Natalie Pickering, Natural Fertility Specialist in Perth, Western Australia | Medical and health
Natalie Pickering, Natural Fertility Specialist
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6468 8149
Address: Unit 4, Chelsea Village 145 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands 6009 Perth, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 I just love these messages This couple conceived with IVF. It was their 5th cycle. ... We started working together 5 months ago, I explained why starting a new cycle so soon after another unsuccessful cycle would not allow time for deeper investigations and a 360 degree review of both of their fertility index. We negotiated a 4 month period of preparation, even though it was a hard ask... Once we started they both began to feel so much better physically and emotionally, the 4 months getting "IVF Ready" flew by. Then it was time to start a new cycle. This beautiful couple celebrated their best ever egg retrieval, their best fertilisation rate AND they had 4 healthy embryos! One was transferred fresh. This is their result...
23.01.2022 Hello insta fam, its been a while! . I've taken a break from socials for 8 weeks, I'm back refreshed and keen to inspire, educate and motivate soon-to-be mummas needing help on the way to baby! . In the last 12 days, 7 of the wonderful couples I work with have received their positive pregnancy tests...... . . What a fantastic week and a half! . Anyway, it got me thinking, its always so motivating hearing the obstacles and struggles other couples overcome to celebrate their BFPs. . Over the next week or so I plan to share 7 stories of hope! (complete privacy and anonymity assured obviously) . Give me a below if you want a peak See more
20.01.2022 IMPLANTATION SERIES No 2. . How much attention do you pay to your flow each month? . Many of the women I work with don't realize the importance of a healthy flow to their chances of conceiving. Its time to change this, starting this month!... . The colour, texture, viscosity and amount of your menstrual flow will tell you a great deal about your endometrial lining, you just need to pay attention during your next period . Step 1. Use pads or a menstrual cup so that you can see whats going on, try to make your observations from fresh flow on wiping. Step 2. Note down how often you change your pad or empty your cup and how full it was ( % for pads and ml for cups) Step 3. Look for viscosity, is your flow gluggy, thick, or watery, or is it similar to olive oil? Step 4. Notice if it stops and starts, or does it gently rise then drop away. Make sure you note down any spotting before and after your true flow. Step 5. Look for clots and note their size and shape and how many you see. . There's a good chance you'll be surprised at what you notice when you're really looking!. . In the next post I'll share what a healthy (implantation ready) flow looks like. See more
18.01.2022 Not all thermometers are created equally - here are my tips to be sure you're collecting accurate information
18.01.2022 SO TRUE! . So many of the things we really desire take a lot of sacrifice, effort and persistence. . Trying to conceive takes a butt load of all the above ... and more... . One thing I suggest to my couples is to be intentional about what you are doing, choosing and thinking. . Some days you will intentionally choose to be super fertile in your choices, you'll wake up and chart your temp, you'll pull on your yoga gear and head out for an amazing class, you'll follow your fertility friendly diet, be tender toward your beloved and remember your breathing exercises before bed. . Other days you won't. . Just be sure to consciously choose. . That way there's no guilt and no regret and when you're feeling refreshed and ready you'll get straight back on the wagon, making every step another one closer to your dream of becoming a mumma. . Try it out,.... no more half-assing soon-to-be mumma x See more
18.01.2022 Celebrating the arrival of another gorgeous bubba! If your journey to baby has become longer and harder than you'd expected and you want a little help.. take a look at the resources in my bio. I've created some super helpful support to help you breakthrough fertility struggles so you can celebrate the arrival of your little one sooner!
17.01.2022 Hey lovely, how are you doing? . Just popping in to say hi and - I get it, to want something so badly and have it still out of your grasp. . To feel lost, confused and alone when trying to get pregnant turns out to be really hard.... . Know I'm here for you if you're ready for support, I'm here to listen to you, to help you find clarity and to create a plan for the way forward. . Not ready to reach out yet? . I've also created The Ultimate Fertility Quiz to support you toward your dream, check it out here, or click the link in my bio See more
14.01.2022 Ask me all of your questions about implantation failure and how to overcome it.
14.01.2022 IMPLANTATION AND INFLAMMATION . Returning to the Implantation Series (No. 4) . Inflammation is actually a fundamental part of successful implantation. ... . When a fertilized egg enters the uterus, the first step required for successful implantation is the attachment of the egg to the surface of the uterus. This attachment relies on inflammatory changes. . The problem is NOT the short lived, programmed inflammatory changes. . Its when inflammation becomes CHRONIC that we see an increase in implantation failure and in recurrent miscarriage. . So, how to find out if this could be affecting your implantation success - . There are several conditions specific to your reproductive system that increase or develop as a result of chronic inflammation - Endometriosis Fibroids and Ovarian cysts Ashermanns Adenomyosis PCOS Pelvic Inflammatory Disease . There are also other signs and symptoms outside of your reproductive organs that can indicate chronic inflammation and may be a sign of implantation issues - Body pain Constant fatigue Depression, anxiety and mood disorders Brain fog Constipation, diarrhoea and reflux Weight gain Frequent infections . If any of these signs or symptoms sound familiar and you are concerned about your implantation success it may be time to investigate further. There are 2 blood test that can confirm the presence of chronic inflammation - hsCRP and ESR. These 2 blood tests are simple and inexpensive to run, and definitely worth checking on. . In the next post I'll dive into some of the major causes of chronic inflammation and how to minimize or resolve it. . Drop an emoji below if you suspect chronic inflammation may be messing with your implantation success See more
14.01.2022 THE MISSING PIECE . If you've been trying for a while or you've discovered 1 or 2 barriers to natural conception you could be planning or considering an IVF Cycle. . Maybe its your first cycle... maybe its not.... . Maybe you have had a positive before... maybe you haven't. . If you are preparing for your cycle I want you to be sure you have all the 'pieces' found and fitted them together well. . Starting an IVF cycle without comprehensive, personalized preparation means your chance of success is probably lower, and I don't want that for anyone. . You need to find which 'pieces' arent a good fit and are reducing your chances, they're not always easy to find or 'major' barriers, but even the apparently small issues can bevome a stumbling block. .Get the support you need to disvover and resolve these issues. . Only then is it the right time for your next cycle. . Want to know how to be sure you have found all of your 'pieces'? . Give me an emoji below if you want my IVF SUCCESS CHECKLIST, (its free;) See more
14.01.2022 # C H A R T I N G T I P S # Symptothermal charting is still one of my absolute fave fertility awareness methods! I've just posted a quick IGTV to help you troubleshoot your charting methods to be sure your getting accurate data.... Take a quick listen and let me know what else you'd like tips for
12.01.2022 What does a healthy period look like?
11.01.2022 IMPLANTATION SUCCESS! . No. 5 in Implantation series. . One of the most common reasons for failed implantation or early pregnancy loss boils down to poor progesterone production or replacement in the luteal phase.... . LUTEAL PHASE - the time between ovulation and your next period -( also the time where implantation begins if you have a healthy blastocyst rolling down the wall of your endometrium.) . There are so many powerful steps you can take to ensure your progesterone production is strong and steady enough to support implantation. . Start with food! . 5 SUPER IMPORTANT NUTRIENTS FOR PROGESTERONE PRODUCTION- . Zinc - found in beef, pumpkin seeds, nuts and seafood. Magnesium - found in spinach, dark chocolate (yay!), fish and nuts and seeds Vit C- found in kiwi, kale, broccoli and capsicum B6- found in sunflower seeds, fish, turkey and dried fruit. Betacarotene- found in carrots, pumpkin, dark leafy greens and apricots . Want to know what level I like to see progesterone 7 days after ovulation? Comment below . . . . . . . . @ Nedlands, Western Australia See more
09.01.2022 SUCCESS AFTER A LONG JOURNEY I hope you'll find this story inspirational even if you've been on the incredibly hard journey to baby for a long time. I only sprinkle these success stories in now and then because I know they can be triggering, but they are only ever about couples or women who've been struggling and fighting their way to baby.... Keep hoping and trying and struggling, your turn is coming x Working with couples who have chosen or need IVF to make their dream a reality is an absolute honour. I'm so glad more and more couples are becoming aware of the incredible impact pre-cycle, natural ivf support & preparation can have! My books are closed at the moment because I'm booked out 4-5weeks ahead and I need to support my current clients carefully. But you can grab my IVF Success System today, where I share so many effective tips and strategies to boost your next cycle's success! Find it here-
08.01.2022 Another wonderful week working with my amazing couples. Sharing this story with you to inspire and uplift you if its feeling all too hard. baby dust xx
06.01.2022 7 Steps to lower Inflammation and Boost Implantation Success 1. Lower your intake of inflammatory foods- sugar, cow milk dairy, gluten containing grains, heated vegetable oils (most of), too much red meat in your diet. 2. Boost your intake of anti-inflammatory foods foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids- cold water fish, such as salmon and tuna, and tofu, walnuts, flax seeds and soybeans. Other anti-inflammatory foods include grapes, celery..., blueberries, garlic, olive oil, tea and some spices (ginger, rosemary and turmeric). 3. Boost the health of your gut microbiome with a diverse range of veggies and fruits, plenty of fibre, committing to eating all the colours of the rainbow daily, a dash of fermented foods and a good serve of bone broth. 4. Ensure you have healthy insulin sensitivity - check your fasting blood sugars AND your fasting INSULIN, to be super thorough request a Glucose Tolerance Test and add Insulin at each stage of the test. (Best to have a naturopath help you interpret this). 5. Avoid and minimize exposure to toxicants such as herbicides, pesticides, plasticizers, fragrances and cleaning chemicals. 6. Manage stress well, the research shows conclusively that high cortisol aka-high stress worsens chronic inflammation. Integrating mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, time in nature, yoga will all help. 7. Keep a healthy weight range- being overweight will increase inflammation. 8. There are multiple herbal medicines that work safely and effectively to reduce inflammation. Some of my favourites are: ** Continued in Comments ** #recurrentmiscarriage #miscarriage #implantationsuccess #implantationfailure #implantationwindow #implantationday #TWW #twoweekwait ##implantationissues #infertility #fertilitysupport #recurrentloss #recurrentpregnancyloss #recurrentmiscarriagesurvivor See more
06.01.2022 Lighting a candle today for all of us who have been through miscarriage or stillbirth or whose baby never came home. . Sending love, compassion, understanding and healing. . Holding you in my heart. I hope you feel heard, your grief is acknowledged and you are lovingly supported.
05.01.2022 I absolutely can not wait for a snuggle with this gorgeous new bub! . I hope sharing her arrival gives you a little ray of hope if you're having a tough time on the way to your baby. . Most of the baby announcements on this page are from new parents who had plenty of their own tough times getting to this point.... . Some days frankly suck on the way to baby, others are filled with hope and promise. . Its a rollercoaster . Heres a quick 6 step recipe for success- 1. Make a plan - it keeps you focused and proactive. 2. Create a really good fertility support team - conceive your healthy baby faster and calmer. 3. Keep some balance in your life - find things that make you laugh and remind you to love hard. 4. Treat your body like a temple 90% of the time - but enjoy a 'whatever' meal twice a week 5. Remember it takes two to make a baby - society still places enormous pressure on the female for conception. 6. It takes more than an egg, sperm and uterus to create and carry a baby - keep a holistic approach for faster results. . Much love and baby dust
04.01.2022 . Mumma-to-be had just about given up before this little miracle was conceived. . TTC can take all of your strength, determination and courage.... . Sending you much love and support. You know where to find me if you're ready to receive personalized preconception and fertility care or IVF support. . . . See more
04.01.2022 Times are a changing! - I'm excited to share I've recently spread my wings and begun consulting at a beautiful new Naturopathic Clinic in Nedlands called Floralia Wellness. I've had an amazing 25 years supporting you and many others at Perth Natural Medical Clinic, its time to add a new, modern, nurturing clinic space to my working week! Whilst I'll still be practising at Perth Natural Medical Clinic 2 days a week, I'm very excited to begin offering 2 days of consulting a...t Floralia! See more
03.01.2022 WANT A FERTILITY FACT? . IVF success rates are still not great. Most couples are advised it will take 3-4 cycles for a good chance of a positive pregnancy test. . I'm not a fan of stats like these. ... . Mostly because I know with thorough, personalized pre-cycle preparation you can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE to the crappy stats above. . I've put together an excellent resource for anyone planning IVF, whether its your first or your fifth cycle... . Its FREE, go grab it here . Borrow the boy scouts motto! and "be prepared" . Honestly, it makes all the difference, I see it ALL THE TIME! . Got a girlfriend with a cycle coming up?? Share the love See more
03.01.2022 . I hope messages like these lift you up. . Even if its been more than 3 yrs, even when IVF has failed. .... Even when it all feels too much. . Much love See more
02.01.2022 Is quality something that you worry about? If thats a big fat yes, lets get proacive! . One of the first steps to take to boost egg quality is to target the health of the mitochondria in your eggs! ... . There is soooo much you can do to preserve and support your mitochondria - and therefore your egg quality! . Mitochondria are key energy sources in our bodies, their are hundreds and thousands of them in our cells. . We need healthy mitochondria in our eggs as they are the eggs only source of energy. This energy allows for healthy cell division- reducing the risk of chromosmal abnormalities (such as Down's syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities) ...and provides the energy for a fertilized egg to become a healthy embryo which continues continue to grow and flourish. . Your mitochondria also control the intracellular pH, increasing the chance of fertilization of your egg. . As we get older the number of mitochondria in our eggs decline, making it even more important to ensure your mitochondria are getting the nutrition and protection they need. . Mitochondria are very sensitive and are damaged easily, taking care of your mitochondria will not only boost your fertility, it will also slow aging, help maintain brain function and help keep you in a healthy weight range. Their is a great deal you can do to boost your mitochondria, starting with ensuring they get the right nutrients! . TIP 1- THE MOST IMPORTANT NUTRIENTS FOR HEALTHY MITOCHONDRIA; * B Vitamins * Fish oil and other healthy fats * Alpha Lipoic Acid * CoQ10 ( ubiquinol ) * N Acetyl Cysteine * Carnitine * Magnesium . Save this post to discuss with your women's health or natural fertility specialist! See more
02.01.2022 Is your fertility journey feeling like a freakin roller coaster ride? I have 6 tips for you if you need a little bit of love and nurturing Take a quick read of my new blog post at (link in bio )... Sending love to you if it's all feeling really hard right now
01.01.2022 So excited to offer our gorgeous new Fertility Packs to couples on their way to baby!. . This resource is packed full of checklists, resources, tips and fertility essentials.. all carefully chosen and beautifully presented.
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