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24.01.2022 Does your baby have a SLEEP PROBLEM? The truth .. nobody can answer that except you. It is only a ‘problem’ if it is a problem for you. ... Co-sleeping works for you - great. (Safely pls!) Feeding to sleep, you love - great. You don’t mind multiple times up a night - great. Cat naps fit your schedule - great. You’re happy with contact naps - great. You’re an early riser anyway - great. You love routine - great. You love flexibility - great. I could go on .. If you and your baby are happy, healthy, and able to thrive - great, block out the noise Mumma, keep going. However .. Are you doing any of the above out of necessity or in order to survive? Do you feel that you and/or your baby aren’t happy? Or healthy? Or able to thrive? It is also OK to WANT to make change There are Mum’s out there who are truely suffering, and they are suffering through because they feel shame, and are constantly told .. Your baby is only young once it will pass They’ll grow out of it eventually .. while these statements true and most likely coming from a place of love, they aren’t overly helpful to a Mumma who may be trying to reach out for support. I am a big fan of sleep education yes, but I’m also a Mum who understands what it feels like to be torn between what you feel is right .. and what the opinions around you tell you is right. What I am the biggest fan of is Mum’s feeling supported in making decisions freely, that allow them and their baby to be healthy, happy and thrive! In the coming weeks I’ll be opening up my Free 15minute Best Sleep Call time slots. These calls will be your opportunity to talk it out, all things sleep, free of judgement. We will work together to find the best option for your family moving forward. Hit like if you will be bookings call! Karly-Anne xx
23.01.2022 Has your baby decided to ROLL in bed? Sleep on their TUMMY? Are you low key FREAKING OUT? It is totally normal to freak out Mumma .. it goes against all of our newborn safe sleep instincts.... But, I have you covered. Here’s what you are going to do .. Unswaddle them, let those arms free. Continue placing them down on their back. If they roll, get stuck & upset go and help them back over. If they are not upset, leave them be. Lots of daytime tummy time, and rolling practice. Sit back and get a laugh out of the sleeping position that they find themselves ‘comfortable’ in. If you want some fun rolling practice ideas, I highly recommend @nicole_kidsphysio page - go and check it out! Give me a in the comments if your babe is a tummy sleeper? And a if you totally freaked out at first! xx
21.01.2022 Things have been quiet over here at My Best Baby .. but for good reason, I promise. We are adding another little babe to our family in October this year With that, I’ve been feeling like I could fall asleep at any moment for the last month or so. Joy. ... BUT! I’m coming out the other side now and will be getting back into it and ready to start taking bookings!!! Keep your sleepy eyes peeled. Karly-Anne xx
20.01.2022 Sometimes is can genuinely feel like you’re up 500, 25000, 600 times .. and it can be confusing, as well as exhausting Here are a few common reasons that your little babe may be waking overnight .. Genuine Hunger - most babies will still need a night feed/s until solid food is well established.... Habit - If they wake at exactly the same times each night it could be habitual. Overtired or Undertired - check out your little ones day sleep, are they having too much, or not enough? Do they need an earlier bedtime? Ability to Self Settle & Resettle - are they able to independently fall asleep, or are they dependent on an external association? This could be yourself, a dummy, feeding etc. Sleep Environment - is it nice and dark? Are they warm enough? Is their consistent white noise playing? Readiness - maybe you and your little one just aren’t ready to be apart all night just yet? Totally normal! If you are ready for some more night sleep, and less wake ups reach out, send me a DM. I have very limited free volunteer consults available for ages 3months to 3years Karly-Anne xx
18.01.2022 Does your little babes sleep (or maybe lack of) make you feel anxious? Check out this Best Baby sleeper A baby sleeping well is magic.... A parent feeling calm around sleep, being able to enjoy their baby & thrive as a parent is extra special. So proud of this beautiful little family! Free 15minute Best Sleep Call time slots are opening up in the coming weeks, keep your eyes peeling. Karly-Anne xx
17.01.2022 YES, this!! You’ve finally got your little babe off to sleep. You place them down in their bed .. and Hello Mum! .. those cute little bright eyes stare right up at you. It can be a delicate operation the arm to bed transfer.... Here are 3 tips to make it more successful .. Get the bed warm - by either having a warmer style flannelette sheet, or placing a hot water bottle in the bed for a moment before transfer. Always remove the hot water bottle and touch the bed to make sure it isn’t too hot before placing baby down. Make sure baby has entered the deeper part of their sleep cycle. You’ll be able to tell when their little body is fully relaxed .. you lift their arm and it heavily flops back down. This can take 20minutes!! Lower them in feet first .. Head first creates a falling sensation that can startle them awake. Sending you all my Sunday night transfer luck! I’d love to hear in the comments if you give it a try and it helps. xx
09.01.2022 Does anyone else regularly wonder how Mums Mummed pre Google? My most frequent search is currently can a 9 month old eat .. What’s the funniest/most questionable thing you have googled since becoming a Mum? ... Karly-Anne xx
09.01.2022 You place your little babe down for a nap and they wake .. In 10minutes? 20minutes? Maybe 45minutes?... Or maybe they sleep for hours? Part one of improving sleep, is understanding it. This very defined sleep cycle starts to develop around the 8 week mark, and is in full swing by 4months. Let’s break down why your babe might be waking at different stages of the sleep cycle 10minutes .. a disturbance (noise/being placed down in their bed/parent leaving the room)! Try not to change their environment until that 20minute point. 20minutes.. usually an indication that they are overtired. Over-tiredness stops them moving into that deep sleep phase. Try shortening the time they are awake between naps. 45 minutes.. this is the end of the sleep cycle, which means very very slight sleep - pretty much awake. Some babies are naturally better at linking sleep cycles, some may need some help and consistent practice. Try picking just one nap a day to resettle for to begin with. Sleeping beyond 45minutes .. your little one has linked, and moved into another sleep cycle (cue happy ‘can get stuff done’ Mum dance) Let me know how your little babes naps are going so far this week? Karly-Anne xx
07.01.2022 You can do it. Even though sometimes you doubt yourself. Even though sometimes it can feel so overwhelming. Do not worry. Breathe.... Trust yourself. Know that you are capable. Know that you are amazing. Have the best week Mummas Karly-Anne xx
06.01.2022 Do you have any friends who’s babies sleep amazingly? And have done since they were born? Do you ever think .. What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't my baby do that? I am here to tell you that it may not have anything to do with you! (arrrgh the relief right?!)... Babies are born with their set temperament, it is a part of what makes them unique British nurse and author Tracey Hogg has a theory that all babies fits into 5 different temperaments: ANGEL - the baby that is always good. They sleep well, sleep anywhere and tired signs are easy to read. TEXTBOOK - Generally relaxed and low maintenance. Sleeps well 90% of the time, can just take a little longer to settle. TOUCHY - Get frustrated easily, not super active and shy around new people. Can be difficult sleepers if the environment isn't perfect. SPIRITED - Full on and lots of energy, always. They tend to resist naps, most likely due to FOMO. Can go from happy to sad very quickly, easily overstimulated and need a really good wind down to settle off to sleep. GRUMPY - Independent babies, love their alone time. These babies can be impatient, and really thrive on great routine. So when we work together I always take your babies temperament, along side your parenting style and your ideal outcome into consideration. I promise all babies can sleep well, but there is absolutely no one size fits all path there .. Harry is definitely a combination of EASY & GRUMPY .. I feel like my next baby will be SPIRITED, second child always is I've heard .. Which one, or which combination fits your little babe??? Let me know in the comments Karly-Anne xx Photo @mae_and_rae
05.01.2022 Children are not tiny beings that need to be manipulated or controlled so that they can grow into successful adults. They are humans, with hearts and brains and minds that deserve extraordinary respect and compassionate care, all delivered with swagger by a parent who is consciously informed and ultimately in charge This quote by @dr.vanessalapointe could not sit more perfectly with My Best Baby’s take on sleep education.... Extraordinary Respect Compassionate Care Consciously Informed Ultimately In Charge Sleep education isn’t about manipulating or controlling. It is about identifying if sleep is impacting your families ability to thrive. If it is, taking charge of yours and your child’s health (physical & mental) - being informed and caring, so that your family is able to be truely happy. Karly-Anne xx
03.01.2022 Harry’s shade of the week is a massive, deadly (but also really cute) frown! What cute or challenging shade has your little one been throwing this week? Deep down we know they love us! ... Karly-Anne xx
01.01.2022 Such a beautiful and gentle family to work with, and their dedication resulted in an AMAZING sleep outcome Karly-Anne xx
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