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National Resource Safety Solutions | Businesses

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National Resource Safety Solutions

Phone: +61 488 677 761


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25.01.2022 'Powerline Safety' Does your company operate equipment near or around overhead powerlines? Do you have a documented safe work procedures / training records in place for you workers / operators?... Are you protecting workers from electric shock... Link below:

25.01.2022 Safety Update.... Been a busy start to November in the National Resource Safety Office!!! Solutions for any company, no matter the size, no matter the scope ... Looking forward to the holiday season soon. #safetysolutions #worksafe #staysafe #projects #clientwork #audits #safetyplans #safetysystems #swms #safeworkprocedures #emergencyplans #constructionplans #firesafety #businesssafety

25.01.2022 "National Resource Safety Solutions" for a reason..... 'We make safety simple' New client in "Victoria" being setup remotely (online via zoom, dropbox and customised iauditor templates) due to Covid-19.... Remote Project Audit + System Gap Analysis mapped to ISO45001, ISO9001 and ISO14001 Standards. New Integrated Management System inclusive all core system documentation. Emergency / Fire / Building Safety Management Training Management System (fully customised / branded) System Auditing Maintenance / Consultation / Support Travel, Flights, Transfers and Accommodation (pending Covid 19 restrictions) for onsite follow up compliance project audits. #futuresafetysolutions #safetysolutions #nationalsafety #nationalsafetysolutions #victorianlegislation #remoteaudits #zoom #dropbox #iauditor #safetyculture #safeworkaustralia

25.01.2022 Safety Solutions for Business!!! Quick data breakdown on Clients safety systems - setup from when we started in 2013 - 2020. 34.6 Gig (37,399, 069,952 bytes)... 40,979 Files 6,606 Folders All this information has been researched, developed, formatted, reviewed and implemented in keeping people safe, clients compliant and stored in an easy to use systematic format. "We make safety simple" under-estimates the level of work that goes behind the vision statement :) In essence we essentially save time, and time = money. #safetysolutions #smallbusiness #bigbusiness #clientssafety #safetysystems #wemakesafetysimple #compliance #worksafe

25.01.2022 Qld Covid Safe - Statement of Compliance Statement to be displayed upon entry for relevant businesses listed. This site is operating in compliance with the Public Health Directions... This is a COVID Safe site. Contact details are required for tracing purposes upon entry.* Practice social distancing. Wash your hands regularly. Follow the rules and keep us all safe. Industries and Statement in Link below:

24.01.2022 Dropped into to catchup with the team Kleicon Recycling this morning. The laydown yard is growing, recycled concrete, bricks, bitumen and all sorts available for drop off / pickup / delivery. The team is keeping the place neat and tidy, performing regular equipment maintenance tasks, all while servicing clients all over the wide bay.... #safetyaudit #safetycompliance #smallbusiness #growingbusiness #recycledproducts #savinglandfill #environmentalexcellence

24.01.2022 Amazing the companies we are lucky enough to work with, always enjoy meeting new people and discovering new areas and helping businesses in Queensland! Yesterday we meet with the team at GAPDL :) #safetysolutions #safework #queensland #gladstone...

24.01.2022 Safety Solutions for Business! No matter how big or small We just make it work, we can help create a safe workplace in the smallest of spaces ... #safetysolutions #worksafe #safetyinductions #safeworkprocedures #safetyaudits #compliance #legislation #training #safety #safetyatwork

23.01.2022 Incident Alert - Worker's arm crushed by excavator... There are significant risks associated with using plant that lifts or suspends loads, and severe injuries can result from unsafe use. Specific controls are required for this plant including but not limited to s219 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011. ... Following the hierarchy of controls, a PCBU must always aim first to eliminate the hazards associated with using mobile plant (other than a mobile crane) to lift or lower freely suspended loads. If elimination is not possible, work your way down the order of controls

23.01.2022 End of the day pictures - work station shutdown Final email, meeting, document and a long list for tomorrow.... Its easy when you love what you do everyday!... #safetysolutions #worktimemanagement #safetyfordays #workstation #mondaydoneright #safework #safetycompliance

19.01.2022 Monday is all about "Emergency Plan Development". Did you know? Under the WHS Regulation 2011 (Qld legislation)... Division 4 Emergency plans Section 43 Duty to prepare, maintain and implement emergency plan (1) A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that an emergency plan is prepared for the workplace, that provides for the following (a) emergency procedures, including (i) an effective response to an emergency; and (ii) evacuation procedures; and (iii) notifying emergency service organisations at the earliest opportunity; and (iv) medical treatment and assistance; and (v) effective communication between the person authorised by the person conducting the business or undertaking to coordinate the emergency response and all persons at the workplace; (b) testing of the emergency procedures, including the frequency of testing; (c) information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the emergency procedures. Not sure your business is up to date with Emergency Procedures, give us a call :) #safetysolutions #emergencyplans #evacuationplans #emergencydrills #training #wemakesafetysimple

17.01.2022 Secured a small compliance project with GAPDL today!!! Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd (GAPDL) is a not-for-profit, membership based organisation that was originally founded in 1983. Today, more than 30 years on, GAPDL is a dynamic and enthusiastic organisation responsible for strategically marketing the Gladstone Region as a preferred tourism, investment and lifestyle destination. GAPDL is recognised by the Queensland State Government as one of the 13 Regional T...ourism Organisations responsible for promoting the Gladstone Region to both the domestic and international markets.w #smallbusiness #compliance #safetysolutions

17.01.2022 We love helping out small / medium business owners, take control of their legislative compliance obligations, with simple, effective solutions Thanks to the awesome team at AAD Auto for taking their business to a new level in safety!!! #worksafe #homesafe #safetysolutions #safety ... #wemakesafetysimple #compliance #legislation #automotivesafety #safetymanagement #policies #procedures #training #inspections #auditing #managementreview #communication #teamwork See more

15.01.2022 Fair Work Statement Updates If you are a PCBU with employee's, you are required to communicate to all staff, and make copies available of the new fair work statement. On 13 August 2020, the High Court handed down a decision about the method of accruing and taking paid personal/carer’s leave under the National Employment Standards. ... The High Court has found that the entitlement to 10 days of personal/carer’s leave is calculated based on an employee’s hours of work, not days. 10 days of personal leave can be calculated as 1/26 of an employee's ordinary hours of work in a year. Fair Work has updated the Fair Work Information Statement as a result. New statement link:

14.01.2022 Concrete Pumping Compliance Audits - WHS are conducting compliance audits in Queensland. Concrete pumping Code of Practice 2019 is an approved code of practice under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the WHS Act). An approved code of practice is a practical guide to achieving the standards of health, safety and welfare required under the WHS Act and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (the WHS... Regulation). Duty holders must comply with an approved code of practice under the WHS Act or follow another method, such as a technical or an industry standard, if it provides an equivalent or higher standard of work health and safety to the standard required in this code. #concretesafety #concretepumping #worksafe #homesafe #compliance #auditing #safeworkmethodstatements #training Link:

13.01.2022 Emergency Warden Training Do you know by law that each workplace is required to have an emergency plan, and emergency warden(s) trained to respond to identified types of business workplace emergencies? Also under the Buidling and Fire Regulations you must conduct an annual evacuation drill.... Not sure you are compliant, give us a call #safetysolutions #firesafety #emergencyplans #wardentraining #evacuationplans #legislation

10.01.2022 Building Fire Safety Qld Road Trip!!! Bundaberg - Hervey Bay - Noosa - Sunshine Coast - Brisbane Is your building compliant to the latest Building and Fire Regulations?... Fire Safety Solutions Services we offer: - Fire Safety Building Audits - Fire Safety Management Plans - Fire Evacuation Training - Fire Equipment Inspections / Service Audits - Emergency Lighting Inspection - Occupier Statements - Service Agent Management - Annual Evacuation Drills - Emergency Warden Training - Refresher Fire Evacuation Training - Fire Safety Advisory Services #safety #firesafety #firesafetysolutions #compliance #buildingfiresafety #covidsafe

09.01.2022 We would like to welcome Brake and Clutch Service!!! Looking forward to helping the automotive specialists take their safety to a new level. Client referrals are the best marketing a small business can receive ... #automotiveindustry #safetysolutions #audit #plan #implement #do #inspect #check #action #act #safeworkprocedures #riskassessments #training #compliance #auditing

08.01.2022 Formwork industry compliance audits (WHS Qld) Documentation All formwork documentation, pre-pour inspections and sign-offs, formwork systems and associated components, and site erection methods should be in accordance with the Formwork Code of Practice 2016 and should be readily available on site. Erection and dismantling procedures Systems of work and erection procedures should be in accordance with safe work method statements for the work activities, including fall fro...m height controls and provisions for falling objects. Training of workers Workers should be provided with all relevant training, information and supervision relating to the system they are erecting including specific training for modular formwork systems.

08.01.2022 Work related fatalities in 2019 The most common causes of worker fatalities in 2019 were: Vehicle collisions (43%)... Falls from a height (11%) Hit by falling objects (11%). Safe Work Australia has released the Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities Australia 2019 report, which provides the latest detailed national statistics on all workers and bystanders fatally injured at work. The report and data is drawn from a range of sources, including reporting of fatalities in the media, notifications from jurisdictional authorities, and the National Coronial Information System. Link:

06.01.2022 Resources Safety and Health Queensland Act 2020 Main purposes of this Act are (a) to establish an independent statutory body called Resources Safety and Health Queensland to regulate safety and health in the resources sector; ... (b) to establish the Resources Safety and Health Queensland employing office; and (c) to provide for the Commissioner for Resources Safety and Health. Division 2 Functions and powers 10 Functions (1) The main function of RSHQ is to administer the Resources Safety Acts and to further their purposes. (2) Without limiting subsection (1), RSHQ has the following functions (a) protecting the safety and health of persons in the resources industry; (b) regulating safety and health in the resources industry; (c) monitoring compliance with, and the effectiveness of, the Resources Safety Acts; (d) carrying out commercial activities incidental to RSHQ’s main function. (3) RSHQ also has the functions given to it under this Act or another Act. More Information:

05.01.2022 Some say safety never sleeps We reckon that’s true #safetysolutions #worksafe #homesafe #work #safely #systems #compliance #legislation

03.01.2022 Happy Friday!!! Would like to welcome our newest client in Bundaberg Qld: Oakwood Sheet Metal Works... Looking forward to taking their current Safety Systems to the next level in 2020 and beyond, the OSMW team have an amazing workshop, great quality products, service and support staff. Hope everyone has a safe weekend!!! #sitemeeting #systemsaudit #safetysolutions #safework #stagedimplementationplan #wemakesafetysimple #nrssolutions #livelocal #supportlocal #business #compliance #support

03.01.2022 Covid 19 Safety - One of our new favourite Audit’s This client had XXXX Social Distancing Sticker / Floor Markers! Happy to report the Team at the Waterloo Bay Hotel / Fig Restaurant were 100% compliant.... #safetysolutions #covidsafe #covid19audit #newlegislation #compliance

02.01.2022 Shout out to the IT team at Wide Bay IT for the install, setup and support of our newest team member ApeosPort-V Printer!!! Link: #safetysolutions #businesssolutions #kickass #printer #widebayit

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