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Naomi Eleftheriou
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24.01.2022 How is the Universe going to surprise and delight you today, this week, this year? This is such a powerful question, particularly if you come at it from a place of Wonder, rather than fear. If I get into the true energy of this question, I feel hopeful, excited, enthusiastic, like I'm waiting to unwrap a Christmas present. Who knows what wonderful things may appear in my life! I know it's not always easy for everyone to feel delight in thesurprise. My son Elijah, for example...,who is on the Autismspectrum, may not feel so full of hope and wonder when surprises appearbecause the unknown can bring up a lot of fear inhim. It can bring up fear for many of us. I know I feel it!I have found from my ownexperience,if wecreate some kind of container of safety and security, then we are open to experience more surprise and delight, knowing that wehave a safe place, situation, or trusted person to return to. Wecan even create this safe place within ourselves. Now go out into the world with an expectation of surprise and delight and see what appears! This gorgeous is by Ben on Unsplash and @ben.of.the.north here on Instagram
21.01.2022 Today we had a speed reading Masterclass from the lovely Beckie in our Mastermind. I had no idea what to expect and I mean absolutely no idea. When it came to my turn, she mentioned that she could see a blurry windscreen that needed to be wiped clear and she asked me what it was that I wasn't seeing. I couldn't tell her and then she said it was like I was holding back tears and then of course the tears began to flow. I was blubbering. She mentioned that I wasn't seeing myself... and I straight away resonated. I wasnt really honouring myself for my uniqueness and that I didnt feel I was where I thought I would or 'should' be. I needed to be more kind, more loving, more gentle. Wow!! I've been integrating all this information this morning and telling my mum all about my experience. What a deeply profound morning. After all of this I had the urge to get in my studio and get back to the basics, get creating, get in flow and let Soul take over. This is what I always encourage other people to do, but I was forgetting to do it myself. I have been getting caught up in the weeds of the every day. I have been too hard on myself, putting too much pressure on myself to create an impact instead of just getting in the energy of creation. I finally used my handmade brushes from my 11 Days of Wonder Challenge too and did some mark making and it feels awesome. It definitely feels freeing! #desiremap #cdfs #coredesiredfeelings #wonder #free #golden #joy #alignment #alignwithjoy #alignedcreation #soulcreation #naomieleftheriou #contemporaryjeweller #contemporaryjewellery #jewelry #jewellerymaking #makersgonnamake #handmadeinsouthaustralia #madeintheadelaidehills #jewelrymaker #contemporaryjewelry #art #visualartist #mentoring #coaching #transformation #impactthroughcreation #impactthroughart #energy
20.01.2022 These are a few of my Perfectly Imperfect brooch pieces. I have just dropped these little guys off and a whole heap of new stock to the lovely Suzie @hahndorfacademy ... #naomieleftheriou #contemporaryjeweller#contemporaryjewellery #contemporaryjewellery #jewelry #jewellerymaking #makersgonnamake #handmadeinsouthaustralia #madeintheadelaidehills #jewelrymaking #contemporaryjewelry #art #visualartist #sterlingsilver #crochetedbrooch See more
16.01.2022 You're perfect just the way you are....... This 'Perfectly Imperfect' brooch is now @hahndorfacademy my friends. ... #naomieleftheriou #contemporaryjeweller #contemporaryjewellery #jewelry #jewellerymaking #makersgonnamake #handmadeinsouthaustralia #madeintheadelaidehills #jewelrymaking #contemporaryjewelry #art #visualartist #sterlingsilver #wabisabi #perfectlyimperfect #crochetedbrooch #perfectjustthewayyouare See more
09.01.2022 Beautiful art and adventures on Granite Island yesterday with mum and Eli. It really was a wonderful day. I even went on a ride with Eli and had awesome fun and also realised I'm no longer cut out for them anymore! ... #desiremap #cdfs #coredesiredfeelings #wonder #free #golden #joy #alignment #alignwithjoy #alignedcreation #soulcreation #fun #family #values #peace #happiness #art #creativitymatters #joymatters See more
09.01.2022 This year has been a big year for everyone. I know for myself it has been a year full of personal and inner growth. I have invested a lot this year in courses, 1-1 coaching and increased my level of dedication to my spiritual practice. I appreciate it all, even the messy stuff that has surfaced from doing the deep inner work. I have gained a lot of clarity on who I am and why I do what I do, even if I still have a fair way to go. It is not just about making art and jewellery ...that people like and hope it sells. My art is so intrinsicly connected to my Soul purpose; my 'why'. My 'why' is to live in alignment with my highest self in whatever form that may be. For me this is to live creatively, with a sense of wonder and aligned with joy, as much as possible, in each moment. My desire is also to inspire you to explore your purpose and align with joy, with the intention that the energy we put out together into the world is of the highest frequency. Let me be frank, I'm not saying that I think we should always be in this happy place because with all beautiful moments comes contrast. You can't understand one without the other, but you can still have joy as your intention. I'm definitely choosing to focus on joy. What have you learnt about yourself this year? Where are you choosing to focus your intentions? #contemporaryjewellery #naomieleftheriou #desiremap #cdfs #coredesiredfeelings #wonder #free #golden #joy #alignment #alignwithjoy #alignedcreation #soulcreation #love #alwayslearning #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #selfdevelopment #higherself #consciousness #spiritualawakening #peace #joy #love #compassion #focus #intention #choose #youchoose #soulpurpose
04.01.2022 Perspective. Everything we believe is based on our own perceptions. Sometimes we need to flip it! . . . .... . . . . #perception #perspective #flipit #lookatitfromadifferentperspective #whatsyourperception #contemporaryjewellery #alignedcreation #soulcreation #naomieleftheriou#contemporaryjeweller #jewelry #jewellerymaking #makersgonnamake #handmadeinsouthaustralia #madeintheadelaidehills #jewelrymaking #contemporaryjewelry #art #visualartist #sterlingsilver #ringsofinstagram See more