MW Marketing Consultancy in Seaford, South Australia, Australia | Marketing agency
MW Marketing Consultancy
Locality: Seaford, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 404 010 329
Address: 1/240 Esplanade 5169 Seaford, SA, Australia
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23.01.2022 I'm sorry, whaaaat?! When I read this in an article from @socialmediatoday recently I looked up at my youngest child who is five and thought... just... wow. Five years... Her entire life is what most people will spend on social media. This is more than the time these same people will spend on you know, those other low key non-essential activities like... eating! Ha! But seriously though, are we really surprised? Since ole mate Zuckerberg created Facebook back in 2004, media use has grown at a crazy, mind-blowing rate. There are now more than 3 billion social media users worldwide. It has changed the way we connect with our family and friends, how we consume news, how we network, how we date, how we shop, the list goes on. You know what's not mind-blowing? The simple fact that if you own a business you can be damn sure your target audience is on social media. But for the love of God, this doesn't mean that you need to be blasting posts and tweets and pins on alllllll the social media channels. No sir'ee. Take the time to find out WHERE your target audience is hanging out and then develop a content strategy plan and tactics to suit these channels. For example, if you sell farm irrigation equipment it is unlikely your ideal customer will be hanging out on Pinterest. Please do not think you are missing out if you are not on every single social media channel. Unlike the big guys, small businesses often do not have the time, budget or possibly the expertise required to effectively manage several social media channels. So my advice? Once you have determined how social media will help you achieve your goals and analysed your target audience, pick one or two channels (i.e. Facebook, Instagram) for your business. The more focused your social media efforts are the more time you can spend on being consistent, creating quality content and engaging with your audience. Source - Social Media Today and We Are Social.
21.01.2022 Do you want to know what keeps me sane? Exercise. Every single day, at some point, I need to get my body moving. Whether that be my gym sessions from Monday to Friday or skateboarding, bike riding and playing sport with my kids on the weekend, I make sure I find some time to fit it in. For me, it's not just about trying to get that rockin' body (but that would also be very nice, thank you!) but I do it for my mental health. It's my stress relief. My mood booster. My energ...y creator and one other amazing benefit is that often I will be mid-burpee (ugh. burpees ) and get a flood of ideas and inspiration for my own business and also my clients! Winners all round I say. I know, I know... it can be SO hard to fit in time for yourself and do the things that make you feel good but you know what? Life is always busy. There will always be those emails to reply to and the dishes to wash up. You will be a much happier (and saner!) and more productive business owner, wife, mother, friend etc by making sure you take care of yourself. So this week? Set yourself a goal to do something just for YOU. What will you choose? Image credit - Size For Women who may or may not have inspired me to add some new sneakers to my cart See more
21.01.2022 Yay for I Choose SA Day! I am so bloody proud to be a South Australian! There is so much to love about our state, the beautiful beaches, wineries, markets, and the people. Today I will be getting out and supporting several SA businesses, this is not something I am doing just for today but something I try and do every single day. It is so important to me to support my fellow South Aussies in business as I know it means I am helping out t...he very people who make our state so freakin amazing! So whatever you are getting up to on this fine Saturday (well it's lovely weather here because SA is the best ), I hope it is HEAPS GOOD! See more
20.01.2022 My WHY... My lil biz wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for these blue-eyed beauties, my daughters, India and Sunny. On those days when I feel like throwing the towel in because man small biz life can be SO tough at times, I look at these two little faces and I'm all like yep, I've got this! For me, the reason why I started my own business was for flexibility. My husband works away in North Western Australia (sooooo far from where we are!) and is often gone for weeks/months... at a time. The solo parenting gig ain’t easy as I’m sure many of you know! But what I love about running my own business is that I get to meet and work with so many amazing and interesting people while also being so very present in my girls lives. Yes, it is a juggling act from school runs, client meetings, after-school sport, sick kids, emails, appointments etc and let's be honest it is often a shitshow! But you know what makes it all worth it? The excited little smile on Sunny's face when she spots me in the audience at her school assembly or the fist pump India gives me when I cheer her on as she scores a goal in basketball. I absolutely love that I get to be there for those special moments and I definitely do not take it for granted. I feel sometimes the 'why' gets lost in the daily grind of life and running a business. It's that spark, that passion, and excitement that led you to get started in the first place. So the next time you are having one of those "ugh" days, weeks or hell even month! Take some time to remember your WHY. See more
19.01.2022 New week. Fresh start. Let's tick off that "To Do" list (or some of it?!). Smash some goals. Learn something new. Drink the coffee. Spend time with the people who make you smile. Can you kick it? You definitely can! Lyrical goodness by 'A Tribe Called Quest'
19.01.2022 Last week I did something that I have never done before... One important lesson I have learned so far on this biz journey of mine is that in order to grow I need to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. One of those "things" was to organise a brand photo shoot to get some profesh images of... myself! I must admit I did put this off for a loooong time... I am such an outgoing person who loves to be in on the action but when it comes to having my photo taken? I ...instantly turn into this cringey (yes, not a word but whatevs) awkward to the maximus person! Ugh. I am always telling clients they need to step in front of the camera and add a human element to their business so I decided to stop being a hypocrite and just get over myself. Ha! So off I went and booked a session with the lovely Emme Jade. It was actually a really fun day and I am SO glad I did it. So my advice to others who are camera shy... stop hiding behind your business! Book in a photo shoot and just go for it. If you really want to connect, build trust and loyalty with your customers and clients you need to put yourself out there. People aren't just interested in what you are selling, they're interested in YOU. See more
19.01.2022 GOALS... If I had a dollar for every time I asked a business owner what their social media goals are and they answered with "increase my followers!", I would have... $173. Well... that's probably a bit too specific but you get my drift! It is a LOT. Speaking of specific, this is one thing many social media goals lack. Ok, so let's take the "I want more followers" example, as it's a popular one and heck who doesn't want to grow their following! (The right *kind* of follow...ers though. Refer to my post five squares back ). Now, first things first. Ask yourself, "Does this social media goal help support me in reaching my business goals?". Well if one of your business goals is to increase brand awareness then yes you are on the right track. BUT... next, we need to take this goal from being vague to specific. How many followers are you aiming for? Which social media channel will you be using? How are you going to measure your performance? Is the goal attainable? Is the goal relevant? How much time are you giving yourself to achieve this goal? Yes, that's right guys, you need to set S.M.A.R.T social media goals! Goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. And really, who doesn't want to be smart?! Many business owners I speak to feel overwhelmed when using social media because they either don't know where to start or how to use it effectively. Setting SMART goals as a part of your social media strategy will help you to understand why you are on social media and what you hope to achieve. SMART goals? Social Media Strategy? you say... I can give you a hand with alllll the things! Let's chat [email protected] Image credit - highsnobietylifestylee : Kid Future See more
16.01.2022 I will never forget the day my business cards arrived in the mail from (speedy delivery BTW and no #notspon ). It made everything feel so... real. Here was the very first piece of my brand identity that I had been developing over the past few months with my graphic designer guru Bec Capurso . Man, I was happy! I love the logo and the colour palette and don't even get me started on how GEWD that 600 gsm stock feels as I slide the card through my fingers. Ha! But ...guys? A bangin’ logo and colour palette is just ONE component of your overall branding. What else makes up your branding? - Your VALUES - What you stand for and what's important to your business. - Your MAGIC - What you are known for and what makes you unique. - Your PERSONALITY - What characteristics define your brand. - Your VOICE - What you sound like. Take the time to really nut out all of these elements and then make sure your overall branding is obvious and consistent at every touchpoint of your business. This will help you to stand out from your competition and also shows people who you are and what they can expect from you. See more
15.01.2022 Said in the tune to "Waterfalls" Seriously though, I am here to tell you to that having a sh*tload of followers does not mean your business is killing it. Yes, growing your following is important and it's usually a social media goal for most small businesses I talk to BUT it’s the *kind* of followers you have not the amount that will make a difference. Ask yourself this, would you rather thousands and thousands of random followers from all over the world who really no interest in you and your services/products or a smaller amount followers who genuinely love what you do and might end up doing business with you? I know which one I would want! Take some time to think about who your ideal customer or client is. Then tailor your social media content plan to this audience. Coz guess what happens when you attract the right kind of followers? They engage! They like, comment and share your content and click through to your website. You know who else loves engagement? Ole mate #algorithm who will reward you by pushing your post out for more people to see. Who doesn't love that! See more
13.01.2022 Hi guys! Thought I'd take a quick snap and show more of a "real" photo of me. I absolutely hate taking selfies (how the young ones take such perfectly lit and angled photos is beyond me ). Anyway, here's #fivefunfacts about me. Why? Because it's Friday and I like the way #fivefunfactsfriday sounds. Ha! Here we go: 1. I was born in the U.S of A. I have Australian, English, African American and American Indian blood so I guess I'm a bit of a mongrel!... 2. I am super competitive. Especially when it comes to sport. I will accept any challenge and give everything a red hot go. I love the feeling of winning! #sorrynotsorry 3. I'm a Pisces so I'm a bit of a dreamer. I often ring up my husband to ask him random things like if he thinks we should pack up our belongings and move to the Californian desert?! He hasn't said yes yet... . 4. I got married on a gorgeous little island called Nusa Lembongan about a 30-minute boat ride from Bali. It was such a fun and relaxing day. I was literally drinking a beer in the pool one hour before our ceremony! #bestdayever 5. I am my happiest when I feel like I'm doing something that helps someone else or brightens their day. Whether that be giving a stranger a big smile, complimenting someone or helping clients to better understand how to use social media to take their business to new heights. Those "ahaaa" moments with clients are seriously the best feeling! I get high off that stuff. Anyway, that's a bit about me. Feel free to share a fun fact about yourself. I love learning about people and their little quirks. I hope y'all having an awesome Friday! See more
13.01.2022 Ahhh Kurt... Nirvana songs were literally the soundtrack to my teenage years in the 90’s. I still love them today as much as I did back then too. One thing I loved about Kurt Cobain was that he was so unapologetically himself. And in business? You really need to do the same. It can be oh so tempting to compare yourself to others and we are all guilty of doing it from time to time. I think it’s a natural instinct to want to know how you stack up against other businesses and ...that’s ok. It’s also ok if you find inspiration in what others do or learn from them. But you wanna know what’s not ok? Comparing yourself to the point where it makes you feel inadequate and like shit. Thinking that the only way you are going to get anywhere and be successful is by basically copying or imitating what has already worked for someone else. This will get you nowhere. And fast. Instead, I want you to: Think about what YOU have to offer. What makes you unique. The world doesn’t need another recycled version of someone else. The world simply just needs you to be you. Your creativity, your passion, your values. Take a moment to sit back and appreciate all of the hard work that has gotten you to NOW. The experiences you've had, the relationships you've formed, the clients you've worked with and the projects you've worked on. I bet a lot of that has been pretty amazing huh? Often we get so caught up in trying to better ourselves, working harder and wanting to be more successful that we forget to enjoy the present. You are actually pretty freakin amazing as you are. Don't forget that, ok? See more
12.01.2022 What makes your business unique? Your high-quality products? Your amazing customer service? Sorry friend, but this is something that is expected by your customers. Also, the services you offer or the products you sell are likely to be the same or similar to many others on the market. So what makes you different from the rest? What makes people want to do business with you over someone else?... Kelis once told us that her "milkshake brings all the boys to the yard... and damn right they’re better than yours". So how did she do it? Well, I can tell you it wasn't by just telling the boys what she does "I sell delicious milkshakes using premium ingredients" . If you really want to bring the boys (and the ladies!) to your yard you need to also give them your how and why you do what you do. This is what makes your business UNIQUE. Maybe Kelis added a secret ingredient that gave her milkshake a signature flavour? Or she sources all her produce from her local area because she is committed to being an environmentally responsible and community-minded business? Ok, so that's enough with the Kelis analogies. Ha! I think ya'll get my point. Don't be generic. Stand out in the crowd. I'll now let you get on with your Saturday. Hope it's a good one! : Pipsqueek In Saigon (my hair guru's who always help me to stand out! ). See more
05.01.2022 Some mid-week motivation for y'all! If you are in need of something to get you going and push through until Friday then do yourself a favour and put the song on "You Can Do It" by Ice Cube . It is definitely one of my all time favourite tunes to put on when I need to dig deep and just GET. SH*T. DONE! What's one of your favourite songs to crank up when you need some motivation?
05.01.2022 Happy Saturday! I’m off to the Willunga Farmers Market this morning to pick up some local produce and then into McLaren Vale to visit my favourite Cacti nursery. I am obsessed with this pink prickly pear! I need it in my life. ASAP (minus the Rocky) Have a good one!... Lustre Blooms See more
03.01.2022 Is this you? You've got a great lil business. Your products or services are bangin’. You know there is definitely the potential to grow and take it to the next level. But how do you get there? How do you get more people to find out about you and ultimately do business with you? Maybe you have been posting away on social media or firing off emails to your mailing list but your followers or potential customers are not engaging and converting as you hoped. Possibly you've g...iven Facebook advertising a crack or hit that bloody "Boost" button but all you ended up with was a hole in your pocket from the cash you burned. It sucks. I feel you and you know what? You are definitely not alone! And you know what else? We can fix this. What you need is a plan. A plan in the form of a digital marketing strategy that is completely customised to your business to help you achieve your goals through creative, effective and measurable digital marketing. My digital marketing strategy packages are completely tailored to you and suited to any budget. We are getting oh so close to the end of the year and I want you to be sipping Mojitos by the beach during summer knowing your digital marketing strategy has already been mapped out for 2019! Sound good to you? Visit to find out more about my services or slide into my emails at [email protected]. See more
02.01.2022 And that my friends, is my number one copywriting tip! Ha! Jokes guys... Maybe I should give it a try? For research purposes of course. I have a feeling there would be a lot written about how good Hungry Jacks fries are . Seriously though, coming up with kick-ass captions (or ANY captions at times!) can be haaaaard. We all fall into a copywriting rut from time to time so I thought I would share with you a few tips of mine for the next time you find yourself staring blankly... at your computer screen with nuttin' to say! Take a break! If you feel like hours have gone by and you have literally written one sentence, deleted it, written a couple of more words and that's it... Step. Away. From. The. Computer. Find something else to do and then come back to it later. Often I find the words will come to me at the most random times when I'm not stressing over what to write. If you sell products? Pretend you have a customer standing right in front of you asking you about a particular product. What would you say to them? Now write it down as a caption! Do you provide a service? Even though you don't have a tangible product, it doesn't mean you don't provide tangible results. Speak to your customer's pain points. Write about how you can help your customer solve their problems. Don't try and write a whole lotta captions in one hit. It's the easiest way to fry your brain, lose your creativity and turn copywriting into a painful task! I hope this helps you out. Please do let me know in the comments any tips or tricks that have worked for you when you needed to get your copywriting mojo back. Image credit - Frankie & Claude who design these super fun pencils.
01.01.2022 Good Mourning! (See what I did there ). Well, it’s officially my favourite day of the year... HALLOWEEN! I was born in the U.S so I think it’s just part of my DNA to have an unwavering love and excitement for this day. Every year my kids and I get dressed up and trick or treat. It’s not just the candy that leaves me on a high but also the amazing sense of community this day brings about in my hood . Image credit - Studio DIY
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