Murrnong in Violet Town, Victoria | Farm
Locality: Violet Town, Victoria
Phone: +61 409 666 425
Address: 4446 Murchison-Violet Town Rd 3669 Violet Town, VIC, Australia
Likes: 942
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25.01.2022 Turmeric harvested, in good nick despite spending winter in pots outside. It's more resilient to frost than I thought! Now we're drying it over the wood stove, and looking forward to many soothing delicious turmeric lattes. #turmeric #growturmeric #turmericlatte #growityourself #curcumin #gurkmeja #odlagurkmeja
24.01.2022 We are pleased to be working with Humanitix for our booking platform. They have a social enterprise model, so they get paid for their work and cover their costs, with profits going to support education projects for the world's most disadvantaged children. Humanitix
24.01.2022 #Repost @kimcarterartandgarden (@get_repost) Very excited to announce that permaculture educator David Arnold @murrnongfarm will be running an Introduction to Permaculture workshop day at our place! We’ll be looking at permaculture design strategies and how they can be applied to a household. Composting, chooks, bees, guinea pigs(!) food growing and preserving, critical thinking and designing, steps to work with what you already have and build a more resilient household. ...Bernie and I completed our Permaculture Design Certificate with David in 2918/2019 and in two years have transformed the way we grow food (on a normal size house block harvesting 300kg of fruit and veg so far this year plus eggs and honey). Info and bookings link in the bio. #permacultureworkshop #murrnong #permaculturegarden #permacultureeducation #composting #chooks #bees #permielife #permaculturelifestyle See more
22.01.2022 Our miniature cuttings garden! The pot-in-pot technique keeps the roots in a confined space for easy transplanting, without too much tangling. We're growing drought tolerant flowering herbs, for culinary and medicinal use for us and forage for the bees, and salt bush for the goats. #cuttings #propagation #herbs #herbgarden #medicinalherbs #lavanduladentata #salviaofficinalis #geranium #rosemary #saltbush
22.01.2022 Cheese yield 12 liters of goat milk made into 1,95 kg halloumi and 450g ricotta. The leftover whey feeds the chooks, the cat and the garden - nothing wasted. #cheesemaking #homecheesemaking #halloumi #ricotta #goatscheese #diy #nowaste #nosuchthingaswaste #whey
21.01.2022 'Hungarian Hot Wax' chilli is pumping! Strong seedlings in our own chook pen deep litter compost. #seedlings #seedraising #compost #deeplitter #chilli #useandvaluerenewableresourcesandservices
21.01.2022 This well made (but not well secured) little nest fell from a stone pine tree near the house. Close inspection revealed that some of David's hair from his last haircut in the garden by Cecilia has been used as soft bedding inside the nest. So it seems David really is a positive part of the Murrnong ecology.
21.01.2022 We share our farm and our life with a lot of people, and are really happy when it works out so well, as it did with April and Jacob.
20.01.2022 Kimchi! When some of our daikons started sprouting flower stalks we made kimchi, the Korean salted and fermented spicy dish. Surplus enhanced and they'll store for a year though I doubt they'll make it that long - it's delicious! #kimchi #fermentation #fermentingfood #homemadeferments #daikon #daikonradish #inseason #rättika #fermentering #ätsäsongsanpassat @ Murrnong
19.01.2022 As the saying goes - fire wood will warm you many times. My Saturday splitting session followed David's Friday felling day, and will be succeeded by a stacking extravaganza. Farm gym keeps us warm, and healthy. #firewood #woodsplitting #woodpile #farmgym #winterwarmer #farmforestry #obtainayield #usesmallandslowsolutions #naturalhealth
19.01.2022 This Sunday, seed saving for the backyard vegetable grower, online workshop
18.01.2022 Nice vehicle belonging to our new neighbours travelling past our place recently.
18.01.2022 Goat's cheeses on our table. #goatscheese #getost #getostar #cheesemakingathome #homemadefood #fromagedechevre
17.01.2022 A second round of lockdown has just started in Victoria, a difficult time for many of us. The rainbow reminds us about the way forward - local connection to our food and resources, regenerative stewardship of the land we inhabit, be it an urban back yard or a big farm, and practical skills for yourself and your community. A deep connection with our resource base gives us the adaptive resilience needed to ease the transition into our new future. #covid19 #lockdown #peakeverything #resilience #regenerativeagriculture #reskilling #skillsforthefuture #endoftherainbow #createtheworldyouwanttosee
17.01.2022 Collecting chook nest bedding for the year on this sunny Sunday, after the spring mowing of the orchard. #chooks #chickens #usesmallandslowsolutions #makehaywhenthesunshines #usewhatyouhave #springshift
16.01.2022 This is our mower. She is a pleasure to maintain. She needs good food, rest, quiet, cups of tea and a book. We tractor mow between the tree rows, and Cecilia scythes along them. We don't have a petrol push mower any more, and have never had a whipper snipper. This is part of the spring shift, changing the balance from carbon and soil building winter grass, to fruit trees. #murrnongfarm #useandvaluerenewableresourcesandservices #scythe #traditionalskills #usesmallandslowsolutions #springshift
15.01.2022 Nice to see carob pods on the trees this year. Many of these will be used as a high protein goat feed. The sweetest pods will be used to make carob chai. Pods boiled on the wood stove for about 4 hrs, removed, he tea spiced by boiling with ginger, chilli and cloves, removed, then black tea leaves for a couple of minutes, and we finish up by adding our goats milk, and bringing to simmer. Infuser baskets allow spices and tea leaves to be easily removed. The carob pods that ...we grow here give a rich sweet flavour that takes the place of cinnamon and cardamon, which we can't grow here. #chai #carob #carobtrees #murrnongfarm #obtainayield #mediterraneanclimate #mediterranean #heavyshade #treecrops #treefodder #perennialfood #naturalsweetness #traditionalfood
15.01.2022 Garlic is harvested and hung! We're trying Australian Red this year, a Victorian variety with large bulbs and cloves, suited for our winter frosts and dry hot summers. I'm no wizzard with the braiding, but managed one for next year's seed garlic. #garlic #australianred #garlicbraid #vitlök #odlavitlök
13.01.2022 Flower delivery! A fellow town person's iso birthday made bright by a posie from a sister in locked-down Melbourne, via us at Murrnong. Wild and cultivated useful plants from our farm, delivered by bike. Happy carbon free local sustainable birthday! #flowers #wildflowers #wildboquet #iso #covidisolation #lockdownmelbourne #buylocal #zerowaste #sustainablegifts
12.01.2022 Winter greens, a nutritious feast. Our favourite go to is Green Soup - whatever greens you have, lots of it, including those cauliflower leaves or carrot tops, cooked with spices of your choice, wizzed and served with crutons and a dollop of yoghurt. Simple, delicious, and packed with zing. #wintergreens #winterfood #wintersoup #soupforthesoul #producenowaste #easycooking #eatseasonal #inseason #foodthatheals #foodasmedicine
11.01.2022 We got a heap of mulch on before this first of summer's hot spells. It's a busy time, trying to keep up with the racing whether! #springprep #inseason #zucchini #summerveggies #mulch #soilcare #buildingsoil
10.01.2022 Who bought mandarins from @murrnongfarm on Friday? We love the notes our producers add; get all the wisdom of a farmers market from the comfort of your couch ...#strathbogielocal #regionalvictoria #murrnong #euroa #violettown #strathbogie #ruffy #longwood #supportlocal #strathbogieshire #lowfoodmiles See more
09.01.2022 Join us for the 2021 Murrnong PDC, 6 weekends over 5 months through summer and autumn. Our base is the outdoor teaching space at Murrnong, with site visits to other design examples ranging from intensive urban to rural. Early bird tickets until Nov 30 #permaculturedesigncourse #pdc #onsitelearning #permaculture #murrnongfarm #observeandinteract #permaculturedesign #davidarnold #becklowe #davidholmgren #permaculturevictoria #retrosuburbia #northeastvictoria #northcentralvictoria #riverinansw #permaculturemelbourne #wangaratta #shepparton #echuca #albury #wodonga #seymour #mansfield #alexandra #blackbarnfarm
08.01.2022 If you can't fix it you don't own it. My mending is not exactly the Japanese kintsugi technique, but I certainly don't mind visible mending. Used, loved, fixed, loved some more! @dinannat The beautiful socks you knitted are still going strong, with a bit of support. #repair #reuse #repairmanifesto #darning #patches #mending #visiblemending #visiblepatches #wearitlikeacrown
08.01.2022 Come along to our tour this Sunday, Dec 6. See what 23 years of development and permaculture living can look like, for this place and us people. Use link in bio to find details and booking link through the tours and workshops page. #permaculturedesign #northcentralvictoria #northeastvictoria #selfreliantliving #treecrops #treefodder #perennialfood #integrateratherthansegregate #createtheworldwewant
07.01.2022 Chook proofing fail! We put long stems of scythed grass and thick branches around some small orchard trees, to keep the chooks from scratching the wood chip compost underneath, and displacing it. Ronja could not care less about our pitiful attempts. #chickens #chickenscratching #mulch #compost #freerange #freerangechickens #chooks #chickensofinstagram #orchard #treeguard #chookproof #ittakesmorethanthat
06.01.2022 Spring feelings in our dam where the pobblebonks, eastern banjo frogs, have been serenading day and night this week. There's ten times more frog spawn this time than we've ever seen, frothy collections of it floating all along the water's edge. Looks good for getting the mosquito larvae sorted for summer, even with our regularly visiting white-faced herons taking their share. #pobblebonk #easternbanjofrog #springfeelings #wildlife #farmwildlife #farmforwildlife #habitat #useandvaluediversity #earthcare #fairshare
06.01.2022 First elm seeds spotted! One of my favourite things to forage, with a generally very short duration. Go get now! Grab a handful as a mid walk snack, and use them in a sallad. Soft and nutty, a spring treat. #forage #foraging #elmseeds #elm #eatwildplants #sallad #wildfood #seasonalfood #inseason #alm #almfrön #vildmat
05.01.2022 2 weeks old, going strong #chickensofinstagram #chickens #piggyback #hitchingaride
05.01.2022 Trimming an overgrown beak. Our Welsommer Katla is about 8 years old and not as active as she once was. Her upper beak had grown long and started to curve down, and would soon start to affect her ability to feed, and preen her feathers. With a toe nail clipper I carefully cut it back, making sure to maintain a natural shape, and gently filed away any rough edges with a fine sand paper. #chooks #chookcare #fortheloveofchickens #oldhen #foreverhome #beaktrimming #höns #äldrehönor #näbbvård
03.01.2022 The almond flowers are already heralding the arrival of spring in these parts, only a month after the winter solstice. While our bees are in tune I find myself a bit surprised, being used to long cold Swedish winters. Time to flow with it like like the bees, and get the summer seeds started. -Cecilia #observeandinteract #inseason #spr-inter #spring #springtime #almondflowers #beesofinstagram
03.01.2022 Evening sky #sky #clouds #naturalbeauty
03.01.2022 Our broad beans keeled over slightly in the recent rains, but the supports did a good job holding them up. They grow well and flower profusely, so good supports will be even more helpful when they start fruiting. #broadbeans #plantsupport #gardening #winterveggies #springcrop #bondbönor #grönsaksodling #växtstöd #vinterodlingiaustralien @ Murrnong
02.01.2022 Garlic scapes for dinner tonight. Yum! #garlic #garlicscapes #fortheloveofgarlic #nosuchthingaswaste #lovefood #eatinseason #eatseasonal #eatseasonally
01.01.2022 The mother-daughter joint birthday was honoured with mother-daghter joined bouquets, with roses and edibles from our garden. #flowers #bouquet #roses #ediblebouquet #motherdaughter #motherdaughterbond #localflowers #localgifts
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