Murray Wright & Associates in Sydney, Australia | Personal coach
Murray Wright & Associates
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 407 262 475
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25.01.2022 Here we are again - another week. What is one simple thing you will do differently to make a positive change to the impact you have as a leader? Have a great week!
24.01.2022 What are you trying to achieve this week and why? Listen to Rob Metcalf and hear the other 2 essential questions for leaders
24.01.2022 A bit of fun illustrating how we conform
24.01.2022 Question for the week ahead: What does success look like? If you did that, what would that achieve? Have a great week! Follow the link to get more great leadership questions
24.01.2022 How is your week going? Getting busy and feel the stress? Remember to breathe to give yourself the space to think.
24.01.2022 A great piece about thinking for oneself. Coaching creates the space to allow you to think for yourself
23.01.2022 Trying to multi task? It is a proven fact that we cant do it - both men and women. It results in slower work, poorer quality and wasted time Our brains cannot easily switch context - go back and forth between tasks. When we do this repeatedly, it takes more energy reducing our ability to think clearly and focus. Working longer does not mean more work is done, we are generally just wasting time and energy. Do less to do more. By concentrating on one thing at a time we do it ...better and quicker. Simple things can be done in the way we plan and organise ourselves, there may need to be discussions with the wider team, maybe even you boss, on how to organise and set expectations on working together Try it for August- one thing at a time! Let me know how you go.
22.01.2022 How was you week? a few reflective questions to set you up for the weekend: What went well? What could have gone better? What have I learned and how will I use it?
22.01.2022 Unleashing leadership resources at every level All teams are busy and challenged to do more with less. There is often a narrative around lack of resources and, more often than not, this means people. Everyone is working to full capacity and can’t do more. If that resonates with you, try this exercise to see if you can uncover a few new resources. Explore your own mindset about who is a leader and where leadership is found - see if you can take a view that sees leadership at... every level and everywhere around you. Leadership that has the capacity to take on challenge and get things done. Now, look around you within your own team and at their teams, at your peers’ teams and beyond, really expand your view and see leaders at every level. As you look with a different view - what new resources open up to you? If you shift your mindset and start to see leadership at every level and engage with them as leader to leader, hopefully you see a field full of undiscovered resources and potential just waiting to be unleashed! Good luck with it
22.01.2022 There is a lot of talk about balance at the moment. Here is a great exercise to help you assess how balanced your life is.
21.01.2022 In case you missed my podcast interview with Michael (ep. 70), or want a reminder - here he is explaining why giving advice doesnt work.
21.01.2022 ‘You cannot lead others until you know how to lead yourself’ so said Howard Behar, former President Starbucks... A good place to start with this is to run a simple self-assessment of yourself as a leader. Here is a simple tool to help you know your own leadership better.
20.01.2022 Want to know what mindfulness is and why bother?
20.01.2022 I was walking along the ocean front at Manly the other morning. I could not help noticing the number of people on phones, either talking to someone or listening to something. It reminded me that sometimes we really need to disconnect to connect, to connect with nature, the people with us and ourselves, to be fully present. A simple exercise if you want to give it a try and see what happens. Enjoy!
19.01.2022 Getting things done Often people want to manage time better, however you can't manage time, the clock ticks along - you cannot actually manage it. What you can do is make more conscious choices about how you use the time or opportunity available to you. When you are clear about what you need to do and the importance of it, the choice is clearer and things get done. Happy to share a weekly and daily planning framework that will help you focus on your priorities and get more done. Drop me a note if interested.
19.01.2022 Teams have done really well over the last 8 months, however the extra effort put in, the amount of virtual work and the need to constantly adjust and deliver more with less, is now taking its toll on results, relationships and wellbeing. Mark Powell and I asked the question - what can we do to support leaders going forward in this different world? We explain the team Reset Process in the latest Leadership Moments podcast...
18.01.2022 What impact are you having as a leader? What impact do you want to have?
17.01.2022 A couple of great YouTube videos - worth a watch
15.01.2022 Just in case!
15.01.2022 Looking to find a bit of energy? Listen to Keith on his approach to Covid.
14.01.2022 The final Team Reset podcast - reshape and relaunch. I had great fun doing this with Mark. Drop me a note and I will send you the team Reset worksheet.
14.01.2022 If you want to get some feedback from people on how to work better with them, try asking these three questions: What is one thing I currently do that you would like me to continue to do? What is one thing that I dont do frequently enough that you think I should do more often?... What can I do to make you more effective? Trick here is to keep it to one thing this bring focus - you can always do it again later and see what changes. Would love to hear how it goes!
14.01.2022 A question for the week ahead: If everything were perfect, what would you have a go at? Get more great questions here
13.01.2022 Some simple questions to help you get more clarity on you goals - What does success look like? If you did that, what would that achieve? What would that mean for you? What would that look like for you?... Find more great questions here
13.01.2022 Thinking about your leadership in this different world? Here are some questions to help you: What do my stakeholders need from me in the next 3 6 12 months? What are the traits I need as a leader to achieve that? How do I score against these traits now? Where are the gaps? Where do I need to focus my efforts to make the biggest difference?... Check out my self coaching program that will take you through developing you own leadership vision.
12.01.2022 Sometimes we can get stuck and overwhelmed with things. Here are 2 good questions to help create a shift - What would you do if you could? and What would you do if you had to? Try it on yourself or a friend. Find more great questions here
11.01.2022 Our mindset is a key driver of how we show up as a leader. We can adopt the growth mindset which is seeing challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow and taking ownership and responsibility. A fixed mindset sees everything as too hard and someone else’s fault. 'Yet' is the word that sums it up: fixed says I can’t growth says I can’t yet! Here’s a little video called Leading Above the Line which is about mindset
10.01.2022 Its a different world we are leading in. With pressure on revenue, scare resources and so many things to do, confident leadership is needed for individuals and teams to avoid stagnation, overwhelm and burnout. If leaders can provide a vision for what they can control, get clear on the priorities and engage the team to agree the what, why and how, they will create a shift from a defensive mindset to a creative one with the skills and processes to find opportunities, adapt fas...t, learn and deliver results. The starting place is being aware of your own leadership and having the foundations in place. If you want to be part of my beta test of the Leadership Foundations self coaching program drop me a note and let me know.
09.01.2022 Questions for the week ahead: What are you most excited about in your life right now? Whats the most important lesson youve learned in the last year? Have a great week! Follow the link to get more great leadership questions
08.01.2022 Often at work we get frustrated with people and wonder what is wrong with them.We then label them e.g. lazy or uncooperative. It all becomes very personal. Yet it is often something about the environment they are in that causes this behaviour. Sports superstars can move teams and then bomb. They are the same player with the same skills but something has changed in the wider system and they struggle to perform. It is more useful to ask what is going on in the system that is bringing out this behaviour, and fix that, rather than trying to fix the person.
08.01.2022 How are you doing? How is your team doing? Need a reset? Teams have done really well over the last 8 months, however the extra effort put in, the amount of virtual work and the need to constantly adjust and deliver more with less is now taking its toll on results, relationships and wellbeing. Download the Team Reset worksheet and take the first steps towards your team Reset that brings the team together to pause, and focus on themselves as individuals and a team away from the day to day pressure to do stuff!
07.01.2022 Almost forgot - the latest Leadership Moments podcast
07.01.2022 I came across this quote from Bruce Lee ‘Independent enquiry is needed in your search for truth, not dependence on anyone else’s view or a mere book.’ a great reminder to stay curious and ask more questions!
07.01.2022 Many businesses have cut back on leadership development programs frustrating people who want to learn and grow. However, individuals, teams, families and communities are working their way through many challenges currently and arguably getting more learning and growth than they would from traditional leadership development programs. How are you growing through it? Whats going well? Whats not going so well? What are you learning and how will you use it? Keep reflecting and learning!
06.01.2022 Whats your focus for this week - the one big goal that will make a difference?
06.01.2022 A great talk with Peter Webb to help us understand what wisdom is and how we can apply it better to our decision making along with some compelling leadership moments.
06.01.2022 Is now the time to reassess? Listen to career coach Jill Livesey remind why it is important to stop and think about our career.
04.01.2022 A great piece of advice from Michael Bungay Stanier in the latest Leadership Moments podcast - stop giving advice! A great listen.
04.01.2022 The latest Leadership Moments podcast with Dr Paul Lawrence. Paul shares his insights into systems thinking and how to lead change in a complex world. He talks about collective resilience, how coaching supports change and shares his leadership moment
03.01.2022 Some simple questions to help you get more clarity on you goals - What does success look like? If you did that, what would that achieve? What would that mean for you? What would that look like for you?... Find more great questions here
03.01.2022 A questions for the week ahead! If you could change one thing right now to create the outcome you were looking for, what would that be? Get more leadership questions here
02.01.2022 Not making headway - what do you need to give up to get there?
01.01.2022 Understand leading above the line and why it is so relevant to the different world we are living in. Drop me note if you want to learn more about this.
01.01.2022 I am reading a great book - Why We Sleep - the new science of sleep and dreams. Its is a great reminder of how important sleep is to our overall health. I find it fascinating -just by reading it I am sleeping better! Check it out here
01.01.2022 Get away from it all and escape with a story of great compassion making a difference
01.01.2022 The latest Leadership Moments podcast. Its all about asking questions!
01.01.2022 Having those important conversations and speaking the truth - this is a blog from some time ago but no less relevant and an entertaining watch
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