming in the New Year with some clear releases (baggage, habits, emotional- all of it!) and calling in the new and exciting!! 10am-4pm, a day packed with so much! Breathwork, Cacao ceremony, drum healing, sound healing, meditations with a Shamanic twist. How exciting!!? . Tix $110 each via @soaring.sparrow.healing There are only a few left. It is going to be such a magical day, let me know if you’d like to join
25.01.2022 Need this one today . It’s as simple as that, isn’t it??
25.01.2022 Holy moly, what a full on Sunday. . Completely stepped out of my comfort zone and completely supported by @soaring.sparrow.healing . . Our first group work together.... . Thank you to our incredible clients, friends and family who attended and provide such a beautiful space. . It was a day of breaking through, realisations, new learnings, relaxing and embracement of the unknown. . Can’t wait until our next one in January See more
25.01.2022 Shamanic journeying is the inner art of travelling to the ‘invisible worlds’ beyond ordinary reality to retrieve information for change in any area of your life- from spirituality and health to work and relationships. Sandra Ingerman
24.01.2022 Distant healing . I have had the pleasure of doing a few distant healings lately. Boy are they powerful! The gifted medicine enters and settles into the persons grid after they have slept, so the next day they feel the benefits. And that is when we usually converse and relay what each other felt and saw. . There is a powerful Crystal grid set up for this particular journey. Providing safety, a lot of love and light for the journey and the client.... Clear quartz, Rose quartz and Selenite. Along with two powerful Clear Quartz points generating it all. . I’m so honoured to be apart of people healing journey. Thank you to those who have trusted me See more
23.01.2022 CHAKRAS. We each have seven main Chakras located in our bodies. These powerhouses of energy, are each responsible for specific areas of our lives. Let’s start at the beginning. . BASE CHAKRA.... Our first chakra (Chakra one), and in my opinion the most important one. Located at the base of the spine, and also the inside of your ankles. Red, red, red. Deep earthy red is the colour our base is res presented by. It is responsible for our feelings of security, being grounded, our basic needs & money. It is also responsible for manifesting our dreams into physical form. . It is so important for this little beauty to be working at optimum, if it’s not it directly effects the other 6 Chakras & their jobs. Physical exercise, standing barefoot on the earth, deep breathing, touching/hugging trees, bringing in the colour red & using crystals like Bloodstone, Jasper and other red/earthy colours are all great for balancing/awakening your base Chakra. . Sit quietly and imagine your base chakra, imagine the colour of it, the size of it, can you feel it? Just sit with it, bring your attention to it. Do you notice a difference? . More Chakras to follow. See more
23.01.2022 How are you feeling right now? How would you rate it? Have noticed? Or are you on auto pilot? How do you want to feel? What do you want to bring in & attract?... The difference between these feelings is us being out of alignment. Now, can you bring in one good feeling thought? To increase your frequency, being and thoughts. Just one. If you can do this, can you bring in another good feeling thought? Can you notice a difference? And how easy was that?? If you do anything today, please be it that you bring in one better feeling thought at a time
23.01.2022 CROWN CHAKRA: Seventh and last main body chakra. Located just above your head (crown area). White, white, white. White is such a powerful, cleansing and protecting colour. Is responsible for the head, eyes, ears, skeletal and muscular system and the skin. So basically everything..... Connects you to your higher being. Connections to the Universe. Connects you to your soul purpose. An unbalanced chakra would produce self destruction and self sabotage. Lack of inspiration and direction in your life is also an unbalanced seventh chakra. Clear Quartz and Selenite are powerful seventh chakra balancers. Meditation- Imagine a lotus flower blossom and opening above your head. A bright white light growing out of the Lotus. Enveloping your body. . So powerful, celestial and unique. . Balancing all of the Chakras is the true gift. Once they all work and flow together is true magic. This is daily work, daily alignment. Even once a week would make a massive difference. Give it a try. While meditating go through each chakra slowly, with intention and meaning. Enjoy x See more
23.01.2022 THIRD EYE CHAKRA: Sixth Chakra. Located in between your eye brows, on your forehead. Indigo is the colour for your third eye. Your third eye is the bridge between your earth realm and your spirit realm.... Related directly with your intuition and psychic abilities. When balanced it motivates and creates inspiration and creativity. When your sixth chakra is out of balance it is common to have no clarity in your life, completely rejecting all things ‘spiritual’ and feeing generally stuck in the daily grind. If you feel like you need to live more ‘in the moment’, connect to your ‘higher self’ and live your true path- balancing your third eye is so important. . How to balance your Third Eye? Meditation, meditation, meditation imagine your third eye opening. Frankincense is a beautiful oil to balance your chakra. Lapis and Amethyst are powerful crystals to use for your third eye. . This is such a powerful Chakra once balanced. It is so so beautiful. Enjoy.
21.01.2022 Tickets purchased prior to December 15th go in the draw to win your ticket back!!!
20.01.2022 So excited about this!! So happy for my beautiful friend to be offering this. Can not wait for it.
20.01.2022 Chakra Five . Throat Chakra Located in your throat area, physically connected to everything around there (neck, throat, glands, tops of spine). When your fifth chakra is out of balance I would see many sore throats, loss of voice, coughing, sore neck, thyroid problems etc Blue, blue, blue... Lapis is amazing for supporting your throat Chakra. As well as Aquamarine, Kyanite and Blue Lace Agate. Not being able to speak your truth, shy, stuttering, attention seeking, saying yes when you wanted to say no, not speaking up, not being true to yourself- all themes of an imbalanced throat chakra. Things to help balance your throat- SINGING!! Speaking, acting, anything where you feel you are expressing yourself. . Throat chakra is my personal arch-nemesis. I do daily work on this sucker. It’s definitely worth it though. See more
17.01.2022 When the basis of your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of life itself. Eckhart Tolle. I love this reminder
17.01.2022 EVOLVE RETREAT February 11-14 Sunshine Coast... @earthenergymedicine & @mumma_samin are so excited to be hosting this gentle, life expanding event. This retreat is for you if you are looking your next step, if your wanting more depth out of life, if you are needing to connect back in with yourself. Our retreat is designed to consciously bring slow back into our days. To open and cleanse your connection with yourself and Source. Our time together will include breathwork, yoga, Shamanic journeys, meditations and lots of relaxing, connecting and laughing together. Our bodies will lovingly be fuelled by @kate_nowland , the most amazing vegetarian chef DM for more information
17.01.2022 Having spent last weekend surrounded by some fucking powerful medicine women, and then this week completely thrown into muggle life has really made me appreciate how lucky I am. How lucky I am to know and practice such beautiful, gentle and powerful energy sessions. How lucky I am to know the importance of checking in with myself. How lucky I am to recognise when things aren’t working & I need to slow down (this will be a lifetime lesson I feel). How lucky I am to know hard & know how to work for things. How lucky I am for my family, friends and you! See more
16.01.2022 I listened to @brenebrown yesterday and she mentioned this quote & how it changed her life. . How beautiful is it? . Such a great reminder to stay in your own lane. Focus on your own shit. And GET IT DONE!... . There is no such thing as failure. See more
15.01.2022 Winter- a time to slow down. A time for reflection, self reflection and a time for nourishment. The rain falls down on this gloomy Sunday morning, just as a Sunday should be, a reminder to rest. . What are some good soul nourishing activities? I love Reiki, sound healing, plant medicine and intuitive energy healing are a perfect way to reset. Available for appointments through facebook x
15.01.2022 SOLAR PLEXUS * Third Chakra. * Yellow, yellow, yellow!!! * Located just below your rib cage/stomach area.... * Responsible for feelings of power & self empowerment, self esteem & feelings of being trapped. * When this is out of balance eating disorders/lose of appetite, anxiety, gut feelings can be felt. * Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Amber all work really well with balancing your Solar Plexus. * Balancing your Solar Plexus would mean more meditations (focusing on the colour yellow), bring the colour yellow into your day (shirts, painting, flowers, screen saver). A mindset of focus & not giving up will also help you to balance your Solar Plexus. See more
15.01.2022 Yes yes yes!!! . @falcon.spirit.healing hitting all of the truth bombs today. Thank you beautiful x .... #Repost @falcon.spirit.healing Not enough for some And too much for others. It's none of my business. I'm just here, Blissfully in integrity with my soul Dancing in my own unique lane Allowing my unique light to shine Inviting you to shine yours too. I am more than this skin suit I am more than my stories I am more than my roles I am the light of my soul. I am. I am. I am.
13.01.2022 And just like that, another weekend down. I had the privilege to sit through Shamanic Practitioner training level two again. . Boy were there some break throughs. I’m feeling all the feels now. Gratitude, heaviness, vulnerability, honesty, direction, tiredness, energy, openness, raw, connection & LOVE. .... Showing vulnerability and honesty is the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself. If you work with an energy/Shamanic practitioner they’ll see through your bullshit anyway, so your really fooling no body. Think, what can I be more vulnerable with today? Where am I not being honest with myself today? . . . #Repost @heart.hive with @get_repost Another Beautiful day at Level 2 Shamanic Training what a beautiful group of souls you are. Loving seeing the growth and heart power in action, bring on day 3 tomorrow Blessings Kendall Shout out to the crew Kirralee and Kat from @earth_retreats for all you assistance and love in support our students we love you #shamanic #hearthive #love #sharing #tribe #create #rattles #drums #growth #empowerment
13.01.2022 Missed the opportunity to celebrate 17 years with this guy @guysamin . Who would have thought we found our souls mate all that time ago. Doesn’t mean I don’t hate you thoroughly at times, but boy do I love you immensely!! . Yes I could have found a more flattering photo of him, but I’m not that sort of person
13.01.2022 We are Energy. . Our bodies carry this energy. Our souls are energy. Energy should be flowing in and out, like an exchange. A constant gentle wave of to and fro. Never ending, like the Ocean, never ceasing. This is life. .... We often block those energy flows when we are exposed to things like fear, stress, trauma and shock, for example. It doesn’t have to be a big event, life’s little stressors most definitely build up to this block as well. This blocked energy causes DIS-ease, stunts our movement/direction in life, prevents us from moving forward and growing, and eventually shows up in our physical body as physical symptoms. . Energy is not meant to be held on to. It is meant to flow with the waves of life. Learn to release what you can not control. Learn to recognise when things just aren’t flowing. Learn to be able to reach out to people/‘healers’ you trust when your not feeling right.
12.01.2022 Clear Quartz, black tourmaline, selenite and rose Quartz. This powerful grid was for a beautiful client yesterday. Providing protection, love and lots of higher light. Every treatment has a personal grid placed directly under the table. The large Quartz-point directs this energy straight into who ever is receiving the treatment. A gentle addition to an already power packed treatment. ... Booked out this year, but taking bookings for next year. DM or book FB link in bio x
12.01.2022 Not gonna lie, this is a big one. Aries is fiery & full on. Mixed with Mars retrograde and Chiron conjunct with the moon, lots of energy around- deep seated energy/emotions being mixed up. . Tensions are high & people are irritable this month. There isn’t really an end in sight. Imagine upheavals, surprises & u-turns. Try to enjoy the surprises (they’re happen wether your ready or not, so you may as well embrace them), be ready for anything. .... Use your energy for forward motion, rather than storing it up and then blowing up! Think of this month as releasing & letting go. Try to remember this when you want to have a massive outburst. HOWEVER!!! You still need an outlet for the tension. Holding that shit inside ain’t good for anyone! . Good luck everyone x See more
12.01.2022 . What is in that space between? The space between the flame and the wood. . The space between when things are fine to when things feeling like they are burning down??!... . Blackness? Non feeling? Calm before the storm? . Even though it may feel like a burn down, it may also be a rebirth? You could be exactly where you need to be? Everything is exactly where it needs to be? . There is alway a big picture. And after the fire & destruction of our lives... there is will be growth. . There is also always support while your in the midst of things. Remember that See more
11.01.2022 Cacao Heart opening, full of nutrients & my morning buzz. Have a small cup sitting in silence to ground and ready yourself for the day. . 500g bags available to buy now.... DM me for details x See more
11.01.2022 Connecting deeply this morning. Slowing down. Deep breathing.... Feeling the beat of Mother Earth under us. Holding us, supporting us. Connecting with this ancient beat. Feeling it cleanse our bodies and bringing us back. We are here. Now. Welcome
11.01.2022 Grounding . And connecting in with yourself, subjects we discuss during an Energy session. . Grounding is so important and often neglected. The top chakras, heart, third eye and crown, are often a crowd favourite and a lot of attention is given. If your not grounded, if your base chakra isn’t full, connected and moving, then the energy stops there. It can’t flow to the top, there is an Qi block.... . Everyday, multiple times a day, we should be grounding. The simplest and most effective was to do this is through your breath, take four breathes in for four seconds. . Energy realignment appointments available. DM to book, or book through link x See more
11.01.2022 Everything is energy. Everything holds a vibration You can choose your own vibration. Is your vibration aligned with your actions?
10.01.2022 Exciting times! . This will be the first workshop I co-facilitate and cannot wait. I just can’t wait to meet everyone, experience the day & hold space for a Cacao ceremony. .... This is going to be so magical! It has been in the making for a long long time. A seedling of @soaring.sparrow.healing which has now come to fruit. . For bookings contact @soaring.sparrow.healing website See more
10.01.2022 Packaged up over seven kilos of ceremonial cacao over the weekend. The energetics of this batch is overwhelming, it has such a beautiful, deep and warming nature. Organically sourced from Peru, in the original landscape of Mesoamerican civilisations. This cacao is grown in it’s original habitat using sustainable farming practices.... We are so blessed to have access to this heartfelt medicine which has been used long before our times.
10.01.2022 Happy New Year my faves. . Spend some time today to be clear on your intentions for this year. What would you like your year to look like? What would you like to attract this year?... What/who are you releasing? . I’m spending the day cleaning the house & setting aside time for my meditation and intention setting for the year. This is going to be busy! So many exciting things booking in already. Two workshops and a four day retreat in the first half of the year. . If your curious about Shamanic healing, or Reiki, get in touch. For myself it was life changing. See more
09.01.2022 Anyone else have some major shifts over the weekend? It was like all of my demons were out to play. With everything going on Astrologically right now, things are going to be up and down for a few months. We (I) need to remember to ride the waves. Be gentle with ourselves. We are doing our best. .... And connect back in with yourself and nature See more
09.01.2022 SACRAL CHAKRA The Second Chakra. Located just below your navel. Orange is all about Chakra two.... A healthy Sacral allows you to create and express your individuality. Responsible for intimate and sexual relationships. . If our Sacral is out of balance material things are in our sights (things to make us ‘feel good’), craving pleasure but experiencing negative emotions at wanting things... make sense? Guilt, shame, not good enough. . Fertility issues and lower back pain are common physical ailments of this chakra being unbalanced. Shame and guilt are also stored here. . How to balance your Sacral? The colour orange yes!! Healthy, wanted physical touch, romance, embodying your physical body- feeling it, loving it. Explore your individual creativity, what lights you up? See more
08.01.2022 Saturday’s client was all about her Solar plexus. Cleansing her aura, cutting cords & bringing back her power! Solar plexus is about your personal power, personal protection and strength. Self esteem and self empowerment. From my experience it’s the one chakra we all ‘feel’. It’s your ‘gut’ feeling, your just knowing. Located just under your rib cage, over your stomach. Don’t ignore those little hunches, it’s your bodies way of telling you what’s cool & what’s not. It’s your intuition. It’s your souls voice.
08.01.2022 Animals and kids know. . They just know. . They know Energy.... . They know what ‘feels good’. . Every time I set up space for Energy Re-Alignments they are like moths to a flame. They love the space, they love the feeling, the love the energy. . Kids just know. Let’s be more like kids. Be around Energy that feels good, be the energy that feels good. See more
08.01.2022 What is Shamanic Healing? At its basic, it’s the bringing back of ones soul. Making it whole, making you complete. . A Shamanic practitioner works with Spirit to make you You again. Working in this physical plain, spirit world and past lives. .... I can assist your journey when you feel you are lacking direction, when you have linger trauma (this or past lives), when you need physical healing and often just for maintenance. . I incorporate Shamanic, Reiki & intuitive healings into all of my work. It provides a beautiful, all round experience. . Nobody can ‘Heal’ you, you are in charge of your own life. It is your life, your responsibility. Do not think this deep journey is without hard work on your behalf. But boy is it worth it!! See more
08.01.2022 Energy Healing via distance. . Wow that was powerful. . From a practitioners point of view, I could feel no difference, it was as if they were right there.... . My client felt some big shifts during the treatment, however it doesn’t fully hit their grid until they sleep. During sleep your body is much more open to receiving. . Can not wait to do some more. . If you feel slightly off, if you feel like you have no direction, if your feeling flat- an energy realignment, shamanic treatment will really crack open some major shifts. See more
07.01.2022 Yesterday’s little Crystal grid. . I love, love, love working with Crystals. Especially grids under the table. They are so powerful! . This one in particular brought in love, self love actually. We all need a little more of that. Patience, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness and all of the good things. Bring these things in for yourself. ... Remember how important you are. The world needs you, we need you, I need you. See more
06.01.2022 I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things in a few weeks. A new treatment has been added!!! Energy Alignments: Channeled energy healing and high frequency sound tools. You literally come out floating. All services are available through FB booking, link in Bio. Or contact me direct x
05.01.2022 Remember your inner child? . Remember the freedom? Carefree? Ease? Fun? . Let’s play with that person more
05.01.2022 Fresh air, no phone or reception. Just us. Good friends & this amazing land. As always. Perfect timing for the full moon eclipse. A family get away after 6 months of extremely stressful and challenging times. I am so blessed to call Australia home & when you travel remotely you appreciate it that little bit more.... See more
05.01.2022 CHAKRA FOUR: . Heart Chakra. Located around our Heart area. Green, green, green.... When connected to this Chakra, it is my most favourite feeling Chakra . Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite are amazing crystals to help balance your Heart chakra. Affirmations for self love ‘I am loved’, ‘I love easily and openly’, ‘Everything around new shines with love’. When your Heart chakra is blocked you will experience fear, unhealthy old habits/programming being replayed in current relationships. To balance your Heart chakra, use your crystals, affirmations, try gratitude (for the smallest of things to start), meditate while visualising the colour green and send love to people who are important to you (easier done while meditating). See more
04.01.2022 Smudging, Smudging, Smudging. The littlest one has had a few bad nights with frightening dreams. She is normally extremely sensitive, and it dawned on me that I hadn’t Saged in a while. Regularly Smudging yourself, your house and your things, with Sage, (I believe) provides protection and cleanses them.... Intention is always paramount. I cut away the smoke with my feather while holding the Shell (the shell is used to bring in the element of water while holding fire element- the embers of the Sage). Sage also naturally has antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungus properties. When I cleanse my house I start at the front door & travel clockwise around the house. Letting the smoke wander and flow. Trying to get the smoke into as many corners as possible. Your windows and doors must be completely open and left open for a little while afterwards. I find that the smoke smell doesn’t hang around if that worries you. Give it a go! Also..... can anyone see some interesting faces in the smoke??? It took me a while, but it’s there.
04.01.2022 It’s not pretty, but I get the job done. Meditation has always looked a little cramped in the morning (two dogs, one cat, two kids). What is important to me is consistency and making it a priority. Everyone is welcome to join me, as long as it’s in silence- and they often do.
04.01.2022 What are you planning right now?
04.01.2022 Every morning, without a doubt, I sit with my cacao. My ceremonial cacao. What is my ceremony? To sit, grounded, in silence, listening to the birds and nature (boy are we blessed in Australia with birds!). I give thanks for the ability to do that. To wake in the morning, to have food in my fridge. My gratitude changes everyday, me showing up never changes. I don’t always get a meditation in, I’m often joined by my restless tribe and I love it. .... Cacao is a sacred paste from Peru, from the Cocoa bean. Unprocessed, full of fat, vitamin c, antioxidants and so much more. It must be treated with respect. To have a cup in silence in the mornings in the right frame of mind, and then to have one in the afternoon for a ‘pick me up’ taste COMPLETELY different. Cacao is also known for her direct line to our Heart & our Heart Chakra. Which is why it’s so important to be grounded beforehand, nothing can penetrate your heart if your lower chakras aren’t open/working properly. . I will have Cacao paste packets available for purchase next week if any one would like. DM me and I’ll put you in the list x See more
04.01.2022 Me, at the start of my bush walk & then at the end . I’m all seriousness, how freaking amazing is it for your energy, brain, spirit, breath, muscles, getting into nature??? . I feel brand new. And with all of this Eclipse energy hitting me hard, I really needed it. .... Anyone else make getting in nature a priority? I’m an every day person, even if it’s just sitting in the (cold) morning sun, on the grass. . Another ritual I prioritise for my self care is seeing the professionals. Energy healers, sound healers, Shamanic healers, Reiki, massage. What ever it is! . . I’m taking appointments now for energy healings & Shamanic healings. If you would like to know more feel free to DM me x See more
04.01.2022 I went for a walk in a rainforest yesterday. It was beautiful and refreshing and challenging and quiet and noisy and busy and empty. . How often do you get into nature? It doesn’t have to be a day of being immersed, a morning walk is perfect. . Lets allow nature to do more of her thing. ... She washes away the heaviness, washes away the shadows carried in your field and washes away the stress. Similar to energy work (reiki, intuitive or shamanic), which allows you to be ‘reset’ and helps to get rid of the unwanted sludge and heaviness in your field. I feel like me again See more
03.01.2022 The Spider web . . Representing the weaving of our lives & fate, the intricate ins and outs. The continuing. It’s symbolises our deepest connections, communication & reminds us that it’s our choices (& actions) that, in essence, make up our own lives.... . No two spider webs are ever the same. . Remember that See more
03.01.2022 Weekend done, bring on the week. . What a busy time of year!! I’m booked out until January now!! Can you believe it???!! DM me if you need a booking, we can hopefully work something out.... . Beyond grateful to be trusted to do this work. . And so many exciting events are coming up. Stay tuned x See more
01.01.2022 Ever changing. . The one certainty we have is that nothing stays the same
23.12.2021 This is your gentle reminder to slow down. Enjoy the process. Take a deep breath. How much have things changed in the last month, 6 months, year, 5 years?... Look at how far you’ve come Your stronger than you think. Be gentle with yourself x
11.12.2021 I completed my EFT Practitioner course over the weekend with the amazing @laurenbrittain.eft & Caroline Dawson. What a magic modality. The pattern of resistance came up, resistance to letting go, resistance to doing something new, resistance to change.... Taking note of how we talk to others and to ourselves is a massive indicator of our resistance, if we are not already aware of it. For example, we did an activity which involved tapping for cravings. My craving was a particular type of coffee. I purchased the coffee, did the activity successfully (not wanting the coffee at all). Then as I was tipping the coffee down the sink I thought to myself ‘well that was a waste of $5’. Lauren heard my thoughts & questioned me. ‘Is there something still there, some resistance with the ‘waste’ of that coffee?’ Having awareness of our resistance is such a tough gig. It is so worth working through. A small amount of time of feeling vulnerable and difficult, to then feel so free, light and aligned.
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