Nairne Golf Club in Nairne, South Australia | Stadium, arena & sports venue
Nairne Golf Club
Locality: Nairne, South Australia
Phone: +61 411 774 486
Address: 7 Allon Place 5252 Nairne, SA, Australia
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22.01.2022 Results of PAR Comp Saturday 8th May 2021 Winner: Brad Jackson +5 Ball Winners: Chad Harrop -1... Laurie Golder -2 NTP 4th/13th: Brad Jackson NTP 7th/16th: Adrian McKenny Birdie Hole - Jackpot Punter's Hole - Jackpot Rundown: Ask those involved! (We'll blame the rain) Handicapper to scrutinise Mr. Jackson! Well done Brad! Welcome Matt Read to his first club competition! Next Week's Comp is STROKE and Round one of the Club Qualifying and Bert Baayens Trophy.
22.01.2022 A reminder tomorrow Nov 1st is CLOSING DAY. Come celebrate what has been an amazing season. 9AM - 9 Hole Stableford Then Lunch Then 9 Hole Mixed Ambrose (randomly drawn teams)... Then trophy presentations. $5 for golf (9 or 18 holes) and $5 for BBQ lunch. See you all there!
20.01.2022 PENNANT FINALS! Very pleasing to see both our Pennant sides make the final this season after a break from pennants last year due to Covid and a couple of years out of the finals too. The final is to be played on Mother's Day (out of our control) this Sunday as follows:... C2 vs Echunga at Aston Hills Golf Club - Tee off at 10:00am B2 vs Oakbank at Willinga Golf Club - Tee off at 9:10am Good luck and best wishes to all sides for 14 great games of golf and it'd be nice to see us sneak in a couple of wins along the way! For the rest of us, we will play a Par comp on Saturday at the usual time - 9am for 9:30am start. The club should also be open from early to mid afternoon on SUNDAY when the pennant sides return home hopefully in a celebratory mood so please do pop up and celebrate a great Pennant season win lose or draw!
19.01.2022 Tomorrow you may notice something different on the course......
18.01.2022 Par 3 comp Overall winner 46net R.Watts 49net C.Sadler 49net G.Cousins... 50net S.Ireland 51net D.McNamara 53net J.Sadler 53net L.Golder NTP 1st/10th L.Liebelt NTP 6th/15th O.Hocking NTP 5th/14th O.Hocking 8th/17th R.Godson NAGA D.Heffernan Next Sunday is our Chicken Champagne Day so get your $$$ in to secure your spot.
18.01.2022 COVID Check In A reminder that checking in for Covid-19 tracing is *mandatory* by state law each time you visit the club. SA Police are worried the community is becoming complacent and so have launched Operation 'Trace' where plain clothed police are physically checking premises for compliance.... The word is fines for non compliance are $1000 for individuals and $5000 for businesses. You can check in via QR code scanning or by writing on the supplied sheet which is just inside the door. QR codes are outside by the green fees box, at the starters desk and at the bar. There is also a Covid Safety Marshall on duty at all times so please follow their directions and approach them for assistance. They have a big sign around their necks! Let's support each other and remind each other to do this so we can just get on and enjoy our day's golf!
17.01.2022 NOTICE: 1 - The course is closed to Green Fee players due to our fully booked all-day Chicken and Champagne Ambrose event on SUnday 18th October. 2- Allon Place leading to the golf course gate has been sealed for rear access to the new shopping centre. No doubt there will be additional traffic now using Allon Place. Please use EXTRA CAUTION when exiting the golf course gate as there will be more traffic and traffic approaching from the left in future.
17.01.2022 Congratulations to the winners of the John Harrison shield for the Southern Golf Group B2 pennant! Rear L-R Nick Smart (vc), Chad Harrop (c), Steve Smith, Darren Arney; Front L-R Des Heffernan, Tim Strout, Johnny Kay
16.01.2022 SPONSORS DAY - THIS SUNDAY May 30th This weekend is our annual Sponsors Day where we set aside a day to invite all our sponsors to the club to enjoy a round of golf, a drink and/or a free BBQ as our token of thanks for their support. We are very humbled by the support our many generous sponsors provide to us and we will list these on this page as the week progresses.... So this Sunday will be a two ball Ambrose event (for the non golf initiated this is an event all abilities can enjoy so sponsors are encouraged to play - we'll look after you!) register at 9am for a 9:30am tee off. There will also be a BBQ lunch afterwards (or maybe after 9 holes) which will be free of charge but we ask all members to please bring a salad. Look forward to seeing everyone there this Sunday!
16.01.2022 Members and greenfee players our Golf club will be closed Friday during Allon Place bitumen road upgrade. Road Closure Signs will be in place. Maintenance volunteers use alternate gate.
15.01.2022 The Courier Newspaper of Adel Hills since 1880 giving NGC a good plug for 2021 season.
14.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS! The Nairne B2 grade has won this year's pennant against Oakbank 4.5 to 2.5 - congratulations! More to come with C2 still underway against Echunga at Aston Hills
13.01.2022 MEMBERSHIPS DUE! Thanks to most of you who have paid some or all of your membership fees! I'll have a list of all financial members up at the club on Sunday so if you are not on that list either;... a) I have made a mistake, or b) You are yet to pay If a) please correct me! If b) please either pay in full or we can work out a time payment strategy. Fees were due on May 9th but we have not been sticklers for that due to pennants making a slow start to the season. But from the end of May onwards if you haven't made a start to paying fees you will not be eligible to win competitions until you do. This is however very few of you and as I said we have had very few days together at the club so you may not have had the opportunity to pay as yet so we get that! Looking forward to a great day on Sunday and commiserations in advance to the Captain's team :P Cheers Pres. Darryn Mc
11.01.2022 $3,800.00 Raised for Movember by the Nairne Golf Club with SA Power Networks matching dollar for dollar. Not only 24 Golf trippers took to the riverland over a 3 day slog 23rd to 25th Oct they also found a way to take out the "Trevor Foot Memorial Trophy' clear winners over Barmera & BeeGees on Sat 24th. NGC fines and donations have now raised over $8,000.00 in 4yrs for Mens Health... A great effort for a great cause with a clear message "get a medical checkup and be there for your mates" A big thankyou to Tim Strout our Golf Trip CoOrdinator, Ron & his team from the BeeGees, Neville & Gary Barmera Golf Club donating half matchfees, Devon & Angelique from Barmera Country Club and Julie from the Waikerie Golf Club. There is something special about NGC, its members and what a 100% volunteer run club brings. Our 2020 season comes to an end this Sunday 1st November with Stableford comp 9am BBQ, then 9hole Ambrose at 1.30pm followed by presentations.
11.01.2022 The AGM is going ahead on Wednesday 25th this week, 7PM at the club. See you there!The AGM is going ahead on Wednesday 25th this week, 7PM at the club. See you there!
11.01.2022 Hi All, A quick note about our upcoming AGM on November 25th. Whilst this is after the current 6 day lockdown, what the future holds so far as Covid restrictions is as yet unknown.... So, at present the AGM will go ahead as advertised but keep watch here for any advice of a postponement. Thanks
10.01.2022 2020 Trophy Presentation Summary. Club Champion B.Altman R/up J.Kay... B.Grade J.Brooks R/up S.Cowell C.Grade C.Foster R/up S.Lloyd Par 3 trophy R.Watts Foursomes Trophy J.Brook & M.Williams Pinhurst Foursomes J.Kay & B.Strout Con Blume Putter J.Sadler RRD Chapman Cup B.Strout Bert Baaynes Trophy H.Gamma Jack May Trophy C.Foster Monthly Winners May. B.Strout June. B.Strout Aug. C.Harrop Sept. S.Smith Eclectic Competition 1st place D.Arney 2nd place T.Strout 3rd place C.Harrop NAGA winner B.Jackson At closing we have the club in a great financial position with forcast to remove card lenght relief on the greens in 2021. AGM 25th Wed November to run through financials, offer input and cast your vote.
09.01.2022 2020 closing day results. AM 9hole stableford 21pts C.Sadler 20pts S.Cowell 19pts C.Harrop... 19pts R.Watts 18pts N.Smart 17pts T.Strout 4th NTP J.Kay 7th NTP N.Strout PM Ambrose after BBQ 29/24pts D.Arney S.Ireland C.Harrop 33/26.125 R.McKenny L.Wenman N.Smart A.Golder 32/27.375 P.Rusk T.Harrison C.Sadler B.Strout 33/27.375 J.Kay J.Brooks B.Jackson B.White 32/27.75 S.Cowell T.Strout G.Cousins NAGA R.Watts L.Golder R.Timmins A.McKenny NTP 13th A.Golder NTP 16th B.Strout Thankyou to our volunteers for 2020 with a special mention to our President D.McNamara whom has steered us into a great position thru Covid2020 ready for 2021. See you all at the AGM Wed 25th Nov.
06.01.2022 1st Stroke Bert Baaynes & Club Champion Qualify round 16.05.2021. Overall Net winner with a great round.... 59net B.Jackson Ball & rundown. 61net N.Williams... 64net S.Ireland 65net C.Harrop 69net A.McKenny 70net A.Maher 70net A.Golder 70net R.Watts 71net S.Smith 71net R.Laube NTP 4th/13th T.Strout NTP 7th/16th M.Southam Sunday 23rd May is Stableford with warm weather forcast. See you all @ 0900hrs registration for a 0930am tee off. Both Mr B.Jackson and Mr. N.Williams will be knee Handicapped.
06.01.2022 A close C2 handicap match went down to the wire without Captain Gav going down to Echunga on the last putt of the day. Great to see our B2 team bring home the trophy.
06.01.2022 24th Oct is a great day for Dusty Martin and the Richmond Football club but also the 24 NGC golfers whom took out the "Trevor Foot Memorial Trophy" without bonus points. A big thankyou to Neville & Gary from the Barmera Golf Club with Ron & his team from the BeeGees your $$$ raised helped us get to the $3,800 total for the WEnd and $8k for mens health over the last 4yrs
05.01.2022 B2 winners are grinners.
03.01.2022 Had 4 gloves made for Chicken Champage Ambrose Day this Sunday Hope the boys like them..
02.01.2022 HOLE IN ONE -WELCOME TO THE CLUB, SIMON COWELL! Congratulations to Life Member, Simon Cowell, who realised every golfer's dream with his first ever Hole In One on the deceptively tricky par 3 7th At Nairne on Sunday 23rd May. The shot never looked like missing and the build up yelling and the ultimate roar could be heard all over the course!... Well done Simon!
02.01.2022 2020 Chicken Champagne Day Results. 54/55 gross winner (13under) D.Heffernan S.Gow G.Gambrell... J.Percy 53.5/61 Overall net winner (7 under) S.Cowell S.Smith A.Searle J.Kay 54.125/64 2nd net prize N.Smart M.Smart R.Watts L.Golder 54.375/63. 3rd net prize A.Mckenny L.Liebelt T.Harrison R.Timmins 54.625/63. 4th net prize S.Keough Robo P.Searle T.Hamilton 54.75/64. 5th net prize C.Sadler J.Sadler C.Harrop G.Cousins 54.875/65. 6th net prize C.Foster H.Gamma S.Dunstall L.Murphy 55.25/58 Mixed winner (10 under) D.Richardson J.Lawson T.Watson H.Watson NTP 4th S.Keough NTP 7th C.McDonald NTP 13th C.Foster NTP 16th S.Keough Longest Drive Ladies 8th H.Watson Longest Drive Men 9th T.Harrison Long club 10th T.Watson All 18 groups won a prize with NAGA taken out by 4 P27HC but only 0.75 stroke away was 17th place 64/61.25 B.Traeger K.Heinrich E.McDonald C.McDonald A big thankyou to our volunteer staff whom prep course, run kitchen, bar, bbq and more. This day also would not go ahead without our major sponsors in Kloses Foodland, OnCourse golf, Shining rock & more plus the extra effort of our President D.McNamara. Keep 1st November open as this our closing day with 9 hole AM stableford, BBQ lunch then join in a hat picked Ambrose PM team followed by presentations.
01.01.2022 23rd May Results Captain v Presidents Day. "All Square" Overall winner 35pts R.Laube on C/B Ball/Rundown... 35pts D.McNamara 35pts L.Murphy 34pts C.Sadler 34pts C.Harrop 33pts J.Sadler 32pts N.Smart 31pts S.Cowell 31pts M.Southam Ladies Winner T.Goode. NTP 4th R.Timmins NTP 7th "Hole in One" S.Cowell NTP 13th R.Timmins NTP 16th C.Harrop Eagle Nest S.Cowell 15th Punters Hole C.Sadler NAGA. L.Liebelt See more
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