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MVH Constructions

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25.01.2022 Sustainable House Open Day this Sunday. Check out to see locations. It’s a day where people open up their Sustainable Houses for people to check out. It’s an opportunity not to be missed. Make sure you get around it!!! #sustainablehouseday #letsbuildbetter #mvhconstructions #greenliving

24.01.2022 Always time for a cheeky snooze!!! #workingdogs #brunswickbuild #kelpielife #mvhconstructions

23.01.2022 After diving head first into the world that is Passive House, returning to school, studying and sitting the examinations, I have the pleasure to now call myself a Certified Passive House Tradesman. #passivehouse #passivehouseaustralia #passivehousetradesperson

21.01.2022 Fitzroy North Just about complete (minus the furniture). One photo just doesn’t do this room justice!!! #christmasdeadline #bespokebuilder #blackbutt #artwork #loba #plywood @drawingroomarchitecture @superbsignandpaint #openfireplace #bigrivertimber #armourpanel #mattefinish #velux #letthelightin #pendantlights #shadowline #oblicafireplaces #attentiontodetail #mvhconstructions #floorboards #beautifuldesign #fitzroynorth #unofficialphotoshoot

20.01.2022 Going , next stop first floor!!! #sitedog #brunswickproject #mvhconstructions #onschedule @drawingroomarchitecture

19.01.2022 Kitchen complete and project almost all wrapped up in time for Xmas. #itsawrap #xmasrush #attentiontodetail #timberbenchtop #pendantlights #recycledlane #padarc #mvhconstructions #floorboards @wattlevalleykitchens @recycledlane @superbsignandpaint #thanksallinvolved

18.01.2022 A cracking winters day to set stuck into this inner city gem, stripping it back to its bare bones before can get stuck right into it!!! #mvhconstructions #qualityconstruction #melbournebuilder @drawingroomarchitecture

17.01.2022 Back to school for the week, let’s see where this rabbit hole takes us!!! #buildingbetter #alwayslearning #dontsitstill #dontknowwhatyoudontknow

16.01.2022 The next best thing to having a bath outside!!! #treehouseproject #projectcomplete #coburg #melbournearchitecture #attentiontodetail #skylight #freestandingbath @ip_architecture #timber #letthelightin #bathroomdesign #melbournebuilder #mvhconstructions

15.01.2022 Made a sneaky pre Xmas start on this beautiful old home this, weather has been very kind and excited to get this transformation underway!!! @ip_architecture #prestonproject #melbournebuilder #beforeshot #staytuned #architecture #weatherboardhouse

13.01.2022 Recessed curved pelmet in the ceiling. @ip_architecture #prestonproject #attentiontodetail #mvhconstructions #curvedpelmet #melbournebuilder #design #windows #carpentryskills #lookup #clevercarpenters #sustainablebuilder

10.01.2022 Water tank arrived on site today. Fits right in and looks like it’s always been there!!! I love these sustainable features on our projects as much as any of the other features!!! Architect: @ip_architecture ... #sustainability#sustainableliving #sustainablebuilding #watertank #renew #melbournebuilder #harvestrain #greenliving #mvhconstructions #sunshine #galwatertank #gardenphoto #backyard

10.01.2022 Spring has Sprung!!! Looks like handover of our Brunswick project has happened a little prematurely for some!!! #springtime #birdslife #innercitybuilding #brunswick #mvhconstructions #drawingroomarchitecture

09.01.2022 A sneaky work in progress pic of our Preston Project. Silvertop Ash battens were installed today on the underside of the pergola, to add warmth and diffuse plenty of natural light. This is the section where the old house meets the new addition. Still partially under wraps but getting closer to a completion. ... @ip_architecture @radialtimber @binqwindows #timberbattens #hardwood #outdoorliving #deck #melbournearchitecture #attentiontodetail #letthelightin #sustainablebuilding #cladding #mvhconstructions #pinkflowers

08.01.2022 Our clients get to move back into our Preston project today after less than 6 months of construction. Been an awesome project to deliver, enjoy!!! #handover #finishedaheadofschedule #looksawesome #melbournebuilder #blackbutt #walkinshower #shavingcabinet @wattlevalleykitchens

07.01.2022 Loving the little surprises we keep getting as this project continues to evolve!!! #gettingclose #light #australianharwood #wallart @drawingroomarchitecture

06.01.2022 Blackbutt posts in. . This beautiful Australian Hardwood has been coated in @cutek_global and will be an intricate part of the external living area aesthetics. @ip_architecture #workingwithwood #australianhardwood #blackbutttimber #timberposts #builder #summertime @Britton timbers

05.01.2022 These two absolute champions knocking off for a well earned Summer break. Been a pretty epic couple of weeks, such hard and reliable workers. Thanks for another great year boys enjoy your break!!! Merry Christmas #masterchippyscott #connortheapprentice #attentiontodetail #craftsmanship #melbournebuilder

04.01.2022 No more ladder climbs to get upstairs!!! #newstairs #timber #melbournebuilder #openspaces #nearlyfinished #innercitybuilding @drawingroomarchitecture

03.01.2022 Preston Project framework , time to start dressing this little beauty and making her look the part!!! #watchthisspace #framework #builderslife #melbournebuilder #architecture #whenqualitymatters #prestonproject #mvhconstructions @connor_frawley

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