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Naomi Ferstera

Phone: +61 403 282 363


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25.01.2022 Daddy, a son's first hero and daughter's first love. To all our heroes and first loves, Happy Fathers Day! Thank you for working tirelessly to provide for your families, and providing safe places and security. Thank you for loving beyond measure and answering why for the millionth time. Thank you for tying, retying and retying some more shoelaces and helping find that missing shoe! Thank you for watching your babies sleeping and showing that its ok to cry in Disney mo...vies (Im looking at you Tony). Thank you for every grey hair that has accumulated in the name of helping your children to learn to walk/run/ride a bike and for setting up trampolines after a hard days work. Thank you for doing stupid things to make your children laugh and for thinking that fatherhood is the greatest gift bestowed on mankind. And most importantly thank you for setting a high standard for what it is to be a man, so that your sons will know what is an acceptable way to behave and your daughters will know what is an acceptable way to be treated. To each and every one of you, we honour you today and every day, but especially today.

25.01.2022 So I have been busily working away on my new Calorie and Macro Program and our FREE Calorie and Macro Guide. If you love a good freebie, then you'll love this. Over 40 pages of information teaching you about all things: * energy * metabolism... * how we measure energy in humans and in food * how to calculate your calorie needs * why macros are kind of a big deal * how to calculate them and some other good stuff. To grab your totally free copy, click on the link below :)

25.01.2022 1200 cal plans are rubbish Waist trainers don’t work Toning isn’t a thing And not everybody on social media is actually qualified ... Enjoy

25.01.2022 P R O T E I N High protein diets have seen a surge in popularity in recent times yet are they safe, what is the optimal amount to eat and does it matter where the protein comes from? I have summarised the research in the 2 very brief slides to help answers these questions. If you want the more in-depth summary, go back to my post in October where I have a number of slides covering this information.... If you are considering adding more protein to your diet, here are some reasons why you should: it’s very safe (even in high volumes) It helps build muscle (this is especially important for women in their luteal phase or who are menopausal) It’s very filling (especially important for when we are calorie restricting) It costs the body the most amount to digest (about 25% total calories) It’s needed for every single process and cell in our body (stop reading this post and go eat some steak ) So basically, protein is the Do you think you eat enough protein each day? If you have any questions, comment below and I’ll answer them for you!

24.01.2022 F A T H E R S There are few things in life I am more grateful for than my dad and my husband. These two men show me what real love looks like and what being an amazing dad looks like. I cant wait to celebrate them this weekend And if youre looking for an extra special something for your dad, you should enter him into @vpa_australia Fathers Day competition ... All the details are here:

24.01.2022 KICKING OFF TOMORROW!!! George and I are super excited to be kicking tomorrow for our very first Hustle Hard. Recharge Program. What you might not know is that between us, we have 40 years of industry experience (so were old ) and one thing we have learnt over the years about living a healthy lifestyle, is that it can be fun and if can be something you love.... Many people think we're weird for our early starts and for going to the gym most days of the week; but the reason we do it is because we LOVE doing it. We love the people we train with, we love our fitness community, we love feeling strong and the exhilaration of just getting through a banger workout. And we want you to feel this too. We want you to feel the thrill of making progress, the excitement of finding new muscles and the pump of hitting new PBs. We want you to love the food you eat and not to be afraid of every single morsel that goes in your mouth. We want to see you free from food guilt and to find a life that you are passionate about. And more than anything else, we really want to make you laugh. We want to show you how much fun a healthy lifestyle can be. So if this sounds like something you're interested in, it's not too late to join us. We start tomorrow morning so click on the link in my bio and let's get cracking! #hustlehard #recharge

24.01.2022 @ Sadly, over the years, I've heard many negative things said about those who have chosen to undertake weight loss surgery from "it's cheating" to "it's the easy way out" to "it's not safe or effective".... So are these things actually true? Well tonight I will be chatting with three amazing people who have had the surgery, and we will hear about their own experiences with the surgery and why they chose that path for themselves. I will also cover very briefly: is bariatric surgery actually effective? who is a good candidate for surgery? what to expect post-surgery? food and exercise recommendations post-surgery. We would love for you to join us and if you have family or friends who could benefit, please forward this on to them! Click on the link below to register your place. Hope to see you there.

24.01.2022 Going going..... Last chance to sign up to our brand new Hustle Hard Recharge Program. This is real program, run by real women, with real talk and where nothing is off limits. ... This is definitely not your typical cookie cutter program. Not a single 1200 calorie meal plan in sight! If you're sitting on the fence, here is a snippet from our Friday check-in and wine time. We'd love to have you join us. Click on the link below.

24.01.2022 FACTS > FEELINGS There is a concerning trend on social media, where emotions are valued higher than facts. This is obviously a real problem as it means people are doing/saying things that are not evidence-based and swaying people to do the same. This becomes very worrying when a) they have a large audience and b) when what they’re doing is potentially dangerous (coffee enemas anyone )? The problem is that we tend to pendulum from one extreme to the other. Where diets and skinniness once ruled, we’re now seeing another problematic trend where the very real risks of obesity (and severe obesity at that) are being downplayed. People (women in particular) are being encouraged to not attempt weight loss but to rather stay as they are, despite the risk associated with this. Whilst it is so important to love ourselves regardless of how we look, we should also love ourselves enough to want to lose weight, if our weight is risking our health. And here’s the honest truth - science and facts don’t care about your feelings. You can deny and downplay the risks associated with excess body fat all you like, but if you are unwilling to take steps to improve your health because #yolo and #emotions, this won’t stop you from developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia or any other awful disease associated with obesity. So to some good news, there are some simple things you can do that will improve your health independent of weight loss. 1) start exercising with the intention of improving your fitness and aim to walk every single day 2) eat more fruit and veggies 3) cut back on your sugar intake (especially the liquid type), 4) get more sleep and 5) drink less alcohol. It is truly the simple stuff that really works.

23.01.2022 "It's a cop out" "It's a cheat" "It's the easy way"... "They never really tried" "They just need to work harder next time" "They've lost before, so they can do it again" I tell you what, if I had a dollar for every time I'd heard these statements, I'd be a wealthy woman! What's particularly frustrating to me, is that bariatric surgery is not only a viable option for many people, but often the only viable option left. Chronic, long-term dieting has many negative effects on our body including changing our metabolic pace, affecting our satiety hormones and influencing our belief that we can lose weight and keep it off. Sadly, the longer the dieting history, the worse the prognosis is for successful long-term weight loss. And it's statements like the ones above, that ultimately cause people to leave off the table, one of the most successful long-term weight loss options we have. So if you would like to listen to a judgement-free webinar on bariatric surgery, this one is for you. First up in the webinar I will cover: why we can lose weight but struggle to keep it off is bariatric surgery actually effective? who is a good candidate for surgery? what to do to find out more information? I will also be catching up with our amazing panel from our first webinar, and see how they are all going. If you have questions for them, shoot them through so they can answer them for you live! And if you have family or friends who could benefit, please forward this on to them! Click on the link in my bio to register your place. Hope to see you tonight @7pm

22.01.2022 Is diet culture real? Are there such things as bad/unhealthy foods? Are there some foods that should always be avoided? Listen in to my Instagram video to hear my thoughts on these and more I’d love to hear your thoughts - comment below

21.01.2022 P A I N B A R R I E R Most days I train, I have every excuse running through my head about why I could just stay in bed and not go to gym. When Im about to start, I tell myself I can go easy, not push myself and just cruise through the workout.... Of course Im lying to myself. This morning was no exception. I hadnt slept well, I felt flat and blah and was questioning my life choices. The workout was: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 OH squats Hanging knees to chest Box jumps This workout (and every metcon I ever do) can seem a little daunting, so to get out of my head and get through it, I set myself targets. This morning my plan was: * all box jumps and hanging knees unbroken * first 21 OH squats unbroken * 18, 15, 12 - first 10 OH squats unbroken and only 1 put down * 9, 6, 3 - OH squats unbroken I also keep my eye on other people of similar fitness to me and I use them to pace myself. If they get way ahead of me, Im cruising, so the goal is to stay close. I also often break down workouts into chunks. If I have 100 reps, Ill break it up into smaller blocks and focus on 1 block at a time. I also try and think about anything other than what Im doing and block out the pain. And interestingly, the pain peaks pretty quickly and once it does, it doesnt get any worse. So youve just got to push through and hang on. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. And I promise, when you push past the pain barrier, the end result is so so so worth it!

21.01.2022 @ Join Naomi for this informative webinar on all things relating to bariatric surgery. During the webinar Naomi will cover:... is bariatric surgery actually effective? who is a good candidate for surgery? what to expect post-surgery? food and exercise recommendations post-surgery. Naomi will also have a number of guests on the webinar who have undergone surgery themselves, and will give a first hand account of their own experiences surrounding their decision to opt for surgery and what life has been like since. We would love for you to join us and if you have family or friends who could benefit, please forward this on to them! Click on the link below to register your place. Hope to see you there.

20.01.2022 Creatine is an organic, non-protein amino-acid that is largely produced by the liver with smaller amounts also being produced in the kidneys and pancreas. Creatine is stored with phosphate, in skeletal muscle tissue as phosphocreatine (PCr), and donates its phosphate in the process of converting adenosine diphosphate (ADP) into adenosine triphosphate (ATP); a process known as phosphorylation. ATP is an energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all li...ving things. ATP captures chemical energy obtained from the breakdown of food molecules and releases it to fuel other cellular processes. It is needed for three major roles: 1) to drive metabolic processes that don’t occur automatically, 2) transportation of substances across cellular membranes and 3) to perform mechanical work. Carbohydrate, protein and fats are utilised by the energy systems of the body to produce ATP. The aerobic system is able to utilise the energy from carbohydrate, fat and protein via a process known as oxidative phosphorylation, and produces the largest amount of ATP. However, it is also the slowest of all the energy systems. The lactic acid system only utilises the energy from glucose via a process called glycolysis, and is mostly responsible for fuelling high intensity activities lasting a few minutes. The phosphocreatine system is responsible for high intensity activities lasting ~30 seconds and utilises the phosphate from creatine phosphate. For more info on benefits, dosing and safety - see the slides. P.S. From a personal perspective I have seen a noticeable improvement in my sprint and resistance training capacity and recovery. Sadly training hurts as much as before and I did experience mild dehydration in my first week of supplementation (it resolved after this). I have also recommended my parents take creatine (due to their age and my dad is T2D and my mum has AD). I will also continue to use it for the foreseeable future. And if you would like to try creatine, I recommend VPA as they’re owned, with quality products, great service and really well priced. To get 15% off your first order, use this link

20.01.2022 H I P T H R U S T E R Bit of a bro-set today with a 30kg PB 50kg x 20 reps... 80kg x 15 reps 100kg x 10 reps 120kg x 6 with 6 sec pause (video below) 50kg x 20 reps It felt so good and my knee felt so strong! Im absolutely pumped to be seeing the last 12 months of boring, tedious, & frustrating rehab producing fruit Throughout all my injuries (knee, neck and back) the hip thruster has been the one that has not caused me any discomfort. I have followed @bretcontreras1 for many years now and it was him, who introduced me to all the glute training variations, which I have used consistently throughout my rehab. And it was patience and persistence and trusting the rehab process that has allowed me to hit some big PBs today. It has always been about consistency over perfection so whatever you do, dont give up. It you need a rest, rest. But then get back to it! So my new goal has been set - Im eyeing off 150kg now. What goals have you set for yourself recently? Id love to hear them. Comment below

19.01.2022 S P I N E F L E X I O N Deadlifts are one of my favourite but most feared exercises. In 2017 I tore the annulus fibrosis (outer cartilage) in one of my lumbar intervertebral discs. The pain was excruciating and it took 6 months to initially rehab. I have managed to give it a two good tweaks since, and both times doing deadlifts.... After reading a number of @andrew_lock_strength posts on spinal flexion and watching videos he shared of strong, successful deadlifts with spinal flexion (thank you @sarah_rainbow); I realised that my fear of hurting my back, was actually hurting my back. I had inadvertently anteriorly tilted my hips (creating a small lordosis) and was actively trying to stop any curvature in my thoracic spine. All of this was creating huge pressure in my lumbar spine and preventing me from progressing my lift (and leaving it feeling niggly after every deadlift session). For months I have been frightened to go above 60kg and today, I utilised all of Dr Locks principles and pulled 75kg for 5 then 4 reps. Whats amazing is that I have no lower back pain at all. I trusted the process and even though my heart was racing and the spinal flexion felt different, I knew it was safe and that Id done the groundwork for the lift. It was time to test the pudding (so to speak). The results - a new PB and a back that feels good. Ive also been able to improve my squat with minor tweaks from Dr Lock and by working on my glutes thanks to @bretcontreras1 . In fact, a few years ago I became pain free (in my back) for the first time in years, by utilising many of @bretcontreras1 exercise suggestions. So my advice to you all is to use social media for good. There are many brilliant accounts to follow that are science-based and offer so much value for free! Rather than following accounts that make you feel crappy, why not follow accounts that make you strong @worldgym.ipswich

18.01.2022 P O S I T I V E S It might not seem like much, but it wasn’t that long ago that I would have had to carefully step over or awkwardly gallop over the bar, because my knee wouldn’t cope with the lateral movement and it also lagged behind my right leg. The fear of stacking it was never far from my mind So to be able to bounce easily over the bar tonight gave me some real satisfaction!! And sometimes it’s the little things that can keep us focused and pushing towards our bigger goals.

17.01.2022 It’s been a hot minute since I did a hi there post and with a few new followers to my account, I thought I’d introduce myself. As you probably already know, my name is Naomi Ferstera (pronounced Fur-stare-ah) and to all that know me, I’m Nomes or Jillian (long-story ). A weird fact about me is that I have more nicknames than just about any other person I know (17 that I can think of, off the top of my head). I’ve been in the health and fitness industry since 2000 (I feel... old writing that) and have worn many hats over the years. My all-time favourite though, is that of a teacher/lecturer and it is my passion for education that has shaped both who I am as a health professional, and my business. As a clinical exercise physiologist & nutritionist, I specialise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, dementia and women’s health. I use exercise and nutrition interventions as a means of managing and sometimes even reversing conditions (woohoo). Sadly, too many people underestimate how powerful food and exercise are as health interventions, and that with some very simple and cost-efficient strategies, they could dramatically improve their health! These days, I don’t do a lot of consultative work but am more focused on the next chapter in my professional career, which is that of a researcher. I am currently completing a research project with UQ on the enduring effect of exercise on cognition and will upgrade to my PhD later this year. For my PhD, I hope to investigate the role of myokines (hormones secreted by muscles during a contraction) and the mechanism by which they could prevent dementia. And as much as I love my work (and I really really love it), my greatest passion is my family. My long-suffering husband Tony and my four children (Andrew, Alexa, Sarai and Felix) are what get me up and going every day (oh and also because our cat bites me on the face so I get up feed her - good times) So thank you for following and supporting me. I am nothing without you and your support of small businesses like mine. And because I love research and education, if there’s any topic you’d like me to cover, comment below and I’ll start checking them off @rypn_

17.01.2022 THIS!!!! CICO and counting calories are not one and the same! The laws of CICO are still in play regardless of whether you're low carb, low fat, paleo, keto, vego, fasting or whatever your dietary preference is!

17.01.2022 I obviously said something super funny, as per usual (I mean, am the funny one out of the two of us). If you want to hear me say more funny things, make sure you listen in to @georginadobbo’s and our very first podcast! If nothing else, it’ll be something. Coming soon.

16.01.2022 1 OF A KIND One of the worst things to have come from the "eat less move more message is the relegating of people who have obesity, to a societal subclass. The over simplification of the actual complexity of obesity, has lead the public to believe that if someone is struggling to lose weight, then they must be lazy, stupid, gluttonous or liars (or a combination of all of the above). And even though this was likely an unintended consequence of the message, lack of intenti...on does not alleviate the hurt caused. Can you even imagine what it would be like to have every morsel of food that goes in your mouth analysed and critiqued? Or to be sniggered at when you enter a room. Or to be spoken to like a child when you seek medical assistance or to have every medical issue reduced to a weight problem? The cruelty can be shocking at times. Simple acts of respect and kindness are often not offered to those who struggle with their weight, as obesity is now often viewed as a moral failing. But the sad reality is that obesity is a complex medical condition that is resistant to treatment and has one of the nighest relapse rates. To treat, it requires a huge amount of support, education (re-education), a whole lot of hard work and even more love, kindness and respect. So if you are struggling today, please know you are not alone. Youre not dumb, lazy or a liar; and more importantly, your weight does not define you. You are so much more than a BMI or numbers on a scale

16.01.2022 I saw this on another page with hilarious answers. Lets see what you all come up with Ill start: I make people cry..... Your turn

16.01.2022 I am really pleased to be able to share that I will be presenting "Train Like a Girl" as a virtual Masterclass for FILEX Convention. To find out more about the masterclass, the link to my blog is below.

16.01.2022 Wow. This is so interesting and provides some hope for those with melanoma... PITTSBURGH, Feb. 4, 2021 - Researchers at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) demonstrate that changing the gut microbiome can transform patients with advanced melanoma who never responded to immunotherapy--which has a failure rate of 40% for this type of cancer--into patients who do. wowser! ...

16.01.2022 #word #truth Can anyone else relate

16.01.2022 CARDI-OH Thanks @darcy.dadbod.edwards for ensuring a really fun return to the gym Round 1... 210 calories P1 rower P2 plank P3 rest Time cap 20 Round 2 EMOM 20 G2O 30 OH lunges 40 mountain climbers Burpees (5, 10, 15, 20) Good times had by all, especially @karlz_ziebell @worldgym.ipswich

15.01.2022 Ladies! Have you ever noticed the following? * sudden changes in training ability or energy levels? * training hurting and being so much harder than usual? * sweating more than usual and feeling uncomfortably hot? * fogginess and an inability to think?... * crazy cravings? * mood swings? If yes, then first and foremost, you're completely normal and experiencing some of the joys of the menstrual cycle but secondly, did you know that you can use the menstrual cycle for good? When you understand what is happening during your cycle, you can adjust your food and training depending on hormone sensitivity, energy levels and overall feeling of well-being. And I can't wait to share how this is possible with the FILEX Masterclass this Thursday!

15.01.2022 T H O U G H T S Our thoughts dictate our feelings, which then dictate our actions. If you dont think that the things you think matter, then read the sentence again.... Most people fail, not because theyre incapable, but because theyre unwilling to do what is necessary to control their thoughts. They continually allow brief moments of negativity, to prevent them from taking the steps they need to improve their life and their health. Thoughts of inability, incompetence, unattractiveness, unworthiness come into everyones minds, but the choice to listen and then allow them to dictate our actions, is ultimately a choice. Once we start to recognise that these thoughts are not only negative, self-defeating and most importantly, false; we can set about working on defeating them. Our ability to control our mind is not an easy task, which is why most people dont succeed at it. It requires discipline and it requires daily work. And I know this, because I am still working on my own negative thoughts, to this very day. I have spent most of my life feeling unworthy, incapable and never quite belonging anywhere. And this has even infiltrated my professional life, with the experience of imposter syndrome So please dont feel like youre alone if you struggle with your thoughts. Youre not. We have all experienced the negative power of the mind and its a tough barrier to overcome but it is worth the effort! Personally, I will continue to work on my own negativity and lack of self-belief, every day and likely for the rest of my life.

15.01.2022 C H O I C E S Over the 20 years I have worked in the industry I have had conversations with thousands of people around their goals and what they believe their barriers are to achieving them. What has really struck me, is the number of people who are simply unwilling to do the work that is needed to change their lives. They are unhappy and they want to feel better, but yet they do nothing about it. The reasons for their lack of action all come down to choice. They choose t...o not ask for help. They choose to not fix their home food environment, they choose to stay up late instead of getting to bed on time, they choose to skip the gym or not meal prep, they choose to watch TV instead of taking action, they choose to say yes to everything instead of sacrificing and saying no. Their choices continued to lead them on the very path making them miserable. Ultimately, we all make choices, which all have consequences. Earlier in my life I made bad choice after bad choice. In my early 20s my life was a train wreck. I was a divorced, single mother without a job, a car, or qualification. My future was pretty bleak. And I could have stayed like that if I chose to. So when I hear people say that they hate their life, or they hate their job or they hate how they feel but are doing nothing about it; its immensely frustrating. Not choosing, not changing - this is still a choice. I chose to dig my way out of the hole Id created for myself. I chose to complete my university degrees while working part-time, to try and build a better life for myself and for Andrew. I chose to stop partying every weekend and wasting my life. I chose working most weekends, unpaid prac, missing social events because I wanted more for me and I wanted more for Drew. So dont ever tell me that people cant change. I hate that mentality - it holds people prisoner to a life they dont love. You can change and at any moment you decide to. Your life is completely in you control. So choose wisely. <3

14.01.2022 Did you know that social isolation and loneliness are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, namely heart disease and strokes? A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies in the British Medical Journal by Valtorta and colleagues (2015) concluded that "... deficiencies in social relationships are associated with an increased risk of developing CHD and stroke. Future studies are needed to investigate whether interventions targeting loneliness and social isolation can help to prev...ent two of the leading causes of death and disability in high-income countries." For those of you unfamiliar with research methods, a meta-analysis is a type of research that uses statistical/mathematical methods to group similar studies together, to determine whether they had similar outcomes. It is a way of strengthening a position by using the power of many studies rather than just one. There are limitations to meta-analyses, but they are also very useful in finding out whether there are many studies finding the same outcomes (or if the conclusions of a single study are more likely to be random). Social isolation and loneliness however, are not random outcomes of a single study. It has been known for a long time that these two factors have significant deleterious effects on our health. Whether it is a direct effect (i.e. depression affecting our immune system) or indirect (i.e. not eating a healthy diet or taking care of ourselves because we can't be bothered), is still not completely clear but it is likely that it is a little of column A and a little of column B. What we know from studies like this, is that relationships matter. Human beings are designed for love and companionship so something that we can all commit to in 2021, is spending more time with those we love and improving the relationships with those that matter most. Study:

14.01.2022 My world Happy Sunday everyone

14.01.2022 How timely is this article?? Why do we feel the need to stop when we reach a certain age? Why do we think something has to be done before a certain age? If you want it, go get it.

14.01.2022 Why are mums pressured so much to try and regain their pre-baby body? But did you know, that its actually scientifically impossible to regain a pre-baby body as some of the physiological and psychological changes that occur are permanent. Our brain and perceptions change, our skin, hair, hips and breasts change, our feet grow (agggghhh) and we facilitate the most incredible process known to human beings. It completely changes us as a person - FOREVER ... So our bodies should be celebrated for what they can do and what they give us. Not hidden away; ashamed that they dont look like those on cover pages. But guess what?! Cover models dont look like cover models! How many flawless bodies do you see at the gym or at the beach? Sure I see lots of gorgeous bodies but they all have imperfections and flaws - because theyre normal (like the rest of us). So its about time we gave ourselves a break and acknowledged how amazing our bodies are instead of criticising and comparing. And remember, little eyes are watching - so what are you teaching them? Now it youll excuse me, Im off to make Tony assess my gains and gross my kids out #booty #peach #selflove #appreciateyourbody #mum #advocate #loveyourbody #loveyourbod

13.01.2022 I would like to start by saying that it's very, very rare that I would ask for money from people. It's even rarer that I would ask leading up to Christmas when so many people have had a tough year. But this is a special situation. Jai is a personal trainer at World Gym Ipswich and a few years ago was injured very badly in a workplace accident. It has left him with a permanent back injury, which when you're only in your early 20s, is a frightening prospect. ... To read about Jai and his situation, please click on the link below. But I would just like to add that Jai is one of the most genuine and caring humans I have ever met. He is a mental health advocate and speaks very openly about his own struggles with mental health due to his serious injury. He greets you with a huge smile and cuddle (no matter how he is feeling on the inside), he affectionately refers to me as "ma" and he's one of those people that just make you feel good by being around him. He is a special kid and if we all donated just a couple of dollars, we could cover all the costs of the surgery and relieve some of the financial pressure this young couple is experiencing. And if donating is out of reach at the moment (I totally appreciate that), please consider sharing this post so others could possibly help out. Thank you. Ma xx

13.01.2022 Getting some meal prep done with George Davis

12.01.2022 Last week I had the privilege of presenting Train Like a Girl as a Masterclass for FILEX Convention. Here are a few of the highlights.....

10.01.2022 This kid just casually feeding a wild dolphin like it’s a puppy And getting to tick off a bucket list item at aged 7- priceless

09.01.2022 This is a hard video to watch. Do you think this is a form of child abuse? What are your thoughts? And how do we combat this?

09.01.2022 When George Davis tells me we're doing a podcast half naked, what else am I meant to do?? In this episode, George and I discuss the pressures of body image in an industry that is not particularly forgiving. We also discuss the pressure on mums to get the "pre-baby body" back and generally how difficult it can be to love yourself, when you don't love what you see in the mirror.

09.01.2022 This is something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now and it’s been bothering me the more and more that I think about it. Why is it, that we feel like we have to achieve all our life’s ambitions before we hit our 40’s or 50’s? I keep feeling like I should have done my PhD 10 years ago and it’s too late now to do medicine.... But doing my PhD in my 30/40s has advantages to doing it in my 20s. And if I decide to do medicine in my 50s, why would if matter that I was in my 50s? Why does age matter so much? Why is youth so emulated? Most people in their 20s are foolish with the only consistency in their life, is their bad choices. 20 year old Naomi needed a high five in the face with a chair and to be told to make better life choices. 20 year old Naomi is lucky social media was not a thing at the time. In just about every culture other than the West, the elderly are revered and their respect and opinions sought. It’s such a loss that the West isn’t more like this. My mentors and those I look up to, are generally much older than myself. I respect their wisdom that has come from their experience. Frustratingly, our society has become so ageist, where young is glorified even if it’s attached to a dumbass. And sadly, it feels that women are even less relevant as they age than men. We see it in the movies and on TV (older male star with a MUCH younger female co-star) and it’s not uncommon in the workplace. Why is that men seem to have an expiry date longer than women? I’d be lying if I said it didn’t trouble me or make me feel pressure to try and look a certain way. It’s something that I have to keep battling against in my mind. So I just think I’ll keep doing what I want to do. I don’t think our age should ever be a reason to not do hold us back from doing something we’re passionate about. I have no time for anyone who thinks the best of my life or my prime is over. I am just getting started.

09.01.2022 R E V E R S E D I E T I N G Reverse dieting is undertaken in an attempt to boost metabolic pace. It is useful in individuals who have a long history of dieting and despite a consistent approach to exercise and calorie restriction; struggle to lose weight. More often than not, these individuals are undertaking many hours of cardio or HIIT-based training in combination with insufficient weight training. Sound familiar? The principles of reverse dieting are quite simple:... 1.Gradually increase calories each week ~5-10% 2.Maintain current volumes of cardio for the first few weeks to month 3.Add in additional weight training sessions with the goal to be ~5 sessions per week 4.After the first few weeks to month, start lowering cardio/HIIT sessions to as little as possible Simple right? The problem with #reversedieting is it takes TIME and most people are simply unwilling to take the time to do this properly. Reverse dieting takes months and it is a slow process when done with the aim of minimal fat gain. Reverse dieting can be done quickly, but the end result will be far more fat gain than is ideal which will then have to be dealt with in the next diet cycle. It is absolutely possible to take a super low metabolism (i.e. 1200 or less) up to a healthy and robust level (i.e. >2000); but it comes with the cost of dealing with weight gain (which is mostly muscle and a small amount of fat when done correctly) and the head games that can ensue. Most people freak out at the scales going up, despite being pre-warned and knowing what the gain actually is. If youre someone who is struggling with maintaining their calories, struggling to lose weight after many #diet attempts, then reverse dieting is something that you should be considering. I cant wait to do cover this in my webinar with my Hustle Hard group early next month with a more detailed strategy on how to attempt it. Want to join us? Link is below <3

09.01.2022 A woman who knows what she brings to the table is never afraid to eat alone. How lucky am I to be surrounded by strong women who know their value and their worth. These women are focused, determined, disciplined and inspiring. Im lucky to have them. And sometimes, just to remind ourselves how strong and awesome we are, we get together to throw some weight around and get a sweat on! ... Today was tough but incredible! We did 4 x 10 minute capped partnered workouts. WOD 1 10 cal bike 10 hang power cleans (25kg) 10 overhead press (25kg) WOD 2 100 deadlift (45kg) 100 ring rows 100 box jumps (20) WOD 3 150 skip 50 sit ups 400m run 120 skip 40 sit up 400m run 90 skip 30 sit up 400m run (etc.) WOD 4 Building to heavy snatch We only went up to 35kg Hard work but sooo much fun Grab a friend and give it a try!! Happy Saturday yall. Hope your day is also being spent with like minded people and those that march to the beat of their own drum!

08.01.2022 P R O G R E S S Social media can be a strange place at times. It makes people believe thats its normal to lose a significant amount of weight in a short time, or that achieving a sculpted body is relatively easy. But anyone who has ever tried to change their body, knows how far this is from the truth. And the problem with social media is that people get discouraged when they dont lift huge PBs or look the way they want to quickly enough. And this discouragement leads to... giving up. And the sad reality is that people are doing the right things and they would succeed if they kept going, but because they have an unrealistic expectation of how long its going to take, how hard its actually going to be and how much theyre going to have to sacrifice for what they want; they dont get to experience the win! In this video, it doesnt look like Im lifting much, but this is so big for me and its been a long process getting here. For those that are new to my page, in may last year I ruptured my #ACL playing netball, then in November I was rear-ended at a set of lights, which gave me whiplash and set of a cascade of problems in my back, hip and knee. It was devastating. But in the last two weeks, Ive found myself doing things and lifting weight I only dreamed about, 12 months ago. But it all took time. When I got injured, I knew I was in it for the long haul. I knew 12 months was just the starting timeframe and I kept focusing on the wins. Small progress is still progress! I also made sure I wasnt worrying about what other people were lifting or doing. Comparison is the thief of joy and when youre staring down the barrel of a 12 month rehab stint, you need all the joy you can muster! So I kept reminding myself I didnt need to be the strongest or fastest or fittest. I just needed to be strong and fit for me. So please dont be disheartened today if you feel like youre not getting anywhere. Results take time. You need to be willing to work consistently for 12 months as a starting place and recognise that if you want something badly enough, you need to be willing to keep working at it, for the rest of your life. @vpa_australia @worldgym.ipswich @lornajaneactive

08.01.2022 All things weight loss surgery

07.01.2022 You shouldnt wear a 2 piece You shouldnt dress like that at your age Mums dont act/dress/behave like that... You shouldnt get Botox/fillers/breast implants You need to age gracefully Youre looking tired Youre too muscly Youre too skinny You need to lose 10kg Youre taking it too far You need to eat more You should eat less You dont look like a trainer You should look better for all the training you do You go to the gym too much You should go to the gym more Just eat what you want You shouldnt eat that Just relax more You only live once Phew!! No wonder us women struggle. Heres my advice (thanks @biolayne for the inspo).... You do you, boo. Ill do me. EDIT: these havent all been said to me, although most of them have been but some have also been said to other mums. Its just exhausting trying keep up isnt it?!! Wearing @infamous_swim Ginger bottom leopard print size small

07.01.2022 "It's a cop out" "It's a cheat"... "It's the easy way" "They never really tried" "They just need to work harder next time" "They've lost before, so they can do it again" I tell you what, if I had a dollar for every time I'd heard these statements, I'd be a wealthy woman! What's particularly frustrating to me, is that bariatric surgery is not only a viable option for many people, but often the only viable option left. Chronic, long-term dieting has many negative effects on our body including changing our metabolic pace, affecting our satiety hormones and influencing our belief that we can lose weight and keep it off. Sadly, the longer the dieting history, the worse the prognosis is for successful long-term weight loss. And it's statements like the ones above, that ultimately cause people to leave off the table, one of the most successful long-term weight loss options we have. So if you would like to listen to a judgement-free webinar on bariatric surgery, this one is for you. First up in the webinar I will cover: why we can lose weight but struggle to keep it off is bariatric surgery actually effective? who is a good candidate for surgery? what to do to find out more information? I will also be catching up with our amazing panel from our first webinar, and see how they are all going. If you have questions for them, shoot them through so they can answer them for you live! To join us Wednesday 16th @7pm click on the link below and register your place.

07.01.2022 And we are off and running! George and I have recorded our very first Podcast and we will have the full episode live and ready to go this week! We still don't have a name for the Podcast (haha oops) but here are the top picks: ... 1. We digress (listen to the first podcast to understand ) 2. Couch Conversations with G and Nomes 3. Ain't nothing normal with G and Nomes 4. You can't say that 5. Make it make sense Vote for your choice in the comments below and don't forget to keep eye out for episode 1.

06.01.2022 CARDIO-OH Thanks @darcy.dadbod.edwards for making our first session beck so much fun Round 1... 210 calories P1 rower P2 plank P3 rest Time capped at 20 minutes @cheryl.sullivan.7564 @karlz_ziebell made it in ~14minutes Round 2 EMOM 20 G2O 30 OH lunges 40 mountain climbers Burpees (5, 10, 15, 20) Video footage is of the final round of the silliness Super duper good times hey Karlz @worldgym.ipswich

05.01.2022 Wow!!! A young Australian scientist has made a potentially ground-breaking breakthrough in the search for a breast cancer cure. A study by 25-year-old Dr Ciara Duffy has found that venom from honey bees can rapidly kill aggressive, hard-to-treat and often deadly breast cancer cells....

04.01.2022 When I started my social media accounts, I really wanted to offer something valuable to those that follow me. When I started, the industry was already saturated with fitspo and I didn’t want to be part of that. I wanted to provide valuable posts, free resources and empowerment to those who wanted to learn.... Along the way, I’ve put myself into burnout doing things I didn’t love. This led to me feeling like I had nothing to say and a hiatus from socials (especially Facebook). But I’m starting to find my mojo again (woohoo) and want to know what YOU want to know. What topics, myths, concepts etc. do you want me to cover? Comment below and I’ll start a list! P.S. One of the first things I’ll be covering is my burnout and what the signs are, how to prevent it and what to do if you’re currently in it.

04.01.2022 Amazing. Happy Monday

04.01.2022 M A C R O S & C A L O R I E S I get asked a lot of questions around calorie and macro calculations so much so, I’m offering it as a service again. This is an alternative to a full consultation (which is more in depth) and this service is suitable for anyone who only needs their calculations done for them.... Each calculation comes with my calorie and guide, a sample meal plan and a brief individual report. To get your calories and macros calculated for you, click on the link in below If you have any questions, comment below

03.01.2022 Thank you to Andrew Tazelaar from @RYPN for capturing this image!

03.01.2022 All things bariatric surgery part 2

02.01.2022 !! Its about time we all ditched #fitspo and their ridiculous cookie-cutter 1200 calorie plans. Hustle Hard. Recharge is designed by REAL people, with REAL qualifications and REAL bodies to help you get REAL results.... No more slogging it out in the gym for hours while trying to sustain a rabbit food diet. Let us give you the tools and support to make sustainable changes to help you become healthy and strong. If youre ready for real change, were ready for you! We are going to help you: respect where youre at right now find a passion for getting strong love to eat well and nourish your body and to appreciate the journey, not just the destination! If this sounds like something you want in on, its time to Hustle Hard. Recharge. Click on the link below to sign up!

02.01.2022 TBT that time I did a headstand on a paddle board Circa 2017 After having my twins, my core was shot. And I dont mean my abs, I mean my core, which if any muscle that stabilises the spine, pelvis or girdles. All of it was a mess and I lacked stability, strength and any kind of control. After the birth of the twins, I could barely do any exercise, but with lots of determination and a willingness to take things slowly, I was able to rebuild the basics again. I had to be esp...ecially mindful of my #pelvicfloor and my lower back, which had been especially affected by the pregnancy and birth. I waited almost 12 months to start running regularly again, I was slow in my return to resistance training (I waited for nearly 6 months) and I kept thinking about the long term game, despite my immediate frustrations. Adding to this mess was undiagnosed #postnataldepression and #anxiety, which impeded my recovery and return to exercise. But this photo, albeit nothing special, was such a major victory for me. To go from being completely crippled by depression, anxiety and what felt like a completely broken body; to being able to do a headstand on a paddle board (in a space of 4 years mind you), felt pretty good. This photo makes me smile and it makes me happy.

01.01.2022 F A I L I N G How often do we hold back because were afraid of failing or because of what people think of us? One thing Ive learnt over the years is to not care about anyones opinions of me that a) I wouldnt seek advice from or b) who I dont have a relationship with. Someone has to earn their ability to criticise me. You want to tell me Im an idiot? At least buy me a coffee first ... Seriously though, why do we spend so much time worrying about people who have no right to own a spot in our mind? And why do we hold back worrying about whether well be judged for failing? At the end of the day, people will judge you regardless, so you may as well do what you want to do Taking up Olympic lifting and being willing to be a numpty after 20 years in the industry was a little daunting. There is an expectation (probably from myself mostly) that as an exercise physiologist/exercise scientist, I should know how to do this already. But up until recently, I had no interest in Oly lifting, just like any beginner, I had to start from scratch. And that means fails, bad lifts, gumby faces and lots more fails. But with each fail, comes the opportunity to learn. My biggest issue here was that Id already told myself I couldnt front squat 45kg, so I failed to set up properly, lost all my tension and pretty much ballsed it up So be willing to muck up and fail - we all do it and it youve got legends around you like @karlie_ziebell_luhrman and @jessicastanberg cheering you on, even a miss still feels like a win @worldgym.ipswich @georginadobbo

01.01.2022 L E S S S S G O Its pretty hard to fail when you have absolute legends cheering you on. Research shows us time and time again that a key feature of adhering to an exercise program is having support, with another key feature being that its fun/enjoyable.... Im so lucky that I am able to tick both of these boxes with my current training program; I probably spend equal times laughing and talking as I do working (well maybe more time talking if you ask @georginadobbo ) So big shout out to @janaya22; this woman is an absolute weapon and is so generous with her praise, encouragement and tips. Love getting to watch her train and I cant wait to see her lift on Saturday And of course big shout out to @georginadobbo my long-suffering, patient coach and @karlie_ziebell_luhrman my fave training partner

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