Naqshbandi Aliyya Australia Sufi Way in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Religious centre
Naqshbandi Aliyya Australia Sufi Way
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 The world will be different later on, and already the world in changing as things go. It does not stay as it is, Allah makes it change from one stage to other. The only One who is permanent is Allah, and the imn of a mumin and of Muslims does not change. There is no fear in any change of situation as long as imn is stable. May Allah not damage our imn. It is imn that is important. The state of the world is not important. Its state was different a thousand years ago, and ...again was different fifty years ago or twenty years ago. People think it is all going to continue as before. This is not so. Allah Azza wa Jalla, Ya Muawwila l-ahwl, awwil lan il asni l. Allah change our state to the best state. What we mean by change is that all that we do should be good, and something that Allah approves of and that the Holy Prophet is pleased with. - timely reminder by our blessed guide, Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet Adil on 16th April 2020
25.01.2022 Most people travel the world for worldly purposes, but they travel for nothing. When a person is about to go someplace, wherever it may be, he must state his intention to be for the sake of Allah and to earn his sustenance, and then it will not be in vain. - Extract fron a suhba on 1st May 2019. - Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet is seen below leading a gathering in Aceh, Indonesia. He is currently on a tour of the Far East where thousands of Naqshbandi mureeds reside.
25.01.2022 Sometimes people intend for ajj, some problems occur. When problems occur, our Prophet says when a person intends and cannot go, his ajj is accepted and he receives the thawb (reward) of ajj. Mawln once told us like our Prophet said, Allh Azza wa Jalla creates an angel with his appearance and it makes waqfah on Araft, makes awf and ajju l-nis. And that ajj is counted for him. Some people get very upset for not being able to go. And that is also a favour from Allh . They are written one ajj. And when they go afterwards, one more ajj is written then. - discourse by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil on 5th August 2018. Picture is of Shaykh Mehmet at Hajj in 2018.
24.01.2022 Allah azza wa jalla says, Fadhkurn adhkurkum washkur l wal takfurn. (Qurn 2:152) Do dhikr of me, remember me. If you remember me, I remember you, and I provide (nimah) for you. Thank Me. Do not cover up. It means do not go into kufr. When we remember Allah, He too remembers us and looks towards us. When He looks at us, remembers us, everything becomes good. Otherwise, if you do not remember Him, if you go astraybecause when people receive divine provision they ...forget Allah, but after suffering or calamity, one remembers Him. This is wisdom from the wisdom of Allah. It is part of the test. You will remember Him unceasingly, so that He will provide for you always. Otherwise, after receiving His provision, if you do not show you are thankful, the divine provision leaves, and after that you run after it. - extract from a Subba (discourse) by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil - 11th October 2018 at Akbaba Dergah, Turkey
24.01.2022 Suhba (Association) Suhba is a pivotal aspect of the Naqshbandi Way. A Master of the way, Shaykh Bahauddin Shah Naqshband (may Allah sanctify his secrets) stated repititively throughout his life: Tariqatun as-suhba wal khayrul fil jamiyyah meaning Our Path is based on Association and there is goodness in the congregation. The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (May Allahs blessings be upon him )are known and referred to as Sahaba - associated ones. Their lives ...were dedicated to exemplifying the character and examples of the Prophet and personifying him in every way possible. Aspirants (murideen) of the Naqshbandi Sufi way adhere to a minimal of a weekly gathering, dedicating themselves to be in suhba in their local area of residence. When the opportunity and ability arises, the effort extends to be in suhba with the current living Shaykh, the Master of the Path, by travelling to either the local town of his residence or to a gathering that hosts him in a neighbouring locality / country. The benefits of being in a suhba of the Shaykh are numerous. Ultimately, there is a sense of spiritual connection which is established through the Shaykhs spiritual and ancestral lineage both of which lead solidly to the Prophet Muhammad .
24.01.2022 There are many who are now dragging people towards hopelessness. They plan things based on their own thoughts and say, It will be this or that way They do not include Allah in any affair because they have no faith. Allah is all powerful in every affair! He is the one who does it all, so mankind should not become hopeless. Allah opens a door, and so however this thing came, it will also leave. So do not cut your hopes in Allahs mercy and in what He will do. - extract from a suhba by Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet on 22nd March 2020 regarding the current difficulties facing the world. May everyone be in safety and protection.
21.01.2022 The month of Rajab is Allahs month, Shaban is our Holy Prophets month, and Ramadan is the Nations (Ummahs) month. You are written from ten to a thousand times more rewards when you worship during these months. They are months in which the more good, good deeds, and worship we do, the more profitable it is for us. - It has its own worships and zikrs but fasting is the most important. Some fast for three months, while others fast Mondays and Thursdays be...cause they cannot fast it all and it is the same. Or as our Holy Prophet (s) says, Those who fast in the beginning, the middle, and the end are like those who fast for a month. - The zikrs are: Subhanallahil Hayyul Qayyum for the first ten days, Subhanallahil Ahadis Samad for the second ten days, and Subhanallahil Ghafurur Rahim for the third ten days. These are to be counted a hundred times every day. - And there is a prayer, a ten rakaat namaz in every ten days. You may want to pray it all at once or you may want to pray it two by two. Following them is a short dua, but it needs to be looked up and recited. It would not stay in your memory if we say it now. You can find it everywhere. People print and distribute it. It tells you what to do. - above extracts are from a suhba (discourse) on 18 March 2018 regarding some important points about Rajab - by the current Worldwide leader of Naqshbandiyyah Aliyya, Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani
20.01.2022 Rajab Alhumdulillah, we are embarking upon the blessed month of Rajab, the 7th month of the Islamic Hijri caldendar. This month is particularly significant to spiritual enthusiasts. It is a month filled with ceremonial bliss through many additional devotional practices. It is also a time when Saints and their aspirants take to spiritual isolation to aim for a deeper connection to our Lord.... May Allah fill our souls in spiritual abundance during this special time.
20.01.2022 Experience the joy and serenity of zikr in this short clip of a recent gathering led by our beloved master, Shaykh Muhammad Adil. Location is in Bury, England (3rd January 2019).
19.01.2022 Naqshbandi Aliyya Australia wishes everyone a blessed and joyous Eid. If youre based in Melbourne, Australia, have a look at our upcoming zikr chanting sessions in the Events section of this page or via the link below.
19.01.2022 Be with Allah, and do not be afraid. Those who are with Allah are advantaged and safe by the permission of Allah. Nowadays, people are such as to worry about their worldly life as this happens or that, and to forget the Next World and Allah. Everything is in the hands of Allah. He is Ar-Razzaq, Allah azza wa jall. - discourse by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil - 23rd April 2019. Picture is of Mawlana and fellow mureeden in Lichtenstein castle in Germany for the current Germany Tour, June-July 2019.
19.01.2022 Ramadan, Sultan of Months This beautiful month is arriving. It is truely the sultan of the 12 months. Wherever you might be, even if you are in the most contemptible place in the world, it is still beautiful for people who fast Ramadan. Wherever you may be, even if you are in the most beautiful place, whether in Mecca, Medina, or sacred places. Even if the person is, as we said, in the most faithless place in the world, Allah Azza wa Jalla still sends down the manifestation meant for that person, He sends down the manifestation of Ramadan and the person is happy. - suhba (discourse) by Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil on 3 June 2016.
17.01.2022 Whatever pain, hardship, and any kind of trouble there is: the stronger the persons faith, the more at ease they are. Since our Holy Prophet also says in his hadith: The people who see the most troubles are prophets. Their iman is complete. Then it is awliya, sahaba, and so on. Allah gives everybody burden accordingly, such that no matter how much pain they suffer they do not care at all because they have faith. They have believed in Allah and said, These come from Allah. But as faith weakens people rebel, and they would be harming themselves more. - suhba by Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet Adil from August 2016 Shaykh Mehmet is currently on a historic tour in Pakistan. The picture is of the Shaykh in the compund of the maqam (mausoleum) of the venerable Sufi saint, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in the city of Sehwan.
16.01.2022 We express sadness and concern over the current bushfire crisis affecting the country. The widespread devastation has impacted with loss to lives, properties and landscape of our country. In these trying times, we reflect upon the advice of our Spiritual Masters regarding how to obtain spiritual protection:... ( ) Kullu amrin dhi baalin laa yabdaa bi Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem fa huwa aqta` aw fahiea abtar. To act on any matter that comes to your mind that does not begin with Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem is cut off. (hadith of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalam) It means if that person remembers the Name of Allah and starts that work by saying, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem. Abtar is to be barren, fruitless. A person plants wheat, but its sheaths turn out to be empty, meaning it wont give grain because the secret comes on them from Allah Almighty when His Holy Name is mentioned and that wheat or other plant, all of them, are filled with the Holy Name of Allah and they become strong. If not, they will become straw. If it is with the Bismillah, it is wheat grain. Allah Almighty fills it: the wheat, the barley, the vetch and the oat. What is it that makes all of them mature? It is not the rain and it is not the sun, it is the Holy Name of Allah Dhu l-Jalaal! When Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem is said, everything finds its perfection and its maturity; an act without the Bismillah brings no result, it is abtar, barren, fruitless. ...There came instructions to me from the holy ones; with their barakah, I am speaking for them to the world, but the first order is for the Muslims: make a Bismillah sign and put it in your car. If you dont have one in your home, put one in your home. Put everywhere the Bismillah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem! ..There are angels wherever is the Bismillah and they protect it. The Bismillah can never be burned! The Bismillah can never be burned. A person with the Bismillah cannot be burned and neither can bullets touch him. - excerpts from a suhba by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani from February 2013
16.01.2022 A beautiful unison in the chanting of Allah in a blessed gathering in Keighly, UK on 19th August 2019. Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet is currently visiting the UK till the 23rd of August.
15.01.2022 Miracles are for the prophets, while karamats are for the friends of Allah to perform. Their miracles continue after their departure from this earth. They help; they become the means to goodness. Their tombs are also sacred places, therefore people remember Allah in those tombs. They pray to Allah read Fatiha. The Prophet says, I live in my grave. I hear whoever recites salat [upon me] and selam. This means you go there, recite salat and selam, read the Quran, Fatiha...s. The reading benefits the person who reads and reaches the person in the tomb. - extract from a discourse by Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet Adil on 20th December 2018. -picture is of Mawlana in 2018 at The Grand Mosque of Masjid Nabawi in Medina, the abode of our Blessed Prophet . *********************************************** Naqshbandi Aliyya Australia wishes everyone an abundance of blessings for Rabiul Awwal, the sacred month of the birth of the Best of all Creation - our Master, The Noble Messenger, Prophet Muhammad
14.01.2022 A procession of Hadra, which a type of zikr carried out typically amongst most Sufi Orders. This session is from a recent gathering during Mawlana Shaykh Mehmets recent visit to Kall, Germany in July.
14.01.2022 Sharafu l-makaan bil-makeen, The honor of a place is based on who is there. People run to Meccatu l-Mukarrama because the House of Allah is there, and they run to Madinatu l-Munawwara because the holy body of Prophet (s) is buried there; otherwise people would not go there. Whatever is for that one and holy ones is never going to finish, so people run to be there; their souls are attracted. ... Wa attakhidhoo min maqaami Ibraaheema musallan. And take the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:125) That means Allah Almighty gave honor not for that piece of land, but because Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) was there! Hunaalika da`a zakariyya rabbahu qaala rabbee hablee milladunka thurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka samee`u al-ddu`a. There did Zakariyya pray to his Lord, saying, "O my Lord! Grant me from You a progeny that is pure, for You are He that hears prayer! (Surat al-Imraan, 3:38) Zakariyya visited Sayyidatina Maryam (a) due to the honor Allah Almighty granted her from karamat, miracles. That is why Allah (swt) said, hunaalika da`a zakariyya rabbahu. That means that place is honored for the miracles of Maryam (a), and because of that Zakariyya (a) did not pray elsewhere, but he prayed there, "O my Lord! Give me one child." That means the Holy Vision and mercy, fee hadhihi al-munaasaba, come to that suitable place for the honor of Maryam (a), and so Zakariyya prayed there. - Excerpts from a suhba by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Haqqani from June 2011 about the honour of Holy places.
12.01.2022 Hazret Shah-i Naqshband said this saying twelve thousand times: Tariqatuna as-suhba wa l-khayru fi l-jamiyya. Our Tariqat goes on with associaton; it continues. Without association teaching cannot be imparted. The sheikh who teaches must give suhba. He is training by means of the suhba. Sometimes he tells the same story a hundred times. He tells it a hundred times, each time to train the ego a little bit more, till the ego is finished. - extract from a suhba (discourse) by the 40th Grandmaster of the Nqashbandi Way, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani, from 2003 (video on website)
12.01.2022 What can you do Spiritually in the face of this calamity? We are deeply saddened by the atrocity that has taken place in our neighbouring country New Zealand. Our heartfelt condolences go to the victims and families and the affected communities. May Allah grant them ease in this time of great difficulty. Below are some actions that can be taken on in retrospect of the event:... 1. Salat-ul Janaza al-Ghaib The Absentee Funeral Prayer. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani emphasised this as a daily practice in the tariqa. Our blessed Prophet Muhammad prayed this in congregation upon hearing of the demise of the Abyssinian, King Negus. It is performed after the devotions of Maghrib daily and is similar to the Funeral prayer itself in physical practice. (Refer to Naqshbandi guidebook for recitation on this practice). 2. Join your local Zikr circle Verily, in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find rest (Surah ar-Rad 13:28). Congregational Zikr heals the self spiritually in times of difficulty. This is a moment particularly hard to grapple with. Throughout history, muslim communities would gather in times of great communal suffering and dedicate themselves in combined recitals of zikr, salawat and Quran readings presenting the recitals upon the souls of the afflicted and as a means of healing for themselves in dealing with the events emotionally. 3. Recite Surah Yasin The 36th chapter of the Holy Quran also known as the Heart of the Quran and is itself emphasised as a blessed attributed name to our beloved Prophet (s). It is common practice amongst traditional muslim communities to communally gather in recitation of Surah Yasin followed by a dua (supplication) in presentation to the deceased and affected souls of a calamity. This can also be done individually. 4. Reflect In times of grief and calamity, being in a state of deep reflection allows us to acknowledge our presence in this life as a means to reach the next life, that we ultimately remember our goal of returning to our Lord. Verily to Allah we belong and to Him is our return (Surah al-Baqarah 2:155). Our connection to humanity is a unified bond and the acknowledgement of the suffering of others connects us together as one global community. In the words of our beloved Prophet Muhammad : The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever (Hadith al-Bukhari, al-Muslim).
10.01.2022 Zikr (Rememberance) Commonly known as invocation or rememberance, zikr takes a firm root in the spiritual dimension of Islam. It is referred to in the Quran in a plethora of verses signifying a pivotal aspect of devotional practice and consists of the repetition of selected verses, litanies and chants in the Arabic language. It is stated in the Quran: Ala bizikrillahi tatma-innal quloob. Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do the hearts find rest. (13:28). This verse v...ery aptly sums the affect that zikr has on the nature of a believer as it has the ability to project an element of serenity to the inner self, allowing one to be in a state of devotional focus. Zikr is a pivotal practice amongst followers of Tariqa which has the literal translation to mean the path. Tariqa is commonly attributed to the following of Sufi Orders, which are spiritual doctrines within the religion of Islam that serve as avenues to progress spiritually through the guidance of an authorised master of Islamic spirituality. Assemblies of zikr are commonly hosted by a Tariqa on a rotational schedule for devotees and in many instances are open to the public to join in the experience.
09.01.2022 I heard Abu Ali al-Daqqaq may Allah have mercy on him say: Remembrance(dzikr) is the mandate (manshur) of sainthood. He who is given access to the remembrance is given the mandate, whereas he who is denied remembrance is banished [from the proximity of Allah]. - Quote taken from the classical Islamic text Al-Qushayris Epistle on Sufism (Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya fi ilm al-Tasawwuf - Abu l-Qasim al-Qushayri)
06.01.2022 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Naqshbandi Aliyya Australia wishes everyone a happy and blessed Eid! (Video is of our Guide, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil and his beloved brother Shaykh Bahauddin Adil wishing everyone a blessed Eid.)
04.01.2022 The Holy Months These holy months are the season of blessings, season of mercy, and season of beauty. When people examine them materialistically, they understand nothing, and they do not recognize their own shortcomings. Just like a person finds out that recommended levels are missing in his blood, although he looks healthy on the outside. After some tests are conducted or a doctor examines the person, it becomes apparent that the patient is lacking in vitamins though he looks healthy outwardly. Lacking spiritual things is more serious than lacking the physical. - suhba (discourse) by Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil on 22nd March 2018
03.01.2022 Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet leading the morning Fajr litanies in the blessed mosque of Al-Aqsa in Jeruselem. Mawlana is currently on a tour of the blessed city accompanied by followers from around the world.
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