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Macedonian Welfare Association of NSW in Port Kembla, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation

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Macedonian Welfare Association of NSW

Locality: Port Kembla, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4275 2266

Address: Cnr. Allan St. & Wentworth Lane 2505 Port Kembla, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Заштитете ги вашите наблиски. Едноставни чекори можат да го спречат ширеето на корона вирусот

24.01.2022 Join the NSW Health team and special guest Dr Kerry Chant, Chief Health Officer, this Monday 30 November at 5.30pm AEDT for a free webinar on #COVID19 contact and mandatory electronic check-in. This webinar is open to all people who support #multicultural communities in South Western Sydney. Please share the invite with any colleagues who you think will benefit. The webinar will cover: the contact tracing process; what information is collected and why in-language support available for people who need to speak to contact tracers how privacy is protected the help and resources available for people who need to self-isolate communicating with people from multicultural backgrounds mandatory electronic check-in (e.g. QR code check-in) for cafes and restaurants. looking ahead: COVID-19 safe advice for the summer months Limited online spots. Register now: Swslhd Consumer and Community Participation

23.01.2022 Wash your hands regularly, keep your loved ones and yourself safe!

22.01.2022 Home caregivers for people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should: Ensure the ill persons rests , drinks plenty of fluids and eats nutritious food. W...ear a medical mask when in the same room with an ill person. Do not touch the mask or face during use and discard it afterward. Frequently clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based rub, especially: after any type of contact with the ill person or their surroundings before, during and after preparing food before eating after using the toilet Use dedicated dishes , cups, eating utensils, towels and bedlinens for the ill person. Wash dishes, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedlinens used by the ill person with soap and water. Identify frequently touched surfaces by the ill person and clean and disinfect them daily. Call your health care facility immediately if the ill person worsens or experiences difficulty breathing. See more

21.01.2022 Честит и вечен Илинден! Среен празник на сите, срено име и срена слава на тие што слават

21.01.2022 Shout out to young people around the Don’t risk your life, play it safe and help end the COVID-19 pandemic! #YouthDay

20.01.2022 Дали ги знаете симптомите на корона вирусот? Ако не сте сигурни а покажувате некои слаби симптоми, тестирате се

20.01.2022 Vnimavajte, I najobichnite neshta mozhat da go shirat korona virusot! Mijte gi racete chesto

20.01.2022 As the weather gets warmer, don't forget to be sun safe and keep hydrated when getting active outside. Remember to slip, slop, slap, seek and slide

19.01.2022 Дури и ако имате слаби симптоми на треска, кашлица, надразнето грло, се чувствувате без здив, ги имате изгубено чулата на вкус и мирис, ви тече носот, имате болки во зглобовите и мускулите, главоболка, пролив, повраате или пак сте го изгубиле апетитот, одете веднаш да се тестирате.

18.01.2022 Self-care is important to prevent stress and anxiety, all while helping you to be more productive. Remember, taking time for yourself and recharging helps you be more effective and resilient to handle stress! Find out more about healthy screen time habits here:

17.01.2022 Загриженоста на сите е голема, бидеи постои можност да корона вирусот се уште е меу нас, циркулира тивко, неприметливо. Затоа е многу битно да се тестирате. Колку повее тестирае толку поголема можност за да се открие. Ако не се чувствувате добро, ако сте ги посетиле некои од местата кои се прогласени за жаришта и извори на инфекциа или пак не сте сигурни дали можеби сте инфектирани, тестирате се. Тестирате се и чувате се, и себе си и вашите намили!

17.01.2022 2020 has been a year filled with uncertainty which can be very overwhelming and stressful. Now more than ever it is important to look after your mental health a...nd wellbeing by keeping up healthy daily habits. Find out how building healthy habits can improve your headspace: If you're feeling worried or overwhelmed, support is available 24/7 at the Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service on 1800 512 348. #MentalHealthMonth

16.01.2022 Наголемиот бро на инфектирани од корона вирусот е ка младите на воздраст од 18-35 години. Обрнете внимание и тестирате се

16.01.2022 Корона вирусот може да живее на разни површини. Обични работи како рачките на колите, копчината на банкоматот или на семафорите можат да допринесат кон ширее на корона вирусот. Миете ги рацете, редовно!

16.01.2022 Slow return to a new normal Stay safe everyone

16.01.2022 Testirajte se sekogas koga pokazuvate znaci na virus out ili pak ne se cuvstvuvate dobro bez razlika ako prethodno ste bile testirani. Bidete vnimatelni, testirajte se i bidete bezbedni

16.01.2022 Едноставни и секодневни работи можад да придонесат до ширее на корона вирусот. Не заборавете да откако е го наполните вашето возило со бензин, да употребите санитизер за вашите раце.

16.01.2022 Внимавате, ако вашето дете или внуче не се чувствува добро, пратете ги упатствата и советите на здравствените експерти.

14.01.2022 Честит 2 Август - Илинден ( на фотографиите се ученици од Македонски бисери од Волонгонг, НВ со цртежи по повод големиот празник)

14.01.2022 Mental Health Month might be coming to an end but keep up the mental fitness challenge! Like physical fitness, practice makes us stronger! #wmhd2020 #mentalhealth #mentalfitness

13.01.2022 Sexual assault is a serious crime!

13.01.2022 Mandatno elektrosko registriranje od 25 noemvri Za poveke informacija prosledete go linkot

13.01.2022 Wearing a mask can make the difference in preventing COVID-19

11.01.2022 Честит денот на Таткото, на сите татковци и на сите оние што имаат таква улога во светот! Вие сте инспирациа за идните генерации. Happy Father’s Day to all fathers and father figures in the world! You are an inspiration to future generations.

10.01.2022 Едноставни секодневни работи и акти како што се взаемно користее на пенкалата, менито или упаачите или пак соларниците, можат да придонесат кон ширее на корона вирусот. Бидете претпазливи и миете ги рацете често за да се заштитите себеси и вашите наблиски.

10.01.2022 Great catching up with Oliver Dimoski from Shilo Magazine, Roza from the Macedonian Australian Welfare Association (MAWA) and Verica from the Macedonian Welfare Association of NSW.

07.01.2022 Predupreduvanje od toplotni udari vo ova zesko vreme. Bidete pretpazlivi, izbegnuvajte da stoite ili sedite direktno izlozeni na sonce i piete dosta voda za da bidete postojano hidrirani.

07.01.2022 За да се спречи ширеето на корона вирусот во заедницата, сите треба активно да учествуваме. Помогнете во заштитата на тие на кои им е напотребна.

06.01.2022 Намалете го ризикот од корона вирусот, практикувате често миее на рацете, кашлате во лактовите, не ги допирате вашите очи, ограничете го времето поминато во гужви, избегнувате близок контакт со неко коj е болен и често чистете го површините што често се допираат.

06.01.2022 Во ова бурно неизвесно време во кое живееме, стресот има големо влиание на сите нас. Посебно ако сте здравствен работник и ако се чувствувате натежнати од стресот, обратете се до неко во кого имате доверба или пак побарате да зборувате со советник/ психолог.

06.01.2022 Bidete vnimatelni, piete voda i namalete gi moznostite za soncev udar

06.01.2022 How to wear a non-medical fabric mask safely during COVID-19: Do’s and don’ts

05.01.2022 Бидете внимателни и следете ги упатствата од страна на здравствените експерти за целовкупна заштита од и намалувае на ширеето на корона вирусот. Чувате се себеси и другите околу вас!

05.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE MACEDONIA’S CURRENT GEOPOLITICAL CRISIS WILL AFFECT MACEDONIANS WORLDWIDE 30 November 2020, Sydney... Macedonia’s current geopolitical situation is increasingly alarming, traumatic and harmful to ethnic Macedonians in Macedonia, Australia and throughout the diaspora. Existential threats from internal and external factors and political forces, including the current anti-Macedonian Government in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as neighbouring Bulgaria and Greece, are determined to extinguish the eternal Macedonian spirit, national identity, ancient past, historical figures and heroes, culture, language and Church on a global scale. The unprecedented conditions imposed upon Macedonia in order to gain admission to the NATO alliance and now the EU amount to ethnocide on a monumental level. This is evidenced with Macedonia forced to sign one-sided agreements and treaties negating the historical and constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia and our ancient and recent past, language, culture, church and the Macedonian minority across geographical Macedonia, specifically outside the borders of the Republic of Macedonia (read Prespa Agreement with Greece and Friendship Agreement with Bulgaria). Current Macedonian Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, does not have the authority nor qualifications to speak on behalf of ethnic Macedonians and the global Macedonian diaspora on historical, linguistic, cultural or other related matters. Recent comments promulgated by the Prime Minister during an interview with Sofia-based media about an alleged shared history with Bulgaria, and claims that Bulgaria’s illegal fascist occupation of Macedonia during World War II should be viewed as simply an administration amount to historical revisionism. Ethnic Macedonians suffered greatly in defence of Macedonia during the occupation, and approximately 7,000 Macedonian Jews were deported to Treblinka by the occupying Bulgarian forces, a key Tripartite Pact member. These matters are deeply concerning and have given rise to a multitude of human rights issues that impact ethnic Macedonians worldwide. Ethnic Macedonians are being rebranded and bastardised. It is ethnocide on an unprecedented global scale. On a local level within the Macedonian diaspora communities including in Australia, these issues will become more and more evident and real for us in areas such as education, health and other services. Macedonians must be resilient and work collaboratively to mitigate the negativity/disinformation/attacks of those who wish to cause harm to the Macedonian community, including in Australia. Coordinated global and localised information campaigns must continue to occur to create awareness of the situation and the impacts on the Macedonian people in Macedonia, Australia and around the world. Media: [email protected] #Macedonia #Macedonians #humanrights #SelfDetermination

03.01.2022 If your teenager is sick, keep them at home and get them tested for COVID-19. COVID-19 symptoms can include fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of br...eath, loss of smell or loss of taste, as well as other reported symptoms including fatigue, runny nose, muscle pain, joint pain, headache, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting and loss of appetite. Find a COVID 19 clinic near you

02.01.2022 Грижете се за наблиските. Имаи го в предвид ризикот за корона вирусот во заедницата, проверете кои се правилата со установата во коа престоуваат. Запомнете, ако не се чувствувате добро, не ги посетувате. Практикувате раздалеченост и добра хигиена на рацете.

02.01.2022 Invitation to all Macedonian Australian youth representative organisations, groups and associations. If you have an idea for a youth development project, join the online zoom meeting this Thursday 30 July at 5.30pm. More details in the below post

02.01.2022 How children can #WearAMask properly. Read more about children & masks in relation to COVID-19

01.01.2022 Добредодено намалувае на рестрикциите.

01.01.2022 е излагате некаде? Не заборавате да понесете со вас санитизер, марамчиа и антибактериски марамици.

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