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Nambour Tennis Club in Nambour, Queensland | arena & sports venue

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Nambour Tennis Club

Locality: Nambour, Queensland

Phone: 54412326

Address: Washington Street 4560 Nambour, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Watch out Ash B. here comes Andie !! Congratulations to Andie who has won 3 AMT singles titles at tournaments over the last 3 weekends !!!!

25.01.2022 Social tennis is on as usual tonight, starting at 7pm. In light of current events if you are feeling unwell, please don't risk it. We will have hand sanitizer (took me 6 shops to find some!!) on hand and everyone is asked to keep their social distances required at present.

25.01.2022 Nambour Tennis invites all existing and newbies to the Open Day this Saturday, 1 st Feb at 2 pm. This year we will conduct the usual play a social set or 3 as well as running some new modified games from the Open Court sessions. These are designed to be less physically demanding so you can ease back into tennis without going too hard too early. All welcome bring a friend !! Reminder: our Wednesday night social hit that many of you are familiar with resumes tomorrow , Wednesday 29th. All welcome !!

24.01.2022 Hi members and friends - can you pls fill in this survey ASAP so we can submit the responses for a grant application later this week!

24.01.2022 Looks like the storms have gone or are going by so tennis is ON tonight. Courts might be heavy but they drain well so should be all good. Hope to see you there. Rob

23.01.2022 As one can see from some results posted below, we have had considerable success in the vets competitions this year. The AGM for ththe Sunshine Coast Vets Assoc. is on Sunday 1 Dec at 9 am. at Yandina tennis club. Members from Nambour who play in the comps are encouraged to attend. Rob

23.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS - COVID-19 update - 18th May! Doubles tennis is now allowed at the centre, yay! But still only social tennis, and please adhere to current general health and safety guidelines. Opening times remain the same for now.

23.01.2022 At this point it looks like Tennis will be on this afternoon. We are hosting the final of both div 1 and 2. We would love to see some club support for our teams so please come on down and see if Don, Trevor and co can take down the mighty Mick C. and his friends. If you get the longing bring your racquet, Matt F. will be running a session from 3 to 4 designed to get your heart rate up. Hoping the weather holds and hope to see you there.... Rob See more

23.01.2022 Some of you might have seen this on Facebook . Here's the first attempt at Nambour Tennis' Wall Challenge!!! Have a go and send vid to me and I'll post it here. Don't forget the HAT . Keep well in these crazy times. Rob

23.01.2022 NOTICE OF AGM Members please note the 2020 AGM will be held at 6.45pm on Wednesday 2nd December 2020. All executive committee positions are open for nominations, closing on 18th November. Nomination forms are available from the Secretary Darren Trentepohl at [email protected]. See you there!

22.01.2022 Easy decision tonight, stay home, stay safe, do something nice for your family. Hope to see everyone next Wednesday. Rob

22.01.2022 Wednesday nights social continues through the holidays. Format is social doubles, range of abilities allows everyone to play to their level. All ages welcome. Rob

22.01.2022 Help desperately needed at our working bee this Saturday morning 13th at 8am. Many hands make light work! See you there

21.01.2022 The Nambour tennis club would like to thank and acknowledge a successful grant from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council to maintain our facility court fences. The value was in excess of $9000!! If anyone has a keen eye, you will notice that we have some completely rusted off posts, and a lot of loose wire tension. Thanks again SCRC!!

21.01.2022 All club members are encouraged to seek sponsorship for our club. Please use the guidelines below as a starting point. 11 Washington Street...Continue reading

21.01.2022 What's on in 2019! Wednesday night social comp starts tomorrow night at 7 with an informal hit, while Saturday social continues weekly at 2pm. We also have 5 teams across two coastwide comps - Monday night doubles, and Sunday vets: all enquires to Rob Nicols or [email protected]. And finally don't forget to come down and support the club's Open Day this coming Saturday 2nd Feb from 2-5, with free tennis and meet the coach - so bring your family and friends, all ages and standards welcome.

21.01.2022 Congratulations to members of both division 1 and 2 Nambour Tennis teams who won their respective matches on Sunday in the Sunshine Coast Seniors competition.

20.01.2022 Enjoy the last few weeks of our trusty old green courts 1-4, they are going to be resurfaced soon! Thanks to the club committee and members for years of savings to cover the costs in conjunction with a grant from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.

20.01.2022 Hope to see lots of people there.

20.01.2022 The club will NOT be running the usual fixture tonight due to recent developments across Australia. We will not be locking courts at this stage so if you feel the need to hit balls you are welcome to play socially with a friend, or 2 BUT NO large groups please. Please remember to put some $ in the Honesty box in the hole-in-the-wall. Your club will still be paying rates, insurance, etc. Stay well. Rob

18.01.2022 Tennis tops list of sports for increasing life expectancy ABC HEALTH & WELLBEING By James Bullen for the Health Report Key points: Tennis players lived more than nine years longer than people who were sedentary, topping the list of sports Researchers think social connection is the key to longevity benefits... The effect persisted after accounting for wealth and education status But not according to new research on the effect of physical activity on how long we live. Researchers tracked thousands of people for up to 25 years, including what sports they played and when they died. They found tennis players lived longest among the activities they looked at ahead of soccer, swimming and cycling. .. Why tennis? Most physical activity is beneficial, but according to this latest piece of research published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, not equally so at least when it comes to increases in life expectancy. Researchers looked at 9,000 people for up to 25 years, tracking what physical activity they did and when they died. They used data from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, a long-running study into heart health. "And then we saw how they die off and [some] die a little faster than other groups," said Dr Peter Schnohr, lead author of the study. .. But Dr Schnohr and his team controlled for those factors in the analysis and the effect persisted. That allowed them to analyse differences between eight sports: tennis, badminton, soccer, cycling, swimming, jogging, calisthenics and going to the gym. What the researchers think the sports associated with the biggest increases in life expectancy tennis (9.7 years), badminton (6.2 years) and soccer (4.7 years) have in common is that it takes two or more people to play them. .. We can't be sure that tennis causes longer life, because the study was observational. That means the researchers looked for links between different sports and longevity, but couldn't show a cause-and-effect relationship. Professor Cathie Sherrington, a research fellow at the University of Sydney's Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, said team sports aren't the only physical activity that can be social. "Myself, I'm part of a running group where we have quite large numbers of middle-aged, younger and older people running together. And we do see very large groups of cyclists as well, meeting and riding together and chatting," she said. "So I do think you can get social connectedness in different sports, it doesn't just need to be in racquet sports." .. She urged people to stay as active as they can, for as long as possible. "I think there is a little bit of a perception among some people that, it's more appropriate to slow down. But really the evidence is that people should be doing exercise as intensive as they can manage," she said. .. "I think it's the best sport in the world, you exercise your left arm, your right arm, your legs. Your brain's thinking where he's going to hit the ball. It's hard to beat, this game of tennis."

18.01.2022 The weather has beaten us again, stay home, stay safe, think about who you can bring to our club next week. We have a new website happening, not quite finished yet but memberships are due for the new year so please go to , find the 'become a member' page and join up. See you hopefully next week. Rob

18.01.2022 For all tennis enthusiasts this term our Wednesday night offerings are changing a little. Things will kick off this week so PLEASE make an effort to make it on the first night, tonight 10th October (check this Facebook page if the weather looks doubtful at 6) so I can explain the changes. There will be a possible expansion so you can decide on your options. You will still be playing 3 sets as usual this week so don’t miss out, starts at 7pm. Hope the weather is kind to us Rob

18.01.2022 In the course of researching options to upgrade our solar system at the Club we approached Circuit Alert Electrical and Solar for a quote. After meeting with Martin and Lachlan on site and explaining our situation, their follow up response took us completely by surprise with the extraordinarily generous offer to provide sponsorship support to install a new system at our Club. This entirely unsolicited offer and subsequent actions are a true measure of the genuine commitme...nt to community this company demonstrates. With their offer we were able to extend the project to installation of the largest system possible for the roof space, to realise a significant boost to meeting the running costs of the Centre over time. Once agreed, Lisa attended to all the formalities and the process from start to finish was flawless. There was no question too difficult, and much useful information and additional hints were readily offered to fill the gaps in our knowledge. The install team lead by Richard were highly efficient, friendly, responsive and extremely helpful particularly with the removal of the old system. We are thankful and delighted to have entered into a long term partnership with this family owned and operated, local Nambour company and happily commend Circuit Alert. See more

18.01.2022 Apparently there are pools of water on the courts so lets call it off tonight. Matt Falconer is running a club event this Sunday and would love to have some existing club members to show up and add some energy / atmosphere for the activities he is running. This is designed to bring in newbies, so we all benefit. If you know someone who might be interested please pass on the details. See poster below.

16.01.2022 After a year that has challenged and tested us all, finally a reason to celebrate ahead of Christmas. We are excited to announce our partnership with Circuit Alert Electrical and Solar! The company has come on board as a major sponsor, and their extraordinarily generous support has enabled the Club to install a fabulous new solar system. Looks amazing!! This much larger system will significantly reduce the costs associated with running our floodlights and realise gains for years to come. Circuit Alert Electrical and Solar is a family owned and operated business locally based at 102 Howard Street, Nambour, proud community members and supporters. We have entered into a long term partnership with the company that will include a referral program bringing mutual benefit to both parties. More info to follow. See their signage at the Club soon. Many thanks to Martin, Richard, Lisa and all the team at Circuit Alert!

15.01.2022 Nambour & District Tennis Association INC Annual Report 2020 Its been said many times 2020 is a year like no other as COVID has presented some challenges but I am glad to say your club at years end is in a pretty good position considering the challenges. We have not lost any players that I am aware of, the bank balance is in a reasonable position and all our groups have continued to operate once we were able to return to the courts. Competition wise, all of our vets teams a...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Morning all. Nambour is hosting the coasts Premier League matches today. Come on down to Washington Street in Nambour to see some great tennis

14.01.2022 For those members who are eligible for the old Getting Started vouchers, it has been renamed FairPlay, and is taking applications now. Get in quick, they sell out.

14.01.2022 After studying several radars and predictions I think it best that we cancel tonights tennis as there is a strong possibility of some showers happening. So maintain the rage for tennis, see you next week we hope. Rob 22 July

14.01.2022 As the final curtain is about to fall on this tumultuous year that was 2020, we pause to reflect. A year that began with such promise was quickly brought to its knees as the rising COVID 19 pandemic concerns became a reality for us all. A year like no other was soon posing difficult questions and throwing up seemingly endless challenges to every aspect of our lives. And so it was in sport. Like all in the community our Club was significantly impacted with closures and restrictions to our usual operating practices. Thankfully we on the Sunshine Coast were minimally impacted and the nature of our sport allowed us to resume some activity sooner than others, albeit with heavily imposed conditions. Your Committee was tested in so many ways working through the myriad of regulation to get the Centre back up and running. Throughout it all, you, our members and valued followers have remained strong and loyal to this great Club. Many of our teams and individuals enjoyed competitive success when fixtures recommenced and for all there was and remains the joy of playing and being involved in the sport we love. A huge thank you goes out to our fabulous sponsors who came on board at a time when their own businesses were under pressure, and particularly Circuit Alert, who with their support for the new solar system have given the Club a massive boost to the year(s) ahead. Thanks must also go to our amazing Centre managers Zoran and Borjana, and all the coaching team for their cheerful and positive efforts to keep things ticking over throughout, and to our many willing volunteers. Finally, we sincerely hope you were able to enjoy a special Christmas celebration with those dear to you, and we wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Let’s hope 2021 is kinder to us all!! Stay safe and see you on the court soon! Regards Committee

14.01.2022 New courts are looking great and playing well.

14.01.2022 Looks like we may get a weather break this week !! If you know of anyone who would like a very gentle re-introduction or newbie to tennis could you please pass this link on to them. Modified games guaranteed to allow less fit or able people to enjoy hitting some tennis balls, or try your hand at Pickleball, a game booming in US at the moment. Rob

14.01.2022 Calling all members, YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU! It has been a trying time for everyone with major disruptions to our normal lives, and disappointing to not be able to get out on the court, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. As many of you will already be aware, YOUR Club is open for limited play with strict adherence to COVID 19 restrictions and we are hopeful fixtures will resume very soon.... Whilst in lockdown YOUR Club committee, resident coaches and volunteers have been toiling away in the background ensuring the facilities are maintained to the standard required to allow full play as soon as restrictions are lifted. Your Membership is critical to the future for you and YOUR Club. At the time of closure in March, many members had yet to pay their dues for 2020. We understand some may have difficulty meeting the cost of full membership but for those who can we ask that you please pay your full year dues NOW to enable YOUR great Club to move forward. Full year membership for Adults $120, and Junior $70, also entitles you to a brand new club shirt; A smart new design in club colours, available in both Polo shirt and ladies singlet styles. Talk to Rob or Zoran about yours if you have already paid. Join here now in 4 easy steps! Enquiries or help requests to Rob on M. 0418980118

13.01.2022 The Wednesday night crew want to continue with social play throughout the holidays so it is ON. Hope to see you there, and if you have visitors they are welcome as well.

13.01.2022 Congrats to the Sunshine Coast div 4 Monday night team, champions for 2019! Thanks David, Ian, wade, anth, borjana, and Christina, go .... Shepherds! Cheers Darren.

13.01.2022 sadly the weather has changed and it’s raining. Tonight is cancelled so stay home. Hopefully better news for next week. Rob

12.01.2022 Good luck to both Div 1 and 2 who are playing in their respective grand finals of the Sunny Coast Monday night Comp.

12.01.2022 Congratulations to Andie who won the Milton 3Day Tournament yesterday. Andie took out the final 6-2, 6-1.

12.01.2022 Time to get your racquet on Nambour !!! Open Court Sessions are now commencing at Nambour. 7pm Tuesday at Washington St Nambour ... These sessions are designed for anyone to return to tennis through a fun, social, casual session using modified equipment. The sessions include play, food and drinks supplied in a relaxed social setting. Open Court sessions are easy to book and pay online by clicking on the link below. No equipment required, simply rock up and we take care of the rest. Looking forward to seeing you there !!

11.01.2022 You've all watched the women and men battle it out for several weeks. Now it's your turn !! To join our club online copy the address into your browser with your credit card or bank details handy. The process will take a few minutes (I did mine online, it truly is easy). Alternatively you can go to our website and click the link there or download the membership document, print and bring into the club. Saturday... arvo social has already begun, Wednesday nights start this week. I am in the process of putting our competition teams together which will commence playing in a few weeks. Yours in tennis Rob See more

11.01.2022 WE HAVE A NEW STRATEGIC PLAN! Members are duly informed that we have a new Strategic Plan, which will be available on our website in due course. In the meantime you are welcome to request an electronic copy from the Secretary Darren Trentepohl via email [email protected]

10.01.2022 Good news members and friends - Tennis Qld has given us permission to begin a staged approach to reopening the centre. Next Monday the exec meets to agree on the approach. Stay tuned for info about how to hit the courts again. But be warned - it will be a slow staged approach!

09.01.2022 Congratulations to the peeps from 1,2,3 divisions who made the finals for this season

08.01.2022 Tennis is on tonight for those who aren’t footy fans . Go Qld !!!!

08.01.2022 Hi All It unfortunately has come to the point in time where we must close our centre down temporarily for all social play. This includes any club organised events (all ceased last week actually), small groups who organise themselves and casual walk in off the street court hire. The courts will be locked as of today. Hope to see you back in the near future and stay safe. Rob President Nambour Tennis

07.01.2022 Nambour & District Tennis Association INC Annual Report 2018 I would firstly like to thank everyone for their attendance and support of our Association tonight. At this point I would like to present the Annual Report for 2018....Continue reading

06.01.2022 3 pm and it looks like we may get to play. If you are going to be late (after 7) please let me know 0418980118 as we are starting a slightly new concept tonight (same format of play though). All will be revealed around 7. New players welcome

06.01.2022 We’ve had a great response to our callout to members to pay their 2020 membership dues THANK YOU! However, there are a few former members of the Club yet to come on board so please reconsider and pay today. And please encourage your fellow players to do likewise. It is an expensive exercise to keep the centre open and Your Membership is critical to the future for you and YOUR Club. Remember the advantages of membership include favorable court hire rates, registration with Tennis Qld (essential for most competitions), insurance cover, and full year membership also includes our new Club shirt.

06.01.2022 And here's the cup photo!

06.01.2022 AGM notice - all members are strongly encouraged to attend our AGM on Wednesday 5th December at 6:30pm. All exec positions are open for nomination, and as we do have some retiring exec members, so we need new blood. Nomination and proxy forms available at [email protected] or on the club noticeboard.

05.01.2022 check this out friends! Big thanks to Cr David Law for taking time to come and see our club, and learn about our role in the Nambour community.

05.01.2022 AGM reminder this coming Wednesday 27th Nov at 7pm in the clubhouse. We really need members to attend to pass annual reports so we can stay legit. ATM we even have one less nomination than required to fill the 2020 committee, so if you love your club, love tennis, then please consider coming along and nominating from the floor.

05.01.2022 AGM tonight - please come come down at 6.30 tonight and support your club by hearing about how this year has gone for us. Plus help us get enough numbers to have a legit meeting! Feel free to stay for tennis at 7pm and enjoy our new "come when you can" Wednesday night format.

05.01.2022 All Members, Guests and other Community Users, We have recently introduced QR Codes to assist in streamlining our COVID check-in procedures at the Club and to provide more accurate record keeping. Our COVID Safe Plan requires that all members and guests must register their attendance upon entry to the premises.... The QR codes are prominently displayed at the entrance to the Club, on notice boards and in the Pro Shop. TO CHECK-IN - Scan the QR Code with the camera or QR code scanner app of your smartphone/device. - Go to the link activated by the QR Code. - Fill in your details, complete the COVID declaration and press (Submit). - All done!! For regular attendees, all you need do (after the first time) is scan the code with the same phone/device each time you enter, confirm your details in the auto populated fields, complete the COVID declaration and submit. Team captains please ensure all players check in before commencing play. We hope this innovation will make life a little easier for all. Of course there will still be pen and paper if don’t have a smart phone or otherwise prefer. Your co-operation is appreciated. Rob

04.01.2022 Nambour Nighthawks playing tonight in div 4 final Sunshine Coast tennis Monday night tennis so wish us luck

03.01.2022 Well no tennis tonight, again!! I have calculated the 2 individual winners, best aggregate and best average from results to date. To find out if you are one of the winners you will have to come along when we resume on the 17th July. Our top 4 courts will have the grass replaced over the holidays, starting next Monday, July 1. We are going to use some of it to revamp a few pathways etc, so I need some help to move the rolls, they will be too heavy for Zoran and myself to move. If anyone can give us a few hours next Monday PLEASE let me know so we can make this happen. Rob

03.01.2022 Looks like some showers coming on the radar. I can't believe it has rained a bit 2 Wednesdays in a row at 6pm, in the middle of a bloody drought !!! I don't know what to call really, might not be much in them so I will be there at 7pm if anyone wants to join me. Rob

02.01.2022 Hi members and friends, a big callout to let you all know our Wednesday night club comp has kicked off again after a longer than expected layoff including school holidays and wet weather. Remember it is casual week to week registration, so let Rob know if you are playing each week on 0418 980 118 and be there by 7pm, with game starting shortly after.

01.01.2022 Is Open to All Conditions of use 1. Only 2 people on a court at a time.... 2. Strict observance of current Govt COVID-19 guidelines 3. Please adhere to social distancing of 1.5 metres 4. Please hand sanitise available from court supervisor 5. Courts will be available with a court monitor at the following times Monday to Friday 3:30 to 5:30 Monday 7 to 9 pm Wednesday 8 to 10 am and 7 to 9pm Thursday 6 to 9 pm

01.01.2022 I am in awe at the hitting power of some of the competitors yesterday in the Nambour Open. WOW, if you want to see some very strong tennis get down there today as we move into semis and finals stages. Rob.

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