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MyoSymmetry Remedial Massage in Mount Hawthorn | Local service

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MyoSymmetry Remedial Massage

Locality: Mount Hawthorn

Address: 110 Scarborough Beach Road 6016 Mount Hawthorn, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 A FEW CHANGES If you are not already aware, the clinic will be moving premises in the next couple of weeks :D From the 25th August 2020 we will be located at Mount Hawthorn Chiropractic, 110 Scarborough Beach Road, MOUNT HAWTHORN. ... There will be some slight adjustments to opening times as follows: Monday: 1.15pm - 7.00pm (closed every second Monday) Tuesday: 10.45am 7.00pm Wednesday: - 7.00pm Thursday: 10.45am 7.00pm Friday: 8.30am - 5pm Saturday: 8.00am - 3.00pm In addition, we are streamlining appointment types to either: Initial consultation and Treatment - up to 75 mins 60 minute follow-up remedial treatment 30 minute follow-up remedial treatment 90 minute remedial treatments by request only The clinic will be CLOSED between Friday, 14 August and Monday, 24th August to facilitate the move... and to have a bit of holiday :) Cant wait to show you around the new clinic!

21.01.2022 8AM SATURDAY Late appointment opening at 8am tomorrow morning for either: Initial consultation and treatment (new clients) ... 60 minute remedial treatment (existing clients) 30 minute remedial treatment (existing clients) Save time, BOOK ONLINE

21.01.2022 NO PAIN, NO GAIN? No matter how good OR how strong your massage therapist is, they are not actually PHYSICALLY altering the tensile structure of the tissue. Huh?? Why am I even bothering to get a massage then? ... The body can withstand and absorb huge forces during activity. So, it seems logical that a massage, with much lesser forces applied, is unlikely to make much difference in the length of the tissue. Current research supports this reasoning. But you feel looser, have greater mobility and generally feel better after a treatment? Heres the thing. The body decides if it is going to ACCEPT the treatment and allow relaxation of the tissues. We ask your body, through manipulation, to relax and it responds. If we are lucky, it responds positively, allowing more range of movement, less pain and tension and great function in the soft tissue. So, it is not true, the harder the massage the more beneficial it is. In fact, if massage is causing extreme pain it is counter productive to the treatment goal and youll walk out feeling like youve been hit by a bus. I tell my clients the treatment should be comfortably uncomfortable. The areas of dysfunction are going to be tender but it should feel like a good pain. Would you benefit from a treatment that speaks your bodys language? Id love to hear from you!

20.01.2022 Couldnt have said it better myself

19.01.2022 Two spots left this week, both on Wednesday 12.15pm 1.30pm... Book online at:

18.01.2022 UPDATE: This appointment has been filled A last minute spot has opened up TOMORROW EVENING at 6pm. No evening availability for another two weeks so jump on it quick! ... Book online at:

17.01.2022 New towels Not my first choice in colour, but these mega towels are the best! Dont forget - RE-OPENING on 25th August ... ****We are NOW located within:**** Mount Hawthorn Chiropractic Clinic 110 Scarborough Beach Road Mount Hawthorn First week is currently fully booked but plenty of space the following week. See you soon! Rizz

16.01.2022 An appointment has become available TOMORROW afternoon at 4.45pm. Get in quick! Book online at:

15.01.2022 AVAILABILITY THIS EVENING The popular 6pm spot has opened up this evening. If you would like to snap this "after work" spot up, please call or msg me on 0429 929 601.... Rizz :)

15.01.2022 UPDATE: This appointment has been filled. Hurray its Fri-YAY!!! Have you had a long week and need a bit of YOU time?... Guess what? There is a LAST MINUTE OPENING TOMORROW at 10.45am for either an Initial Consult and Treatment or Follow-Up 60 or 30 treatment! Start your weekend off on the right foot with a bit of self-care. Save time, BOOK ONLINE

15.01.2022 A FEW SPOTS LEFT THIS WEEK Monday - 4.45pm (60 min/Initial) Tuesday - 4.45pm (60min/Initial) Friday 9.45am (60min/Initial) and 2.45pm (45min)... Dont miss out! Save time, book online at: Helping you live harmoniously with your body

15.01.2022 This big old muscle and its mate, teres major, often get forgotten about in neck and shoulder pain. They are big players in internal rotation of the shoulder which place added tension through the upper back and neck muscles. I love getting into these guys and many clients have never had them released before. Its not pleasant but youll be amazed at how a good release here opens you up through the shoulders and allows much better overhead movement. ...

15.01.2022 So Im told, if your tummy grumbles during a massage, were hitting the right places ... or maybe youre just hungry! Either way, the para-sympathetic nervous system is doing its thang

14.01.2022 MyoSymmetry is MOVING! I am delighted to share the news that the clinic will soon be moving to a lovely space within a local allied health setting. For the past year Ive been located within the fabulous Re-Boot Collective space. ... And, although I wouldnt necessarily call my treatments relaxing, I do believe the environment I provide treatments from needs to be conducive to healing and focusing on the work we are doing. With this is mind, I am moving the clinic from the gym to a much calmer environment within Mount Hawthorn Chiropractic. I see this as the perfect environment where I can continue to grow and provide wonderful treatments. I will be combining the move with just over a weeks holiday and will be closed from: Friday, 14th August 2020 and re-opening in the new space on Tuesday, 25th August 2020. The new clinic location is: Mount Hawthorn Chiropractic 110 Scarborough Beach Road MOUNT HAWTHORN 6016 You can book as usual via my website at I look forward to seeing you in the treatment room soon! Rizz

12.01.2022 Did you know this week is National Pain Week? Chronic pain can be debilitating, incredibly frustrating and difficult to treat Did you know pain can persist, become worse and even spread, long after the original issue has physically resolved? This is due to over-sensitisation in the nervous system alerting your body to "danger" that is, in most cases, no longer there.... Movement patterns in the body change and the body is on "high alert", causing pain to flare up at the slightest aggravation. This can make chronic pain difficult to treat and those who experience it are often prescribed a multitude of drugs to mask the symptoms. Chronic pain and over-sensitisation is slowly becoming better understood as a central nervous system overload. Massage is one of many physical therapies used to help calm the sympathetic nervous system and allow the body to re-set. If you are experiencing chronic pain, and would like to include remedial massage in your management plan, I would love to hear from you.

11.01.2022 Feeling nice and rested after a week off , back into the swing of it tomorrow. Cant wait to show you around the new clinic Fully booked this week but still some spots left next week so get in quick...

11.01.2022 A sneak peak at the new space

09.01.2022 LAST MINUTE SATURDAY APPOINTMENT!! Brrrr I know its going to be cold and you may want a sleep-in BUT my 8am space has just opened up tomorrow morning! Initial consult or 60 Minute ... The next Saturday availability is on 29th August (and theres only one spot left)!! If you cant wait that long, jump in quick. Ill have the heater cranked up and you can go back to sleep if you like :D

09.01.2022 This is quite cool, seeing the "lay of the land" in the upper arm

08.01.2022 This week Im fully booked but there is still some space next week before the big move! Dont forget, there is a Cancellation Wait List form on the Bookings page of my website. Put your name down to snap up any last minute spots that come up....

06.01.2022 **UPDATE** Im feeling a lot better and will be back in the clinic tomorrow afternoon I have two appointments I have opened up at 3.30pm and 4.45pm. Im afraid Im then fully booked till Monday the 10th of August due to all the reschedules! Theres still some space available that week though!... Remember, I have a Cancellation Wait List on my website if youd like to put your name down to be contacted if something opens up :) _______________________________________________________________ Unfortunately I have come down with a bit of a cold and wont be in clinic today and tomorrow Ill reassess tomorrow arvo for bookings later in the week. Rest assured, I will not treat you if Im sick If you, or those in your household, have any cold or flu symptoms, please reschedule your appointment. Lets look after each other

06.01.2022 If you havent noticed already, I love muscles! Well in the clinical sense anyway! My client drew his headache pain pattern for me today. When he mentioned his front teeth hurt aswell I knew it was a myofascial pain pattern. Here is his drawing and the muscle (temporalis) pain pattern! Funnily enough he said when he massages his temples the pain goes. How cool is that?!... Pain patterns tell me a lot about where the pain is actually coming from. As a very well respected therapist, Dr Ida Rolf, said "Where you think it is, it aint."

05.01.2022 SEE YOU SOON! Just a reminder the clinic will be CLOSED from today, till the 25th August 2020, so we can RELOCATE to our new premises in Mount Hawthorn. I am already fully booked that first week back and the second week is filling up fast! ... I will keep you posted on the progress of the move Really looking forward to creating an amazing space to complement my treatments. See you all in a few weeks! Rizz

04.01.2022 This is a good little indicator for knee pain symptoms, however most idiopathic knee pain (ie. arsies spontaneously, without known cause) is due to overload. For example: - returning to run/activity to quickly and going to hard to soon. - overloading the knee over its usual activity, like running 20km when youre used you only running 12km. ... - a hard knock or trauma can also make the knee susceptible to lower load tolerance. Runnings Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome PFPS) is often a broad, go-to diagnosisc for anterior knee pain meaning "Im not really sure whats going on here". It should not be confused with ITB Syndrome which is pain in the lateral aspect of the knee only and can cause patella tracking issues. Non-traumatic, idiopathic knee pain responds well to slow introduction of activity keeping well under the tipping point for overload. Strengthening the structures around the knee and hip. Soft tissue therapy which encourages a re-set of muscles, fascia and pain receptors on high alert in the area.

03.01.2022 "Oh all these years I thought I was getting a remedial massage when I really wasnt!!" This is what a new client said to me a few weeks ago after coming to see me for ongoing lower back pain. After her first treatment she said her back pain had almost resolved, after her second she was good to go on her merry way. Im not saying that every case is as simple as that, I wish it were! But it has occurred to me how many people are receiving "remedial massage" when really, wha...t they are receiving in most case just a "harder" massage. That is not a remedial massage!! A remedial massage includes a thorough assessment of your symptoms and history as well as a physical assessment. From there your therapist should devise a treatment UNIQUE to you. It is not a sequenced, harder treatment. It should target specific areas to address trigger points (knots) and adhesion in the tissue and lines of tension (through the whole body). From there we devise a treatment plan and bring in self-care elements such as stretching or strengthening. Each week, I adjust my treatment to take into account the changes in your body. It is normal for new areas of tension, or even pain, to arise because your body is moving differently. That is good!! Each session I record (on these sheets) what has changed from your perspective, as well as what I can see and feel. Once you are at a stage were pain has resolved, function is restored and your body is now in the drivers seat to do the rest you are good to go!! Thats what you should expect from a remedial massage!!!

02.01.2022 Spent the morning moving and somehow managed to dodge the rain! The new clinic is coming together nicely. Will put the final touches on during the week Have a great Sunday!... Rizz See more

01.01.2022 I HAD MASSAGE THEN I GOT PAIN SOMEWHERE ELSE CLIENT: I had a massage a while ago and it felt good at the time but a few days later I had pain in a completely different spot ME: They must have done a good job then! ... I wish her previous therapist had explained to her that this is good!! But of course, she didnt go back. What is actually happening when you get a remedial treatment? Your therapist is facilitating a change (if your body will allow) in the bio-mechanics of your movement and function. Pain is the *end result* in a chain of warning systems that your body delivers to protect itself from perceived danger like injury or loss of function. Pain and stiffness restrict movement in the area as a protection mechanism. When I work to restore range of movement and function in an area, I am highly anticipating a move in the pain or tension. Why? Because one muscle doesnt do the entire job of moving a joint! There are many muscles involved; a unit. When we change some of the muscle function in a unit, it is highly likely other muscles may not cope with the new loads, therefore changing the site of pain or tension. Those areas then also need to be addressed. We then free up those new areas of limitation, further improving the bio-mechanics of the movement pattern. I will always ask my clients to note, if and where the pain/stiffness/tension moves to, so in the next treatment we have a new goal and game plan. Our goal is to restore function. Then we can address the REASON for the imbalance.

01.01.2022 Bit of Self-care Sunday with a float to start the week. Aaammmmaazinngg

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