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25.01.2022 Timesavers for Busy Mums 1. Plan meals in advance Planning your weekly meals will save time at night trying to work out what you are going to cook or running to the grocery store on a weeknight after a busy day at work. Planning your meals also helps avoid eating quick, unhealthy dinners. 2. Order groceries online- This is the best thing I ever did! You can set up a list of regular foods that your family eats and re-order each week to make ordering even The delivery person will bring the food right into your kitchen, so you just have to put it away in the cupboards. A bonus is that you dont get tricked into buying all the specials the end of the aisles either! 3. Lay clothes out the night the before- Deciding what to wear in the morning can waste time. Try laying the clothes out the night before for yourself and the kids. It is a good idea to put your gym clothes too. This makes it easier to get up and moving early- no excuses. 4. Everything has a place- Families spend a lot of time looking for items at home. We look for wallets, keys, phone, school notes, library books, homework and our handbag. If everything has a place and we put things back in their place, we save so much time. This takes organisation and training, but it saves a lot of headaches! 5. Keep a family diary- In a central location the house keep a diary of events, so the family doesnt waste time being disorganised. A digital diary is great too and everyone can be assigned a different colour and add events or activities to a family calendar. 6. Cook extra meals- Prepping for extra meals is a great time-saving hack. If you are making dinner, why not double the recipe and freeze one for later or set one aside for lunch the next day? 7. Load of laundry a day- Quickly throw a load of laundry in each day or two. If you wash a load at night and hang it in the morning it will save time doing a whole day of washing. Try sorting laundry by colour in advance. I personally like the three-compartment hamper. This will save time sorting later. 8. 5 Minute Rule- If you can complete a task in under 5 minutes, do it right away. Answer that email immediately after reading it, fold that basket of laundry, make your bed. You will waste more time coming back to it later.

24.01.2022 Do things that make you forget to check your phone.

24.01.2022 Let me cuddle you a little more before you are not little anymore.

23.01.2022 Nature is the best playground.

23.01.2022 Motherhood is a choice that you make every day to put someone elses happiness and well being above youre own, to teach the hard lessons, to try to do the right thing even when youre not sure what that is... and to forgive yourself for doing everything wrong. Donna Ball

23.01.2022 Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. Emilie Buchwald

22.01.2022 We have all met those people that drain the energy from you after you have a conversation with them. You feel depleted after they leave the room. This confirms that there is energy all around us. On the flip side, there are activities and people that give us energy and make us feel revitalised. Think of three activities that you do that give you energy and make you feel energised. I live in Australia, so for many of you, it may be going for a surf. It can be as simple as having a cup of tea, cuddling up with your pet or calling your best friend. For me, it is picking up the guitar. As a mother, it is important to think about energy and energy levels because we spend a lot of time giving to others. If we take a few minutes each day to do something that gives us energy it will make us better mums.

22.01.2022 When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things- not the great gestures give off the greatest glow of happiness Bob Hope

22.01.2022 I Love You I met a woman yesterday at a party who had four children. The oldest two were 15 and 13. She said to me, referring to the oldest children, ... Now that they are in their teens, they dont want to be loved by their mum anymore. My job is done. I couldnt believe my ears. My eldest daughter, Eva is approaching 13 and she is still kind and sweet, but when I tell her that I love her, she has stopped saying it back to me. This will not stop me from saying it. I remember my parents always saying, I love you throughout the years. To this day, every phone conversation ends with those three words. My dad was never afraid to say, I love you even when his children were going through the same phase as Eva. He also continued to show them affection. I can recall a few years ago when he insisted that his reluctant, awkward 16-year-old son Aaron give him a hug. Oh Dad, leave me alone, my half-brother replied, trying to play it cool. My dad then pretended to playfully chase him into the living room, put Aaron into a gentle headlock, kissed him on the top of the head and told him that he loved him. He eventually succumbed and leant in for a cuddle while brandishing a big smile. As a result, Aaron has grown up into an affectionate, loving young man. We may not be able to provide everything for our children, but love is crucial and its free. Giving and receiving love is easier when the children are small and idolise their mum and dad. We rank up there somewhere with Santa Claus and God. When they reach puberty, it becomes a whole different ball game. Pre-teens and teens are faced with raging hormones, tough choices, and peer pressure. We do not have the power to change this or eliminate all the negative influences that may affect them. One of the biggest challenges that parents face is how to combat our kids negativity when our affections may not be reciprocated, and they become damn-right unlovable at times. However, this is the time when parents need to continue to provide it the most. When the world becomes hard and cruel, creating a safe home environment full of love can help teenagers, soothe their wounds. But sometimes they are holding so much pain that they end up punishing the parents. This might lead to tougher rules, more boundaries, family intervention or even counselling. Even though it might be terribly difficult, the positive effects of your actions will show in years to come. Through it all, we should always continue to show love to our kids.

21.01.2022 When Im here, it feels like there is no COVID. One of my students said this to me this week, referring to being at school. This year has been a challenging year for educators and parents. This comment from a 5-year-old really made me contemplate my role as a mum and as a teacher. Maybe my most important job in 2020 is to provide a safe place for my kids?

19.01.2022 It isnt easy being a parent in 2020, especially after incidents happy like they did yesterday. Our children are growing up in a very different world than we did.

18.01.2022 Questions! Mummy, why do you have hair down there? My five-year-old bluntly asks me, as she stares at me having a shower one morning. With soap in my eyes, I am startled and drop the shampoo bottle on the floor. Before I have a chance to answer the first question or wash the soap off my face, she hammers me with the next one....Continue reading

15.01.2022 Finding Work Life Balance 1. Prioritise your time- You may have a huge To Do list, however you need to assess the list into categories of what is really important, so that you dont become overwhelmed. Start with the urgent tasks and maybe the least important jobs can wait until tomorrow? ... 2. Set boundaries - Have designated work hours and stick to them or you may end up working until midnight every night and not leaving any time for your family or yourself. This has been challenging as our work environment has changed drastically with COVID19. 3. Schedule exercise- It is easy to miss out on your walk, evening run or yoga class when you start getting busy with work and family responsibilities, but you need to schedule it in your diary as an appointment and stick to it. This will help you to function better at work and manage your stress levels. 4. Choose quality over quantity- sometimes we need to remind ourselves to be more present in the activity we are doing, rather than madly rushing through many activities and not putting effort into each one. 5. Be organised- To have balance does mean that you need to be organised, however, you also need to be realistic. Try to schedule time in for family and personal growth. 6. Make time to do something you love- You may think that you cannot possibly fit it in, but you can be creative in how you do it. Perhaps you dont have time to play in your band anymore or go to your book club, but you can still pick up your guitar or book at home every night for 15 minutes. Doing something that you love will help you perform more efficiently in other areas of your life.

15.01.2022 Sharing this because it is so true!

15.01.2022 A sister is a first friend and a second mother.

14.01.2022 Teach your girls to be strong and independent.

12.01.2022 We can encourage our children to get involved in the process of making healthy meals. Make healthy eating a part of every day life.

11.01.2022 I’m not a perfect parent, but I try to be a reflective parent. This means asking why all the time. Trying to make sense of my choices, behaviour and actions as a parent every day in a non- judgemental way.

10.01.2022 Reading to your kids is a gift you can give them for free.

10.01.2022 Happy Friday parents !

09.01.2022 Music is a gift you can give your children that’s free. It is a gift that will help them in many ways throughout their lives.

09.01.2022 To be in your childrens memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today. Barbara Johnson

09.01.2022 There will be so many times that you think youve failed, but in the eyes , heart and mind of your child you are still super mum. Stephanie Percourt

08.01.2022 Always be inspired.

07.01.2022 Opening New Doors I open the heavy, double doors and enter a gigantic, open space, inhaling the warm stimulating atmosphere. There is no stress or pressure. Not here. Not now. I look at all the new friends I have made. There are thousands of them. They dont demand anything from me. However, if I choose to, I can read one of them. My husband was not working at the time when I received a call to ask if I would be willing to fill in for a school librarian going on holidays at a...Continue reading

06.01.2022 Children see. Children do. Be healthy.

05.01.2022 Timeless Tuesdays For years I tried to juggle full-time work and parenting 3 girls. I always felt like I was stressing and watching the clock. I decided to drop a day of work to ease the load. I was so excited to have Tuesdays off, that instead of letting the day flow naturally, I wrote a long, unattainable To Do list every week. By the end of each Tuesday, I was deflated because I could not possibly accomplish all my goals. I was over scheduling like crazy, trying to fit...Continue reading

05.01.2022 How to Show Your Teen That You Love Them 1. Say the words I love you. It is important to continue to say the words, even if your teen is not saying them back. 2. Compliment your teen on something that is important to THEM. We are usually complimenting them on school because it is important to us. Try to find what they care about (sport, fashion ect.), and compliment them on their efforts in this area. ... 3. Let your teen chose the music in the car. This shows them that you respect their taste. You may be surprised and like a new band or song as well. 4. Text your teen. Send them a funny text, cute joke or photo to make them laugh. A cheesy dad joke will do the trick! 5. Get to know their friends. Socialising is so important to teens and getting to know their friends shows them that you care about them. 6. Encourage their interests. Be positive about your teen's interests and get involved in them with your child if you can. Perhaps you can read the same book together if you like reading, go for a bike ride together, or jam together if you both play an instrument. 7. Give them space. Often showing your teen love, is understanding what they need. Giving them space to be alone is what they need at times. You may need to put some ground rules in place with siblings to help make this happen too.

02.01.2022 Your daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.

02.01.2022 Parenting is hard. Especially trying to be patient with little versions of impatient you.

01.01.2022 Kids need to be taught from an early age the importance of girls’ weekends away and only packing the essentials.

01.01.2022 Choosing the right book for your child 1. Think about age when choosing an appropriate book: 0-2 Years - Board Books...Continue reading

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