Music, Mind & Wellbeing | Brand
Music, Mind & Wellbeing
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25.01.2022 Dont forget! MMWs annual postgraduate research symposium is next Wednesday, the 22nd November. Get your tickets here:
25.01.2022 There are a limited number of tickets left for this public lecture. Register your place now!
24.01.2022 We are seeking participants for research that is exploring how music programming on radio impacts the lives of older listeners across Australia.To find out more, listen to Dr Amanda Krause on Triple R - 3RRR 102.7FM Radiotherapy on Triple R
23.01.2022 Join us at 11.00am tomorrow for Dr Amanda Krause, Radio Listening for Well-being in Older Age in the Heinze room, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music.
23.01.2022 MSPS researchers are looking for Australian participants to complete 7 days of short surveys about their emotions using a smartphone app. Participants will earn... up to $45 in gift cards, and receive a personalized report of their emotions across the week. To read more and sign up, click on this link: See more
22.01.2022 Join Dr Margaret Osborne from MMW and a panel of experts to discuss the pressure to be perfect at the fabulous Science Gallery Melbourne.
22.01.2022 The Wellbeing Helpline for musicians is accessible 24 hours a day on 1800 959 500 within Australia. Teeth & Tongue SixFtHick (official) Jack Colwell
22.01.2022 Are you a musician? We would like to invite you to participate in a research project investigating the use of group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for music performance anxiety.(MPA).
22.01.2022 Are musicians born or made? Dr. Yi Ting Tan, Prof. Gary McPherson, Prof. Sam Berkovic, Prof. Isabelle Peretz and Prof. Sarah Wilson are exploring this question with an Australian Research Council funded twin study. Like and follow the study's page to find out more and keep up to date with this exciting research!
22.01.2022 Learn how perform your best under pressure with our performance science specialist Dr Margaret Osborne.
21.01.2022 Want to keep up to date with MMW? Subscribe to our mailing list to hear directly about any upcoming events:
21.01.2022 We are seeking study participants for a number of research projects involving music for people with dementia, twins and singing and enhancing lives through music on the radio.
21.01.2022 Are you interested in learning about how music can be used to improve mindfulness? Tune in to Spotify's 'Mindful Music' live stream tomorrow night from 6.30pm to hear Music, Mind and Wellbeing's Dr Amanda Krause weigh in on this fascinating topic! #SpotifyTalks
20.01.2022 We are aiming to recruit 1,500 pairs of twins to test their abilities to hear different pitches accurately and their ability to sing in tune. If you are interested in participating in this study (or know someone who should!), visit:
19.01.2022 Individuals who deeply grasp the pain or happiness of others also differ from others in the way their brains process music, a new study by researchers at Southern Methodist University, Dallas and UCLA suggests.
19.01.2022 MMW's 2017 postgraduate research symposium is coming up on Wednesday 22nd November. Head to our website to find out more:
18.01.2022 Are singers born or made? It has been a busy year as we get closer to untangling the relative role of genetics and environment on singing ability. Over 700 twi...ns have taken part in this fun and fascinating study, but unfortunately we are still far from our minimum target of 600 twin pairs. Only two weeks remain of our second wave of recruitment. Twin pairs who complete the study by midnight 13 December, 2018 will be eligible for the lucky draw to win $1,000 worth of eGift cards between them. We will draw the winners on the 14 December, just in time for the festive season. Twins aged over 15 years are invited to express their interest in participating via the link below. We would especially love to hear from male twins and female non-identical twins.
18.01.2022 We are delighted to announce that the Call for Papers for the next AMPS conference, running in conjunction with the International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS), is now open! Check the link below, and see you all in Melbourne in July next year!!
18.01.2022 What's the art behind a supermarket playlist? Join MMW's Dr Amanda Krause as we explore how music influences our behaviour in gyms, shops and pubs and we put it to the test in a French vs Italian wine experiment.
16.01.2022 Join us this afternoon for Blinded by emotion: How emotion shapes what we see at 4:15pm in the Malaysia Theatre of the Melbourne School of Design featuring Dr... Steven Most based at the University of New South Wales. Followed by refreshments! This event will be delivered in academic language.
16.01.2022 Our friends at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences have launched their new PsychTalks series for ideas and discussion related to psychology. We will be working with them on events in 2019! Check them out here.
16.01.2022 Find out more about why singing is good for you!
15.01.2022 Whats the art behind a supermarket playlist? Join MMWs Dr Amanda Krause as we explore how music influences our behaviour in gyms, shops and pubs and we put it to the test in a French vs Italian wine experiment.
14.01.2022 Want to know why people with congenital amusia can still enjoy music? Prof. Sarah Wilson discusses this with Val McFarlane in an article for pursuit.
13.01.2022 Music as Medicine - MMW Newsletter
12.01.2022 Catalyst aired their episode, It's a Twin Thing, on October 31, 2017, where MMW's Professor Sarah Wilson and Yi Ting Tan discussed how the findings from their twin study suggest that there may be an underlying genetic basis to musical ability.
12.01.2022 Tonight: Hear Dr Amanda Krause speak as part of #SpotifyTalks 'Mindful Music' live stream at 6.30pm to hear about the role music plays in our health and wellbeing.
12.01.2022 Dr Jeanette Tamplin is using therapeutic singing groups to connect people living with dementia
10.01.2022 Are you interested in the role music has in trauma recovery? Earlier this year, MMW researchers Professor Felicity Baker, Dr Samantha Dieckmann and James Richmond discussed this topic as part of the Music on the Mind series at the Melbourne Recital Centre. You can hear the podcast of this fantastic event here:
10.01.2022 Don't forget! MMW's annual postgraduate research symposium is next Wednesday, the 22nd November. Get your tickets here:
09.01.2022 How long can you stand still for when music is playing? This article is jam packed with research links about all things music and movement. Why do we move music? Do we plan it or is it spontaneous? What happens inside our brains when we hear and then move to music? Enjoy reading this article and maybe do a little boogie as you read it!
09.01.2022 The latest MMW newsletter is here! This edition is full of exciting news about our latest research. Check out our upcoming events!
08.01.2022 Feeling burnt out? Why not take some time for yourself. Our 6-week Mindfulness group program involves the teaching and practicing of mindfulness skills in a gro...up format. Group 5: Monday 9 November until Monday 14 December, 2020 12.00 2.00pm Group 6: Friday 13 November until Friday 18 December,, 2020 12.00 2.00pm
08.01.2022 Tonight: Hear Dr Amanda Krause speak as part of #SpotifyTalks Mindful Music live stream at 6.30pm to hear about the role music plays in our health and wellbeing.
06.01.2022 Catalyst aired their episode, Its a Twin Thing, on October 31, 2017, where MMWs Professor Sarah Wilson and Yi Ting Tan discussed how the findings from their twin study suggest that there may be an underlying genetic basis to musical ability.
06.01.2022 Join us this afternoon for 'Blinded by emotion: How emotion shapes what we see' at 4:15pm in the Malaysia Theatre of the Melbourne School of Design featuring Dr... Steven Most based at the University of New South Wales. Followed by refreshments! This event will be delivered in academic language.
06.01.2022 Does experiencing a musically rich environment have the same impact as active music learning? The answer is mostly no! This study found that there is no si...gnificant relationship between exposure to a musically-enriched environment, executive sub-functions (planning, inhibition and working memory), and short-term memory ... however [it] can influence verbal IQ.
06.01.2022 MMWs 2017 postgraduate research symposium is coming up on Wednesday 22nd November. Head to our website to find out more:
04.01.2022 Check out this cute animation created by Dots Singing & based on a video posted by the ABC Classic FM of Professor Sarah Wilson explaining "What happens to your brain when you sing?"
04.01.2022 Join Prof Isabelle Peretz as she sidesteps the nature-nurture debate to explore the neurobiological foundations of musical prodigies.
03.01.2022 Have you heard? Music, Mind and Wellbeing has a new website! Head on over and have a look:
03.01.2022 Do you, or someone you care for, have dementia? Music therapy may help.