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Nanette Radeck: Advocating for North QLD | Brand

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Nanette Radeck: Advocating for North QLD

Phone: +614458000891


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25.01.2022 I’m hoping to raise $500 for this cause before my birthday in 12 days time. If you can spare a couple of dollars towards helping this charity, and together we reach the goal I’ve set, you will most definitely make my birthday a very happy one! Love, Nettie ... To learn more about the work Townsville City Care does, go to this link:

24.01.2022 MAJOR PARTIES BUILD AN EMPIRE To the detriment of all other clubs in Mackay (and certainly facilities in the satellite centres) both Labor and LNP governments h...ave poured more than $26 million into one club the most profitable club in the region, turning over more than $15 million in trade every year. And what will we have as a result? Mackay will have a 2000-seat stadium only 400m away from the 1500-seat stadium that Mackay taxpayers are already subsidising. See more

23.01.2022 PART ONE: Let’s just take a minute to look at some expenditure data on our state government elected representatives who are also leaders of QLD political partie...s over a one year period, July 2018- Jun 2019, in their own electorates: Note: electoral allowance for each electorate can be carried over from one year to the next if underspent. It is, however, roughly 71-76K per annum for each electorate. I’d like to specifically point out the funding allocated/given by each representative as: * Support for constituents and organisations; and * Production, publication and distribution services (in other words: advertising) Support for constituents and organisations in OWN electorate: Anastasia Palaszczuk ALP $28,823.19 Deb Frecklington LNP $26,512.96 Robbie Katter KAP $12,489.09 Jason Costigan NQ First $10,011.61 Production, publication and distribution services in OWN electorate: Anastasia Palaszczuk ALP $24,253.09 Deb Frecklington LNP $40,525.87 Robbie Katter KAP $9,662.97 Jason Costigan NQ First $51,579.70 I will let you draw your own conclusions. Full details of expenditure is found in the screenshots below and entire report in the link. Of course other factors such cost associated to size of electorate and total expenditure need also to be taken into account. Link to full annual report:

22.01.2022 Labor keeping Queenslanders safe. Well people have been raising issues about the level of crime in Queensland since the Labor Government took office in 2015 ... these are the stats they must surely been trying to avoid getting out coming up to the election. Keeping us safe...

22.01.2022 We would like to announce that among other events, on Saturday 29th November at the Rupertswood & District Free Family Fun Day, there will be a display featurin...g MX Bikes, experienced riders from the local club and a Motocross Australia coach available to speak with parents. Topics such as safety issues relevant to riders will also be a focus. We hope all MX enthusiasts from the area will join us on the day. Please share. See more

21.01.2022 Hinchinbrook, on October 31st this year, why not back a Problem Solver. Nick Dametto MP. #NDMP #KAP #WeSolveProblems #Hinchinbrook

19.01.2022 The Labor Party has pledged $10 million to help complete a Townsville driver education and motor sport precinct. Not-for-profit Drive It NQ wants to build the c...ircuit for learner and advanced driver training and racing. Stage one is under construction. The party says if elected, the funding would support 55 construction jobs and more than 140 ongoing permanent jobs.

16.01.2022 Week 19: Featuring NQ First candidates for Mirani, Burdekin, Cook and Townsville.

15.01.2022 Although we are a minor party, we still hit just as hard as the majors. These three big accomplishments happened just yesterday thanks to the KAP. $10 million... to fully fund to Drive it NQ $30 million to ensure the construction of Big Rocks Weir Mount Isa Mines' copper smelter and Townsville copper refinery continue to operate for another three years, securing 2,000 jobs

15.01.2022 Queensland merchandise exports fell $10.616 billion (-12.2%) to $76.631 billion over the financial year to June 2019-20, according to the Department of Foreign ...Affairs and Trade. Ol' King Coal, still a merry ol’ soul, continued to dominate trade items comprising 39.7% of total annual exports despite falling by over $7.5 billion to $30.384 billion (down from 43.4% of total in 2018-19). Confidential items including predominantly LNG also fell by almost $3.9 billion to $23.754 billion, yet remained steady as a proportion of total exports comprising 31% of merchandise trade. Beef exports had a record year up $847.65 million (15.8%) to $6.218 billion. Source: ~ Dr Marcus Smith

14.01.2022 Thank you to all our servicemen and women; and especially to those who have sacrificed their lives to protect the Commonwealth. We live the way we do today beca...use we stood defiant in the face of adversity and defended what we value most; our people, our lands and our culture! We must always protect that which is most precious to us even if the price is so very high. Those who remain after such conflict will always be in debt. I will do my part to ensure these sacrifices are NEVER forgotten, as many others will do. Thank you. Lest we forget. See more

14.01.2022 It’s official ! We have an interim committee for the Rupertswood & District Community Association - R&DCA !! The date has been set for the THE RUPERTSWOODS COMM...UNITY FUN DAY !! Save the date 8-12pm 29th November , looking forward to seeing the community hall open #division1 its been over 12 months , looking forward to hearing the new ideas , stay tune for the updates on what the day will look like , if you are in the local area , plans for stalls will be available from the acting president Nanette , details coming soon , thanks so much to Nanette , Di , Melissa , James and Andrew for putting your hands up at the community meeting !! Stay tune .., Dates for the AGM will be announced after the community fun day ., See more

14.01.2022 Life’s a beach at the moment, that is if you are a public servant in Queensland ... I smell pork

11.01.2022 I wonder if we will ever have a leader/ government from the country again who can ever achieve things for the people of Queensland, and in particular, rural and... regional Queensland, like Joh Bjelke-petersen could. The achievements Sir Joh was most proud of include the building of Wivenhoe and Burdekin dams, the Gateway Bridge, the electrification and modernisation of the Queensland rail network, the staging of the 1982 Commonwealth Games and World Expo 88 and his personal decision to abolish death duties. During the 1980s Sir Joh introduced stamp duty concessions and exemptions to small business, family property transfer, first home buyers and mortgages. To attract interstate investment and stimulate the economy, he also introduced payroll tax exemptions for small businesses and employers with apprentices. Projects such as Sanctuary Cove and Bond University owe their existence to the personal approval of Sir Joh. Racing and gaming industries also prospered under his leadership. Development plans for a casino in Townsville and on the Gold Coast were underway in 1982. Poker machines remained banned in Queensland under Joh's government. With only 17 seats in central and north QLD out of the 93 in QLD parliament, it’s unlikely we will see such achievements, especially for CNQ, in today’s context. You see, 73 of those seats are held by MPs who reside within a 250km radius of the Brisbane CBD. They are voted in to represent their electorates, and rightly so. With the abolishment of the Gerrymander - and note, I’m not an advocate for its return - rural and regional QLDs representation in parliament is weak and will continue to weaken dramatically as population increases in South-East QLD. The Gerrymander or also known as the ‘Bjelkemander’ was the term given to a system of malapportionment in the Australian state of Queensland in the 1970s and 1980s. Under the system, electorates were allocated to zones such as rural or metropolitan and electoral boundaries drawn so that rural electorates had about half as many voters as metropolitan ones. The Country Party (later National Party), a rural-based party led by Joh Bjelke-Petersen, was able to govern uninhibited during this period due to the 'Bjelkemander' and the absence of an upper house of Parliament. We are seeing the effects today of the lack of rural and regional voices (and seats) in parliament. Just ask yourself: when was the last decent dam built in QLD? The National party within today’s LNP is near-on ‘dead’ and really, if you vote LNP today, you are in actual fact voting for a city liberal party. This is not to denigrate the intentions of a handful of regional LNP candidates/MPs, but their fight for regional QLD is made very challenging within their own party, filled with city-liberals, fighting for their own electorates (remember 73 seats in parliament are held by MPs who reside within a 250km radius of the Brisbane CBD). And frankly, QLD ALP, is not much different. Again, we’ve only 17 seats available to central and north QLD. So what do we do? There is no easy fix. Right now I would suggest that you vote for a candidate who will represent your rural and regional QLD electorate first and foremost; a candidate that has tremendous ‘fight’ within them and who will stand up for rural and regional QLD like there’s no tomorrow; a candidate who is politically savvy and won’t toe the party line if it’s not in the best interests of CNQ. Because, at the rate we are going, and if there are no serious changes in the political landscape, life in the north really does look bleak for our kids. In the long term, get on board and advocate for changes in the way Central and North QLD is represented. I say fight for the creation of a new State, but this may not be the only solution and I’m sensible enough to be open-minded in the pursuit of a solution. Perhaps the introduction of an Upper House is a possibility, or, at the very least, maybe even all the ‘conservative’ political parties could unite to form a 3rd viable political party option for voters, one that is Rural/regional based and one that can form government, and pursue representation changes. These are my thoughts, and you may very well agree or disagree, but, folks, if you love the north the way I do, and want a future for our kids, things must change. Happy for you to debate/disagree/agree. I’m no bloody expert. I just care, and I know’s time to build the new.

08.01.2022 Anyone else concerned about this data? Data from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) recorded total coal production in Queensland to be 239.08...m tonnes during 2019-20. Metallurgical coal, or coking coal, which comprised almost 64% of the total saleable coal production during the year was down by 2.4% to around 152.479m tonnes, while thermal coal production was down by 8.9% to 86.602m tonnes. Most of the Queensland’s coking coal (65%) is mined in the Northern Region, while half of the state’s thermal coal is mined in the Southern Region. Figures compiled by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade show that Queensland coal exports fell by $7.522b (-19.8%) in 2019-20 despite continuing to be by far the largest merchandise export item by value at $30.385b or almost 40% of the state’s $76.631b in exports. By volume, the DNRM data showed that 213.051m tonnes (89%) of the state’s total production was exported to markets predominantly in Asia (88%) and Europe (9%), of which coking coal represented almost 72% of total shipments from the state. The DFAT breakdowns showed that falls in coal export values in 2019-20 were largest in key Asian markets including India which fell by almost $2.6b (31%) to $5.848b, by $1.572b (26%) in Japan to $4.552b, and by $998m (28%) in South Korea to $2.614b. ~ Dr Marcus Smith, QLD economist. See more

07.01.2022 Bill Bates, you have rocks in your head! Getting political parties on board should be your goal, not this childish nonsense. From my perspective, it would seem you have turned BootBrisbane into a lobby group for NQ First. I guess this comes with writing their policy, so I understand your strengthened and blatantly obvious alliance with them. Your prerogative of course, but your constant anti-KAP stance is starting to seriously look like your own ego, I’m afraid. The KAP is ...a party that has its own independent and thoroughly appropriate view on creating a new state, a stance that clearly has nothing to do with how you believe it should happen, and a stance that existed long before you were on the scene. You are doing yourself no favours carrying on the way you have been long before this foolish rubbish. You really seem to have lost sight of the bigger picture. Just call BootBrisbane NQ First and be done with it.

03.01.2022 Today, Katter's Australian Party responded to other political parties playing catch up when it comes to a separate North Queensland state. The KAP has been cons...istent on this issue for years and wants a referendum for North Queenslanders only so we can decide our future on our terms. Momentum to split the state and Boot Brisbane from bleeding northern regions dry is stronger than ever. The Courier Mail reported that News Corp's Your Say 2020 survey found almost half of Far North Queenslanders said the split would occur, as the need for secession became even more blindingly obvious. People often ask me where I would put a border for a North Queensland state and the answer is simple - somewhere around Sarina, where the funding stops. You can listen to a clip of my interview at today's press conference in the player below.

03.01.2022 Sunday exercise with more than one purpose! I’m backing a good man for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto! #election2020nqwilldecide

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