Nambour Veterinary Surgery in Nambour, Queensland | Veterinary surgeon
Nambour Veterinary Surgery
Locality: Nambour, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5441 3333
Address: 16 Arundell Ave 4560 Nambour, QLD, Australia
Likes: 700
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25.01.2022 Check out Hollys markings on her ears!! What a sweetheart!
25.01.2022 Hui the beautiful Kakariki Parakeet has sadly fractured her leg Dr Stacey & Dr Caitlin gave her an anaesthetic and placed a splint on the leg to stabilise the break while it heals. What clever vets we have!!! We wish Hui a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her again soon for a progress check.
24.01.2022 This super soft, snuggly ball of fluff is Marlie, a tri-coloured Border Collie pup. Marlie visited us for vaccination, a quick play and many cuddles of course!
23.01.2022 We have unfortunately had ANOTHER tick paralysis case at Nambour Vet Surgery. Lovely Tiggs presented to us with an engorged Paralysis tick. Our Vets promptly administered tick antivenom and after 24 hours of intravenous fluid therapy and nursing care he has gone home to his relieved family! Tiggs is also now sporting a crew cut as it is best practice to do a "tick clip" with these cases to ensure there arent anymore ticks attached! ... We stock & recommend Bravecto for cats to prevent ticks & fleas. Please keep your furry friends safe from these nasty and deadly parasites! Its already looking to be a terrible tick season.
23.01.2022 This is Grandpa! Grandpa visited to have his vaccination as he is going overseas soon! Hes an absolutely lovely boy. Travel safe Grandpa.
23.01.2022 This is Ghost, a beautiful Bearded Dragon. She had a very sore foot for a few days so her worried owner bought her in to see Dr CJ. After doing some X-rays, Dr CJ diagnosed a dislocated carpus bone so she made a tiny splint to help stabilise Ghosts carpal bones. Get well soon Ghost!
23.01.2022 This little beauty is named "Ra". She is a 15 year old Beaderd Dragon! Ra had a very unwell tail and needed the end section Amputated. Dr CJ performed the surgery under a general anaesthetic. Here is Ra keeping warm in recovery with a Bear hugger and hair dryer! Ra has recovered well and had a snack of snow peas and strawberries (her favourite snacks) when waking from her anaesthetic. Ra will be back for a check up with Dr CJ in a few days time to ensure she is recovering and healing well. Get well soon Ra
22.01.2022 Wood Duck Basil was in for a General health check and blood test with Dr Stacey. Blood tests for our Avian friends require a short general anaesthetic to ensure the procedure is pain and stress free.
21.01.2022 Kane was in recently to have his teeth cleaned and wanted to show us some of his tricks before he left! He clearly has the skill of begging mastered! We think he might be food orientated.
21.01.2022 Slater the 14 week old Rottweiler puppy turned up the cuteness factor when he busted out the puppy dog eyes during his vaccination consultation He also won us all over with his extra soft fur and teddy bear like cuddles We look forward to watching you grow into the big handsome boy we know you will become!
21.01.2022 Mocha the beautiful Burmese recently enjoyed burrito snuggles with Nurse Zoe after her desexing surgery.
21.01.2022 Georgie the long billed Corella visited Dr Stacey for a full health check and a wing clip. What a stunner!
20.01.2022 This cute little Guinea Pig burrito is Willow. She came in to have an erupted mass on her hip area removed by Dr Stacey as it was becoming bothersome for her. We enjoyed her many Squeaky cuddles and we wish her a speedy recovery.
20.01.2022 Lilly the 13 week old super wiggly & energetic pup was very excited for her first visit to the clinic today! She enjoyed all the fuss and attention she received during her first ever nail trim and cuddles with nurse Jazmin. Welcome Lilly!
18.01.2022 12 week old Juliet the Dalmatian puppy came in to get her puppy vaccination and health exam. What a stunner you are Juliet and we love your name! Pretty name for a pretty girl.
17.01.2022 Continuing with the great Beards of Nambour Wilson. Wilson visited for his monthly Arthritis injection and of course some treats.
16.01.2022 Jade the super bouncy puppy was in for vaccination and a microchip with Dr Stacey. All the nurses went ga ga over her floppy ears! How could you not?!
16.01.2022 Were installing new software tonight! Eeeeek! Massive job but it will enable us to serve you better so itll be worth it! Please be nice to our staff while they fumble around and learn where all the right buttons are. It might take them a few more minutes than usual to get things done. Kindness and patience would be appreciated.
16.01.2022 Holy cuteness!! This gorgeous little Tawny Frogmouth was bought into us with a sore wing. Dr Stacey administered some pain relief, subcutaneous fluid therapy & took an X-ray. The X-ray showed he has a fractured wing so hes ioff to Australia Zoo for further TLC and rehabilitation. Get well soon little one.
16.01.2022 5 TICK CASES IN ONE WEEK!! Nella presented to the clinic displaying weakness in the back legs, lethargy and off her food. The nurses proceeded to do a Tick search as these symptoms are typical of Tick Paralysis. A very engorged Paralysis tick was found and removed. Our Vets administered Tick Anti Venom and Intravenous fluid therapy and by the afternoon Nella was feeling much better. ... Nella is our 5th Paralysis Tick case in a week! Please ensure you protect your fur babies from these nasty parasites! Come down and well set you up with an effective preventative.
14.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone!
13.01.2022 Our nurses recently received this beautiful gift from a lady who was extremely appreciative of all the love and care we provided to her lost dog Penny. Penny managed to squeeze herself between some pool fencing and went on a little adventure. She is now safe at home. Thank you so much for the beautiful gift. It made us all smile.
13.01.2022 Handsome Nelson presented to us with some lingering lameness of a hind leg recently. He was a very brave boy for his examination and X-rays and we hope he is back to his usual self very soon.
13.01.2022 Handsome little Alfie came in recently to catch up on his heartworm prevention. Check out his beard!! This is the best dog beard weve ever seen!
12.01.2022 Dr Caitlin from our Gold Coast practice will spend the next 3 weeks working directly with Dr Stacey to get some more experience with our feathered friends. What an opportunity!!! Thank you to Dr Stacey for sharing your brilliance and helping another vet gain the skills to care for our feathered patients. Dr Caitlin is a fabulous dog & cat vet already so you might see her if you visit! We know youll love her but dont get too attached because she has to go back to the Gol...d Coast. Thanks again to Dr Stacey for sharing your knowledge. Its very kind of you.
12.01.2022 She’s winkin’ at you kid. Adorable Missy was in recently to revamp her beautiful smile. She had a dental scale and polish performed to clean all of her teeth and freshen her breath She showed us her thanks by giving us all many cuddles, tail wags and also a cheeky little tongue poke while she was recovering from her anaesthetic.
12.01.2022 Bandit keeping Dr Caitlin company while she does her work.....or tries to anyway.
11.01.2022 Panda Bear required a teeth clean with 3 retained deciduous (baby teeth), canine extractions. His adult teeth had grown through and 3 of his baby teeth did not fall out like they usually would. Now that they are removed his adult teeth can continue to grow into their correct positions and prevent dental crowding and misalignment. ... Nurse Zoe made sure he received lots of cuddles and affection during his stay with us.
11.01.2022 Niko wasnt shy for the camera and if I was this good looking I wouldnt be either! Niko is a Green Wing Macaw who visited Dr Stacey recently for a general health check. What a little beauty!
11.01.2022 Brace yourself for some cuteness!! Little Bobbie came in for her vaccination. Look at those stunning colours! We cant wait to see her grow up!
11.01.2022 Due to the recent positive COVID tests in Queensland, we feel it necessary to increase our safety measures a little to protect you, our staff and our community. You are still welcome to enter the practice We do however ask that you limit the number of people to 1 or 2 attending the appointment (room size will depend if 1 or 2 people can enter the consulting room). This is to ensure we keep plenty of distance between yourself and the veterinarian or nurse. Barriers ma...y also be in use to remind us to keep the required distance. You may choose to stay in your car If you prefer, we are able to examine your pet in the practice while you wait in your car. You may enter our building but we also understand that some may prefer not to come in. We will accommodate both at this stage. If youre sick, get someone else to bring in your pet Please, if you are feeling unwell or have a cold, ask a friend or neighbour to bring your pet in or opt for the drive through service and stay in your car while we examine your pet. Hand sanitiser is available at all practices and we ask that you sanitise your hands on entry and exit of the building. We will keep a close eye on COVID in the community and change protocols quickly to suit the environment. For now, we feel these are appropriate measures to keep us all safe. Thank you for understanding and stay safe. From all of the Nambour team.
10.01.2022 Dixie presented to us with a swollen abdomen and generally feeling unwell. We hospitalised her and performed X-rays which revealed she had a collapsed egg stuck in her ovaduct. We incidentally found that she also had an impaction of her crop (blockage) and an old fracture to her left leg (all shown on the xrays below) With supportive care via heat therapy, fluid therapy & medications, she managed to pass the egg fragments by herself, however surgery was required to remov...e the blockage of her crop caused from cotton thread ingestion built up over time. Her surgery went well and she is now recovering well and will hopefully be heading home with her owners very soon BIRD OWNERS BE AWARE - COTTON ROPE TOYS/PERCHES CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS TO OUR FEATHERED BABIES! Not only can they ingest tiny fibres which build up in the crop like Dixies condition, toes can also get caught in loose fibres or even strangulate. Please use natural perches and toys in your cages to prevent these issues.
10.01.2022 Love is a Bernese Mountain Dog! Beautiful Marlon came to visit Nambour and have a weigh in. Hes weighs 50kg!
10.01.2022 Adorable Flynn was in today for corrective surgery of a problematic knee. He has been suffering with a persistent luxating patella which is the dislocation of the knee cap from its normal location. Symptoms may include lameness, skipping whilst walking and/or running on 3 legs then returning to 4 legs as if nothing was wrong. This condition may require orthopaedic surgical intervention where the patella ligament is repositioned, the femur groove is deepened, the joint capsule... tightened and a metal implant may be required to stabilise the patella. OH might say! Lucky for us and Flynn we have an Orthopaedic surgeon (Dr Emma) on our team to make it possible! Flynn was a very brave boy and we wish him a smooth and steady recovery.
09.01.2022 Little Harley the Italian Greyhound fractured her leg 10 weeks ago and needed the fracture to be plated to stabilise her leg to let it heal. We removed the plate two weeks ago and did follow up x-rays. We are pleased to say that Harleys leg is completely healed and she can go back to being a normal puppy! Harley has been an absolute star throughout her surgery, follow up x-rays and recovery and has loved all the snuggles she has had with our nurses. Thank you for being such a wonderful patient Harley!
08.01.2022 Got any old towels? We’re running really low on towels, so now is a great time to clean out that linen cupboard. Put your old towels to good use! Please drop any unwanted towels into the practice. We’d really appreciate it.
08.01.2022 Luna came in to visit Dr Marta as she was having a phantom pregnancy (false pregnancy). During her check, Dr Marta noticed she had an ear infection and a heart murmur. We pick up all sorts of health issues during a physical exam. Sometimes pets show no signs, so an annual check is really important.
08.01.2022 Guess whos back???!!!! Now that weve settled into the new practice our darling Basil is back in his new home.
07.01.2022 Strangers to best friends in a reception meet and greet/ love fest!! Harlow the staffy pup meets Merlin the kitten!
07.01.2022 Ra was back to see Dr CJ for her check up and suture removal after having part of her tail amputated. Everything has healed beautifully and Ra is as happy as ever. She also enjoyed cuddles with nurse Carissa. Great job Dr CJ.
06.01.2022 Nanook is the most handsome Husky! He had a nasty bout of Pancreatitis and saw Dr Stacey for some much needed TLVC (tender loving veterinary care). Get well soon handsome
06.01.2022 Poor little Barney has an infection called "Bumble foot" in his front feet. He visited Dr Stacey for some antibiotics, pain relief and some tiny little bandages to stop him chewing at his feet. Feel better soon Barney.
06.01.2022 This is Buddy getting some much needed TLC after getting multiple teeth removed. Nurse Zoe was very liberal with pats and judging by the Buddy’s grin he loved his new smile!
05.01.2022 This is Annie. She is a 7 year old Golden Retriever, rescued from a puppy farm. She came in to see Dr CJ for her c5 vaccination. As you can see by her smile, she is loving life with her new family.
05.01.2022 Xena lapped up all the attention and belly rubs she could get, during her stay with us recently. She was in for her desexing procedure. What a sweetheart.
05.01.2022 NVS Meet Maggie. Maggie presented to Dr Stacey with a lame leg. Dr Stacey noted a laceration to Maggie's Hock so to further investigate, Maggie had a general anaesthetic. Upon investigation, Dr Stacey discovered and removed a human hair which had tightly wound it's self around Maggie's leg! Dr Stacey removed the hair that was cutting into Maggie's leg and cleaned and bandaged the wound. Get Well Soon Maggie!
04.01.2022 Lea came in for a health check with Dr Marta. Shes a dear old girl and has a bit of arthritis so Dr Marta started her on a series of injections to help her out through the colder months. Dont let your pet suffer from arthritis. Theres some great options available now which can ease the discomfort of arthritis. Get an arthritis check and well chat about the options for your pet.
04.01.2022 Aoife presented to us recently with a painful, red & swollen eye. Although she wasnt feeling the best, she still managed to give us a big beautiful smile! Arent dogs amazing? Full of love even when theyre not feeling the best.
04.01.2022 Storm the little Chihuahua visited for vaccination. He arrived in his very own cat box. Little sweetheart.
04.01.2022 Little Murphy showered the nurses with kisses and cuddles during his stay for his desexing procedure! Little sweetheart!
01.01.2022 We’re gonna’ need a bigger consult room. 14 Bull Arab cross puppies visited for their first vaccination and to have microchips implanted. It would appear by these pics that visiting the vet really takes it out of you!
01.01.2022 Jake the 7 month old Conure snuggled up to Mum before his health check with Dr Stacey. What a great pic!
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