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Quirky Treasures

Phone: +61 488 443 847


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25.01.2022 Birthday cupcakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #birthday #pink #pinkandwhite #yum #buttercream #swirl #pretty #21stbirthday #gowiththecake

25.01.2022 Balloons for an Event #balloons #balloongarland #garland #balloonpillar #pillars #perthgaysocialclub #gold #silver #black #pretty #discoball #disco #party #letsparty #letsdance

25.01.2022 BMX Cake #bmx #gnarly #gnarlyjumps #cake #yum #bmxbike #10 #10thbirthdaycake #mountain #dirttracks #offtrack #offroad #offroadbike #coolcakes #cakesofinstagram

24.01.2022 Corporate Cookie Gifts packaged and ready to go! #individual #allwrappedup #singleserve #boxed #thatsawrap #readyforclients #cookies #sugarcookies #corporate #corporategifts #house #welcomehome #micasa #yum #cookiesofinstagram #edibleimage #printyourlogo #thankyourclients #saywhatyouwant #thechoiceisyours #limitless #anythingispossible #realestate #property

24.01.2022 Rainbow Cupcakes #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #rainbow #eatitall #prettycupcakes #happybirthday #glutenfree #dairyfree #glutenanddairyfree

24.01.2022 Curious? It’s workshop time! #workshop #specialeffects #specialeffectsmakeup #horror #blood #homeschooling #homeschoolfun #learningfunstuff #halloween #halloweenmakeup #cuts #burns #bruises #bulletholes

22.01.2022 Corporate Cookies #cookies #sugarcookies #corporate #corporategifts #house #welcomehome #micasa #yum #cookiesofinstagram #edibleimage #printyourlogo #thankyourclients #saywhatyouwant #thechoiceisyours #limitless #anythingispossible

22.01.2022 Masks, masks and more masks! I love these designs and what they stand for! #masks #wearyourmask #chooseyourdesign #showyourstyle #sublimationprinting #sublimation #dyesublimation #inclusive #respect #seetheperson

21.01.2022 I found the goose that lays golden eggs! #hotchocolatebombs #hotchocbombs #hotchocbombsarethebest #gold #hotchoc #hotchocolate #chocolate #yum #perfectgifts #giftyourself #golden #goldengoose #goldeneggs #readyforcamp #greattoshare #greattosharewithfriends

20.01.2022 Prada Handbag Cake #prada #cake #pradabag #pradahandbag #ivory #fondant #gold #itsprada #fancy #eatitall #completelyedible #21stbirthday #21st #sheaskedforprada #itsacake #realorcake

20.01.2022 Basketball Cookies #perthcookies #perth #cookies #biscuits #basketball #lakesidelightning #cookiesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #fun #eatitall #funcookies #goteam #thankyou #coachdave #vickie Lakeside

20.01.2022 Personalised Mug - #personalisedmug #sublimation #fathersday #gift #fathersdaygifts #saywhatyouwant #howaboutaphoto #addchocolate #evenbetterwithchocolate

19.01.2022 Hot Choc Bombs #hotchocbombs #hotchocbombsarethebest #hotchocolate #hotchocolatebombs #mmm #chocolate #4pack #individual #cantjusthaveone #magic #yum #thebest #3flavours #choices #trythemall #chocolate #choc #mint #chocmint #mocha #creamy #chocolatey

19.01.2022 Chrome Balloon Bunch #chrome #gold #silver #chromeballoons #balloons #helium #heliumballoons #party #celebrate #partywithballoons #birthday #alwaysfun #fun #chromeisfancy #addalittlesparkle

19.01.2022 30th Birthday Balloon Bunch #Balloons #BunchOfBalloons #BalloonBouquet #Birthday #BirthdaySurprise #30thBirthday

18.01.2022 DIY Christmas Cookie Box #diy #cookies #cookiebox #diycookies #christmas #holidayfun #decorate #doityourself #funforkids #hangthemonthetree #hangthem #ornaments #christmasornaments #edibleornaments

18.01.2022 Espresso Martini Cake #espressomartini #coffee #coffeebean #40th #cake #chocolate #chocolatecake #friends #spoilt #martini #weloveespressomartinis #coffeejelly #espressomartinijelly #40thbirthday #40thbirthdaycake #espressomartinicake #eatitall #coffeebeans #anythingispossible Victoria Milner Hairdressing

17.01.2022 I was blessed to be able to donate this balloon garland to the @motorneuronediseasewa games and gala fundraiser. What an amazing event and wonderful people! #balloongarland #balloons #garland #mndawa #mnd #blue #blueballoons #white #whiteballoons #makeitpretty #gala #celebrate #celebration #fundraiser #photowall #redcarpet #fancy #addballoons #betterwithballoons

17.01.2022 21st Cake #21 #21stbirthday #roses #cake #cakesofinstagram #buttercream #diamontes #sparkles #pretty #fun

17.01.2022 Queen Cake #queen #crown #gumpaste #buttercream #gold #eatitall #fun #yum #regal #cake #cakesofinstagram #roses

16.01.2022 Personalised Mug - #personalisedmug #sublimation #inspirationalquotes #gift #justforyou #saywhatyouwant #howaboutaphoto #needcoffee #believeinyourdreams #believe #dreams

14.01.2022 Cleopatra Cake #cleopatra #cake #gold #jewels #staff #queen #cakesofinstagram #egypt #egyptianqueen #shesfancy #fancy #carved #madeofcake #carvedcake #eatitall

14.01.2022 Indulgence box #Indulgence #SpoilYourself #SpoilSomeone #Yum #MiniCupcakes #SugarCookies #Chocolates #IllJustHaveOne #Jokes #CantStopAtOne

13.01.2022 Personalised Balloons #balloons #personalised #personal #chrome #rosegold #makeitpersonal #putyournameonit #helium #70thbirthday #birthday #justforyou #betterwithballoons #sayitwithballoons #chooseyourcolour #chooseyourfont #saywhatyouwant

13.01.2022 Red Velvet Mini Cupcakes #redvelvet #redvelvetcupcakes #buttercream #buttercreamswirls #minicupcakes #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #eatitall #prettycupcakes #worktreats #fridaysnacks #minicalories #smaller #taketwo

13.01.2022 Birthday Cupcakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #pink #6 #6thbirthday #initial #sparkly #glitter #stars #girly #princess #cupcakesforclass #cupcakesforschool #wedeliver #delivered #deliveredtoyourdoor #vanilla #buttercream #yum #eatitall

12.01.2022 Shoe Cake #shoes #sneakers #cake #lebron17 #nike #itsacake #yum #eatitall #belovedshoes #brycecotton #autograph #hesignedhisshoes #helovestheseshoes #madeitincake #realorcake #lebronjames #nikeair #basketballshoes #itmadethecut

12.01.2022 Halloween Cupcakes #halloween #cupcakes #pumpkin #frankensteinsmonster #eyeball #ghost #mummy #vampire #fun #yum #cupcakesofinstagram #spooky #notreally #halloweenfun

12.01.2022 Sheep Cake Topper #sheep #gumpaste #caketopper #topper #7inch #fun #cute #decorate #decorateyourcake #fence #farm #bahhh

12.01.2022 Basketball Cupcakes #basketball #basketballcupcakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #11 #11thbirthday #cupcakesforclass #cupcakesforschool #vanilla #chocolate #glutenfree #threetypes #threeflavours #takethemtoschool

11.01.2022 Personalised Mug - #personalisedmug #sublimation #holidayphotos #gift #kalbarri #justforyou #saywhatyouwant #howaboutaphoto #needcoffee #natureswindow #natureswindowkalbarri

11.01.2022 Birthday Cookies #perthcookies #perth #cookies #biscuits #crowns #hearts #cookiesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #birthday #fun #eatitall #cute #funcookies #cookiecrowns #cookiehearts #13thbirthday

11.01.2022 Tiger Cake #tiger #cake #cakesofinstagram #roar #vanilla #buttercream #edibleimage #printwhatyouwant #eatitall #fun #yum

11.01.2022 Magic Reindeer Food #Reindeerfood #reindeer #food #magic #funforkids #fun #glitter #feedthereindeer #dontforgetthem #christmasevefun #christmaseve

11.01.2022 Hot Choc Bombs #hotchocbombs #hotchocolate #hotchocolatebombs #chocolate #chocmint #mocha #whatsyourflavour #magic #gold #silver #copper #watchit #watchitpop #chocolatelygoodness #likeabathbombforyourbelly #chooseyourflavour #drinkthemall

10.01.2022 Ears in the making! Today in our cosplay class the students took moulds of their ears. Next week they will be building their plaster ears to create custom fit prosthetic ears in the style of their characters they created last week. Exciting! #prosthetics #alginate #casting #moulds #ears #characterdesign #cosplay #plaster #creation #cosplayclass #characterdevelopment #customfit

10.01.2022 Secret Santa Gift #secretsanta #kriskringle #mug #sublimation #putwhatyouwant #doublesided #nickname #personalised #catchphrase

10.01.2022 Minecraft #perthcakes #perth #cakes #birthdays #yum #perthsweets #minecraft #minecraftcake #eatitall #minecraftcreeper #sheep #pig #moreminecraft

09.01.2022 Llama Party Cupcakes #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #llamas #llamaparty #eatitall #prettycupcakes #happybirthday #glutenfree #dairyfree #glutenanddairyfree

09.01.2022 Secret Santa Gift #secretsanta #kriskringle #mug #sublimation #perthhornets #putwhatyouwant #doublesided #logo #personalised

09.01.2022 21 Balloons #balloons #confetti #confettiballoons #gold #fun #chrome #helium #21 #21stbirthday #21st #decorate

08.01.2022 Nurse Graduation Cake #nursing #degree #nurse #graduation #book #mortarboard #graduationhat #syringe #blood #congratulations #eatitall #cake #cakesofinstagram #fondant

08.01.2022 Basketball Cookies #perthcookies #perth #cookies #biscuits #basketball #birthday #cookiesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #fun #eatitall #funcookies #16thbirthday

08.01.2022 Red Velvet Cupcakes With Rainbow Buttercream #redvelvet #redvelvetcupcakes #rainbow #rainbowswirl #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #eatitall #prettycupcakes #happybirthday

08.01.2022 Elsa Cake #elsa #frozen #blue #ice #snow #isomalt #buttercream edibleimage #fun #yum #cake #cakesofinstagram

07.01.2022 Baby Boy Balloon Gift #baby #babyboy #itsaboy #stuffedballoons #giftsinsideballoon #unique #uniquegifts #standout #standoutfromthecrowd #fungifts #fun #makeitdifferent #makeitspecial #blue #boy

07.01.2022 Charcoal Portrait #CharcoalPortrait #Charcoal #Portrait #FavouriteAnimal #UniqueGift #PersonalGifts #JustForYou #OneOfAKind #SendMeYourPhoto #CombinePhotos #SomethingNew #MeaningfulPresent

07.01.2022 Personalised Mug - #personalisedmug #sublimation #funny #gift #bitmoji #justforyou #saywhatyouwant #howaboutaphoto #needcoffee

07.01.2022 Week 3 - we’re all ears! #ears #casting #plaster #plasticine #makingears #prosthetics #cosplay #gettingcreative #costumes

07.01.2022 I challenge you to taste the difference! #glutenfree #dairyfree #glutenanddairyfree #tastesnormal #yummy #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #eatitall #prettycupcakes

07.01.2022 Graduation Balloons #graduation #balloons #pillar #balloonpillars #confettiballoon #gold #black #themed #chrome

06.01.2022 Treasure X Cake #treasurex #treasure #birthday #birthdaycake #edibleimage #edible #map #pirate #piratemap #treasuremap #buttercream #buttercreamcake #eatitall #yum #yummy #party #boys #fun #madeofgold

06.01.2022 Education Assistant Gift #personalisedmug #teachersassistant #saywhatyouwant #educationassistant #hero #sublimation #mug #gift #endofyeargift #christiangift

05.01.2022 DIY Cookie Box #perthcookies #perth #cookies #biscuits #dresses #cookiesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #birthday #fun #eatitall #cute #funcookies #cookiedress #partyfun

05.01.2022 Marble pink 13th Cookies #cookies #marble #13 #sugarcookies #sugarcookiesofinstagram #gold #goldleaf #girly #girlcookies #13thbirthday #birthdaygirl #saywhatyouwant #chooseyourcolour #makeitpretty #eatitall

05.01.2022 Dinosaur Cake #dinosaur #leaves #rahhh #jurrasic #4 #4thbirthday #lovedinosaurs #fun #funforall #fondant #dinosaursmash #littleboys #boys #cakesofinstagram #cake

04.01.2022 Unicorn Cake #unicorn #unicorncake #vanilla #vanillacreme #buttercream #buttercreamcake #gumpaste #gumpastehorn #gold #golden #goldenhorn #goldenunicornhorn #unicornhorn #piped #pipedstars #pipedswirls #purple #pink #eatitall

04.01.2022 We’re ready for Halloween! Are you? Special Effects Workshop! #workshop #SpecialEffects #SpecialEffectsMakeup #Horror #Blood #Homeschooling #HomeSchoolFun #LearningFunStuff #Halloween #HalloweenMakeup #Cuts #Burns #Bruises #BulletHoles #AttackedByZombies #EdibleMakeup #CookedOurOwn #TurningIntoZombies #SoMuchFun

04.01.2022 Elf on the Shelf Quarantine Bubble #elfontheshelf #quarantine #2weeks #2weeksinside #selfisolation #selfisolating #bubble #balloon #imback #elf #2weeksbreak #funformum #funfordad #surprise #mask #covidsafe

03.01.2022 Business launch Cake and Mini Cupcakes #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #minicupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #cakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #eatitall #prettycupcakes #cutecupcakes #edibleimage #logo #businesslaunch #woofandgo

03.01.2022 Bob The Builder #perthcakes #perth #cakes #birthdays #yum #perthsweets #Bobthebuilder #edibleimage #eatitall #bobthebuildercake

03.01.2022 Polaroid from client #polaroid #21st #clientshare #makingmemories #memories #cakeandcupcakes #cake #cupcakes #fun #photoalbum

03.01.2022 Gymnastics Cake #gymnastics #chocolatemudcake #gymnast #littlegymnast #7 #7thbirthday #cake #cakesofinstagram #yum #splits #ouch #gottahurt

02.01.2022 Last chance to sign up! It’s not too late! This week we will be taking ear casts and making our own prosthetic ears. If you wanted to join this class and thought you missed out, you can sign up now and catch up. This will be the final chance. After this Friday it’s too late!

02.01.2022 Bayblade Cookies #bayblades #cookies #cookiesofinstagram #yum #letitrip #cookiesforclass #cookiesforschool #biscuits #biscuitsforschool #fun #theylovethem #baybladeburst #baybladecookies #eatitall

02.01.2022 Christmas Cupcakes #christmas #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #candycane #christmastree #santahats #yum #fun #holidays #corporategifts #vanilla #buttercream #eatitall #cute #cutecupcakes

01.01.2022 Check out what we‘ve been up to in our classes! Week 1 - Character development, week 2- ear moulding...just wait and see what they make next week!

01.01.2022 100 Heart Cookies Ready for Delivery #cookies #hearts #loveyourself #yum #eatitall #individual #wrapped #gifts #goodybags #cookiesofinstagram #biscuits #cookiesaregreat #cookiesaregreatgifts #saywhatyouwant

01.01.2022 Corporate Cupcakes #perthcakes #perth #cakes #cupcakes #cupcakesofinstagram #yum #perthsweets #perthchildrenshospitalfoundation #perthchildrenshospital #ediblelogo #eatitall #prettycupcakes #ediblelogocupcakes #edibleimage Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Perth Children's Hospital

01.01.2022 #fathersday #hamper #goodies #gifts #personalisedmug #beer #sugarcookies #sugarcookiesofinstagram #edibleimages

01.01.2022 Ready for delivery #corporatecupcakes #wedeliver #delivery #onestopshop #wedoitall #balloonstoo #cakes #cupcakes #glutenfree #perthchildrenshospitalfoundation Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Perth Children's Hospital

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