Nadine Stanford Photography | Photographer
Nadine Stanford Photography
Phone: +61 447 448 081
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24.01.2022 Celebrating birthdays as they should be celebrated, surrounded by all our most treasured people. Of course like every mum I love a good smile or sweet angel faced pic, but for me its those in between moments that have my heart. Those captures that show their personalities, be it the worlds cutest grumpy pout or the most enthusiastic dandelion blow I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing :P :P Those are the moments that for me, capture childhood in all its glory
21.01.2022 What could be better then an afternoon sipping champagne and eating cake to celebrate your 70th birthday! When you want to get all the family together for some nice casual birthday photos and the newest addition to the family comes out early just in time to celebrate with you. What an amazing birthday surprise he was! happy Birthday Jude, I hope it was one to remember.
21.01.2022 2 days till I draw this comp if you haven't entered yet get in quick! xx
21.01.2022 As I finished this gallery last night I thought how fitting it was that this was my last gallery to go out in 2020. I imagined this year might be a little similar to what life is like finding out you're expecting twins. So unexpected, almost unbelievable at times, totally unknown and scary. I bet on bad days it would feel like you would never leave your bed or couch again, that constant feeling of waiting, of counting down the days, time almost standing still. But then is also so much joy. A time to slow down, a time to appreciate those who care for us, those who are there for us, who love us. A time to truly appreciate family and to reconnect. A time to think about how amazing life is, about how lucky we are that we get to go on this journey. A time to look forward to the future. I know, just like with pregnancy, each of us has had such a different journey this year. Some joyful, some frustrating, some truly heartbreaking. But I think the end of this year, more than any new year, is one to truly celebrate. We are the lucky ones, we got to live through this, we got to call this a crazy time in our lives and not the final chapter. So cheers to new life and to new beginnings. See more
20.01.2022 Families often ask me, do I need to choose my pics after my family session and the answer is a hard no. The reason why is images like this. Are you gonna frame it, probably not. Maybe I keep it for me- cause every 1 year old babe that ever sits on her dads shoulders either pokes him in the eye or shoves her fist in his mouth and I think its the funniest thing ever! Today you might cringe, or think its silly, or wonder why I put it in your gallery but in 5 years time, in 10 years time.... I bet you these are the moments that you'll look back on and they will make you smile and shed a little tear and take you right back to what it was like when she was one.
20.01.2022 Finishing off this gallery today and getting ready for an editing marathon to start off the new year!! Thank you so much for everyone who has been patiently waiting for photos over this crazy season! These quiet snuggly moments ended up being my favourites from this session, they fill me with so much excitement for the future~ to have more moments like this with my own family. My New Years resolution this year is to slow down a bit, work less. To be more present with the people I love. Family. Friends. Myself. I would love to hear about yours!!! Happy 2021 everyone!
18.01.2022 Just in the nick of time before dashing out the door to head south for xmas.. (ok ok enough with the xmas puns). I just smile when I look at these... this couple, so loving and supportive of each other after all these years, making their 4th baby together. A big sister about to have a brood of little followers who look up to her and adore her, a baby brother about to move up to big brother, a new life to welcome into their tribe. Could there be anything more beautiful!
17.01.2022 I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal, and I remember thinking "wow, you're ridiculously good looking, maybe you could do that for a career." "Do what for a career?" Derek Zoolander: "Be professionally good looking." Miss you already our little Paddiconbraro.
12.01.2022 Could anything in this world be more beautifully complex then motherhood? A time in a woman's life where finding harmony and happiness becomes a balance-less game of tug a war between the self and the mother. If we work more we feel guilty for not being there, if we work less we wish we were able to provide more. When we focus on our parenting we feel guilty for feeling lost, bored or unfulfilled. When we give ourselves permission to have purpose outside of our children we... can not forgive ourselves for the time lost with our littles. We try and juggle all the balls and often the only ones we are willing to drop is our self care we might all drop it in different ways, food, exercise, sleep, hair treatments, getting our nails done, moistursing, spending money on clothes, caring for our mental health, taking our vitamins. but we all do it. As a photographer the most common conversation I have with my beautiful mamma's is this one. I was meaning to get photos done but I just wanted to wait until. ' Insert your *me time ball drop* here. ' and I get it, I agree, I live it I jingle as I walk from all the balls I’m dropping But every single time I have that conversation I go home and I have the same thought We forgo that shoot, because we don't want to see ourselves the way we are today, we don't want to be reminded of what motherhood has taken from us. But the truth is nothing will make you see just how much this journey has given to you then getting to see just how perfect you are in their eyes.
11.01.2022 In a world that could not get too close.. their lives were truly touched. In a time were home's felt like a cage.. they made a beautiful nest and they celebrated that 2020 will be remembered as the year the world brought them Stellan.
10.01.2022 I love going through a gallery before sending it off to its forever home and falling in love with a whole new set of images.
10.01.2022 Competition Time! ~ Win 1 of 3 Motherhood or Womanhood Sessions ~ Perth. Ahhh ‘ Mothers Day’ for some a day of getting spoilt and celebrated, for others a day that can make the normalcy of motherhood feel mundane and thankless and of course for so many it is a day of sadness for souls lost or never found. Motherhood is so much more than a ‘day’ and so I thought today, a normal Monday, would be the perfect day for a competition! ... A little something to celebrate my recent move to Perth and more importantly all the mothers and woman out there who deserve to celebrate themselves after these last few crazy months. Just like my page, share this post and tag all the deserving mommas and fierce woman in your life that deserve to be celebrated with a photo session all about them. Prize is a 30 Minute Perth based photography session with 10 digital images. Drawn end of May.
10.01.2022 I had the immense pleasure of celebrating my dear friends 40th birthday the other weekend. Amidst champagne and party preparations we took a moment to take some pics. I sit here with the biggest grin on my face editing these photos of my beautiful friend and I couldn't help but think about all the golden pieces of advice I have learnt from being friends with Hayley Reid. 1.) Learn to celebrate yourself. 2.) Do not apologise for loving all the glittery, pretty things in thi...s world. 3.) Never apologise for being your fabulous self, anyone who is worth your time will love you all the more for it. 4.) You might need to make big sacrifices to get what you want in life and it will be worth it. 5) You are never too old to reskill or find a new passion in life. 6) The best years of your life might be get to come. 7) If your happy and you know it... clap your hands, get your glitter on, crack the good champange and celebrate the hell out of it! See more
09.01.2022 Finally getting through my editing backlog after 3 crazy months trying to stay afloat whilst working and mumming and being a uni student!! Galleries and albums are coming for everyone who is waiting!! (Current feels brought to you by Hamish- couldn't decide if I felt like dancing or if I felt like a magician.... so why not both :P :P )
08.01.2022 Of course when our cute little cozzie comes to stay for the weekend we need to take a few quick shots between the thunderstorms! Paddyman you could not be more loved by your crazy cousins.... we are all utterly smitten. One day we will get your sister and you in the same frame!
08.01.2022 Tomorrow is world breast feeding day! A time in my life I look back on so fondly. I truly cherish the images in have of this special, connected time in my babies lives. To celebrate this special day I am offering a very special offer for breastfeeding minis. Please PM or comment below for details. I will also be offering connection sessions for those who could not/have finished their breastfeeding journey and still wish to have connected, skin on skin images with their little one.
06.01.2022 Today is the day! Time to draw our lucky winners... drum roll please.... Jo Ciccarelli, Lizzie Marie and Karen Burmas you have won a motherhood or womanhood session with Nadine Stanford Photography! Huge congrats! I'll be in touch soon.
06.01.2022 I don't normally like to make my little albums posts about my own life- cause its obviously not about me its about this gorgeous family! But I have to make an exception with this one. This has been one of those months. The candle hasn't just been burnt from both ends, it's been totally set on fire. FIFO life, full time uni and my little business has been night after night of 2am-ers, burning eyes and wondering how I'm going to get through the month and EVERY single time, I ...changed hats from uni student to photographer and this family would come onto my screen, I would find a smile, I would find a little bit more to give, I would remember whats its all for... they have been my sunshine on a cloudy day! I am so grateful for sweet little smiling faces, squishy family hugs, the beautiful people I get to meet, and the wonderful moments I get to be a part of that. See more
06.01.2022 When you looking for a last minute fathers day photo to print, and you realise you don't have any up to date 'normal' photos cause you love getting your creative weird on when you shoot your own munchkins. Socks it is.
04.01.2022 No amount of rain clouds were going to stop this beautiful family celebrating Mums 60th Birthday with some beautiful family moments! There really is no better way to celebrate family, love, and life then this. xx