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Naracoorte Hunt Pony Club | Sport team

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Naracoorte Hunt Pony Club

Phone: +61 412 494 481


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20.01.2022 URGENT UPDATE Come and Try CANCELLED due to new SA covid restrictions. Further events will be advised as soon as allowed to do so. Any information required, please refer to SA Health covid update website.

20.01.2022 Good luck to everyone competing at the Naracoorte Horse Trials this weekend. This year is the first year in a long time that the pony club has multiple members riding in the event! So good luck!

18.01.2022 Our October Rally was a great day with beautiful spring weather and lots of sunshine. The day was full of games, certificate work, and another fabulous lunch. The days groups warmed up with musical chairs, bending poles and cans, and then worked on trot poles and practiced backing up through the poles- which tested a few! After another great lunch courtesy of Tiffany’s efforts, we all had to drag ourselves away to continue the day, with Bob going through the tools of the farrier and a demonstration for the kids working on their C certificate, and some bareback riding for the younger kids. The day was finished with a ride through the cross country course and a revision of the rules of showjumping in preparation for this weekends Spring Series at our grounds.

18.01.2022 ESA Summer Gala Show - 5th December - Naracoorte Showgrounds (held in conjunction with Naracoorte Ag) ENTRIES ARE OPEN ON NOMINATE (Closing 30/11/20)... ESA Double Highpoint Show Southern Cross Qualifying Classes Adelaide Royal Show Qualifier 2021 ESA HOTY Qualifier **Stabling and camping are available at the grounds - book through Nominate or contact Nicky Wight 0438 799966

16.01.2022 The water fights begin!

13.01.2022 I was scared today. I was scared to get on, scared to walk out the yard because I had a bad ride the day before. One bad ride, and it made me scared. I didn’t... know why. I’ve had 1000 bad rides. I’ve had 1000 falls. I’ve broken bones and bruised my pride on countless occasions, but today I was scared. Why? Because confidence is fragile. It takes months and years to build and seconds to lose and yet we are so careless with it. When we get on a horse, we wear a hat to protect our head. We wear body protectors, gloves, boots... We pay so much attention to protecting ourselves physically, we forget that our minds are not invincible, and our confidence certainly is not. Your bank of confidence needs regular deposits, not just from others... but from you. Self confidence is the most valuable currency in life. When you go to get on, and you hesitate, you falter and you start to ask yourself can I do this?, chances are, your account is almost empty. Every time you laugh and say oh no, I’m no good or so and so is 10x better than me, you make a withdrawal from that account, and before you know it, your account is empty and you’re scared to get on. But every time you say I’m really pleased with how that went or I think I rode that really well, your balance increases. We need to learn to give ourselves a break, pat ourselves on the back and allow ourselves to feel proud of where we are - after all, most of the time we’ve worked bloody hard to get there! Recognising your strengths is just as important as recognising your weaknesses. Never allow yourself or anyone else to empty that account. Confidence is valuable, don’t bankrupt yourself.

10.01.2022 Good President-ing Trev!

10.01.2022 The Naracoorte leg of the Spring Series Showjumping is set to go ahead this weekend. The grounds are looking great, and the weather is forecasted to be mostly agreeable for both Saturday and Sunday. There is free camping and limited yards, so if you have your own yards, please bring them along to help out those that don’t. A full canteen will run for both days with a great menu plannned, so please support the club and our fundraising efforts. ... * Please note that 2 new toilets have been installed and will not open until Saturday morning, so please only use the open toilets until then. We look forward to a great weekend of showjumping!

04.01.2022 Water balloons escalated just a little!

01.01.2022 TaaaDaaaa It's here everyone!!! Please get on board and spread the word!! Any queries, please contact Ben or Kym-Marie.

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