Nannas for Native Forests in Margaret River, Western Australia | Environmental conservation organisation
Nannas for Native Forests
Locality: Margaret River, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9757 2704
Address: 41 Clarke Road 6285 Margaret River, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Augusta Margaret River Times with the story about the 'Nannas for Native Forests' at their action at Simcoa last week. Let our politicians know how you feel about this negligent use of our beautiful jarrah forests, and contact your local member to share these concerns. Hon Dave Kelly... Minister for Forestry Telephone: (08) 6552-6100 e-Mail: [email protected] Hon Stephen Dawson Minister for Environment Telephone: (08) 6552-5800 e-Mail: [email protected] #Nannas4NativeForests #forests4climate #forestsforlife #ListenListenListen
24.01.2022 The Festival of Forgotten Skills is on tomorrow... go check it out and say hello to the Nannas for Native Forests :) #Nannas4NativeForests #Sitnstitch #festivalofforgottenskills
23.01.2022 Caralynns recollections of her participation in the first Nannas blockade on 8 September 2020, including a beautiful sketch of the forest she was trying to protect... _____ "We arrived in the forest before dawn. One of the workers was already there in the dark, warming up his machine. We sat in the middle of the road and as all the workers turned up we offered them tea and cake. They had to call the boss and we sat there as the sky lightened. The silence was eerie. I’m used... to being woken by the dawn chorus of the birds, but there were no birds, except a lone kookaburra laughing as we sat in the cold and wet forest. The boss arrived and strutted towards us like an angry rooster. Would you like a cup of tea, cake, muffin? We told him we were not moving and he strutted off and rang the Forest Products Commission. The FPC man was very polite and surprised at the age of some of the older Nannas. We offered him tea and muffins and Peta read him our Nannafesto which explained why we were there and the actions we want before we cease our protests. He listened respectfully and went off to call the police. When the policeman arrived we offered him muffins (the workers had finished the cake) and tea and he told us all about his brother, before he told us he would have to arrest us if we didn’t move. By now we were low on muffins as well, so we agreed to leave and packed up our chairs. The policeman offered to help, but we were fine. We walked off through the Spring flowers, knowing that they would soon be lying in the mud, crushed by the enormous machines." - Caralynn Hoft _____ To learn more about NVDA (Non Violent Direct Action) join this workshop: NVDA Training for Forests #Nannas4NativeForests #Helmsblockade #forests4climate
21.01.2022 Don't forget to check out the 'Festival of Forgotten Skills' today and go say hello to the Nannas and Wannabe Nannas who have a 'Stitch, darn and yarn' stall there today. Looking forward to seeing photos of this event so if you get there, please share your photos under this post... thanks :) #Nannas4NativeForests #festivalofforgottenskills #StitchDarnYarn
20.01.2022 No action / blockade is possible without the incredible behind the scenes organising by a team of dedicated people. Ray Swarts and his merry men worked with precision to make sure the Nannas were comfortable and catered for at both of the blockades. More to come about this awesome team but for now, enjoy this account of the 2nd blockade and poster created by Mike Wylie... one of the band of merry men and the son of Sally Wylie (blockade veteran). ____ "A convoy of 40 + nannas... and support crew headed off from Margaret River at 2.30 am for the slaughterhouse of WA’s Old Growth Forests. Old Growth forest being logged via a legal technicality that too few West Australians know about. Led by the combat hardened veterans of the Knitting Nannas strike force that disrupted logging Wednesday September 9, yesterday, pre-dawn, the valliant nannas struck again. Armed only with the Kalashnikov’s of conscience, their love of their state, their forests, and their grandchildren, our fearless nannas halted the plunder, and saved trees that had stood tall for 150 + years, from brutal chainsaw demise." - Mike Wylie ____ #Nannas4NativeForests #ApocalypseNan
20.01.2022 Nannas and Wannabe Nannas joined together at the Festival of Forgotten Skills at Fairharvest Margaret River, to do some leaf stitching and encourage some good old fashioned letter writing to go with festival theme of forgotten skills. WAFA shirts and raffle tickets were sold to raise funds for the cause. The Nannas also sang their anthem on stage with the crowd joining in enthusiastically. There were many great conversations with all ages about their concern for what's happening in forests. Thankyou Marli and Kyllie for the photos. #Nannas4NativeForests #WannabeNannas #NextGen4NativeForests #FestivalofForgottenSkills #Fairharvest #WAFA
19.01.2022 Another great set of photos from the recent 'John Butler + Cry of the Forests' event last Saturday. Thankyou 'Kelly Hammond Photography' for capturing some lovely moments with the Nannas. #Nannas4NativeForests #cryoftheforests #nannaschoir #ListenListenListen
19.01.2022 Janny Lane shares her memory of the first blockade she attended on the 8 September 2020. "The memories I have are the loggers helping us hang the banners over the road and one of them holding the banner up that said 'Logging makes no Cents' with a big smile on his face for the camera. The comradeship, the silence. The lights of the trucks lighting up the trees as they were coming in at dawn to massacre the forest."... - Janny Lane If you would like to learn more about NVDA (Non-violent Direct Action) check out this event on the 5 December: NVDA Training for Forests #Nannas4NativeForests #Helmsblockade #forests4climate
19.01.2022 'NextGen for Native Forests' team, Karen and Sharni, had a successful day recruiting support for the NextGen instagram page (, getting people to write letters to the Premier, and being photographed with some awesome placards. Tremendous effort. They will be back at the Fremantle markets next Sunday, so if you would like to help, get in touch. #NextGen4NativeForests #Nannas4NativeForests #Forests4Life #Forests4Future #ProtectOurForests
18.01.2022 If you live in Mandurah, make sure to go say hello to Merrilee at the 'Celebrate Seniors Expo' today. She will be there with her 91 year old mother stitching leaves and talking about how we can support each other and protect our forests. #nannas4nativeforests #CelebrateSeniorsExpo #Sitnstitch
18.01.2022 In David Attenborough's new documentary, he illuminates the need to halt deforestation everywhere. This quote from the film perfectly sums up the forest's role our planet's recovery from climate change But the forests can't play that role if they're gone. So what can you do to help protect the forests? A great way to start is to sign up to join the Forests for Climate campaign team with us! We’ll send you a welcome pack, connect you with locals in your area and give you the tools you need to take meaningful action. Learn with our online forums, engage with your local Member of Parliament and your local media, reach out to your community and help us fundraise. Let’s learn and take action together
18.01.2022 To find out more go to Save Our Jarrah or Save Dwellingup Discovery Forest facebook pages. Website links where you can find ways to help: and #Nannas4NativeForests #SaveOurJarrah #dwellingupdiscoveryforest #savedwellingupdiscoveryforest
18.01.2022 An opportunity to let them know what issues need attention... Nullaki might be one to comment about... and of course protecting our native forests to combat the issue of climate change. Go nannas... thankyou.
18.01.2022 Dunsborough Mail 25 November 2020. #Nannas4NativeForests #cryoftheforests #forests4climate #wafa
17.01.2022 Incredible images... wow!
16.01.2022 'The Magnificent Seven' shared what it was like to be involved in a blockade, at the Mass morning tea last Tuesday, Sally was at both blockades, but this story is from the second blockade on the 29 September 2020. ___... It was agreed that in order to delay the logging three people would get arrested. I volunteered. Instructions were that when the police arrived we were to scatter into the forest. I was to be the last to be found, then to be arrested if I refused to move on. When the police arrived the nannas took off into the forest. I took off my raincoat and left it behind because it was red and would have been impossible to hide in. It started to drizzle and another Nanna jokingly suggested I find a log if I was getting wet. Further into the forest I saw a large black, partially burnt out, log so I looked inside. It was surprisingly clean so I lay down with the upper half of my body protected. After what seemed like a couple of hours I heard cooeeing so eased myself out of my shelter and returned to camp. Plans had changed as the police were threatening to arrange for our cars to be towed off the track that they were blocking, for a $2,000 fee. It’s all a learning exercise and that day we learnt blocking the road is not the best tactic. Sally Wylie ___ If you would like to learn more about NVDA (Non-violent Direct Action) check out this event on the 5 December: NVDA Training for Forests #Nannas4NativeForests #stopthechop #massmorningtea
16.01.2022 Next Thursday will be the screening of Cry of the Forests - A Western Australian Story in Mandurah. Please support this event, by sharing this post and letting others know, even if you are unable to get there... Thank you #Nannas4NativeForests #cryoftheforests #wafa #forests4climate #Forests4Life
14.01.2022 Sue Juniper shares her experience of being at the first blockade on 8 September 2020... _____ "I had no idea what to expect with my first Nanna visit to the McCorkhill Forest. My first ever protest actually, I thought I was going to get lost in the bush with a mob of militants! ... At around three in the morning, dark as pitch, we plonked our chairs in the mud right next to a stack of logs. When the sun came up, in the eerie silence (there was no birdsong) it was the sight of the monstrous machines with their clamping jaws and the decimation of the bush immediately around where we were sitting that struck me. I felt a deep sadness in my chest." - Sue Juniper _____ To learn more about NVDA (Non Violent Direct Action) join this workshop: #Nannas4NativeForests #Helmsblockade #forests4climate
13.01.2022 So proud of these amazing Nannas! There are still a couple of hours left to get down to Mandurahs Senior Centre and say hello to Merrilee, Mary Ann and Pamela. Sit and stitch a leaf brooch and have a yarn with these radiant women. #Nannas4NativeForests #wafa
12.01.2022 KALAMUNDA Mayor Margaret Thomas has spoken out against a move to harvest a large portion of forest in Pickering Brook. About 50 per cent of the forest, named Barton 0418, is being harvested to produce products including structural timber, joinery and decking for house construction. Cr Thomas said though she received a letter in late-2019 about the plans, set to take place next to her property, she was unaware of the extent until riding her horse through the area in December l...ast year. I was riding through there and was just so shocked, the area for felling is the size of Kings Park, she said. On the outside it looks all normal but inside, they’ve barely marked any trees for preservation. I don’t think anyone realises what’s happening, but they shouldn’t be allowed to harvest such a huge amount of native trees in a biodiversity hotspot, it’s not up to date with everything going on with climate change. Convenor for conservation group WA Forest Alliance (WAFA) Paddy Cullen called the logging immoral and outdated. Australia is the only developed nation that makes the list for extensive deforestation which should be embarrassing. ___ Contact Dave Kelly to express your concerns: Hon Dave Kelly Minister for Forestry Telephone: (08) 6552-6100 e-Mail: [email protected]
11.01.2022 We believe that children’s books have a profound effect in shaping who we become as grown-ups. The stories we read and enjoy as kids impact the adventures we, the way we see and experience our landscapes, and sometimes our outlook on life. Tune in to hear the 2021 shortlist for the Environment Award for Children’s Literature and meet the amazing judges! See more
11.01.2022 Help this to be the biggest event of the year... invite your friends to the event page. Look for the 'INVITE' button (letter icon) in the event, and invite friends on your list that you think might be interested. #Nannas4NativeForests #massmorningtea
10.01.2022 The Nannas were in fine form last Saturday at the 'John Butler + Cry of the Forests' event in Manjimup. From having a leaf badge making area (thanks to Wannabe Nanna help), supplying their beautiful colourful banners to line the fencing that surrounded the venue, taking on extra volunteer roles, and being a support act to John Butler... the Nannas were a hit. Not to mention the Nannas featured in the documentary that was screened. There was a lot of love for the 'Nannas for N...ative Forests' on the night, in particular the group who were involved in the recent Simcoa Citizen Inspection. There was an 'Adopt a Nanna' on the night to help pay for the fines incurred... thankyou also to those who have made donations towards the $14,500 fines since the event. Much gratitude and big love from Nanna Central. #Nannas4NativeForests #cryoftheforests #johnbutler
10.01.2022 Award winning documentary Cry of the Forests - A Western Australian Story is screening in Bunbury at 2pm today. A great opportunity to see the Nannas in action on their second blockade, and a way to be empowered with the facts about the logging of our native forests. There are also some beautiful wildlife shots to enjoy and appreciate. 29 JAN 2021 - BUNBURY - Stirling Street Arts Centre Tickets: Event: #Nannas4NativeForests #cryoftheforests #wafa #fremantlefreelance #forests4climate #forestsforlife #ListenListenListen
10.01.2022 There were great speeches and experiences shared at the Morning Tea last Tuesday... I'll have a go at sharing as many as i can over the next week or so for those that couldn't make it to the Morning Tea. First up is Carole Peters speech. Thank you Carole. ____ Older and wiser and quite a few cups of tea down the track, the grandmothers of Western Australia are speaking out for a better future. ... It is a future in which care for our forests - to regenerate, to age, to thrive - will ensure our grandchildren, and all children of future generations, can benefit from a healthier, cleaner, greener world. Human disturbance and interference can steadily be replaced by care for all living things. Step 1: Stop the Chop - stop all native forest logging now. Review and reduce the combined impact of logging, clearing, burning and mining. Step 2: Support the few hundred remaining native timber workers to transition to plantation and farm forestry or rehabilitation and conservation programs. They too can prosper. Step 3: Let our native forests and remnant vegetation regenerate - rehabilitate, protect and let them be - recognised as valuable life-giving resources in their own right. Step 4: Study the benefits of aged and ageing forests, the increased resistance to fire, the moisture retention capabilities, shade giving canopies, a life giving mulched understory, cooler soil temperatures, a carbon sink. Let’s hear more of the good news. #Nannas4NativeForests #stopthechop #massmorningtea
09.01.2022 The Nannas, Wannabe Nannas and NextGen crew were out in force on Sunday doing their thing... Forgotten Skills in Margaret River, a beach cleanup in Mandurah and a stall in Fremantle... more photos to come. First up is Merrilee out promoting the film Cry of the Forests - A Western Australian Story at a beach cleanup. Thank you Merrilee and Pamela. Mandurah screening event link: #Nannas4NativeForests #WAFA #cryoftheforests
08.01.2022 MANDURAH screening of Cry of the Forests - A Western Australian Story coming up on Thursday. Seats still available. Share this post to help fill up the cinema. Event: #cryoftheforests #Nannas4NativeForests #mandurah
05.01.2022 Nannas tell your grandkids about NextGen4Nativeforests on Instagram. Grandkids and Greatgrandkids this is YOUR platform check it out! Share your Nanna’s she-nanna-gans with all your friends and the WORLD! Get to know a forest near you and share it. Write a message to the Premier and share it. Help your Nanna to help you. Karen and Sharni will have a stall this Sunday at the Fremantle Markets from 11am 'til it closes. If you free to help out, even for an hour or two, bring along a laptop, iPad or smart phone to gather as many people as possible to send an email to the Premier. It is the entrance closest to William Street and Henderson Street, a huge numbat mural painted on the wall is opposite... swing by and say hello :) #NextGen4NativeForests #Nannas4NativeForests #wafa
05.01.2022 Leaf stitching in Margaret River - see you Thursday
04.01.2022 Don't miss out on the next big event... a mass morning tea on the grass outside of Dumas House. The 'Nannas for Native Forests' are meeting with the Minister of Forestry, so come along to support them and connect with the Nannas coming up from Margaret River for the day. It will be a great opportunity to get to know each other and share ideas. It is also a chance to join the chorus of Nannas and Wannabe Nannas as they premiere the Nannas anthem. Expect a mass morning tea. your friends, children and your grandchildren. Bring cake, bring your teapot and your picnic blanket... see you there for the she'nana'gans. Event/ticket link: #Nannas4NativeForests #wafa #MassMorningTea
03.01.2022 Screening today at 2pm in Bunbury... #Nannas4NativeForests #cryoftheforests
03.01.2022 IN CASE you haven't heard the incredibly exciting news! Cry of the Forests is screening at the Perth Revelation Film Festival @ the Luna Leederville July 2 to 1...1. It will also screen at the Backlot as part of Rev Fest’s special WA Day, Saturday July 10 @4.30pm. Links to the Luna screenings: Backlot screening: #RevFilmFest WA Forest Alliance Revelation Film Festival Documentary Australia Foundation #RevFilmFest See more
02.01.2022 The Nannas made it into the Augusta Margaret River Times yesterday. Well done Nannas! #Nannas4NativeForests #massmorningtea #forests4climate #stopthechop
02.01.2022 The Margaret River/Witchcliffe Nannas have released a new timetable for their leaf stitching meet-ups (July - Sept). Join them this Thursday: Leaf-Stitching in Cafés (Urban Bean, Margaret River) #Nannas4NativeForests #Leafstitching #sitnstitch #wafa
02.01.2022 Cover page in todays Gosnells Examiner. Photo credit: Miles Tweedie Photography #MilesTweediePhotography #Nannas4NativeForests #forests4climate #massmorningtea
02.01.2022 Great letter in the Post by Carole Peters 14 November 2020 #Nannas4NativeForests
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