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Murri-Ailan Way in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Festival

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Murri-Ailan Way

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3138 3261

Address: QUT Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Thanks to QUT Business School's Indigi Business Stall, Eurah Australia will be at Murri-Ailan Way tomorrow and Thursday - Come and try some of their bush remedy tea and honey on sale!

22.01.2022 Today at QUT Gardens Point Murri-Ailan Way #qutindigenous

21.01.2022 Paperbark: First Nation Narratives with Dr Anita Heiss is starting now come on down to the HiQ activity room QUT Kelvin Grove Library

18.01.2022 Kelvin Grove Today #qutindigenous

17.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who made Murri-Ailan Way the great event it was. The Law at QUT event, Storylines: Women, Law & Culture discussion with an all Alumna panel of Magistrate Jacqui Payne, Lawyers Cassie Lang and Stephanie Parkin, and Law graduate Allison Boland speaking of their influences, challenges and achievements on their journey as Aboriginal women breaking through the glass ceiling in the legal profession. QUT Kelvin Grove Library brought Paperbark: First Nation Nar...ratives presenting the encapsulating Anita Heiss as she reflected on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who influenced her passion of the pen with word, verse and rhyme. QUT Business School gave Eurah Australia, KADU Designa Earrings & Accessories, BOMSY and Kaizi Traditional Coconut Oils - four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander start up businesses the opportunity to promote and sell their merchandise at the Indigi Business stalls. The Faculty of Health proudly brought Aunty Dale Chapman's @First Foods Co. with bush cuisine samples and supplies for all the foodies out there while the Institute of Future Environments gave us Murri-Ailan Way favorite Aunty Edna's basket weaving workshops. QUT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student group Indigiso held boomerang painting and sand art design stations for everyone to partake in. Commonwealth Games artist and Medal designer Delvene Cockatoo-Collins Art held lino print workshops for the quick participants who were lucky enough to secure a seat but also had her wares on sale for all. Dance performances from Yerongpan Aboriginal Dancers, Yulu-Burri-Ba Aboriginal dancers and Jaran Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Company across the day and twilight events, then capping the 4 day festival off, QUT (Queensland University of Technology) gave the lucky punters the multi award winning Thelma Plum and Digi Youth Arts outfit The Ancient Bloods to let their hair down from a massive week celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women aligning with the National NAIDOC theme "Because of Her, We Can!". The Murri-Ailan Way team sincerely want to thank all our partners, speakers, perfomers, artists and suppliers for making this week possible but most of all you, the lovers and likers who came to celebrate Murri-Ailan Way - It was because of you, we could! :)

17.01.2022 TOMORROW AT 10AM - Storylines of Women, Law & Culture Bringing 'Storylines of Women, Law & Culture' to life, hear from an all- Indigenous female panel who have carved out their own path and continue to campaign for change in the law and justice system. Panellists include QUT Alumni: Magistrate Jacqui Payne, Cassie Lang, Stephanie Parkin and Allison Boland. Seats are limited register your attendance #QUTIndigenous #qutlaw... See more

12.01.2022 Murri-Ailan Way Poet's platform - Feature Poet Joella Warkill Joella is a proud Aboriginal and South Sea Islander woman, originally from Rockhampton, Central Queensland. Joella’s passion for The Arts lies in Dance and Creative Writing. Joella’s spoken word/poetry is often focused around issues that affect her reality, but are not confronted as much as they should be in our society. She hopes to one day use her creative angle and background to influence our youth in a positiv...e manner. Joella is part of the Digi Youth Arts Poet's Platform session on Thursday evening 9th August at the Good Will Lawn, Gardens Point Campus from 6pm. #DYA #qutindigenous #NAIDOC #becauseofherwecan

08.01.2022 Profiling Poets Platform presenter Emily Wells! Murri-Ailan Way is cheering to have Emily Wells back again, presenting the Poets Platform with the Digi Youth Arts crew. Get down to the Goodwill Lawn GP on Thursday afternoon/evening and hear our youth speak some truth! Emily Wells is a proud Kamilaroi woman and passionate creative, born and raised on the Sunshine Coast. Emily is a keen producer andperformer whose creative practice spans across diverse roles and art forms but p...articularly in theatre, events and festivals, and non-for-profit arts organisations. Having recently graduated from QUT with a Bachelor of Entertainment Industries with Distinction, Emily is passionate about supporting creatives, empowering our youth, and strengthening the visibility of Indigenous knowledges, perspectives and practice in the Australian arts sector. Emily is currently working as a Producer with Digi Youth Arts, BlakDance and Supercell Dance Festival, and sincerely thanks everyone who continues to support her journey in this industry. Nice one Em! #qutindigenous #DYA

07.01.2022 Profiling Digi Youth Arts talent Kane Brunjes who will be part of Murri-Ailan Ways Poets Platform this evening fron 6pm at the Goodwill Lawn, QUT Gardens Point campus. All the events start from 3pm if your free around then! Kane Brunjes is a Gunggari man from Murgon. He is an artist who’s practice spans both public and gallery realms. He currently studies Visual Arts at the Queensland University of Technology. Through creating art Brunjes aims to solidify and represent a portrayal of how he observes and reacts to the environment surrounding him. Brunjes has an inherit and continuous urge to express himself through a variety of creative outlets. #DYA #qutindigenous

05.01.2022 If you're still yearning for some Thelma Plum, here then!

02.01.2022 Murri-Ailan Way Kelvin Grove a vibrant festival of Australia’s rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture with traditional dances and dance workshops, basket weaving, bush food tasting and art workshops. #QUTIndigenous #murriailanway

02.01.2022 The Ancient Bloods

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