The Munda Biddi Trail Foundation in Perth, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation
The Munda Biddi Trail Foundation
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6336 9699
Address: 105 Cambridge Street 6007 Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 5589
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24.01.2022 The 2020 MBTF AGM was held at Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Australia offices in Kensington last night. Many thanks to all that attended; it was an upbeat and positive AGM that positions the Foundation for a great year ahead. We'll be sharing some of the key points from the presentations over the next week.
24.01.2022 Great morning on the Trail with @pippapickledpepper shooting some awesome Munda Biddi images in the vicinity of the Dell. It takes a lot to get our Executive Officer out of bed this early, but the results were certainly worth the lack of sleep We are looking for more cover stars for forthcoming shoots at Jarrahdale, Dwellingup and Collie.
23.01.2022 The weather was a bit damp for a ride (except for a few brave souls), but the Volunteer Social Day at the Mundaring Weir Hotel was well attended and great fun. It was awesome to catch up with all of our dedicated volunteers and hatch more plans for the Trail!
23.01.2022 There's another Munda Biddi diversion for your weekend - please check out the latest at As we write, there is no specific map available. Temporary diversion - Walpole Nornalup National Park (East of Sapper's Bridge) - map 8a - The Munda Biddi Trail has been temporarily realigned for 400m via Creek Road. For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Walpole office on (08) 9840 0400.
23.01.2022 Have you ridden the Munda Biddi in the last six weeks? Thanks to Cycles Bespoke, when you fill out the survey at you'll go into the running for either a sleeping kit or bikepacking bag setup valued at over $500 when you enter your details at the end of the survey. The Foundation and Parks and Wildlife have developed the survey to look at usage, economics and trends on the Trail. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, and the re...sults will be used in planning for future improvements to the Trail and to provide us with up-to-date figures on the Munda Biddi. Pippa Engledow Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Australia Trails WA
22.01.2022 The #rovertaskforce gave an eroded section of the Trail between Mundaring and the Weir a birthday yesterday. We were ably assisted by our volunteer Neville, who owns a Kubota 1.7 3 digger that he is happy to unleash on the trail to expedite work . This is just one of many improvements scheduled for the next year or so - the summer season will see a lull due to dry conditions, but we can't wait to get our hands dirty in 2021! Want to get involved?
22.01.2022 Donovan's route notes for his sectional end-to-end are very comprehensive. He's written about the Trail from Mundaring to Dwellingup now, with more to come in the future months. A great resource for those planning their own ride.
22.01.2022 Timber Harvesting Diversion - Quinninup - map 6b The Munda Biddi Trail is closed for 7.3km due to timber harvesting operations. A 4.5km diversion is in place along Tinks Road. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety, stay on the marked diversion and adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife Service and other staff. Riders should be aware of heavy machinery, harvest operations vehicles and other traffic in the... area. For more information contact either the Forest Products Commission on (08) 9363 4600 or the Parks and Wildlife Service Pemberton on (08) 9776 1207.
19.01.2022 The Munda Biddi Trail Foundation's office is closed from the 22nd December - January 3rd. Look forward to connecting with you on all things Munda Biddi in the New Year!
19.01.2022 Prescribed burn - Jarrahwood - map 4b. The Munda Biddi is closed for 31km due to prescribed burning. A 27.1km diversion is in place. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff. Riders should be aware of fire operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Busselton office on (08) 9752 5555.
19.01.2022 Busy month for 10 of our RTF Volunteers!!! They just completed a 5 day trail survey between Donnybrook and Pemberton (250kms). A big thank you to them and the local businesses that supported us during that week! - Bruce and Lynne at Donnybrook Motel for their generosity and top quality rooms! - Barry Green from Boronia Farm & Accommodation for his community dedication and knowledge of the trail - Merrifield Range, Donnybrook for their outstanding local lamb and veggie burger!... Delicious and it's Must-Stop for any hungry Munda Biddi rider! - Rob and Heather at Time Travel Tours and Transport in Nannup for hosting the crew and helping us on trail maintenance. They also provide bike+rider transport services along the Mundabiddi as well as campsites & showers at their Nannup Lavender tranquil campground !!! - Blue Moon Forest Lodge for hosting the team in their spectacular and spacious accommodation at One Tree bridge. These detailed surveys help us categorise each Km of trail by terrain type (single track vs fire trail) and by maitenance level. The team also reports section of the trail requiring future enhancements or major remediation work. Surveys are fun and rewarding for volunteers. Join the team here:
18.01.2022 The new Munda Biddi Volunteer News is available here - If you're not already, why not become a volunteer
18.01.2022 The Rover Task Force are holding a maintenance day on the Waterous Trail east of Waroona today, followed by a week-long survey of Area 3 of the #mundabidditrail between Donnybrook and Pemberton. Our devoted volunteer John, who looks after the non-Munda Biddi western side of the Waterous Trail is pretty happy to have 9 keen #volunteers helping out to prune back a section of heavy vegetation encroaching on the trail. Keen to get involved? More info at
18.01.2022 Our Executive Officer and Chair of the board had a quick visit to Dwellingup last Friday for the WA Trails Forum. It's always inspiring to hear the low down from those working to engage the community, provide better outdoor recreation experiences and unlock funding. Peter from Dwellingup Adventures is a Munda Biddi volunteer. The company he founded 25 years ago is likely to be very busy thanks to all the trails action happening around town.
17.01.2022 It's a little hazy on the Trail today - prescribed burning is being carried out. Specifically, smoke may affect the Munda Biddi in the vicinity of Jarrahdale between Balmoral Rd and the Serpentine River. For your safety adhere to and follow signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff. Riders should be aware of fire operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Mundaring (08) 9290 6100.
15.01.2022 Yirra Karta campsite's remote location in the southern forests between Northcliffe and Walpole tends to lend itself to contemplation of the essentials in life... The granite outcrop that makes this hut so memorable has been a special place for people for many thousands of years. The Munda Biddi Trail and the Bibbulmun Track Foundation's Waugal celebrates this connection to country, or Noongar Boodja.
15.01.2022 WA is starting to see decision making and funding catch up with the desire of MTB riders for a diverse range of trail experiences throughout the South West. The Munda Biddi forms the spine of this network, we are super-excited about future developments. Thanks to Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Australia and WestCycle for all the heavy lifting in the background to get to this point.
13.01.2022 The diversion of the Trail east of Denmark along the South Coast Hwy from Hay River has now been removed. The bridge works are still underway on Sleeman Rd, however Main Roads and Water Corp are now allowing cyclists and pedestrians to cross during the works. This is much better option for cyclist safety than riding in a 100km zone. Thank you to those that sent feedback to us on this diversion *Photo for comedic purposes only
13.01.2022 There's a small diversion east of Jarrahdale (Map 1b) in place for a prescribed burn. The Trail is closed for 3.3km, a 2.2km diversion is in place along Balmoral Rd. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff. Riders should be aware of fire operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Mundaring office on (08) 9290 6100 or
12.01.2022 The Munda Biddi Trail is closed for 5.9km due to prescribed burning between Del Park Rd and the Alcoa conveyor belt (Map 2a). A 8.37km diversion is in place along Scarp Road. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff.Riders should be aware of fire operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For more information contact Parks and Wildlife Service Mundaring on (08) 9290 6100.
12.01.2022 In contrast to the general trend of 2020, we've had a great year at the MBTF. Here's a little video showcasing the new alignment at Kalamunda. Plenty more to come over the next few years!
11.01.2022 The Foundation held a training day for 15 or so volunteers between Kings Mill Rd and Carinyah campsite on Saturday. It was fantastic to see so many new faces and experienced campaigners in the one place. The weather was excellent, we came across plenty of riders using the Trail and Carinyah had a bit of a spring clean too! Hopefully the puddle on the access road will drain better now. The only down-side was being sprayed with pea gravel by an irate quad bike rider .
11.01.2022 Final Notice for 2020 Munda Biddi Trail Foundation AGM - October 15th -
10.01.2022 The Perth Trail Series Pemby Trail Fest is taking place in Pemberton on Friday the 9th to Sunday, 11th October 2020. The Pemby MTB will affect the Munda Biddi Trail on Saturday 10th October between Manjimup and Northcliffe. All interactions on the Munda Biddi Trail will be managed by the event organisers. Riders should be aware of competitors and event staff in the area. There will be no closures and little disturbance to other trail users. Please follow all signage and instruction from event organisers and staff. For further information please call Parks and Wildlife Service Pemberton on (08) 9776 1207 or
10.01.2022 The diversion along the Denmark - Nornalup Heritage Trail has now been removed. However, another diversion has been put in place along Lights Rd, which means the Munda Biddi now misses out the WOW trail and southern portion of Ocean Beach Rd. Denmark Shire are upgrading the Lights Beach day use area. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and Shire of Denmark staff. Riders should be aware of traffic on Lights Beach Road. For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Walpole office on (08) 9840 0400.
09.01.2022 The Munda Biddi is closed for 17km due to timber harvesting NE of Jarrahwood (Map 4b). A 15km diversion along Claymore Rd and Jarrahwood Rd is in place. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff. Riders should be aware of forestry vehicles and other traffic in the area. For more information, contact either the Forest Products Commission on (08) 9363 4600 or the Parks and Wildlife Service Blackwood District on (08) 9752 5555.
09.01.2022 The Munda Biddi Trail is closed for 14.3km due to prescribed burning NW of Walpole - a 7km diversion is in place. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff. Riders should be aware of fire operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Walpole office on (08) 9840 0400.
08.01.2022 Thanks to a volunteer grant via Nola Marino MP, the Foundation was able to support 16 volunteers to undertake chainsaw training. Armed with the correct techniques, safety equipment and maintenance techniques, our volunteers will be clearing fallen trees from the Munda Biddi safely. We also invited our friends from the South West Mountain Bike Club to send two of their Mt Lennard trail maintenance crew along! Thanks to Bill from Towie Timber Training for handing on his know...ledge and experience. #rovertaskforce #mundabiddi #trailmaintenanceisfun
07.01.2022 East of Denmark (Map 9a), the Trail is closed for 12km due to repairs to the bridge on Sleeman Road. A 5.7km diversion is in place along South Coast Highway. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife. Riders should proceed with caution when using the diversion along South Coast Highway and be aware of fast moving traffic.... For more information contact Parks and Wildlife Service Albany on (08) 9842 4500.
07.01.2022 One more diversion for today - for the latest information, please check Timber Harvesting Diversion - Dingup - map 6a - The Munda Biddi is closed for 6.3km due to timber harvesting operations. A 8.1km diversion is in place. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety, stay on the marked diversion and adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife Service and other staff. Riders should be ...aware of heavy machinery, harvest operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For more information contact either the Forest Products Commission on (08) 9363 4600 or the Parks and Wildlife Service Pemberton on (08) 9776 1207.
07.01.2022 The MBTF now has a Containers for Change ID - C10362580 Please consider nominating us when you make a deposit.
07.01.2022 Our hiking friends on the Bibbulmun Track are diverting away from the iconic Monadnocks section due to a prescribed burn. They will be sharing the Munda Biddi from 1km east of Wungong campsite until the intersection of 37 Mile Rd on Map 1b. Walkers will be using the Wungong Camspite throughout the course of the diversion. The original route will remain closed until declared safe. Riders should be alert for walkers and fire operations vehicles and other traffic in the area. For more information contact Parks and Wildlife Service Mundaring office on (08) 9290 6100. More info at
04.01.2022 There's some more Munda Biddi diversions for your weekend - please check out the latest at As we write, there are no specific maps available of the following, but the locations are marked on the alerts map when you zoom in. 1) Prescribed burn - Hamilton Forest Block (between Mornington Rd and Gastaldo Rd) - map 3b - the Trail is closed for 5km due to prescribed burning. A 4km diversion is in place.... For further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Collie office on (08) 9735 1988. 2) Prescribed burn - Mount Roe National Park - map 8a. No diversion is in place. The Nornalup Rd will remain OPEN to riders, but closed to traffic. 3) Temporary diversion - Walpole Nornalup National Park (East of Sapper's Bridge) - map 8a - The Munda Biddi Trail has been temporarily realigned for 400m via Creek Road. For 2) & 3) for further information, please contact the Parks and Wildlife Service Walpole office on (08) 9840 0400. On all diversions, the original route will remain closed until declared safe. For your safety stay on the marked diversion, adhere to and follow all signage and instructions from Parks and Wildlife and other emergency staff.
04.01.2022 Our Executive Officer and the #rovertaskforce managers recently spent five days on the Trail between Pemberton and the Valley of the Giants. They participated in a Bibbulmun Track Foundation field day, rode and drove the #mundabiddi for nearly 200km looking at maintenance requirements, and met up with some of our key contacts for the Trail in this part of the world. Being the most remote sections of the Munda Biddi, we are on the hunt for volunteers (preferably regional) to look after a section, or join the Rover Task Force on future deployments. Why don't you get involved?
03.01.2022 A new year's gift for Trail users around Lights Beach (map 8b) - the diversion onto Lights Beach Rd has now been removed.
02.01.2022 The Foundation has ramped up our operations this year and has big plans for the next few. We'd really love you to be part of this adventure - If volunteering is beyond your capacity how about making a donation? #volunteering #mundabiddi #australiassouthwest #bikepacking #adventure #trailmaintenance #mtblife
02.01.2022 Fancy some Munda Biddi themed merchandise? The Foundation are investigating options for 2021 and need your input.
01.01.2022 It's been a busy week for the MBTF; Saturday - South Coast training day for new volunteers at Jinung Beigabup campsite, Sunday - Alcoa staff Try the Trail ride from Nanga Mill to Bidjar Ngoulin campsite, Monday - a ride of the potential new alignment into Albany past the wind farm (the climbing is worth it for the views alone), Thursday - Aloca Willowdale staff maintenance day on the Waterous Trail. Plus our Executive Officer visited all of the southern campsites to assess future maintenance needs on his way back from the South Coast... time to relax and recharge this weekend
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