Nativis | Brand
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23.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all the amazing men out there! How are you celebrating all the amazing men in your life today? #nativis #naturalbeauty #welcome #happyvibes #happy #happyfathersday #happyfathersday2020 #enjoyyourday #spoiled #spoil #spoildad #dad #dadlife #grandfather #pop #poppy #grandpa #pa
23.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME Nativis has teamed up with Made to love designs and we are bringing you one AMAZING prize!!! The rules are simple: 1) Like BOTH pages 2) Get tagging 3) Share our amazing giveaway with your friends. Prize includes: Makeup Bag ( Personalised for the winner) Key ring ( Personalised for the winner) Pop Socket( Personalised for the winner) Vanilla Candle ( Personalised for the winner) Body Scrub Face Scrub Face Mask Konjac Sponge Hair Scrunchie Lip Balm Competition opens today and closes 25th September at 12 Noon! Winner will be drawn that evening from random generator. GOODLUCK
22.01.2022 My heart is so so full today!! I attended the Perth Hair and Beauty Expo yesterday and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would accomplish so much for my small business in just one day!! A little run down of my day: ... I ran out of a product in the first hour of it opening so i had to start taking pre-orders for customers. I was approached by an owner of a spa clinic and she wants one of my products in LITRES!! Litres!! I cant believe it. I had makeup artists try my makeup range and tell me how great the coverage is of my foundation's and also tell me they need bigger sizes of everything I had lovely customers throughout the day as well, some that bought products then came back and bought more. I made some great connections yesterday and this just means that are big things ahead for me and my little business. I never thought this was possible, and my stomach was in knots yesterday morning but I am so glad I put myself out there. Self doubt is real, but if you believe in yourself and believe in your products, anything is possible! #nativis #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #naturalskincareroutine #bosschick #naturalmakeup #organic #australiannaturalskincare #australianowned #australianskincareproducts #australianmade #perthbusiness #perthbusinesswomen #perthnaturalskincare #womenwithvision #womenwhohustle #womeninbusiness #womenwithvision #fullcoveragefoundation #skincare #naturalbeauty #naturalskincareproducts
19.01.2022 With all the hot weather we have been having, you can tell that Summer is just around the corner. We need to still take care of our skin in Summer. For some their skin will dry out, others the heat causes them to break out. No matter how your skin reacts to the heat and sun you need to be looking after it. ... Daily washing, scrubbing and Moisturising and let's not forget our Sunscreen!! Make sure your skin routine includes products to help and protect your skin this summer
18.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME @designsmadetolove has teamed up with @NativisBeauty and we are bringing you one AMAZING prize!!! The rules are simple: ... 1) Like BOTH pages 2) Get tagging 3) Share our amazing giveaway with your friends. Prize includes: Makeup Bag ( Personalised for the winner) Key ring ( Personalised for the winner) Pop Socket( Personalised for the winner) Vanilla Candle ( Personalised for the winner) Body Scrub Face Scrub Face Mask Konjac Sponge Hair Scrunchie Lip Balm Competition opens today and closes 25th September at 12 Noon! Winner will be drawn that evening from random generator. GOODLUCK
16.01.2022 I keep hearing that people like to see the face behind the brand!! I keep getting told to show myself. Those that know me, know I hate my photo being taken. I always end up pulling a weird face, or having this cheesy grin. So when this photo of me was taken I thought to myself "wow Mel you actually look good in this one" Post it and show people who you are! ... So here i am. This is me, I am the reason I started this brand. I've always had problem skin from my teenage years right up until now, when I was getting adult acne. I needed more for my skin, I needed something that works, I needed a product that will help teenagers and women with their skin concerns. Through this Nativis was born. I want to help other women like me, who have suffered terribly with their skin, who are still suffering. A lot of research has gone into every product I have made. Its been years in the making, I haven't just thrown ingredients together and hoping for the best. I know my products work and yes I use them daily. Through all this hard work of building my brand I realised that I needed more, I needed a concrete background so for those that don't know I am studying to become a Formulation/Cosmetic Chemist and I cant wait to have that certificate in my hand. I can see the end of the tunnel. I am going to smash my goals this year. So Ladies if you have a goal in life, go for it, don't let anyone or anything stop you. Put yourself out there and reach for those stars. Life is too short to hold back or second guess yourself. Go for it! #nativis #naturalbeauty #natural #brand #beyourself #reachthosegoals #keepfighting #womenwithvision #womenstandtogether #womenwhohustle #womeninbusiness #perthbusiness #smallbizperth #australianowned #australianskincareproducts #australiannaturalskincare #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #cosmetics #skincare #cosmeticchemist #formulationchemist
14.01.2022 We have a winner Congratulations Shae Leadingham You are the winner of this amazing prize pack. ... Please contact Made to love designs to get your gifts personalised. Thank you to everyone who entered.
11.01.2022 GIVEAWAY ALERT!!! We are celebrating Love Rosetta Franco turning 2! . We have a fabulous prize pack for one lucky follower. This pack includes many gorgeous earrings, accessories, artwork, hair products and the most delicious smelling candle ever. One lucky winner will receive this massive haul.... Easy steps to enter & win - 1. BE FOLLOWING @loverosettafranco @hyperresin @wonderland_creative_by_lisa @katherinebykatherine @pinkmarshmallowau @projectconfetti11 @ivylanecreations @amelias.scents @bliss_n_bells @nativis_natural_beauty @printspantry 2. LIKE ALL THE GIVEAWAY POSTS 3. TAG a friend, each tag is one entry (on any original giveaway post) The more you comment the better your chances are at winning. Good luck! This giveaway is run by Love Rosetta Franco. Giveaway starts 7PM AEST 01/09/2020 and will close Saturday 08/09/2020 9PM AEST. The winner will be announced within 24 hours via stories. This giveaway is open to everyone (worldwide) over ththe age of 18yrs. However I will only cover postage costs up to $20AUD. . By entering this giveaway you are agreeing to cover any extra postage expenses over $20AUD. Winner will be selected by random number generator and has 24hrs to claim or otherwise will be redrawn. This giveaway is in no way endorsed, affiliated or sponsored by Instagram. #giveaway #earringgiveaway #loverosettafranco
10.01.2022 Another absolutely gorgeous person using our Natural Mineral Makeup. Isnt she just just glowing. I love how natural Kristie looks wearing the Foundation. Our foundation is buildable, depending on the look you are going for. As always though it is completely natural, doesn't clog your pores and lasts all day long.... #nativis #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #natural #naturalalltheway #naturalmakeup #australianmade #australianmademakeup #alldaycoverage #smallbizperth #shoplocal #nonasties #mineralfoundation #womenwithvision #womenstandtogether #womenwhohustle #forqueensonly #businessbabe #mycreativebiz #whenwomencreate #businesswomen #supportsmallbusiness #supportingsmall #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #perthbusiness
10.01.2022 You know its spring when the flowers start to bloom around you again. To me; spring is also new beginnings. Spring is starting fresh, positivity and mind over matter. With each new flower blooming, its a reminder that from the darkness and dullness there is always something beautiful on its way. ... #nativis #naturalbeauty #inbeautyandchaos #womeninbusiness #womenwithvision #forqueensonly #businessbabe #mycreativebiz #whenwomencreate #businesswomen #supportsmallbusiness #supportingsmall #shoplocal #perthbusiness #perthbusinesswomen #smallbiz #alittlebeautyeveryday #mumsofinstagram #simplethingsmadebeautiful #naturalsolution #skincareproduct #morethanskindeep #glowyskin #organic #selflove #bodypositive #renewal #australianmade #australianowned
10.01.2022 How amazing does our new labels look? Did you know that we have face scrubs for different types of skin? It isn't a one type fits all. Each one is designed with your skin type in mind to deliver the best results! I use the the face scrub for normal skin, as I have areas of my face that are oily and some that are dry. ... If you have any questions on any of the products feel free to dm me #nativis #naturalbeauty #natural #facescrub #facescrubs #naturalface #naturalfacecare #dryskin #dryskincare #oilyskin #oilyskincare #normalskin #normalskincare #combinationskincare #shoplocal #smallbizperth #naturalingredients #hustlehard #skincareregimen #skincareproduct #skincareregime #skincarethatworks
08.01.2022 Some might say I'm late to the party, but in my opinion everyday should be R U OK Day. We shouldn't make one day to check up on our friends or family. I know its a timely reminder, but we should try do it more often. If you haven't heard from someone in a while, reach out to them, if they don't respond try again. You never know what could be going on in their lives. Give them time to open up to you, actually listen and be there. Let them know you're always in their corner ...and won't just give up on them. #nativis #ruok #ruokday #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #reachout #bethere #bethereforeachother #dontquitonyourself #dontgiveup #dontgiveuponyourself
08.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of you! This year has been an amazing adventure for my little business and I cant wait to share with you, all the exciting things I have planned for next year. For now, enjoy your time with your family, eat to your hearts content, laugh until it hurts and cherish every minute you have with your loved ones. ... Ill see you all next year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
08.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY SALE 20% OFF EVERYTHING! Why not treat yourself or spoil those in your life with our gorgeous range of skincare!
05.01.2022 Find beauty in every moment of life.
05.01.2022 These favorites are worth a look.
04.01.2022 It does not get any sweeter than this.
02.01.2022 I am literally jumping out of my skin. I may have even cried Not ONE but TWO of my products has made it into the top 5 finalists for the best Natural/Organic Product. I am beyond excited and so so honoured. All the hard work and late nights are finally starting to pay off. ... This is my first entry into any awards for my business and just to be recognised is an amazing achievement. Thank you to all the amazing judges and a massive congratulations to all the other amazing finalists! #roarsuccess #roarawards
01.01.2022 Another Beauty wearing our 100% Natural Foundation. Our Foundation is made using only the best natural ingredients. Its lasts all day long and doesn't clog the pores. You seriously need to try it for yourself to understand why this Foundation is a must have. ... This will be the only Foundation you ever buy again. #nativis #naturalbeauty #inbeautyandchaos #womeninbusiness #forqueensonly #businessbabe #mycreativebiz #businesswomen #supportsmallbusiness #supportingsmall #shoplocal #perthbusiness #perthbusinesswomen #smallbiz #alittlebeautyeveryday #mumsofinstagram #simplethingsmadebeautiful #naturalsolution #skincareproduct #morethanskindeep #glowyskin #organic #selflove #bodypositive #renewal #australianmade #australianowned #naturalfoundation #australiansmallbusiness #longlastingfoundation
01.01.2022 How beautiful is the weather today in Perth? I cant wait for summer, swimming, bbqs on the beach. Who else is waiting for summer ... #nativis #naturalbeauty #inbeautyandchaos #womeninbusiness #womenwithvision #forqueensonly #businessbabe #mycreativebiz #whenwomencreate #businesswomen #supportsmallbusiness #supportingsmall #shoplocal #perthbusiness #perthbusinesswomen #smallbiz #alittlebeautyeveryday #mumsofinstagram #simplethingsmadebeautiful #naturalsolution #skincareproduct #morethanskindeep #glowyskin #organic #selflove #bodypositive #renewal #australianmade #australianowned