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My Chi Journey
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23.01.2022 "Speaking the truth in Love, should always be the aim. Not so much to convince anyone of anything, but more so to have that ability to express yourself honestly. To be direct and precise with your speech, so you can begin uncovering the reality of each situation. Often we mute or censor ourselves in ways that are neither healthy nor productive. We imagine or pretend things are ok, when they are not. We accept things that happen to us or around us, when we shouldn’t - we avoid, instead of confront. Compromising little by little, until you’ve essentially compromised yourself away...."
21.01.2022 Small changes make a big difference, do you display any of these habits?
19.01.2022 "Boredom teaches us that life isn’t a parade of amusements. More important, it spawns creativity and self-sufficiency. Despite the lesson most adults learned growing up boredom is for boring people boredom is useful. It’s good for you. If kids don’t figure this out early on, they’re in for a nasty surprise.."
18.01.2022 "Sometimes, the time might be ripe to accept defeat. To say, I’ve lost, you got me, I have nothing left to offer. To say, I did my best, I’ve given it everything I’ve got and it just wasn’t enough. Sometimes, just sometimes, the time may be ripe to walk away, to lay down your weapons and to accept your fate. To say, I surrender....."
18.01.2022 "Why speak easy, when you can ROARRR! Don’t be enslaved to fear, let fear instead be enslaved to you. This life is not for the timid, you’ve got one shot to make it count. So be real, be you, be unedited and be raw. Uncorrupted, pure and connected with the essence of all things. The rest, well, the rest is just fluff, just noise keeping you from yourself. Your heart already knows, the secret is to silence the mind..."
17.01.2022 "Yes is essentially an invitation. You’ve made the conscious decision (or choice) to invite something or someone into your life, so be ready and willing to live with it. No, is a boundary. Getting clear on your boundaries will help you save your time and attention for the things that really matter. Maybe on the other hand is essentially a 'holding' word. It reflects ambiguity, uncertainty, fear or a lack of purpose...."
17.01.2022 "While there is little recent data on how many grandparents routinely interact with their grandchildren, there is plenty on the importance of the grandchild-grandparent relationship. In one 2014 study, researchers from Boston College found that a close relationship between grandchild and grandparent resulted in fewer symptoms of depression for both. And a 2008 study from the University of Oxford showed that a close relationship with a grandparent had a positive impact on an adolescent’s well-being..."
17.01.2022 "Once something is added to your collection of beliefs, you protect it from harm. You do this instinctively and unconsciously when confronted with attitude-inconsistent information. Just as confirmation bias shields you when you actively seek information, the backfire effect defends you when the information seeks you, when it blindsides you...."
15.01.2022 "There is this misconception that you need to somehow figure out your inner workings before you’re ready to move forward. I think this approach is fundamentally flawed. Trying to contain your emotions is like trying to contain a storm in a teacup. Trying to understand your self fully is like trying to understand the universe fully. My point is, if your outer world is reflective of what’s going on inside, then instead of starting from the inside and working your way out, perhaps it might be wiser (and easier) to start making some changes to your environment and circumstances first...."
14.01.2022 Listen Now!! Tevia Feng is a master instructor and the founder of White Tiger Qigong. We talk about Qi, the origins of Qigong, mind, body and spirit, dealing with trapped emotions, balance, flow, moving with the rhythms of nature and so much more! >>
13.01.2022 Photo Credit: @walter_edlington // The word alternative was once reserved for what’s unorthodox, but today, it seems to be the other way around. To think for your self has become a rebellious act. The truth is no longer enough, now we need to burn it all down and create our own truths, new truths. Sensibility is the new alternative. Freedom is no longer about being free; Love is increasingly expressed as hate and education is not about l...earning how to think, but what to think. We’ve replaced the heart with the mind; meaningful human relationships with careers; health with a pill and what we need with what we want. In short, the world has been turned upside down. It’s the great inversion and we’re too distracted to realise. It’s when you go against The Way (The Dao) that things begin to fall apart. It always starts with a corruption of the spirit; to be inevitably swept away with the social current of the times. Tearing down the old and replacing it with the new, not realising that new is not always better. Words: @mdahdal See more
12.01.2022 "Life sometimes has this tendency to break your spirit and dim any light you may have had left inside. Not sure if it’s by default or design, but there’s no greater tragedy than that of a broken spirit. The loss of that child like quality, that spark in your eyes. Where everything is new and interesting. When you’re constantly discovering, learning and growing. Creating, making new friendships. although life brings with it real challenges, obligations and responsibilities that’s no reason to disengage. To stop seeing all that it still has to offer. Because life is not merely about staying alive, it’s about living; it’s about going out into the world - to be engaged. To experience it with child like eyes, with curiosity and wonder. To be fearless in pursuit of those things which fan the flames of your human spirit...."
10.01.2022 "Even if you believe there is no ultimate purpose, then having a strong sense of purpose will serve you well, as ultimately, it will give you a sense of clarity and direction. Only then, can you start shedding the excess, those added layers and distractions that get in the way of getting to the heart of what really, truly matters. Your purpose, or what you ultimately value, becomes a reference point by which you measure your decisions and assign priorities...."
09.01.2022 I know it’s difficult to map a way forward if you don’t know what you want exactly. There’s no easy answer to this question, knowing what you want requires knowing who you are and what you’re all about. It’s a process, it takes time and even once you think you’ve got it, an experience may get you reconsidering and all of a sudden you find yourself back at square one. So if you're a little stuck, you may benefit by first establishing what you definitely don't want and then go from there.. "
09.01.2022 "Only dead fish go with the flow. The modern idea of ‘flow’ is too often misplaced. It’s devoid of intentionally, assuming instead that you go wherever the social current takes you. You act, not from any point of principle, but primarily on how you feel at any given time. It’s resigned to the whims of circumstance. When in actuality, flow has direction...."
08.01.2022 "‘What is happiness?’ asks the fictional advertising executive Don Draper in Mad Men, in neo-Hobbesian mode, before answering: ‘It’s the moment before you need more happiness.’ These days, we pursue happiness rather than letting it come to us. We try to collect moments of happiness like shells at the beach, even as the waves wash them away. The pursuit is Sisyphean; it inevitably leads down a disappointing path..."
07.01.2022 "It’s so much easier to fake a smile than have to explain why you’re sad. But the word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. While hope and optimism carry their own power, there’s no point sugar coating the fact that life can get rough sometimes. And a life fully lived, will include the full spectrum of emotions - this is the human experience. The point is not to be positive all the time, the point is to be real...."
07.01.2022 "Your word is your bond, it goes to the heart of your integrity. It establishes your credibility and says something about you. Whether you can be trusted and relied upon - and should you lose your credibility, you essentially have nothing left. Because it’s not only about knowing that others can rely on you; it also goes to the heart of whether you can rely on yourself. Whether you can deliver on what your promise and what you've set out to do and whether you can look yourself in the mirror and respect what you see..."
05.01.2022 "In these countries, people live substantially longer than the worldwide average and each place has its own secret source of vitality..."
05.01.2022 "Life is indeed a balance between holding on and letting go. And like a fistful of sand, the tighter you grasp it, the more it slips away. The harder you hold on, the more it escapes you. The more you push it, the more you repel it. There is indeed a time for holding on and a time for letting go, but the skill is in knowing how and when. In discerning what’s good for you and what’s not..."
05.01.2022 "The thing with a cycle is, it goes around and around, it’s seemingly infinite and never ending. There are some external cycles you just don’t have any control over, like the seasons, day and night, birth and death. But then there are some cycles that you can actually influence. These are internal to you and are usually reflected in your patterns of behaviour...."
04.01.2022 "The average person lives about 30,000 days (give or take). So, the question is, how many days have you got left? Do the math and then stop sitting around thinking about it - get to work!"
04.01.2022 "When people come together in a crowd, physical and emotional connections define their movement, state of mind and will to act..."
03.01.2022 Photo: @yamashitaphoto // Time doesn’t care about what you do with your life , it goes on, with or without you. Time is what life is made of and it’s limited. The clock is always ticking; you may delay, but time will not. So while you sit around trying to figure out what you want out of life; as if it somehow owes you something, why not instead ask yourself, what does life expect of me? And then get at it. Maybe it is about time that y...ou flick the switch. Confront those things you’ve been avoiding; do those things you’ve been delaying; have that conversation you’ve been meaning to have. Stop throwing your life away; by allowing time to slip away. Leaking 5 mins here and 5 mins there with absolute contempt. Not realising that it all adds up to hours, days, weeks, months and years. Not realising that every single moment counts. But the issue is not at all about managing your time bette, that's a fallacy. The point is to manage your focus and attention. To understand what and who is important. Because you can do just about anything, but you can't do everything - so get your priorities in order. And then be relentless is pursuit of everything that’s good in the world. In pursuit of those things that actually really matter. The average person lives about 30,000 days (give or take) - so how many days have you got left? Do the math and then stop sitting around thinking about it - get to work! Words: @mdahdal . . #mychijourney #dao #theway #humanexperience #thesacredscience #behuman #awakening #spiritualwarrior #spiritualwarfare #wisdom #awakenedsoul #naturesway #mindvalley #myherbalstudies #iin #earthfrequency #culturetrip #ourlonelyplanet #lonelyplanet #vivalaexperiencia #ecotravel #welltravelled #roamearth #changedbytravel #wellnessblog #puravidalife #tianzimountain #naturereserve See more
03.01.2022 "Everything about us is sending a message to others about our level of intensity as well. The things we do, the things we say, even our appearance, suggests an inner attitude about life. If we are spending more money on donuts than we do on books, that suggests something about the sincerity of our desire for personal progress...."
03.01.2022 "Imagine receiving a letter every day for a couple of months and instead of opening it and responding, you leave it unattended on the dining table (or in your inbox). After a couple of months you’ll notice your mail piling up, in fact, there’s so much of it now, you have no idea where to begin. This analogy is equally relevant to other parts of your life. Leaving things unattended or unresolved keeps it fresh and active in your mind, looping around in your thought process you’ve done something about it. Now if you have a tendency to ‘put things off until later’ you’ll find this will begin to cause you a sense of uneasiness, anxiety and stress, especially as things begin to pile up. In psychology this is referred to as the Zeigarnik Effect. The Zeigarnik effect is a phenomenon describing the minds tendency to remember interrupted or incomplete tasks more easily than completed ones....." See more
02.01.2022 "For the Ancient Greeks, virtue wasn’t a goal in and of itself, but rather a route to a life well lived. By being honest and generous, embodying diligence and fortitude, showing restraint and kindness, a person would flourish coming to live a life filled with meaning and finding an enduring, as opposed to ephemeral, happiness..."
01.01.2022 "If you’re sitting around waiting to be motivated, you’ll never get anything done. Sure motivation might help you get things started, but finishing things is a completely different story. Motivation can spark you into action, but it’s not what sustains you. What sustains you is your strength of will, having the conviction to see something through..."
01.01.2022 "Our culture has a way of equating victory with success and surrender with defeat. Life has somehow been framed for you in a way that is very goal oriented, where success is defined wholly by the outcome. In this case, victory is the ultimate success. But, what if life’s ultimately purpose is to simply be lived, with all the fullness and the richness that’s available to you. In this case, surrender is not defeat at all.... "