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MW Pilates

Phone: +61 431 722 767


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25.01.2022 #MWPilates Our Christmas eve sundown walk was so beautiful to see........ #christmas #christmaseve #sundown #Breath #Control #Strength

24.01.2022 #MWPilates Meeting the newest member of the family #Breath #Control #Strength #Familytime

24.01.2022 #MWPilates Most of the time we take our Pilates very seriously at #MWPilates. But sometimes on a hot night we dont........................ Instead we need an Earth Wind & Fire soundtrack and a dance off. Bless you @fiona.mcallister.524 #Breath #Control #Strength #pilatesfun ... #Mondaypilates #mondaymotivation #earthwindandfire #pilatesdancetime #pilatesdanceoff #womenkillingit #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates See more

24.01.2022 #MWPilates A great lunge, scooter & leg pump morning with these two gorgeous clients at @milkwoodstudios this morning. @peacenowjunky and the gorgeous @thefamilyfoodie_au have only been attending classes with me for the last 2/3months. The strength, body awareness, body control & fun they have had and gained has been both amazing & inspiring! Bless you ladies xxx #Breath #Control #Strength #Pilates #tuesdaypilates #tueday #lovepilates #tusmorepilates #adelaidepilates #polestar #polestarpilates #Milkwoodstudios #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios

23.01.2022 My Zoom Pilates classes are in full swing this week. It's an upside down crazy world out there right now as you can tell by my filming of this 1on1 zoom session with my gorgeous client Sarah. Mat classes, 1on1's & 2on1's available through zoom, contact me for more info & bookings.

22.01.2022 #MWPilates Today I had the pleasure of experiencing two things. #1 I taught my exercise of the week to one of my favorite clients & watched her do it very well bless you @zendo_studio #2 after spending the last 3days in quite alot of Lumbar/nueral pain I returned to work and broke my home studio record & saw the most amount of clients in my studio today since my opening 4years ago. And I got to share & celebrate this moment with gorgeous ladies like @leahmwardle @gemmawright...81 @kirstyshadiac. I normally wouldn't mention such an achievement of client numbers but this year with everything that has happened in the world I am truly grateful. I am grateful for my family, my job, my clients & the joy my family, my job & my clients bring to me. Thankyou everyone for everything #Breath #Control #Strength #homestudiopilates #Pilatesmum #justamumtryingtodomybest #Pilates #justamumteachingpilates #adelaidepilates #clarencegardenspilates #lovemyjob #lovepilates #sharethejoy #pilatesadelaide #thanks See more

22.01.2022 #MWPilates Family Spam! Zoe's first Apple Pie from scratch including the pastry. Not quite happy with the base but the filling & topping is soooooooo yummy #Breath #Control #Strength #apple #applepie #sundayfood #sundays #yummies #appleyummy

21.01.2022 #Mwpilates A great morning spent at my old stomping ground @korpermotus. So lovely to see client's I use to teach a couple of years ago & how they've progressed. Thanks for letting me fill in for you MelSue. #Breath #Control #Strength #Mwpilates #MWpilatesatkorpermotus #fillinpilatesinstructor #pilateslovers #adelaidepilates #polestarpilates #clarencegardenspilates #Mondaypilates

20.01.2022 Too good not to share!

20.01.2022 #MWPilates Cousins having fun......... Or making fabolous trouble? #cousins #Familytime #holidaybreak #trouble #fun #Breath #Control #Strength

20.01.2022 #MWPilates Inspo from @carrie_pages_pilates being used this morning at @milkwoodstudios. A beautiful morning spent with all my clients working with mindfulness & vigour! #Breath #Control #Strength #tuesdaypilates #inspo #Pilates #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #tuesdayinspiration #MWPilates #adelaidepilates #pilatesadelaide #tusmorepilates #lovepilates

19.01.2022 #MWPilates Bandaluzia Flamenco fringe show with Auntie Rocky! #Breath #Control #Strength #flamenco #adelaidefringe #auntielove

18.01.2022 #MWPilates Thanks for the inspo @pilatesonpoint. A new little abdominal exercise for some of my ladies in my 915am class today at @milkwoodstudios......... And as you can see they thoroughly it Bless you @thefamilyfoodie_au & @isabeltolley for your work today #Breath #Control #Strength #tuesdaypilates #Milkwoodstudios #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #tusmorepilates #adelaidepilates #pilatesadelaide #pilatesinspiration

18.01.2022 #Mwpilates You're never to old to be flexible & stretch. Love my gorgeous client "Hoyle". 70something years of age. Post hip replacement. Hardworking & likes a good stretch. #MWPilates #Breath #Control #Strength #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #pilateslovers #lovemyclients #lovepilates

18.01.2022 #MWPilates Zozo's Monday Bake off! #publicholidaybake #noschool #Breathe #Control #Strength #bakeoff

18.01.2022 #MWPilates Grandpa Bushy homeschool. Soooooo much better than Muma homeschool.

18.01.2022 #Mwpilates A Fantastic Saturday night spent with our gorgeous neighbors. It's so wonderful to live in a street that is a wonderful community. So great to see the kids all playing & sharing in harmony. And totally proud of my latest outdoor cubbyhouse effort Bless you @leahmwardle @sugaz @emcook80 for being so fab! #Breath #Control #Strength #neighborhood #community #kidshavingfun #neighborhood #saturdaynight #lovethyneighbor #pilatesneighbors #Pilateslove

18.01.2022 #MWPilates Tuesday morning @milkwoodstudios with the "Masked Teaser" Gorgeous movement right here by @alicehurley. #Breath #Control #Strength #teaser #polestarpilates #adelaidepilates #pilates... #teasertuesday #womenkillingit #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios See more

17.01.2022 #MWPilates Pilates oblique exercise inspo from @jillharrispilates being performed by 2 of my gorgeous clients @fionafisher & Isabel at @milkwoodstudios today. I have been using this exercise with the lateral flexion exercises on the chair aswell as traditional exercises such as star, sidelift, sidekick this week for a focus on improving arm & shoulder strength/ internal & external obliques awareness/strength, plus the importance of adductor/glute connection in sidelying exercises. #Breath #Control #Strength #Pilates #tusmorepilates #wundachair #exochairexercise #fridaypilates #chairpilates #chairpilatesworkout #obliquespilates #adelaidepilates #Pilatesmum #pilatesworkout #polestarpilates #polestarpilatesinstructor

17.01.2022 #MWPilates Monday night with these 3 lovely ladies. @fiona.mcallister.524 @tamsynvoyzey @taresa_o. I have nothing else to say but thanks for the fun of teaching you. #Breath #Control #Strength #pilateshappy #Mondaypilates #lovepilates #pilates #womenkillingit #ladiespilates #happy #joyofpilates #pilateslove #thanks

16.01.2022 #MWPilates The boyz are back in town! So great to have these boyz back in the same room again. They all work hard & smart & have a great time aswell. Great work @kmart9b @cassiemac77 @eddie_the_golden #Breath #Control #Strength #theboyz #theboysarebackintown #mendopilates #boysdopilates #Mondaypilates #Pilates #Iloveteachingpilates #mondaymotivation

16.01.2022 #Mwpilates Don't you love those mornings when 90% of your clients cancel leaving just the one person that gets your undivided attention & the chance to play with the traditional Pilates exercise..........??????? I DO! Here's the fabulous Caroline from @powereatsandpaleotreats doing an awesome job on her first go at teaser without assistance. #Breath #Control #Strength #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #milkwoodstudios #adelaidepilates #tusmorepilates #Womenkillingit #fridaypilates #lovepilates

15.01.2022 #Mwpilates When your client brings along their AWESOME New York based Pilates instructor daughter to his class and then asks/expects for you to do Teaser & Jackknife with no warmup (!!!!!!!!!?????????) Such a pleasure to meet you @cassie_bednall. Come back & join me anytime you are back in Oz. #Breath #Control #Strength #tuesdaypilates #clarencegardenspilates #tiredonatuesday #pilateslove #polestar #polestarpilates #adelaidepilates #Pilatesadelaide #pilatesteaser #pilatesjackknife #OMGPilates #lovepilates #lovemyjob

15.01.2022 #Mwpilates The ladies were on fire at my 6am class at Milkwood this morning! Come join me Tuesdays & Thursday's 6am & 645am at Milkwood. #Breath #Control #Strength #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #adelaidepilates #pilateslovers #tusmorepilates #tuesdaypilates #girlskillingit #Womenkillingit #Mwpilates

15.01.2022 #MWPilates A lovely new oblique exercise for my Thursday morning at @milkwoodstudios performed here by the fabulous @isabeltolley & @fionafisher. #Breathe #Control #Strength #thursdaypilates #pilatesfun #adelaidepilates #tusmorepilates #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios

14.01.2022 #MWPilates Mornings at @milkwoodstudios with these two gorgeous ladies. #Breath #Control #Strength #pilates #lovepilates #tusmorepilates #adelaidepilates #pilatesadelaide #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #stretching #stretchingintotuesday #pike #reformerpike #reformerpilates

14.01.2022 #MWPilates A little lower body workout this morning with some of my fabulous clients at @milkwoodstudios. Can't join my at my home at @mw_pilates then jump onto the Mindbody App & join me here Tues/Thurs/Fri mornings #Breath #Control #Strength #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios

14.01.2022 #MWPilates Had a lovely little client join me at my home studio this morning. Bless you @vanessa_oloughlin for bringing your gorgeous Naia into your class evey week. She keeps us all on our toes. #Breath #Control #Strength #pilatesclarencegardens #adelaidepilates #Pilatesmum #pilatesadelaide #kidsdopilates

14.01.2022 #MWPilates This has been my favourite Zoom location so far! Bless Ali & Tom @alison.cox.1048 for doing this morning's session in their daughter's play room. Take note of the ikea plastic plates in the video, we used these as sliders for abdominal work and stretches, proving you don't always need fancy equipment for a workout. Their daughter also prepared a couple of dishes she cooked in her kitchen for me to admire & drool over. Also realised today I shout when teaching onl...ine eeekkkkk #Breath #Control #Strength #familypilates #familyexercise #pilatesmum #pilates #youcanpilatesanywhere #saturdaypilates #easterpilates #clarencegardenspilates See more

13.01.2022 #MWPilates Santa getting into shape for xmas #Breath #Control #Strength #mendopilates #wednesdaypilates #morningpilates #pilates #adelaidepilates #clarencegardenspilates #pilatessantana

12.01.2022 #MWPilates #milkwoodstudios Milkwood Studio Update We as a team have decided to remain open to assist our clients in staying fit & healthy at this time. ... In order to maintain the recommended 1.5m between clients & ensure thorough disinfecting of equipment, we are now limiting classes to a maximum of 4 participants. We will also be offering 2 on1 & private sessions by appointment. All clients are asked to sanitize or wash their hands on arrival & we have disposable gloves available for those who wish to use them. Many thanks for your continued support See you in the studio @milkwoodstudios #Breath #Control #Strength #clarencegardenpilates #tusmorepilates #adelaidepilates #Pilates #lovepilates #lovemyjob #pilatesforhealth #polestarpilatesinstructor See more

12.01.2022 #MWPilates Mornings at @milkwoodstudios are always filled with fun & coordinated exercises like this one. Join me at Milkwood studios any Tues, Thurs, & Fri from 6am. Book via the Mindbody App. #Breath #Control #Strength #adelaidepilates #pilatesfun #morningpilates #morningmotivation #tusmorepilates #MWPilates #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios

12.01.2022 #MWPilates Nothing but the gorgeous sea as far as you can sea & fresh air......... #holidaybreak #familytime #sea #rest #Breath #Control #Strength

12.01.2022 #MWPilates Back to work this week with this great client. A fused ankle with little to no rehab has stopped correct calf, quadricep, hamstring, and glute activation/support for a few years. Today we started work on better balance/retraining muscle/nueral pathways in single leg standing. As well as otherways to find and create greater leg strength and reactivation of his forgotten muscles. #Breath #Control #Strength #backtowork #wednesdaypilates #mendopilates #balance #Pilates #pilatesbalance #pilatesretraining #menkillingit #backtothestudio #activation

11.01.2022 #MWPilates A Monday night filled with a handful of giggles and a new exercise inspired by my gorgeous friend Mel @korpermotus! Still a couple of postural tweaks to go to ensure complete engagement of the shoulder girdle but such a fantastic first try. Great work @aw0rth & thanks for the side commentary & giggles @taresa_o @tamsynvoyzey. #Breath #Control #Strength #Mondaypilates #menkillingit #Pilates #inspo #pilatesinspiration #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #practice #practicemakesperfecttheysay

11.01.2022 #MWPilates Pyjama Pilates this morning at MWPillates. Finally letting my daughter start Pilates lessons with me. She says she's "waited way too long". I say good things come to those who wait. #Breath #Control #Strength #pyjamapilates #Pilatesmum #kidsdopilates#lovepilates #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #pilatesadelaide

11.01.2022 #MWPilates Pilates in silhouette....... Gorgeous work by the lovely @isabeltolley & @fionafisher at @milkwoodstudios this morning. Inspo from @jjweeks_pilates #Breath #Control #Strength #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #pilates #thursdaypilates

11.01.2022 #MWPilates My AWESOME 70something client Hoyle showing your never too old for Pilates! #Breath #Control #Strength #pilates #nevergiveup #nevertooold #pilatesworkout #mendopilates #pilatesisforeverybody #pilateslove #pilatesisforeveryone #wednesdaypilates #menkillingit #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates

09.01.2022 #Mwpilates Social distance gardening with Grandpa Bushy #Breath #Control #Strength #gardening #outdoors #familylove #familytime #grandparentsarethebest #pilatesmum #clarencegardenspilates #freshair

09.01.2022 #MWPilates Another Multitasking Sunday...... Enjoying an absolutely fabulous pelvic floor tutorial by Megan Steers on the floor of my kitchen whilst directing my daughter in cooking our dinner. Thanks, Megansteers, and my daughter Zoe #Breath #Control #Strength #Pelvicfloor #learning #sundayfamilyday #multitaskingsunday

09.01.2022 #MWPilates Brett from @cassiemac77 hanging & floating nicely in his shortspine tonight. Nothing feels better on your spine, except maybe longspine on the reformer? #Breath #Control #Strength #Mondaypilates #boysdopilates #mendopilates #Pilates #lovepilates #juicyspine #shortspine #feelingbetter

08.01.2022 #Mwpilates So blessed to have my gorgeous friend Jo from @form_360 join me & her friends for a class at @milkwoodstudios this morning This group of ladies are such an enjoyable group to teach each Thursday. Exercising with friends keeps you motivated, accountable & most importantly it's fun! #Breath #Control #Strength #tusmorepilates #pilates #friendsdopilateswithfriends #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #Womenkillingit #thursdaypilates #polestarpilates #lovepilates #polestarpilatesinstructor #Pilatesadelaide #adelaidepilates

06.01.2022 Kids Holiday cleaning services.

06.01.2022 #Mwpilates Great to have @teamduthy back in at @milkwoodstudios this morning. Some nice upper body strengthening work for them. No springs even! But the question is.................... Who does it better ????... #Breath #Control #Strength #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #tuesdaypilates #tusmorepilates #polestarpilatesinstructor #worksmart #lovepilates See more

05.01.2022 #MWPilates More spinal mobilisation gorgeousness for this week. The fabulous @floating89 doing longspine with me this morning. #Breath #Control #Strength #longspine #pilateslove #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #fridaypilates #spine #yummyspine

05.01.2022 #Mwpilates Thanks for the inspo @korayyagmur & for the repost @popuppilates1. I Enjoyed teaching this exercise to my clients this evening. Great hamstring, gluteal, shoulder & abdominal workout. Variations we played with coming up next week. #Breath #Control #Strength #Mondaypilates #clarencegardenspilates #mendopilates #menkillingit #newpilatesexercise #pilates #adelaidepilates

04.01.2022 #MWPilates 5 gorgeous ladies in black doing a brilliant job at a new exercise inspired by @korinnolanpilates. #Breath #Control #Strength #adelaidepilates #pilates #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #tusmorepilates #MWPilates

04.01.2022 #Mwpilates Two of my boyz working their Abdominals Fabulously this evening. @kmart9b look what you missed. #Breath #Control #Strength #boyskillingit #boysdopilates #Mondaypilates #mendopilates #supine #supineabdominals #pilateslovers #Pilates #polestarpilatesinstructor

04.01.2022 #MWPilates My little exercise of the week or maybe the month performed here by @tamsynvoyzey & thoroughly loved by all my Monday clients Thanks for the inspo @atlantisfitnessandpilates another great variation exercise from you. #Breath #Control #Strength #Mondaypilates #womenkillingit #lovepilates #lovemyjob

04.01.2022 #MWPilates OMG ! The fabulous Ben Vereen on the Muppet Show. Goosebumps, joy, love!

03.01.2022 #MWPilates My No.1 highlight at WOMAD yesterday Zoe making her way to the front to watch & listen to the fabulous all female Mariachi band 'Flor de Tolache' & not wanting to leave. So proud of her appreciation of world music & her stubbornness to not want to leave Womad until everything had finished Bless the joy & power of music. #womad #weekendfun #Breath #Control #Strength #pilatesmum #familyday #Music #womadfun #flordetolache #sundayfamilyday #sunshine #mariachi #worldmusic #musicistherapy #musiciseverything #musiclover #familylove

03.01.2022 #MWPilates My little dude joined my ladies for the last few minutes of class #Breathe #Control #Strength #mylove #mylittledude #mylittlemonster #pilates #pilatesmum #mondaynightpilates

03.01.2022 #Mwpilates Our school room/my work room/entertainment room & relaxing room for the next 5days. You have to make this whole corona experience fun for adults & children alike. My online 30min workouts & online mat/home circuit classes will be available this week. #Breath #Control #Strength #family #familyfun #pilatesmum #isolationmum #isolationpilatesmum #cubbyhouse #onlineclassescomngsoon #sunshine #homeschool #workfromhomefun #kidfun

03.01.2022 #MWPilates Day 3 of cooking camp at our house #Breath #Control #Strength #holidays #festiveseason #schoolholidays

03.01.2022 #MWPilates A very relaxed hip stretch at the end of a hard Pilates session this morning by these two guys at @milkwoodstudios What beautiful stretching synchronisation. #Breath #Control #Strength #pilates #mendopilates #stretching #fridays #fridaypilates #MWPilates... #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios See more

03.01.2022 #MWPilates A great morning at @milkwoodstudios with @alicehurley trying out her hanging chinups this morning! #Breath #Control #Strength #hanging #hangingpilates #tusmorepilates #adelaidepilates #girlskillingit #hangingout #MWPilates #Pilates #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios

03.01.2022 #MWPilates See you next year Womadelaide! #womadelaide #womadfun #familyday #familylove #Breath #Control #Strength #Mwpilates #MWPilates #sundayfeels #sundayfunday

03.01.2022 #Mwpilates Another Fabolous night with 2 of my regular Monday Boyz...... 1 a showoff @eddie_the_golden & 1 working hard @kmart9b. Brett @cassiemac77 we missed you. Pilates doesn't always have to be serious. A new exercise can create interest & enable your client to strive to perfect a new skill/control/posture. And in the right environment you get to see a client strive to perfect & learn the exercise & have fun doing it. #Breath #Control #Strength #Mondaypilates #boyskillingit #mendopilates #pilatesfun #lovepilates #clarencegardenspilates #lovemyjob

02.01.2022 #Mwpilates Just some opposite arm & leg bridging fun on a Tuesday night by @tamsynvoyzey. #Breath #Control #Strength #tuesdaypilates #clarencegardenspilates #mumpilates #Womenkillingit #ladiespilates #ladieskillingit #lovepilates

02.01.2022 #MWPilates Another great morning with my awesome husband & wife duo @teamduthy at @milkwoodstudios. This little exercise inspired by @jillharrispilates. #Breath #Control #Strength #mwpilatesatmilkwoodstudios #tuesdaypilates #husbandandwifepilates #couplesthatexercisetogetherstaystogether #upperbodyworkout #lovepilates #adelaidepilates #tusmorepilates

02.01.2022 #MWPilates The Boyz are back in town! Bless these 3 gorgeous clients of mine. I love their technique, their commitment, and their ability to have a great time in class no matter what... thanks @kmart9b, @eddie_the_golden, & @cassiemac77 for being awesome Special shout out to @kmart9b for his birthday yesterday. ... #Breath #Control #Strength #boysdopilates #boyskillingit #mendopilates #Mondaypilates #lovepilates #lovemyjob #adelaidepilates #clarencegardenspilates #Pilatesmum See more

02.01.2022 #MWPilates When two of your Wednesday night Pilates client's surprise you with their 80's inspired workout fashion and a MWpilates "Smashed by Sash" t-shirt you simply must channel Jane Fonda 80's inspired Pilates exercises! This is why I love my clients & my job! Bless you @leahmwardle @kirstyshadiac #Breath #Control #Strength #wednesdaypilates #lovepilates #SmashedbySash #haha #80spilates #clientssurprise #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #pilatesadelaide

02.01.2022 #MWPilates A great night with my Monday Boyz. Bless you @cassiemac77 @kmart9b @aw0rth thanks for the pushup exercise inspiration @korpermotus #Breath #Control #Strength #menkillingit #mendopilates #Mondaypilates #pilates #mondaymotivation #inspomoves #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #lovepilates

02.01.2022 #MWPilates Sometimes you just have to do what you have to in order to complete your Pilates work out #Breath #Control #Strength #fridaypilates #mumsandbubspilates #lovepilates #dowhatyouhavetodo #Pilatesmum #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates

01.01.2022 #MWPilates Thanks for the inspo @stretchi_lates. The boys enjoyed this little side plank/star/rotation exercise tonight. #Breath #Control #Strength #Mondaypilates #mondaymotivation #boyskillingit #mendopilates #clarencegardenspilates #adelaidepilates #polestarpilates #MWPilates #polestarpilatesinstructor

01.01.2022 #MWPilates Sometimes the simplest Pilates exercise is the hardest............................................. Especially when you add a prop or two Great work by @c_duff03 & Sandra this morning. #Breath #Control #Strength #Pilates #pilatesexercises #pilatesroller #adelaidepilates #Pilatesmum #pilatesadelaide #anyonecandopilates

01.01.2022 #MWPilates My Monday boys working on balance & stability with this fabulous little exercise. Thanks for the inspo @pilates949. @cassiemac77 @kmart9b #Breath #Control #Strength #Pilates #Mondaypilates #mendopilates #balance #stability #menkillingit #lovepilates

01.01.2022 #MWPilates @alicehurley hanging around with me @milkwoodstudios this morning. A fabulous first time effort performing the hanging series. Come join me at @milkwoodstudios Tues/Thurs/Fri mornings from 6am #Breath #Control #Strength #Pilates #thursdaypilates #morningpilates #morningmotivation #hanging #pilatesadelaide #polestar #polestarpilates #tusmorepilates #polestarpilatesinstructor #MWPilates

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