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NannyNezi in Banksmeadow, New South Wales, Australia | Babysitter

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Locality: Banksmeadow, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 488 194 000

Address: Inner West, Hills District 2155 Banksmeadow, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 When food is life #nannynezi #foodislife #blueberries #delicious #8monthsofcuteness #nannylife #nannydiaries #nutrition #thatconcentrationface #adorable

22.01.2022 This spunky man wasn't feeling very well today but how amazing does he look? I wish I looked like that on the best of days but this is what he felt like wearing. So we stayed home and had a quiet day today whilst playing Legos and Monopoly, one thing I really noticed is how competitive kids can be! BRING IT ON!! ... #nannynezi #kindergarten #suchagoodboy #kidsathome #boardgames #lego #monopoly #winnersaregrinners #creativeplay #imaginativeplay #competitiontime #challange #games #justhavefun #nannylife #nannydiaries #sydneynannies See more

22.01.2022 Have you booked a nanny or a babysitter for your next event? Are you invited to a wedding or birthday party but don't have anyone to care for the kids? Look no further because you've come to the right place Choosing someone to care for your children is one of the most important decisions parents make. Our number one priority is to help children feel safe and comfortable in their own home.... To find out more contact NannyNezi today : 0488 194 000 : FB NannyNezi : Insta @nannynezi #nannynezi #datenight #weddings #birthdayparty #events #bookababysitter #needhelp #babysittertoyou #nannylife #childrenfirst #lifesaver #supportingfamilies #careforkids #happyparentshappychildren See more

20.01.2022 Who can spot the cheeky monkeys of the house? #nannynezi #cheeky #monkeys #havingfun #indoors #hideandseek #cubbyhouse #runaway #hidefromnannynezi #shewontfindus #creativeplay #imaginativeplay #learnplaygrow

19.01.2022 Are you a busy working parent and Struggling to get things done? Help is here Do you need assistance with the children?... School drop offs or pick ups? House keeping? After school activity sports? Homework? Preparing meals? Bath time? Story time? With years of experience I've noticed so many families are struggling to spend quality time with their children after work. How do you take back those precious moments? Hello im NannyNezi and I am here to save you precious time. Time with your children! My purpose as nanny has always been to help others who are in need. I've worked for alot of families in the past who need assistance with running their house hold aswell as the children. When you come home from work the last thing you want to do is start the never ending laundry that's been piling up for weeks! It's time to relax and enjoy your family Happy parents = Happy children To find out how NannyNezi can help you with nannying or housekeeping services contact details are down below! (References upon request) : 0488 194 000 : FB NannyNezi : Insta @nannynezi

19.01.2022 5 Advantages of reading books Reading Keeps Your Brain Healthy Reading Reduces Stress Reading Helps You Sleep Better... Reading Sets an Example for Children #nannynezi #storytime #reading #booklovers #bookworm #learning #children #development #imagination See more

18.01.2022 Don't you sometimes wish you could just pause the time! Cherishing every second I spend with you, you've grown up so much my little man NannyNezi loves you so much!... #nannynezi #sogrownup #blessed #lovewhatido #raisinglittleones #mothershelper #metyouat6weeks #cutie #babyboy #staycuteokay #nannydiaries #sydneynannies #nannydiaries #coolnannies #teachingathome #childcare #heretohelp #letshavefun #nanniesallaroundtheworld See more

17.01.2022 Conversations with a 4yr old NannyNezi- What did you eat for breakfast today bubz? J- hmmm lots of fruit!... NannyNezi- Yeah?? Ohh sounds so delicious, what type of fruit did you eat? J- Fruit loops NannyNezi- (Seriously thought I was winning for a moment) HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!

17.01.2022 Cheers to the long weekend, I hope everyone has a lovely little break and please stay safe #nannynezi #queensbirthday #longweekend #besafe #bekind #enjoythelittlethings

16.01.2022 APPRECIATION POST This beautiful family has made me feel apart of the family since the second I walked into their home. Mumma bear called me for the first time to find a nanny to care for her little ones, all it took was one phone call to make her feel at ease. Knowing a person she's never met before was a little overwhelming same goes for myself, nannies feel the same way too when it comes to meeting new families for the first time. ... I just want to truly thank you for being so warm, loving and always making feel welcome. There's a real purpose why nannies do what they do! This is my purpose and this one's a special one #nannynezi #appreciationpost #nannyfamilies #mypurpose #family #loveyou #thankyou #helpishere #alwayshereforyou #childrenfirst #wavetomumma See more

14.01.2022 Life is too precious not to have fun

13.01.2022 Cheeeeeeeese for MONDAY #nannynezi #happymonday #busyweekahead #letsdothis #dowhatyoulove #sydneynannies #nannylife #nanniesallaroundtheworld

10.01.2022 We love getting ready for kindy During this crazy pandemic who is home schooling their children? What is your most favourite part of your day?... #nannynezi #kindy #preschool #childcare #crazytimes #homeschooling #besafe #takecareeveryone #childrenfirst #childrenmatter #education #learningthroughplay #fun #learningisfun #messyplayisthebestplay See more

08.01.2022 What a brilliant idea


05.01.2022 I've been receiving quite a few enquiries recently and a common question I've been asked is: "what do you actually do?" Well my question for you is "what do you need help with? ... I have a list of things I could do, but my aim is to help you with what ever you need. What I can do to make your life easier? Providing a safe & nurturing environment Entertaining the children Meal preparation Bottle preparation Following children's daily routine Sleep routine School/ day care drop off or pick ups After school sports activities and Homework Bath time Excursions to the park Running errands House hold duties incl laundry, dishes, packing away toys, tidying up Organisation of the home Are you someone that needs assistance with a few things on that list It's not easy being a working parent, not only do you have to organise the kids after a big day at work but organising your house is one thing that just isn't on that priority list. This is where I come in and save you! If you need some assistance at home or with the children and would like to find out more contact NannyNezi today : 0488 194 000 : FB NannyNezi : Insta @nannynezi #nannynezi #mothershelper #heretohelpyou #helpishere #organiser #childrenfirst #lifesaver #collaboration #letsworktogether #playtime #nanniesallaroundtheworld #makingsureeveryoneishappyathome See more

04.01.2022 What is a mother's helper role? A mother's helper is an individual who helps out a parent or family needing extra care with their children while the parent is at home. You can hire a mother's helper for many different reasons. Some of the ways that a mother's helper can make a parent's life a little easier include:... Playing with the kids while mum does some work or jumps on a conference call. Making easy lunches and preparing snacks. Helping with homework. Entertaining the kids while mum feeds, soothes, or tends to a baby. Doing the dishes while mum plays with the kids. Allowing mum to take a much needed quick nap or shower or bathroom break. Allows mum to get the administrative stuff done, such as paying bills, laundry, and organizing the house. Does this sound like you? If you need some assistance at home or would like to find out more contact NannyNezi today : 0488 194 000 : FB NannyNezi : Insta @nannynezi #nannynezi #mothershelper #nanny #babysitter #helpinghand #assistance #workingtogether #sidebyside #raisinglittleones #helpingmothers #lifesaver #nannylife #sydneynannies #nannyblogger #doyouneedhelp #gettingorganised #gettingjobsdone #tickingboxes #jobslist

01.01.2022 You are beautiful just like a rainbow #nannynezi #prettylikearainbow #outdoorplay #cutie #positivevibes #sendinglovetoall #haveawonferfulday #learn #play #grow

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