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Natural Feeders Ballarat | Consultation agency

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Natural Feeders Ballarat

Phone: +61 428 776 601


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24.01.2022 I know that I am preaching to the converted otherwise you would not be here, but Dana has an excellent, logical process to cover all the bases. Please read and pass on to your friends.

19.01.2022 It makes you wonder just how a voluntary code will ever overcome the profit motive to ensure that standards are put and kept in place to protect our Pets.

13.01.2022 This is very problematic issue and we are working to solve it.

13.01.2022 Ian Newnham is a Certified Pet Nutrition Specialist and a Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist. We are committed to improving the lifestyle and longevity... of our Canine and Feline family members. "Nutrition is Health Care, Medicine is Sick Care" Let us help you navigate a course through the real perils and confusion that pervade the Pet Food Supply industry and plot a path that provides the best possible proactive results for your mates and in turn for yourself. ISN See more

12.01.2022 It would be good to see an Australian equivalent carried out. Anecdotally the status of Veterinarians has slipped markedly as they have gone from dispensing advice and knowledge to supporters of vested interest groups at the exclusion of others. Nutrition does still not enjoy the inclusion that it should in their education or profession.

09.01.2022 Yes it is a long read, but it is important. Have you ever wondered just how all of a sudden we discover the "benefits" of things like Coconuts. I mean it is not as though we have suddenly found a new fruit ! They have been around for about as long as we have or longer. Well this explains a lot of it. From the age of the "snake oil salesmen" and their covered wagons we hype up what suits us and in an unregulated environment with vulnerable emotional drivers whoops somebody is making oodles of dollars. The final consumer has very little say in it so we have to filter all this smoke and mirror stuff out for them.

08.01.2022 When it all goes horribly wrong.

07.01.2022 As the Vaccine debate gains pace regarding Corona we would do well to consider them in terms of our mates. Vaccines in general are made up of bits of a targeted virus or unactivated virus so it will not introduce the disease to the animal or person. However there needs to be a trigger to stimulate the immune system to recognise the intruder. Called an Adjuvant. In many cases Aluminium Salts (Heavy Metal) are used to stimulate and thus produce anti-bodies. What if the fact, as... more and more research is showing that, vaccines are effective for the whole of life in our mates when correctly timed and given. Why do we then need annual "booster" shots with heavy metal incursion, inflammatory stimulation of the immune system and potential for auto-immune problems, in order to stay in a Boarding Kennel. Or is it a habit forming addiction designed to satisfy the top line of various manufacturers and professionals? See more

05.01.2022 If you have ever felt as if you are being manipulated by Corporations? Well if you have, then you are probably correct ! Maybe the best example is the Pet Food Industry where the marketers have made an Art form out of extracting money from gullible customers who falsely believe that the controls and regulations that dictate Food for Human Consumption protocols naturally flow into the Pet Food Industry. Why is this ? Well, for one thing they are sold and promoted in many of the same venues and they are produced by many of the same producers who process human food but that is where the similarity ends. If Pet Food was exclusively produced on a scientific basis and mandated to only produce beneficial results for the recipients then things would be much different and profits much lower.

03.01.2022 Have just spent some time at the Ballarat Animal Shelter in Alfredton. What a Joy ! Lovely, functional, clean facility with a bunch of current guests obviously ...well cared for and well respected. The staff seem extremely competent and committed to the best for their temporary visitors making the awaiting of a return home or the appearance of a "forever home" as pleasant as it could possible be. We are providing a little support for the operation in the shape of some all natural food and high quality treats. An honour to be involved. If you are considering a new family member, either Canine or Feline, for any reason then check with the people here. Community solutions to Community issues are the best and you will be feeling just so much better with a Rescue. See more

02.01.2022 Time and Again we see processors move into sources of nutrients that at best are suss. This is one of them, generally the move is prompted by a need to stay cost competitive in an ever changing scientific head to head confrontational environment and protect the "complete and balanced" commitment to an Association. Unfortunately when the research is "better" analysed then maybe the benefits are at best overstated to at worst danger signs are ignored. In the interim your pets have suffered. In any risk-assessment scenario the odds are bad.

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