Nambour State Special School in Burnside | Businesses
Nambour State Special School
Locality: Burnside
Phone: +61 7 5444 9333
Address: 70 Windsor Road 4560 Burnside, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Our students wanted to say a huge Thank-you to our Teacher aides during Teacher Aide Appreciation week 2020. The relationships developed between students and teacher aides is a very special one in education. We certainly appreciate all the work you do and it looks like our students do to!
23.01.2022 Remember, this month for our communication focus, we are looking at sharing information. More information is on your Communication calendar. Week 6 word of the week is 'that'. Have a great week!
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Richard Fisher for winning the Regional Showcase Award 2020: The Griffith University Jack Pizzey Award for Excellence in School Leadership. The Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools (Showcase Awards) are presented annually to Queensland state schools with excellent practices that significantly improve outcomes for students.
22.01.2022 Sports Day - Track event update 2. Who will be victorious, will it be Djoo, Wira, Mundoo or Dingara? We will find out on Assembly on Monday. Once again, well done to everybody who took part in sports day. It is genuinely humbling to see the effort, persistence and resilience of our students who strive to do their very best, every day, in all aspects of their school life!
22.01.2022 On Wednesday this week our Year 7 and 8 students completed their Adventurous journey as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award. This is a bit shorter than the Year 9 and 10 journey, but provides great practise for students in preparation for 2021. Students have practised walking safely in a group and have built their stamina and resilience over semester 2. Students loved the opportunity to get into the community, walk safely in groups and even have time for a bit of a play. Congratulations to all students who completed the Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Award this year, it was such good fun!
18.01.2022 It was another very special day today as we celebrated our Primary graduates completing Primary school, here at Nambour Special School. It was great to see family and friends reflect on the first stage of schooling for these students and start planning the Secondary phase of their education. We celebrated the 'distance travelled so far' and we are really excited about the progress these students will make in the next 6 years. Parents and families had a look at the Secondary campus and had a quick introduction to NSS Secondary school processes and procedures. We wish all our Primary graduates all the very best as they transition to the Secondary school in 2021!
18.01.2022 Welcome to week 10. Just a reminder that September's communication focus is commenting. We are encouraging and providing students with opportunities to make comments on all sorts of things. This week's word of the week is 'and'. This will encourage everyone to extend communication exchanges as much as possible and comment on lots and lots of things. Have a great week
17.01.2022 Sports day update 1 - well done to all our students (and staff) who dressed in house colours this morning for field events day. There is music, excitement and a healthy rivalry in the SHED this morning. It is great to see students trying their best, supporting their friends and having such a good time. More to follow as the Secondary students complete their field events later today!
17.01.2022 It was a huge day of track events on Day 2 of Nambour Special School's Sports Day, but first we had our March past and war cries. Students and staff dressed in their house colours and supported their house during the march past. It was great to see Djoo, Wira, Mundoo and Dingara so well represented and well done to Wira for the best war cry. Photos of the running races to follow!
17.01.2022 Sports Day Track events - Post 1. Wow what a two days of field and track events for Nambour Special School's sports day. The event is one of the highlights of the year and clearly reflects the amazing nature of the students who attend Nambour Special School. Every student tries their very best in every event, irrespective of their personal challenges and this makes Sports day such an important part of Nambour Special School's calendar. We are so very proud of all our students and would like to thank all our staff for making it such a successful event. It looks like we had some fun as well!
17.01.2022 Today is our final Gold Pass day of the year. Students who have received 50 thumbs up awards for Term 4, for being safe, respectful learners will have a session of water play today to celebrate their amazing work and attitude in school. Congratulations to all our students who have 50 Thumbs up awards as part of Nambour Special School's Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework. You never know, Santa may turn up for a play!
16.01.2022 Nambour State Special School were excited to invite Calmer Kids into school on the Student Free Day to deliver their Brain Breaks training. Staff learnt techniques to implement for themselves to add to their 'Maintaining their Mojo' tools as well as some great ideas to support students to self-regulate in the classroom. Staff are looking forward to trying out the class brain break cards in the near future!
15.01.2022 Wow, what a night! Our Year 12's celebrated completing 12 years of schooling with their families and friends last week. They travelled to the event in style thanks to friends of the school who provided classic cars and a tour of the coast and the graduates kicked on to celebrate completing their schooling. It is always a very special night and 2020 was no different. On behalf of all the staff at Nambour Special School we would like to wish our Graduates of 2020 all the very best for the future.
14.01.2022 Week 8 word of the week is 'some'. We look forward to sharing ideas and commenting with our communication partner this week. Have a great week!
14.01.2022 Friday focus on our Duke of Edinburgh Program. Each Friday our Junior Secondary students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Program. The program encourages students to learn a new skill/activity, take part in physical activity, undertake and service to assist others and take part in an adventurous journey. Most importantly it encourages students to work in groups, work with people that they might not usually work with and challenge themselves. This week was activity wee...k and it was great to see students learning a new skill or undertaking a new activity. Students got to choose the activities during a student council in Term 2. The activities are Mission Impossible/Ninja Warrior, cooking, Lego masters, Gardening, Big art and Karaoke. It is great to see students engaging so well with their peers and we cannot wait for the Adventurous journey See more
12.01.2022 This week is Speech Pathology Week. We shall be sharing how our wonderful Department of Education (DoE) Speech-Language Pathologist supports our school to ensure each child is able to communicate with confidence! One of Megan's roles is to support staff in class to maximise student's access, participation and achievement within the curriculum. #SPweek
12.01.2022 On behalf of all the staff at Nambour Special School, we would like to wish all out Year 12's a fantastic Graduation evening. We are looking forward to seeing family and friends to celebrate 12 years of schooling - they will certainly be arriving in some style!
09.01.2022 Sports Day field events - update 2. It was fantastic to see so many Secondary students taking part in the field events this morning. This is the first time we have held events on our new secondary campus, which has made it extra special. We cannot wait for the track events tomorrow. Please check student communication books this afternoon for additional information
08.01.2022 Week 7 word of the week is 'here'. Remember the August focus is 'sharing information' with your communication partner so hopefully lots of sharing ideas, interests, jokes and much much more! Have a great week
08.01.2022 Week 4 is Nambour Special School's Sports Carnival week. We would like to wish all our students, who are taking part in field events today and Blue Riband events on the track tomorrow. This is agreat way for our students to demonstrate their You can do it skills in resilience, persistence, getting along and confidence. Who will be this year's winners - Wira, Djoo, Mundoo or Dingara. We will keep our school community updated. Good luck everyone!
07.01.2022 The Junior Secondary building was officially opened today with a small ceremony attended by students, parents and special guests. Mr Chris Whiting MP, member for Bancroft did the honours on behalf of the Minister for Education, Grace Grace. Everyone at Nambour Special School would like to thank everyone who was involved in this project. We love our new Junior Secondary block and cannot wait to fully develop this secondary campus!
05.01.2022 Week 7 word of the week is 'over'. We will be using 'over', over and over in our conversations this week. We hope you will too! Have a great week
05.01.2022 September's communication focus is commenting (using descriptions). Commenting is one of the communicative purposes that can often be neglected. We will provide as many opportunities for students to comment in day to day conversations. This week's word of the week is 'very', we will hopefully hear this being used around school, across all classrooms this week. Have a great week 9!
05.01.2022 It is always inspiring to see how far students travel each year. Today we visited our Junior Primary cohort and they were keen to show their progress since the start of the year. They are all safe, respectful learners and it is absolutely fantastic to see these students engage in all aspects of their school life!
02.01.2022 This week is 2020 Teacher Aide Appreciation Week. We would like to acknowledge the amazing work that our Teacher aides undertake at Nambour Special School and the impact they have on students here at school. We will celebrate with some cake tomorrow and provide the opportunity for our students to say "thankyou' throughout the day.
02.01.2022 Where does the 12 years go?!?!?! Nambour Special School would like to acknowledge our Graduates of 2020, in what is a very special week. Our Year 12 cohort are busily preparing for their Graduation evening on Thursday. They have put together their individual presentations, they have chosen the table decorations and they are planning how to do their hair and what they will be wearing on the night. Students are looking forward to the opportunity to ride in a classic car on the evening as they travel from school to the venue. This is always a very special evening and we wish them all the very best. We are looking forward to catching up with friends and families on the night!
01.01.2022 As #SPweek draws to a close our students and staff at Nambour Special School have something special to say to our DoE Speech-Language Pathologist, Megan. As well as supporting in class, Megan works collaboratively with the ADMIN communication team to identify whole school priorities and plan professional deveopment to ensure our staff have the skills to implement AAC systems across the school all day every day. Thank you Megan!
01.01.2022 PRINCIPAL RECOGNISED FOR EDUCATION EXCELLENCE John Quincy Adams once said If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, y...ou are a leader. That quote certainly applies to Nambour State Special School Principal, Richard Fisher, who has recently been recognised with a Regional Griffith University Jack Pizzey Award for Excellence in School Leadership. I guess I always felt that children with special needs do it tough every single minute of every day. They face challenges and obstacles that we can’t even begin to imagine. And I know that every member of our team here is committed to providing them with the highest quality of education we possibly can. It is our passion. Mr Fisher was nominated in a region that covers all primary, secondary and special schools from Hervey Bay to North Brisbane. From now, a State Panel will evaluate all nominations to decide who goes to State level, Mr Fisher said. Mr Fisher said that he believed the culture of the school was fundamental to creating an innovative environment where staff were supported in their professional development. To me, supporting staff to innovate and achieve excellence in their role means more than back patting and putting on a morning tea every now and then. It is about making dedicated time for collaboration and professional development, and looking for ways to improve your capacity to do your job with skill and confidence. We set high expectations and then we arm our team with the skills and knowledge to achieve those goals. It is very easy to lose the momentum of professional development and innovation in the business of running a school. But we have a wonderful stable, cohesive and solution focused leadership team here. It has always been my belief that the expertise is in the school. This dedication to development and innovation has led to recognition for the Nambour Special School for three consecutive years. In 2018, the school was the State winner of the Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools and in 2019, another State award went to Jennifer Irving, for Innovation in Teaching. Mr Fisher has been Nambour Special School Principal for 8 years. His career started in the UK, where he worked in mainstream education as Head of Year. But I always wanted to learn more about Special Needs education, Mr Fisher said. It is something I have always been drawn to. We have a relatively small cohort of students here, which allows us to engage with them and their families with so many important milestones. It means that we develop close relationships with the entire family, he said. Nambour Special School
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