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Narrabundah College
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25.01.2022 Enrol (2021) Narrabundah College.
25.01.2022 April 2020 Newsletter.
24.01.2022 GREEN TEAM 2.0 Presents OP SHOP in the Quad... NARRABUNDAH COLLEGE STUDENTS AND STAFF ONLY So come and grab yourself a bargain Recess Thursday (6 August) and Lunch Friday (7 August) All funds to KEEP CUP and that keeps our environment clean and green Reduce, Re-use, Reprocess, Recycle, Compost - No waste
23.01.2022 Youth InterACT Scholarships open now! In response to COVID-19 and the impact it has had on many young people either through loss of employment or disconnection from study, recreation and social connection, the Youth InterACT Scholarship program has been adjusted to help ensure young people remain connected and able to engage positively with learning and social engagement opportunities. The Youth InterACT Scholarships are available to support young people to stay engaged and... connected, they provide funding of up to $500 for young people to participate in an activity, event or program. This may include online mental health, self-improvement programs or skills-based learning courses and training that enhance personal or career development. This scholarship may also help cover resources, equipment and materials to stay engaged in learning and personal development. These Scholarships are based on encouraging young people to enhance their professional and personal development through participation in various activities or events. This is central to the way in which Youth InterACT Scholarships are administered. Scholarships will be awarded to young people who have a genuine ability and determination, but without financial assistance would struggle to attend their event or activity. Scholarships will also be awarded to young people to enable them to remain connected and engaged. Community organisation are also permitted to apply on behalf of an individual and auspice the funds on a young person’s behalf. Please refer to the guidelines as outlined in the application for full terms and conditions of scholarship prior to applying for a scholarship. For further information relating to Youth InterACT Scholarships please contact the Youth Engagement team on 6205-3064 or via email [email protected] Applications are to be forwarded to [email protected] Guidelines and applications... Other related sites...
23.01.2022 Country Women’s Association Scholarship Awards The CWA - Canberra Day Branch generously offers an annual scholarships program with several scholarships available to support year eleven students in their education. This year Narrabundah College student, Therese was successful in gaining a scholarship.... She is seen here with the Minister for Education, Yvette Berry at the presentation ceremony held on March 6. We would like to sincerely congratulate Therese along with all other 2020 recipients from other ACT colleges.
22.01.2022 Dear Narrabundah College Community There will be no access to the college over the 2 week holiday break. The Department is conducting work around the college both inside buildings and in our grounds so there will be no access to this site during this 2 week period from Monday 6 July to Sunday July 19.... Thank you Kerrie Grundy Principal
21.01.2022 STUDY HUB resumes today (Monday 21 September 2020) (3.00pm 5.30pm). Remember that we have tutors available in most subject areas to support you in your study and assessment tasks. Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday 24 from 1-4pm online accessing phones. Use the link
20.01.2022 Narrabundah College Session 3 (2020) Crossline Testing Timetable can be collected from the A-Block corridor outside Student Services. Testing begins 9am Friday November 13 and concludes with the final exam commencing 2.30pm Thursday November 19. Students are expected at the exam venue at least 10 minutes before the exam is scheduled to commence.
19.01.2022 Narrabundah College Concert Series - Piano recital by Lucy The Auditorium - Wednesday 11 November 2020, 1.15 pm The final concert this year in the Narrabundah College Lunchtime Concert Series will feature pianist Lucy Gao, who will perform works by Cesar Franck, Frederic Chopin, J.S. Bach, and Roy Agnew.... Narrabundah College students and staff only.
19.01.2022 OFF BEAT CONCERT - Socially distanced concert. The Offbeat Trio consists 3 students one on bass guitar, another on drums, and a student on alto saxophone. After playing together in a previous group the Offbeat Trio was formed in February this year, playing a range of groove-based jazz standards for their first Narrabundah College concert of 2020. (23 June 2020).
19.01.2022 IMPRESSIVE SUCCESS FOR FRENCH BAC STUDENT: NARRABUNDAH COLLEGE: Congratulations to Eliya H Q who Is a laureate of the prestigious AEFE Excellence Scholarship and she was awarded the highest level to do 5 years post Bac study in France until Master 2 or equivalent. She is the only student in Australia to win one of the 187 places out of 573 applicants.... Congratulations to her teachers too who have supported her well on this journey.
19.01.2022 INTERACT 2020. Congratulations to Tommy as he receives Interactor of the Year (2019-2020) from our Principal Kerrie G. Thank you for being our competent and cheerful club president. Tommy hands over the medallion of perpetuity to newly elected club president Gabriel. Thank you to Gabriel for your commitment to our club and to all members of the board both retiring and elect. Thank you to all members of the Narrabundah College Interact Club.
19.01.2022 Pantry Appeal in the Library (2020). Narrabundah is again running the Anglicare Pantry Appeal from tomorrow until the winter holidays. The Anglicare Pantry Appeal seeks donations of non-perishable food and essential living items. The items collected throughout the appeal are distributed to families and individuals in the Canberra community who are in need of emergency assistance. This need has increased with Covid19. Narrabundah College will have boxes in the small room at th...e front of the library. Please donate non-perishable items and toiletries. Items to donate include - Lunch and dinner food: Vegemite, peanut butter, muesli bars, corn cakes, pasta, rice - Tinned and canned food: tinned fruit, tins of tuna, cans of spaghetti, cans of baked beans and spaghetti - Breakfast food: long-life milk, cereal, tea and coffee, sugar - Baby needs: formula, wipes, nappies - Toiletries: toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, laundry powder, deodorant, paper towels, feminine hygiene products - If you would like to help with this process please see Elizabeth Humphries in Humanities (S-Block). See more
18.01.2022 LIBRARY NEWS NOVEMBER 2020. Narrabundah College library staff acknowledge and thank students and staff for their contribution to this year's library program. The library has a constant 24/7 presence through our Google classroom page the access code is 4siaes4. Through backpack (online) we also provide 24/7 access to the library's catalogue Oliver. Click on the icon to access Oliver. The library also provides access to CiteMaker. CiteMaker provides a location where students ca...Continue reading
16.01.2022 To Date at Narrabundah College: As of Tuesday 24 March, our students have chosen to work from home as ACT schools are pupil free with the option to attend school should there be the need. Teachers are finalising assessments and feedback for session 1 and are also working to develop online resources for their classes.... The college’s expectations are that our students access Google Classroom daily for all classes and access resources to engage in their learning. Support is available for all students from their class teachers, Student Advisers and our college psychologist. We acknowledge the positive way our community is meeting the challenge facing us all at this time. Regards Kerrie Grundy Principal 26 March 2020
16.01.2022 Interact - Narrabundah College Congratulations to the Narrabundah College Interact Club. Making a real difference in our community and the communities in West Timor. Well done
16.01.2022 UAC Guides 2021 are available to all of this year’s year 12 students and can be collected from the library.
15.01.2022 CiteMaker. The library is seeking feedback from all students on the use of CiteMaker. All students should have received a link to the CiteMaker survey. We ask all students to complete the CiteMaker survey.
15.01.2022 Narrabundah College Canberra Australia COVID19 (Covid-19) thankyou.
15.01.2022 OFF BEAT CONCERT The first socially-distanced concert at lunch today (1.20 start strictly) 23 June 2020. The Offbeat Trio consists 3 students one on bass guitar, another on drums, and a student on alto saxophone. After playing together in a previous group the Offbeat Trio was formed in February this year, playing a range of groove-based jazz standards for their first concert of 2020.
13.01.2022 Online Enrolment Information Evening - video chat link[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22recent_posts_card%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22permalink%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22[]%22%7D%2C%7B%22surface%22%3A%22permalink%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22recent_posts_card%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22[]%22%7D]%7D
13.01.2022 INTERACT and GOVERNANCE RAISE FUNDS TO COMBAT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Narrabundah College’s Interact and Governance groups joined forces raising $375 for Domestic Violence Crisis Services ACT. Thank you to our well-coordinated volunteers who ran a sausage sizzle and thank you to all those who contributed by purchasing a sausage sandwich during our cool winter lunch break.
13.01.2022 I'VE GOT THE BLUES - Concert
12.01.2022 Hello all, As you are now aware the difficult, but, we believe the correct decision was made to bring forward exam week. All students should be negotiating new assessment dates with your teachers and one of the expectations is that these tasks be submitted after test week. All new due dates will be on google classroom and new unit outlines after discussions with classes this week. Online exams in most subjects are not appropriate. ... All students will only be tested on work completed by this Thursday and exams were due to start next Friday-so you are commencing 4 days earlier with a study day now included. TEST WEEK TIMETABLE: A reminder of the following: 1.All students are expected to sit their tests. Student with special consideration go to D02. For all other tests, we will be operating three to four testing centres to ensure social distancing. 2.If unwell for your test, call the College immediately. A Doctor’s Certificate is normally requested. In most cases you will be required to re-sit the test once you are well. 3.Do NOT sit exams if unwell as your test result will count. 4. If you miss the start of a test still come in. You may be able to still do the test if the main group has not finished. 5.Students may be expected to sit up to 3 exams in any one day. 6.If there is an exam clash, make arrangement with the teachers involved immediately. Any major problems see Jenny Budd. Posted 17 March 2020.
12.01.2022 INTERACT Milkshake (CANCELLED) sale in the learning village plaza on (CANCELLED) 16 March 2020. Remember this supports your generation - so support yourselves and but a milkshake.
11.01.2022 A message from Narrabundah College's SLCs Enrol (2021) Narrabundah College.
11.01.2022 Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver from the Australian National University. Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver engaged us all in the science of astrophysics discussing: eukaryotes, prokaryotes, viruses, vacuum energy, dark matter, extreme life, and the need for life to extrapolate to other planets - exoplanets. Professor Charley Lineweaver used, science, humour, and Hollywood to engage us in learning at the frontier. Engaging questions received engaging responses. Charley presented a confident and optimistic future entrusted to our emerging youth. Narrabundah College thanks Charley Lineweaver for taking the time to share the science of Astrophysics with our students and staff.
10.01.2022 Principal’s message 2020 Enrol (2021) Narrabundah College.
09.01.2022 Wednesday’s (18 March 2020) Autumn Concert has been cancelled. Narrabundah College has cancelled Wednesday’s (18 March 2020) Autumn Concert considering the Coronaviris concerns. Thank you to all performers who were willing to perform and to all those intending to attend. Please accept our apologies. Narrabundah College is committed to performing art performances and rest assured this program will return later in the year. Thank you to all for your interest.
09.01.2022 Narrabundah College. Subject Selections for session 3 are available now on Prophet. All students should have received an email containing an attachment for the data grid. Complete your selections now using the link below. Use your usual logon to make your selections.
08.01.2022 STUDY HUB resumes Monday 21 September 2020 (3.00pm 5.30pm). Remember that we have tutors available in most subject areas to support you in your study and assessment tasks. ROAD READY. Looking to get your Ls and then your Ps? Then road ready is for you. Road ready starts Thursday September 17 (mezzanine floor of library) at 1.30pm (for 2 hours) and then each Thursday (except September 24) until November 12. Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday 24 from 1-4pm online accessing phones. Follow the link
07.01.2022 Narrabundah College students and staff only.
05.01.2022 Narrabundah College Mid-unit Testing Timetable 2020 is available from the corridor outside of Students Services opposite the library. Tests commence 24 June and conclude on 29 June 2020. Obtain a copy of the timetable for further details.
03.01.2022 INDIGENOUS AUTHORS NARRABUNDAH COLLEGE. This year Narrabundah College library is celebrating the literary creativity and literary contribution of Australia’s Indigenous authors to our national conscience. The library has prepared a display of their works and we invite all members of the college community to appreciate their achievements and involvement in the awareness and national debate on Indigenous issues.
03.01.2022 Thursday 12th November we officially open the graduating Arts Exhibition/Performances. Join us for live Music, Media screenings, Fashion Parade, Art, Ceramics, Design, Furniture and Photography between 5pm-7pm.
02.01.2022 INTERACTOR OF THE YEAR - TOMMY Congratulations to Tommy from Narrabundah College. Tommy is this year’s Interactor of the year. Thank you to Tommy for being our Interact Club president during 2019 and 2020 and thank you to all those members of the Interact Club for supporting Tommy and our club. Well done. Congratulations to Rotary Belconnen for their award for the East Indonesia Project - Narrabundah College’s Interact club has been and continues to be a fundraiser and financial supporter for East Indonesia Aid.
02.01.2022 XLTT. The session 2 examination timetable can be collected from A-Block outside Student Services (opposite the library). Exam week commences August 26 and concludes after the final exam on September 3 and includes AST. Collect your copy of the XLTT and make yourself familiar with the schedule.
01.01.2022 Study Hub resumes Wednesday (10-June-2020) study hub will recommence 3.00-5.30pm. Then continuing both Monday and Wednesdays 3.00-5.30pm
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