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In Shape Pilates in Golden Square, Victoria | Sport & recreation

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In Shape Pilates

Locality: Golden Square, Victoria

Phone: +61 438 562 535

Address: 503 High Street 3550 Golden Square, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 We have a new "BLOG' section on our website titled "Pilates during COVID". In this section there are some Pilates exercises/programmes for you, videos and health related information that you might find helpful. Please use this link to subscribe to the website. Some info will appear there that may not show up on Facebook and you will be emailed of any new information published. ... Go to the bottom of any page to subscribe.

25.01.2022 Some more on Pilates planking by John Garey. Here he applies a couple of variations on the plank. See how you go with it. If you have wrist injuries, it may not be the thing for you.... With over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry and 25 years of teaching Pilates, John not only reaches thousands online but has delivered his teachings to students and other instructors in over 20 countries worldwide. John is a sought after Teacher, Mentor, Speaker, and Trainer.

25.01.2022 Good morning. Did you know that man had larger airways and straighter teeth 40000 years ago? I was just listening to a radio interview with James Nestor-author of Breath.... It was really interesting. This man has done lots of research in the art of breathing. So it seems most of us in the Western world are quite bad a breathing correctly- mostly breathing through our mouth which delivers less oxygen to the body than through the nose. The effects of shallow breathing etc can be the cause of things like elevated blood pressure. Smaller airways lead to snoring and sleep apnoea. Breath is an important part of our Pilates practice. The information shared here highlights this point. The interview was on Life Matters (Radio National) today. There are also some you tube interviews I have found. I’ll put the link here for a short version but I recommend you listen to the 54 minute one too. Will put more links to this type of thing on our website too. Let me know your thoughts.

24.01.2022 10 Minute Pilates Programme is now available for you to access on our website. As series of a few videos. Don't let your core turn to mush. Try a little bit each day and you will surprised how your core strength will be maintained.

22.01.2022 Go on, admit it. You were singing The Bangles too!!!! Welcome to another fabulous week. The magic Circle- adaptable piece of equipment that we used to use quite a bit in class (in the days when we could use loads of props, oh well).... If you would like to learn more about what you can do with one of these while you are home, click the link. we have published a few images there for you to follow.

21.01.2022 ~ I S O L A T I O N M O T I V A T I O N ~ The plank! This is a popular exercise in Pilates and is a position that strengthens your core and gives your whole body a workout. A plank tones arms and legs, and especially the shoulder, back, and abdominal muscles. How to perform a plank:... * Balance on your forearms and toes with the body in one straight line, elbows directly under your shoulders. * Relax your shoulders and engage your core, pulling your abs in an up, as you maintain the plank and aim for for 60 seconds. Holding a plank for too long can cause pain if you have existing back problems because when your muscles get tired, the stomach sags down and puts pressure on the lower back so please ensure you focus on drawing your belly button towards your spine and think ribs to hips while holding a plank. If you need to, decrease the time and aim for 30 seconds then increase your hold as your core strength builds. We would love to hear how you progress during isolation! Don’t forget to check out our newsletter on the website for more motivation.

21.01.2022 Following on from Lorri’s post about breathing....... Focusing on breathing (which is a Pilates principle) is really heightened while we exercise -even more so at the moment. Wearing a mask while walking does bring your attention to the inhale and exhale. Thinking about this myself when I was walking around the reservoir I realised I was counting the inhale and exhale. This helps to keep your breath good and steady. ... Notice where you breath into, your chest or your tummy? See what happens to your core control if you change where you direct your breath . A little bit of mindfulness for you. Also a really practical use for your Pilates. When you are on your next walk/bike ride with your mask on, take a photo and share it so we can see your faces (or half of a face). Let us know your thoughts on how you breath with a face covering. Ps-the Reservoir reserve area was beautiful with creeks running fast. I also ditched the glasses after a while, it was like walking in a fog!!

20.01.2022 CONCENTRATION-"the action or power of focusing all one's attention." One of Joseph Pilates principles, he wrote-"concentrate on the correct movements EACH TIME YOU EXERCISE......" You can adapt this principle to many aspects of your life can't you? ... While you are going for a brisk walk- concentrating on your breath, holding your core strong, swinging the arms. Concentrating on the podcast you are listening to. Concentrating on the new recipe you are trying. Concentrating on the tricky task you just set yourself. Concentrating on your PILATES. Long legs, holding your core strong, breaking the movement down into little bits to perfect it. When you learn to concentrate well, tasks that you used to have to really think about become second nature- as will your Pilates. Picture credit Pilates quote-"Pilates Life Through Contrology"

17.01.2022 In Julie's classes this week we are continuing to work on breathing techniques and exercises which help strengthen pelvic floor. Pilates exercises will help pelvic floor to gain strength (by increasing the mobility of the mid/ upper back, and generally increasing core muscle strength and using breath as a tool too), but we will focus on some more specific moves (and you wont even know that your pelvic floor is working!!). Did you know that when you breathe out (exhale), your ...diaphragm lifts up and pushes the air out of the lungs. When this happens, pelvic floor muscles also contract and pull gently up towards the abdominal cavity. We have been working on increasing the exhale (breath in the nose and breathe out to the count of 5,10 and 15). This will strengthen the diaphragm and improve the efficiency of the lungs. Here's something for you to practice. -while you are out walking breathe in through the nose and out of the mouth. -when you have this sorted, breathe out for twice as long through your mouth, -now breathe out of the mouth counting up to 5 a few times. -now breathe out counting to 10 then 15 and so on. See what number you can get up to. TIP: use your steps to help you count to exhale. Let us know what you notice.

15.01.2022 With love from Julie, Lorri and Laura. Keep smiling everyone

15.01.2022 Need any cards? One of our clients has been busy making cards. Part of the proceeds will go towards a breast cancer charity. There are cards for occasions including Christmas, birthday, sympathy etc. Next time you are here at In Shape Pilates, have a look and stock up on your card supplies.

14.01.2022 Welcome to Monday everyone!!! Week 5 of no studio classes!!!!! I have written some info for you all in a BLOG on the website. Can you click on the link to read it please? Really hoping you are all well and taking full advantage of the beautiful weather- Pilates outside????... More for you really soon xx

13.01.2022 Swing those hips... going for a walk is a perfect opportunity to get out of the house and into the fresh air during isolation and it’s a simple way to keep those hips moving while the ISP studio is closed! While on your walk focus on your posture and core muscles, relax your shoulders and remember to take long deep breaths rather than short and shallow. Aim to get out of the house for a walk for at least 30 minutes daily and don’t forget to include some hills for variety!

12.01.2022 Hello all. Time for a short history lesson now!! Today we are stepping back in time with Romana Kryzanowska- a student of Joseph Pilates in the 1940's. In this link to our BLOG you can see a couple of videos showing traditional Pilates without all the frills.... I encourage you to have a look and try some of what you see in the video. There is more explanation in the link. Sounds intriguing doesn't it???

09.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!!!!! Can you believe it's 1 year since we opened as "In Shape Pilates"? So we actually took the business over from n8 Health (next door), who had a Pilates studio here called n8 Pilates.... We have continued to work closely with n8 Health who have also been an amazing support to us in getting our own studio up and going. To them we say a huge "Thank you". Over the last year we have been able to continue Pilates classes for previous n8 Pilates clients but have also gained so many of our own new clients. We have also welcomed 2 new teachers to the studio -Lorri and Laura who are fantastic at what they do and they themselves have managed to build up a clientele and following of their own. Having 3 teachers to hand enables us to provide more classes in the week and each of us offer something a little different to the way we teach and what teach. This in turn gives clients a different and more rounded Pilates experience. But what a year it's been. We have had some fun on at Golden Square Bowls and Croquet Club, Christmas drinkys. Brand new Reformers that have transformed what and how we teach Pilates. We managed to survive the 1st wave of "you know what" and with any luck we will bounce back just as strong in September. New classes were introduced- In-Tensity, Kids and Teens classes (we will bring them back when life settles down a little more). Thank you to you all for allowing us to help you, for spreading the word about us, having fun and gaining some strength in those bodies of yours. See you in the studio . xx

09.01.2022 Thank goodness there's still COFFEE!!! Another local business we would like to let you know about is CUSTOM COFFEES. You can visit them in store or online to purchase your coffee for home. They have many different blends which can be ground to you needs.... Its not only coffee you can buy, but hot chocolate, Chai and a range of coffee making equipment too. If you would like to go to their shop they are a 165A Strickland Road East Bendigo. For more info you can have a look at their Facebook page "Custom Coffees" or website

08.01.2022 Challenge your balance and strength here with this 10 min programme for you from Pilates Anytime. In this short video there are some alternatives to the Reformer leg and foot work we regularly instruct in classes. Some Plank, Teaser and Bridges . Something for the whole body. You may find it a little tricky but, as the teacher in the vid says (Courtney Miller), do this daily for 10 days and see what improvements to your balance and strength and stamina you notice .... Good luck and tell us what you think and how you go.

08.01.2022 At In Shape Pilates our breathing helps facilitate correct muscle activation and increases the safety of the exercises we do. The reason it’s important to focus on directing the breath into the sides of the ribs (rather than the lower stomach) is that this helps to keep the abdominals activated when performing exercises! #adoreyourcore Your breath also helps you to feel connected and reminds you to relax and be present... simply breathe! The most basic way to do mindful breathing is to focus your attention on your breath, the inhale and exhale. The idea is simply to focus your attention on your natural rhythm and flow and the way it feels on each inhale and exhale. #simplybreathe

07.01.2022 The current In Shape Pilates newsletter has been published to our website and also emailed to clients today. It's light hearted read with a short Pilates programme, showcasing local businesses, about 1:1 Classes and more. Happy reading......

03.01.2022 Thank you for helping us. Recently Meg decided to make some knitted headbands to raise some money for a local charity who is assisting our local community. We are happy to say that our clients at In Shape Pilates have helped to raise $50 which has today been paid to Bendigo Foodshare. ... They do some great work assisting families, schools and organisations in Regional Victoria. Thank you Meg for a great idea. For more info about Bendigo Foodshare, have a look at their website.

02.01.2022 Come and Try Pilates- its FREE so what's stopping you? In this small group you will see what Pilates actually is all about. What's included? -find out about your "core muscles", where they are, what they do etc, -have a "run through" of exercises we commonly include in a group class, -learn how to use our new adaptable Reformers. You will see that they are not as complicated as they look,... -be part of a small supported group where you can ask as many questions as you like and work at your own pace. At In Shape Pilates we will show you how Pilates will improve your overall strength, balance and flexibility with gentle. low impact and challenging exercises. If you have always wondered about Pilates, now is your chance to come and see for yourself . Our next FREE Come and Try Class will be this Wednesday 25 November at 6pm. Bookings are essential so please phone Julie 0438 562535 or click "BOOK NOW' above to reserve your place in this class. It's time to put yourself first!!

02.01.2022 Lorri has just finished the last class and closed up the studio Isolation round 2 here we go! Keep an eye on our Facebook page over the coming weeks as we will be sharing some home workout ideas to keep you moving until we see you again! Thank you all for your wonderful support. Stay safe everyone x

01.01.2022 BREATH and FLOW Music. Got to love it!!!! Music can invoke emotions can't it. Makes you feel better, allows you to be in a bad mood, lifts your mood, brings back memories......... I discovered this playlist today on Apple Music. Electronic in style but light and airy and a perfect tempo for good mood, walking, running, doing the house work. If you have and Apple music subscription I encourage you to listen to this. Having found it on a long brisk walk I just did, I feel AMAZING. While walking I found my breathing rhythm better and I could focus on maintaining a better, more consistent tempo. There's those Pilates principles again- BREATH AND FLOW. Anyway, I found it quite inspirational and wanted to share it with you. The style of music may not be your taste, maybe it is. Though it might be worth a try.

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