Mundaring Christian College in Mundaring, Western Australia, Australia | School
Mundaring Christian College
Locality: Mundaring, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9295 2688
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25.01.2022 Year 9 students have arrived safely and set up camp at their over night pit stop on the Bushrangers Cadet hike today. Great work everyone! We look forward to hearing about all the campfire stories upon your return.
24.01.2022 To the Book Fair and Beyond! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon, so get ready for some out-of-this-world excitement! You’ll go where no reader has gone before as you explore the coolest array of books in the cosmos . We’ll be launching this stellar reading celebration at Mundaring Christian College Primary Campus on Friday 18 June.... We will have a book viewing session the day before on Thursday 17 June. An email has been sent out to all Primary families with more information. Keep an eye on your emails parents :) #bookfair #mccbookfaire #scholastics #mccbookfaire #readingisfun #reading #books #primaryschool #learning #mcc #scea
24.01.2022 Havent read this weeks newsletter? Click on the link below to read up on the latest College news. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccprimary #mccsecondary #mccnewsletter #newsletter #scea
24.01.2022 Yesterday, both our Primary and Secondary students raised the Australian flag and spent a minute in silence in remembrance of all those who lost their lives in war. Students laid wreaths at the flag pole, performed musical pieces, and Mr. Prestwidge performed 'The Last Post'. Thank you to all students and staff who helped plan and put together our Remembrance Day assembly. Lest We Forget. #mcc #remembranceday #mundaringchristiancollege #mccprimary #mccsecondary #lestweforget2020 #scea
23.01.2022 For the past five weeks, as part of their outdoor education curriculum, the Year 6 students have had the opportunity to take part in Rock Climbing at The Hangout in Bayswater. The Hangout provides an excellent opportunity to challenge students both mentally and physically in a comfortable and controlled environment. Over the course of the program, students learned new skills and grew in their confidence. It was great to see students challenge themselves and help encourage and push each other to reach their goals. A big thankyou to the staff at the Hangout who helped facilitate the program and to all our wonderful parent volunteers who helped make the experience a great success.
23.01.2022 Today we kicked off Term 3 with a Movie Magic WOW day at the Primary Campus. Everyone had a lot of fun dressing up, including our teachers. We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead. Welcome back everyone! #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccprimary #wowday #mccsecondary #scea
23.01.2022 || TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK || A huge shout out to the year 11 students from Mundaring Christian College who painted the Mundaring Skate Park as... part of their community service. The park has been closed for a week to counter and clean graffiti and has now been given a bright new look. Despite the 35 degree heat, the students worked hard and got the painting done in record timing. A truly amazing effort and we are happy to see the students showing pride and love to their community. We were so impressed by their desire to do good in their community that we wrote an article about them: Way to go kids! The future (and the skatepark) looks bright #ShireofMundaring #skateboard #paint #painting #communityservice #Community #teamwork #year11 #highschool #fresh #sunnydays #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #howsthat
22.01.2022 Mundaring Christian College makes the Echo news! On Monday, Mountain Biking students had the privilege of meeting and working alongside World Champion mountain biker Sam Hill, organised by Mr Rosolin. We invited Echo news to come along and document the event. The article, written by Echo News, is attached below.
22.01.2022 Our very own Mrs Franci Liebenberg, showcasing her beautiful work at the Midland Junction Art Centre. The exhibition is open until 22 August 2020.
21.01.2022 We asked some of our parents what they though about their experience at MCC. Here is what one family had to say. #mcc #mccprimary #mccsecondary #scea #mundaringchristiancollege
21.01.2022 Year 10 student Finlay M. recently competed in the WA State Track Cycling Championships and won the State U17 Individual Pursuit, Time Trial, and Sprint & Keirin. Finlay has now been selected, as part of the WA State Cycling Team, to attend the Australian Junior Track Nationals, which will take place at the Anna Meares Velodrome in Brisbane during the April School Holidays. What an outstanding achievement! Congratulations Finlay, all your hard work has paid off and we are sup...porting you all the way #studentachievement #trackcycling #cyclingchampionships #cycling #annamearesvelodrome #mccseconday #mcc #scea
20.01.2022 Helping those in need! | Today during lunchtime, our Year 12 student leaders put on a sausage sizzle to raise funds for those who have been affected by the Wooroloo fires. In addition, as a campus, all secondary students wore free dress and donated a gold coin to go towards the cause. All funds raised will be donated to Parky Care, our local bushfire relief fund. Parky Care A big thank you to everyone who donated! ... #bushfiresaustralia #bushfirerelief #mccseconday #MCC #SCEA #parkycare
20.01.2022 Next week Wednesday (August 19) we will be holding a Strategies for Supporting Children with Anxiety workshop lead by local Counsellor, Karen Easter. The workshop will be held at the Primary Campus, in the conference room from 1:45pm for a 2:00pm start. Theworkshop will conclude at 3:15pm in time for parents to collect children from their classes. All are welcome.... Please RSVP to the College office by Moniday 17 August. The workshop will be held at the Primary Campus, in the conference room from 1:45pm for a 2:00pm start. The workshop will conclude at 3:15pm in time for parents to collect children from their classes.
19.01.2022 Wishing our Year 12 students all the best as they start their WACE exams this week. We were excited to hear that all our Year 12 students passed their OLNA and, we know they will do just as well in their finals. Here are a few happy snaps from their last day of school. #legacyday2020 #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #secondary #SCEA #swanchristianeducationassociation #mccsecondary #year12 #school
19.01.2022 COMING UP NEXT WEEK! Mundaring Christian College will be hosting a Secondary Campus Information Evening for prospective families looking at enrolling their child/children into High School or a new High School. This event is a great opportunity to meet our staff, learn about the College, take a tour around the Campus, and ask any questions you may have. We would love to meet you. If you are a current family who has someone looking for a High School, please share the below even...t around and encourage them to attend. Please click the event below for more information. RSVP via
19.01.2022 To read up on the College news, check out this weeks Newsletter below! Two weeks into the Term and we already have many things to celebrate. Subscribing to the Newsletter is a great way to keep informed and stay up to date with what is happening around the College.
18.01.2022 Well done to all our students who took part in the interschool football carnival at Ellenbrook Christian College! What a perfect day for it! #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #scea #mccsecondary #ECC #football
16.01.2022 To end the Term, the Secondary Campus had a "House Challenge Day" lead and organised by the Year 12 students. Everyone had a lot of fun! It was the perfect way to end the Term. Thankyou Year 12s! #mcc #mundaringchrisitancollege #mccprimary #mccsecondary #scea #mcchouseday
16.01.2022 Last Night we had our Secondary Celebration Evening for 2020. This annual event is a great way to celebrate and award our students for all their hard work over the last year. We want to thank Councilor Simon Cuthburt (Shire of Mundaring), Mr Steve McAlpine (SCEA), and Lieutenant Colonel Andrew (Australian Defence Force Dunjey, 2nd Division HQ) for attending and presenting our students with awards. It was a pleasure to have you with us. We were also privileged to hear from Nat...han Blackwell (Head of Parent Committee) and Elsa S. (Graduate of 2020), thank you for your kind and honourable words. Thank you to all our teachers, staff, and parents for another incredible year. We made it through together! #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccsecondary #mccgraduation #graduation2020 #endofyearcelebration #ShireofMundaring #australiandefenceforce #SCEA
15.01.2022 We are two days away from our "Primary Inter-house Cross Country Carnival" and everyone is rearing to go. Students have been out on the course a few times now and are feeling confident. Everyone gave the course a red hot go and gave it their best during practices. Here we have the Year 4 and 5 students running the course with their Pre-Primary buddies. It was encouraging to see everyone spurring each other on and finishing well. We look forward to race day on Friday! Which house will come on top!? #crosscountry #running #sport #primaryschool #mccprimary #scea #year4 #year5
15.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day dads! Last week, in honor of our fathers and father figures, we hosted a bonfire night at our Secondary Campus. Our Primary and Secondary students came along with their dads and father figures and enjoyed in some community fun. Thank you to everyone who came out, it was a great night. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #fathersday #mccsecondary #mccprimary #scea #bonfire #bonfirenight
15.01.2022 All parents are invited to our Open Parent Committee meeting. Next Wednesday 19 August, 6.30 pm Parkerville Campus. Please see the event below.
13.01.2022 Look out for our new bus, on the road near you soon! Thank you Signarama Canning Vale
13.01.2022 Yesterday we held our Secondary House Swimming Carnival at Bilgoman Pool, and it was a perfect day for it! Everyone swam exceptionally well and had a lot of fun along the way. The winning house will be announced at the next Secondary Assembly Who do you think will take the win? Thank you to all our parents who volunteered their help throughout the day, we couldn't have done it without you #swimmingcarnival #bilgomanpool #mccseconday #mccswimmingcarnival #mcc #scea #swimming #sports #school #college #students
13.01.2022 And they are off! The Year 9 Bush Rangers students are on the home stretch of their over night Hike. We are happy to see smiles all around #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccsecondary #bushrangers #cadets #hike #scea
13.01.2022 Parents and Guardian, please see your emails for information on the below event. On Wednesday, September 2 at 6:00 pm, Mundaring Christian College will be holding a Helping your child succeed in High School evening, where Head of Secondary, Mr David Elsing, and Head of Student Services, Mr Peter Bolt, will be discussing factors for success and how we can work together, as home and school, in seeing your child flourish. RSVP by 31st August
13.01.2022 This week we celebrated National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day at the Primary Campus. We started the day off with an assembly and were joined by special guests Rick Pekan, who opened the assembly with a Welcome to Country, and Mr Penny, who played guitar and sang songs with the students. Thankyou Mr Pekan and Mr Penny for joining us. After the assembly, students spent the day learning and completing creative projects on the topic of National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day, prepared by their teachers. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccprimary #NAIDOC #scea
13.01.2022 More photos from our Secondary House Sports Carnival held at Mundaring Recreation Ground yesterday.
13.01.2022 Yesterday we held our Early Learning Orientation Day for all the new families joining MCC in 2021. Parents and students spent the morning meeting and greeting one another, whilst also having the opportunity to hear from Mr. McNeill (Principal) and Mrs. Wilson (Head of Primary). What a beautiful day! #mcc #earlylearning #scea #mccprimary #mundaringchristiancollege
12.01.2022 Our very own Raymond Z. (Year 12) made the Echo newspaper! Raymond was one of five high school students and finalists chosen from a record breaking 1700 entries received nationally in this years Triple-J unearthed-high. Well done Raymond! Check out the article below.
12.01.2022 Well done to all our students who took part in our Secondary House Sports Carnival today! Thank you to all our staff and parent helpers who helped pull off another successful carnival. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccsecondary #sport #sportcarnival #scea
10.01.2022 Reminding all parents and guardians about our "Helping your child succeed in High School" evening next week Wednesday. On the night, Head of Secondary, Mr David Elsing, and Head of Student Services, Mr Peter Bolt, will be discussing factors for success and how we can work together, as home and school, in seeing your child flourish. The last day to RSVP for this event is Monday next week (31st August)
10.01.2022 We had a lot of fun singing, rock painting, and picnicking with our grandparents and friends on our Primary Grandparents Day We look forward to seeing our colourful garden path soon! Thankyou to everyone who came out to spend day with us, what a beautiful and sunny day it was. #mcc #mccprimary #grandparentsday #mundaringchristiancollege #scea
09.01.2022 Year 5 students learn how to survive in the bush. Mr Bailey set up a number of stations out the back of the Primary Campus and taught students how to safely light fires with flint and sticks . Once the fires were lit, students learned how to control the fire before having the opportunity to cook each other pancakes and make milo in metal teapots. "We had so much fun and became experts by the end of the unit." Mrs. Rullo. #makingfire #outdooreducation #Year5 #primaryschool #mcc #mccprimary #SCEA
09.01.2022 RED DAY @ MCC Secondary Campus As part of our Pastoral Care Program this term, Year 8 students are working through the Salvation Army Social Connection project and learning about homelessness. They are coordinating a series of events to help raise awareness and to support the Salvation Army in their programs assisting people in need. Year 8 students are collecting non-perishable food, blankets and sleeping bags for the Salvation Army Winter Appeal. Next Wednesday the 16th of ...September is also Red Day @ MCC. This day is to raise money for the Salvation Army Red Shield Winter Appeal. The money goes towards supporting the Salvation Army to provide help for those most in need like the homeless. Boxes have been made available at the Primary Campus for Primary students and families to take part in this appeal. Secondary students are allowed to wear red clothes in exchange for a gold coin donation and a non-perishable food item. on this day. #thankGodfortheSalvos #redshieldappeal
09.01.2022 Tasked with interviewing and producing an article on this year's rookies and competitors during the Parkerville Stage, the students from Mundaring Christian Col...lege created a cracking report for our website. Our sincere thanks to the Principal, staff and students at the College for embracing and helping us this year. We hope to see you all again in 2021! Our thanks also to Targa's own Di from Pronto PR who mentored the students and provided valuable feedback on interviewing and writing techniques. Take a read of their article
09.01.2022 For Fathers Day this year, we will be hosting a Bonfire night for all our fathers and their children across both the Primary and Secondary Campus. Fathers and their children are invited to come down to the Secondary Campus on September 3 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm for a bonfire, sausage sizzle, and time in community together. Guests will also be joined by Principal Rod McNeill who will share around the fire on the night. Please RSVP via Trybooking link before 31st August....
08.01.2022 Last week we ran our first-ever Year 11 "Capstone Week". Capstone week is set up to provide our senior students with new and exciting experiences to challenge and stretch them. It is also designed to help students build community and friendship among their fellow peers. Students had the opportunity to take part in ballroom dancing, wheelchair basketball, self-defense classes, first aid, community service within the Shire of Mundaring, City after the dark tour, Curtin Univers...ity tour, The Nutcracker ballet, and sailing on the swan river. What a great way to end the Term after writing their final exams. #mundaringchristiancollege #mcc #ShireofMundaring #year11students #mccsecondary #SCEA #ballet #perthcity #swanriver
06.01.2022 Tomorrow we will be celebrating National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day at the Primary Campus with a special assembly (9am) and a variety of activities planned for the day. All parents are welcome to join us for our morning assembly. We ask that students come to school wearing the colours of the Aboriginal Flag (red, yellow, and black) and bring a Gold Coin donation. ... Donations will be given to the Bible Society Australian Indigenous Ministry.
06.01.2022 On Friday we had our Primary House Cross Country Carnival and it was a great success. We were grateful that the rain held off and everyone had a chance to take part on the day. Thank you to all our parents who came down to support our little racers and to lend a helping hand. #crosscountry #schoolcrosscountry #running #primaryschool #primary #mccprimary #mundaringchristiancollege #christianeducation #sport #scea
06.01.2022 Last week we hosted a "Helping your child succeed in High School" evening at our Secondary Campus. David Elsing (Head of Secondary) and Peter Bolt (Head of Student Services) facilitated workshops discussing factors for success and how we can work together, as home and school, in seeing your child flourish. It was encouraging to see parents meeting and interacting with one another and engaging with the presented content. We were grateful to receive much positive feedback from many who attended on the night. We will be sure to host more of these workshops as a result. A big thank you to David and Peter for presenting on the night and to all our parents who attended. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #scea #mccsecondary #successinhighschool #helpingyourchild #learning
05.01.2022 A lovely evening at Mundaring Christian College Primary School Celebrations tonight where I presented the Citizenship Award on behalf of the Shire of Mundaring.... A great reminder by Principal McNeil to rest well and a lovely performance of dance and theatre to the whole world in his hands song. I really enjoy meeting our future community leaders. See more
05.01.2022 RSVPs close tonight! Dont miss out
05.01.2022 Working with the EMRC Bush Skills 4 Youth (BS4Y) project officer Cathy Levett, the year 7, 8, and 9 students embarked on an ambitious project to restore the understorey of an area of Jarrah/Marri woodland to the west of the school. Thank you Mr Rosolin for providing the opportunity to our students and well done to all our students for all your hard work! Click the link below to read more.
05.01.2022 On Friday our Year 7 and 8 basketball students headed up to Warick Stadium to take part in the 2020 Interschool Elite Basketball Carnival. All our teams played exceptionally well and did MCC proud! Well done to all our students who took part throughout the day. #mcc #basketball #mccsecondary #scea #warickstadium #mundaringchristiancollege
03.01.2022 Last night we had our MCC Primary Celebration Evening for 2020 and what a celebration it was! We would like to thank Phil Twiss (representing the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP), Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda, and Councillor Toni Burbidge (Shire of Mundaring), who attended the evening to present our students with awards. Well done to all those students who won an award, your commitment and hard work have paid off. Congratulations to all our students for finishing another academ...ic year, especially through the many challenges this year has brought. You did it! Thank you to all our teachers, staff, and parents who helped make this year a great success. We appreciate you all and we could not have done it without you. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccprimary #endofyearcelebration #2020 #scea #ShireofMundaring
02.01.2022 On Friday we had our annual "Meet, Eat & Greet" at our Primary Campus. What a great success it was! We loved seeing everyone gathering and having fun together Students and friends enjoyed the water slides and found dunking their teachers, AND Principal, very amusing. This event is always a great way for new families to meet with the staff and other families in our College community. Thank you to everyone who came out and made the most of this great opportunity. We look forward to journeying this year with you all!
01.01.2022 Well done to all our athletes who took part in the ACC Interschool Sports Carnival last week! You gave it your all and performed outstandingly. Overall, the day was a success and everyone showed great sportsmanship. Well done everyone Thankyou to those who came down to support our athletes, they couldnt have done it without your encouragement and cheering #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccsecondary #scea #ACCsports #athletics #HBFarena
01.01.2022 Have a lovely break everyone! We will see you back in Term 3 #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccprimary #mccsecondary #scea #schoolholidays
01.01.2022 Last night we hosted a "Distinctive Daughters Dessert Night" in the Great Hall at our Secondary Campus. Mums, mum figures, daughters, grandmas, granddaughters, and friends gathered together to enjoy some tasty dessert, freshly made by our Hospitality students, and to listen to guest speaker Linda Roney. Linda Spoke on what it means to be distinctive and how important it is to know that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." She spoke about the importance of taking time to a...ppreciate the women in our lives and to be quick to forgive each other's shortcomings. Linda's message was a powerful and moving one to listen to and we were incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to hear it. Many were moved and left with much to think about. Lynda, thankyou! We appreciate you. We also wanted to thank our very own Marsha Dale (College Chaplain) for organising and putting on such a great event for our MCC community and friends. The night was a great success and we believe it is one of many to come in the future. Thankyou! #destinctivedaughters #dessertnight #dessert #motivationalspeaker #purpose #identity #highschool #mccsecondary #mcc #scea
01.01.2022 Reminder to all current, new, and prospective parents about MCCs Primary Open Day coming up this week Thursday. Please see the event below for more information
01.01.2022 Recently a group of our MCC music students had the opportunity to take part in Eastern Hills Music Concert, along with Guilford Grammar, Helena College, EHSHS, and Swan View SHS. The talent in the room was outstanding! Well done to Lee S., Genevieve M., Boyd H., Ashley S., Evelyn R., London M., Prudence M., and Helena H, you all performed beautifully. Thankyou to music teacher Mrs Meesham who worked with the students in helping them be ready for the evening. The night was a ...great success. #mcc #mundaringchristiancollege #mccsecondary #music #musicperformance #scea
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