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23.01.2022 I can’t get out and about today so the best I can do is share some roses I painted some years ago as I join @carinascrafts for #flowersonfriday. #flowersonfriday #roses #watercolour #pinkroses #nannytheartist #nannycraft4u
22.01.2022 I have moved to larger ‘scraps’ today - 2.5strips. I’m happy with the effect and it’s another scrappy quilt in the making #scrappyquilt #jellyrollquilt #wastenotwantnot #charityquilt #sewingforothers #nannycraft4u
21.01.2022 I think I’ve had enough of ‘scraps’ for a while Thank you @appliqueensal and @isabella.golightly for hosting the #salandsusansscrappysewalong - my first really scrappy quilt (well the blocks anyway - the quilt may take some time )#salandsusansscrappysewalong #quiltyfriendsarethebest #scrappyquilt #scrapbusting #newadventures #wastenotwantnot #nannyandfriendscharitysew #nannycraft4u
21.01.2022 I decided to reduce the amount of cutting to make the same block with larger pieces. These are cut from scraps of 2.5 strips and the block is 12.5 unfinished. My back is thanking me! So I guess I’m still in the #salandsusansscrappysewalong with variation #sewingwithscraps #scrapbusting #scrappyquiltblock #wastenot #quiltblock #nannycraft4u
21.01.2022 Beautiful sunlit clouds this evening #sunset #sunsetclouds #australiansky #clouds #cloudscapephotography #ipadphotography #nannycraft4u
21.01.2022 Joining @carinascrafts for a late #flowersonfriday with some bromeliads that seem to have resettled after transfer from Mums garden. #flowersonfriday #bromeliad #bromeliadsofinstagram #transplantsuccess #orange #nannysgarden #noraintoday #nannycraft4u
16.01.2022 Blocks all joined - every time I look at it I want to swap some around #quiltblocks #framed9patch #scrappyquilt #charityquilt #groupeffort #sewingforothers #nannyandfriendscharitysew #nannycraft4u
15.01.2022 Joining @carinascrafts for #flowersonfriday with this lovely bright little flower that I spied while waiting for an appointment. Can someone identify it for me please. I hope it brings a ray of sunshine to your Friday! #flowersonfriday #yellowflowers #unidentifiedflower #iphonephotography #nofilter #nofilterneeded #naturesbeauty #sunshineyellow #notnannysgarden #nannycraft4u
15.01.2022 Joining @barefootcrafter and the team for a #saturdaynightcraftalong I’ve been cutting up ‘scraps’ and am ‘playing’ with some squares - thinking Disappearing 9 patch with brights and maybe a black or white centre square. That way I can keep adding to it as the ‘scraps’ arise #saturdaynightcraftalong #quiltblocks #scrappyblocks #disappearing9patch #nannyandfriendscharitysew #nannycraft4u
15.01.2022 Sharing a white Magnolia with @carinascrafts and #flowersonfriday - isn’t it stunning! I love how the glossy green leaves serve to ‘show it off’ #flowersonfriday #magnolia #whitemagnolia #magnoliaflower #notmygarden #naturesgarden #naturesbeauty #nofilterneeded #iphonephotography #nannycraft4u
14.01.2022 Running late but joining @carinascrafts for a #flowersonfriday with a beautiful flower taken in my SIL’s garden - I think it’s a Crown of Thorns? #flowersonfriday #crownofthorns #crownofthornsplant #redflowers #euphorbiamilii #thorny #naturesbeauty #nannycraft4u
13.01.2022 Joining @carinascrafts for a flowers on Friday with this one I found while visiting Mum yesterday. Is it an Asiatic Lily? It’s a perfect example anyway! #flowersonfriday #whiteflowers #lily #whitelily #asiaticlily #whiteasiaticlily #iphonephotography #naturesbeauty #notmygarden #nannycraft4u
12.01.2022 Spent time today trimming blocks for charity quilts - loving my Aldi cutter! #quiltblocks #charityquilts #rotarycutting #trimmingblocks #timeforanewblade #mybackisnothappy #goodjobdone #nannyandfriendscharitysew #nannycraft4u
12.01.2022 A busy time cutting and joining! I have joined #salandsusansscrappysewalong and made 27 small blocks and now 9 using 2.5 strips. While I’m at it I’ve also made 55 of the others using up my strip stash. I have found boxes that hold each block size perfectly so I’m just tagging them each another long term project and I’ll just keep cutting and joining #salandsusansscrappysewalong #sewingscraps #scrapbusting #sewingthestash #quiltblocks #easysewing #wastenot #nannycraft4u
11.01.2022 Joining @carinascrafts for a #flowersonfriday . The morning started off windy and overcast following rain last night but has now turned sunny and I spotted these Pigface in our neighbours garden and they just happen to be beautiful and happy as they face the sun! #flowersonfriday #pigfaceflower #nativeaustralianflowers #carpobrotusrossii #pinkorpurple #naturesbeauty #enjoyingfriday #nannycraft4u
11.01.2022 ..and so it grows! If you have scraps why not join in the scrappy sewalong being hosted by @appliqueensal and @isabella.golightly - see you soon!#salandsusansscrappysewalong #scrapbusting #fabricscraps #thisgoeswiththis #wastenotwantnot #nannycraft4u
10.01.2022 Preparing more doll blocks and a little Nanny hint: Heatnbond works much better when you turn the iron on - just saying! #babushkadoll #quiltblocks #heatnbond #aldirotarycutter #charityquilt #nannyandfriendscharitysew #nannycraft4u
10.01.2022 Number two done - back to cutting scraps #charityquilt #groupeffort #framed9patch #sewingforothers #nannyandfriendscharitysew #nannycraft4u
09.01.2022 Joining @carinascrafts for #flowersonfriday with this series of red blooms. Is this a Christmas bush? #flowersonfriday #christmasbush #redflowers #iphonephoto #nofilter #nofilterneeded #naturesbeauty #nannycraft4u
05.01.2022 A little colour to follow the storms as I join @carinascrafts for a #flowersonfriday with this Clivia miniata or bush lily ( I think) that I found while visiting Mum. #flowersonfriday #clivia #cliviaminiata #orange #orangeflowers #orangelily #orangebushlily #notmygarden #iphonephotography #naturesbeauty #nofilterneeded #nannycraft4u
04.01.2022 Tried a 3 ingredient cake this morning. I mixed the eggs with a fork and added them to the dry cake mix. When combined I then added the apple. 35 mins in a moderate oven and ‘voila’. #3ingredients #applecake #glutenfree #quickandeasyfood #handmixedcake #nannybakestoo #nannycraft4u
03.01.2022 Did somebody say ‘Spring’? Overcast, raining - I’m not going to look! #spring #spring2020 #springhassprung2020 #overcastday #rain #fibromyalgia #fibrowarrior #gentlehugs #nannycraft4u
01.01.2022 An interesting flower today to share with @carinascrafts for #flowersonfriday is the Mattress Button Plant flower. ( Dorstenia Elata)The leaf is the large glossy one and the flower is the hard little dark ‘mattress button ‘ in the centre. Then I spotted a vibrant hippeastrum in my neighbours garden - enjoy! #flowersonfriday #mattressbuttonplant #hippeastrum #redhippeastrum #dorsteniaelata #iphonephotograph #naturesbeauty #nofilter #nofilterneeded #nannysgarden #neighboursgarden #nannycraft4u
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