NSW Rural Fire Service Namoi Gwydir Team | Editorial/Opinion
NSW Rural Fire Service Namoi Gwydir Team
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21.01.2022 Go Narrabri seniors and juniors.. The Narrabri senior and junior teams will compete at Inverell this weekend in the finals of the RFS state championships. Staff and volunteers wish the teams all the best.... Narrabri Juniors training for the Final of the State Championships.
20.01.2022 The results from the qualifying round of the 2020 NSW RFS State Championships are in - and Narrabri has 2 teams that have qualified for the Grand Final! Narrabr...i Juniors and the Narrabri Senior team both came in a very respectable 2nd place - competing against brigades from all over the state. They were tested on their firefighting skills, speed, agility, mapping, navigation, communication, and their ability to get important community education information out to their communities. Congratulations to our two crews - we are proud of you, and wish you all the best in the Grand Final!
19.01.2022 Training Opportunity. Community Field Liaison has been a critical role that was formally piloted throughout the 2019/2020 bush fire season. Since, we have reviewed the role and its training and are now rolling out the CFL Workshop in many locations across the state. I am asking that you share this EOI with your membership. Whilst we are aiming not to have anyone miss out, in cases that numbers in the area are greater then what we are able to host, districts will be asked to p...rioritise. If you would like take part in this training opportunity Please contact your local FCC for the nomination form
19.01.2022 THANK YOU TO THE Namoi Gwydir Support Team for organising the citation presentation and all the work that goes with it . A fantastic result.THANK YOU TO THE Namoi Gwydir Support Team for organising the citation presentation and all the work that goes with it . A fantastic result.
17.01.2022 To Namoi Gwydir Brigades planning Santa Runs this year. Please see attached COVID safe measures required.
16.01.2022 If you’ve got Fires Near Me NSW or check our website, you may see a change to the way bush fires are displayed. New yellow, orange and red icons are being used for Advice, Watch and Act, and Emergency Warning. It’s part of the new Australian Warning System and over time you’ll see these icons used for more types of emergencies right across the country.... Know what to look for and know what to do See more
15.01.2022 Please be aware the Bush Fire Danger period, has NOT commenced across the Namoi Gwydir Team. Covering the Gwydir, Moree Plains and Narrabri Local Government area's. At this stage it is anticipated the BFDP will commence on 1st October 2020. Permits will then be required. Please remember you are required to notify your adjoining neighbours and the RFS, 24Hrs prior to lighting at all times.
13.01.2022 Gwydir citation presentations last night. Thanks to the Bingara lions club for the barbecue and the Namoi Gwydir Suppirt Brigade for organising the evening
13.01.2022 Deserving RFS volunteer fire fighters receiving long service medals for the Namoi Gwydir Team.
11.01.2022 This time next week we’ll know our NSW RFS State Champions for 2020. Will Oakville be able to defend their title or will Narrabri finally take out the top spot... after finishing in the places for the last two events. Davidson and Ku-ring-gai looked good in qualifying and you can’t discount newbies Mt Keira and Southampton after their strong showing. In the junior competition traditional powerhouses St Paul’s are back with Riverina Highlands and Northern Tablelands. Narrabri continues to punch above their weight with the small rural brigade again qualifying in both streams while newcomers Mamre and Thurgoona looked like contenders in qualifying. Thanks to our team of wonderful partners like Coates Hire, the teams will all be competing close to home at sites in Balldale, The Oaks and Inverell. So who’s got Narrabri for the clean sweep?
09.01.2022 A Total Fire Ban has been declared for the NORTH WESTERN FIRE WEATHER DISTRICT + MOREE PLAINS & NARRABRI LGA's. Tomorrow 23rd November due to forecast hot and windy conditions. No fires may be lit in the open and all fire permits are suspended. Review your Bush Fire Survival Plan to know what you will do if a fire starts near you. For more information on what a Total Fire Ban means, check www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/toban Report any unattended fires to Triple Zero (000)... With temperatures forecast to rise over the coming days, take the time tonight to sit down with your family and review your Bush Fire Survival Plan. Make sure everyone knows what to do if a bush fire starts near you. Making your Bush Fire Survival Plan is probably easier than you think. Download it now from our website or get the My Fire Plan app for your smartphone from iTunes (tinyurl.com/ kk32y8e) or Google Play (tinyurl.com/mftlqxj). See more
08.01.2022 VERY HIGH FIRE DANGER RATING The Fire Danger Rating for NORTHERN SLOPES FIRE WEATHER DISTRICT including GWYDIR LGA tomorrow 23rd November is Very High. Fire Per...mits are currently suspended. Stay up to date on fires in your area. Check your Bush Fire Survival Plan to know what you will do if a fire starts near you. For more information about fire danger ratings visit www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fdr See more
08.01.2022 For all burn notifications Please use the notification address as below. Our Burn notification number will be phased out.
07.01.2022 A great afternoon had by all at the Namoi Gwydir Team NSW Citation Awards.congratulations to our dedicated volunteers and staff
06.01.2022 Get Ready Weekend - Register now Registrations for Get Ready Weekend 2020 are open and brigades are invited to register their events. Get Ready Weekend is a core community engagement activity for the NSW RFS and the largest mobilisation of firefighters outside of firefighting operations. ... Preparing for the upcoming bush fire season is as important as it has ever been. The 2019/2020 fire season was unprecedented in its scale and impact on NSW communities. Some communities were affected by the fires, some came close and others remain at a high risk. In some areas Get Ready Weekend may be the opportunity for community members to share stories about last season and seek advice on how best to prepare. Get Ready Weekend is the key way that Brigades can assist their communities to prepare for the next fire season. Despite physical distancing restrictions associated with Coronavirus (COVID-19) Get Ready Weekend will proceed however we have provided you with some alternative formats this year. This year GRW will be available in three different formats; Local Event (observing NSW Health Guidelines) Online Meeting Social Media campaign When holding face to face Get Ready events, please continue to observe NSW Health guidelines. Registration The peak of activity will take place on the weekend of 19-20 September, however we do encourage Brigades to nominate a date that best suits their community if they wish. Brigades may wish to undertake one, two, or all three types of events this year. Events will be promoted on the NSW RFS public website, so please ensure your registration is submitted by 31 July 2020. Resources An array of resources will be available to brigades for all three types of involvement. This year Brigades have the ability to order their own standard resource pack, via our new Shout site and have the pack delivered to their preferred address. A link will be provided following completion of registration. The new Shout site is an online ordering platform for all Community Engagement resources available to order. Some resources must still be ordered through the District offices. Please allow seven days for delivery. More Information The Get Ready Weekend page on MyRFS will be regularly updated with details about the event. If you have any questions, please contact the team at [email protected] or call 02 8741 5416
06.01.2022 Deepest condolences to Graeme Wright and family. Marion’s funeral will be held on 31st July at Inverell crematorium @ 10amDeepest condolences to Graeme Wright and family. Marion’s funeral will be held on 31st July at Inverell crematorium @ 10am
05.01.2022 Narrabri team at todays RFS State championship finals
03.01.2022 Our Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook: December 2020 February 2021 is out today, and shows that large parts of NSW west of the Great Dividing Range face ab...ove normal fire conditions, as well as grassland areas of the ACT and into north eastern Victoria. Grass and crop fires are the main concern in these locations for the summer months as the growth dries out in the warmer weather. WA has largely missed out on the rainfall in 2020 and conditions are very dry, with parts of the south and south west coasts expecting above normal fire conditions through summer. Full details https://bit.ly/2KwcksI #bushfireoutlook AFAC News Bureau of Meteorology Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES NSW Rural Fire Service ACT Emergency Services Agency Vic Emergency CFA (Country Fire Authority) Forest Fire Management Victoria Tasmania Fire Service SA Country Fire Service Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA Bushfires NT
02.01.2022 Narrabri teams competing in the State Championships