Natural Nutritionist Australia | Medical service
Natural Nutritionist Australia
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24.01.2022 Traditional Aboriginal healers are working alongside doctors and nurses for the first time in Australia.
20.01.2022 I created this page because sometimes we are called to share information we cannot keep to ourselves... Wether you or someone you know has: Fibromyalgia Chron...ic Fatigue Depression Anxiety Hay fever Multiple Sclerosis Rheumatoid Arthritis Psoriasis Colitis Parkinson’s Heart disease Thyroid disease Graves Eczema Crohn’s Lupus Celiac Type 2 Diabetes (And the list goes on) this page is for you if you are seeking healing. How I went from being close to needing a wheelchair and offered ‘medical retirement’ (disability pension) to healthy & well and working full time My autoimmune story started with mild depression and anxiety. I first noticed my memory fading. After trying to ignore it, it started really concerning me. I couldn’t remember people’s names and found myself socially regressing. Next, my neck started ‘locking up’. My shoulders became hard and sore. I often became dizzy. To the point where I’d almost faint. I felt nauseous and had liver problems and terrible IBS too. I had severe insomnia. I’d sleep mildly for 2-3 nights per week. This was followed by severe chronic fatigue, blood noses, tinnitus, hay fever, all-over-body trembling, involuntary ‘tics’ in my neck, brain fog and memory loss. I thought I had early onset of Alzheimer’s! I couldn’t handle lights and noise (photosensitivity). Then, I developed serious food allergies... The allergic reactions were very intense. To the point where I struggled to breathe and my face would swell. I was given steroids and hid from the world. I left my job as a sign language interpreter. My cognitive function was deteriorating. I stared to get arthritis in my thumbs and psoriasis on my elbows. My GP diagnosed me with ‘ some kind of auto immune disease’ and I was given drugs for sleep, pain, anxiety & panic attacks, steroids for treating the allergic reactions, monthly B12 injections and antihistamines daily. Being a natural health & healing advocate since 2003, this did not sit well with me. I was so sad that I couldn’t run anymore and eventually walking became painful and would trigger my nervous system/neurological symptoms. Ive had many natural therapists over the past 7 years and although they all did help to some degree, my symptoms slowly worsened. I’ve tried EFT tapping, seen a naturopath, osteopath, kinesiologist, chiropractor, musculoskeletal therapist, massage therapists, physiotherapist, homeopath, acupuncturists ...and I even had psychotherapy. I was so desperate to feel well, I even did coffee enemas at home. I mostly ate organic food and tried many diets including paleo, vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, gluten free, anti inflammatory and sugar free... I often felt like a hypochondriac when I walked into the GP clinic with yet another symptom. I had all the tests... Blood tests, abdominal scans & ovarian, liver & kidney ultrasounds, colonoscopy, xrays, MRI, more blood tests... I wasn’t coeliac, but most definitely could not cope with wheat or gluten products. I had my mercury fillings removed and bought a $400 water filtration system. I was a single Mum and bately able to work part time. The struggle was real. I went into debt as I used my credit cards to survive. 7 years of trying to find a solution to my various and often very scary symptoms, a ‘specialist’ strongly suggested a referral to a psychiatrist. I was done. That was it. What!!?? I was furious. I felt so disrespected and misunderstood. I needed answers and fast. I started to experience bladder incontinence, my vision became more blurry and a specialist detected lupus-like welts/rash on my elbows. I explained a very strange experience I’d had three times since I last visited my GP, which I then learned was actually known as an ‘MS hug’. A what??? For about 20 seconds it felt like the air was being squeezed out of my lungs and I felt momentary paralysis around my ribs. So very frightening, I actually thought I was going to die. With this, came my official diagnosis of MS. I will admit that I cried at times, with fear and frustration. Was I ever going to get better? Or is this my ‘fate’. With my positive mindset, awareness and ‘will to live’, I kept searching... During the past 7-8 years, I had researched and addressed the physical, metaphysical, emotional and spiritual aspects of healing my autoimmune. I’d suspected that stress played a big role, as symptoms worsened around the time of a relationship breakdown and PTSD after a car accident. I had already developed a strong awareness of natural supplementation and also understood the connection between emotional and physical health challenges. My search continued... I’d spent 10’s of 1000’s of dollars on therapies and supplements by this time. I called my naturopath (again) and BEGGED for help. Somehow, I knew I could heal these symptoms. Later that day, he emailed me an article regarding ‘thiol foods’. I had already discovered I was highly allergic to sulfite & sulfate/sulphate foods (preservatives) and even narrowed down which additives and preservative numbers (220-239) to avoid, on bottled and packaged foods. I became a food ninja! I learned that onion and garlic were ‘natural sulfite’ foods, so I avoided them and felt some improvement. The article read; ‘thiol foods activate dormant heavy metals in your system’. I immediately had all my mercury fillings out and started the ‘free-thiol’ diet. The free-thiol diet includes the same list of foods as avoiding food with ‘lectins’, which are in many vegetables. I also did a heavy metal detox which ended making my symptoms so much worse. This is when I learned I had leaky gut, which I later learned from a doctor in the US, is the issue behind autoimmune... If you have leaky gut, the heavy metals leak into your blood stream via the perforated gut lining. Hence, my gut healing journey began. Lectins are a plants’ natural protein that kill the bugs that try to eat them. 'Lectins kill bugs', made sense to me to avoid this food group, as I knew I would also have an infestation of parasites. I learned that as we eat food with lectins, so do our parasites. They are a living microorganism so they will fight for survival and will inject poison into the gut lining (where they 'burrow' and live). Avoiding thiol foods/lectins saw an immediate improvement within 2 days. The elimination diet was not a long term solution of course - quite restrictive. A long term trusted friend introduced me to a new scientifically formulated supplement - A stem cell regeneration product, that reboosts the immune system, repairs stem cells and telomeres. Formulated by a world-renowned scientist & biochemist, who’s won genius awards for his formulations. Of course, I didn’t hesitate. Together with the elimination diet, a SUPER STRENGTH pre & probiotic, TRIPLE doses of Vitamin D3 ...and my symptoms improved beyond belief. I was barely functioning and within 8 weeks, I was functioning 9/10 and back at full time work!! I was starting to get really excited! My trembling, depression and pain disappeared. I had so much energy and felt SO happy!! Through my research and joining many Facebook pages on alternative health, I attracted many interesting articles. One in particular that read; ‘autoimmune is curable. It’s relatively inexpensive and doesn’t take too long’. I was still shocked. I knew I was on to something. I contacted the author and he suggested a product I could simply buy on line, for only $70. This product ‘closes the gaps between the cells in the gut lining’. Imagine an inflammatory bowel/leaky gut... It’s perforated and inflamed. Undigested food particles, heavy metals (we all have them), digestive juices and bacteria (poo) enter your blood stream, causing full body pain. Your immune system goes in to ‘attack’ and creates inflammation around the cells to protect them. At the same time the immune response (which is why we call it ‘auto-immune’) tries to eliminate the ‘invasion’ and consequently damages your cells. Even the healthy cells, including your nerve cells, (where MS is born). Your liver struggles to continually clean your blood from these toxins and you become fatigued. Makes sense, right? Did your doctor mention this? I suppose not... What I know now from this research he sent to me, is that autoimmune is Inflammatory bowel disease. Leaky gut. An imbalance of good & bad bacteria, an overdose of parasites & viruses. A bug that needs to be eliminated... I remember researching these conditions over and over, but none of the information offered any healing advice. This explained the psoriasis and arthritis in my fingers as they are also autoimmune conditions. I read an article on the severe health effects on mould and immediately cleaned all the walls and ceilings in my house as mould was definitely visibly present. I later learned this had likely contributed to my health declining in the past 4 years. So ...what I did to heal? I followed my now-famous ‘10 steps to Autoimmune wellness’ program to restore my gut micro biome and used a stem cell regeneration product to boost my immune system and took supplements to boost my vitamin deficiencies. I created a list of foods I could eat including recipes and before I knew it, I was writing a book: Healing Autoimmune - NATURALLY - Taking Control Of Your Health and Debunking The 'No-Cure Myth" My daughter and I started going out again. Something I’d avoided, as I was never able to walk very far and recovery would take days, I would shake so much. I started seeing friends and going to the movies. I had my life back! Healing takes time and 100% commitment. But, if you are committed to an eating plan with supplements and address the emotional/mental stress, I can help you. I am off all medications and feeling absolutely fabulous! Please reach out at to claim your complimentary 15 minute consult and let me help you Blessings, Marsha x
20.01.2022 Some current information about Soy.... Dangeous Soy Health Risks You Definitely Need to Know About Even so-called 'natural' forms of supplements may not be all they're cracked up to be if they contain ingredients like soy. Soybean oil is simply not a healthy oil. The majority of soy grown in the US is genetically engineered (GE). As a result, it contains the potent herbicide glyphosate (Round Up) which is thought to cause Autism, is a carcinogen and damages our brain in many ...ways. Whether it is organically grown or not, soy also contains a number of problematic compounds that can potentially wreak havoc with your health, such as Goitrogens These are found in unfermented soy, whether it's organic or not. These substances can block the synthesis of thyroid hormones and interfere with iodine metabolism. Isoflavones: genistein and daidzein Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen, which is a plant compound resembling human estrogen. Even more worrisome, there's evidence isoflavones may disturb endocrine function and potentially cause infertility in men and women. These isoflavones from Soy are estrogen mimics which suppresses the develoment of the male from the fetus to adulthood and until the rest of their life. It over developes the female to where stress, anxiety, mental balance, going through puberty 3-4 years earlier than normal, heart issues and reduced lifespan are reasons to consider not using Soy. Baby Food usually is made of soy proteins and adversely affect the sexual development of children (and perhaps gender identification issues). One jar of Baby Food containing soy may be equal to giving your baby 3-4 birth control pills because of its estrogen mimicing, endocrine disrupting properties. Phytic acid Phytates (phytic acid) bind to metal ions, preventing the absorption of certain beneficial minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. This can be particularly problematic for vegetarians, because eating meat reduces the mineral-blocking effects of these phytates. Soy isolflavones are carcinogens, heavily contaminated with weed killer chemicals and insecticides. so please be aware and make your own decision..
17.01.2022 Good Morning to all... My Monthly good health story comes from a lady who has been struggling to fall pregnant with her first child at the age in her late 30's... Mrs S. of Queensland, sadly had quite a few miscarriages and had over 6 rounds of IVF that had ALL failed... Shortly after putting her onto my natural protocol Mrs S fall pregnant.. Nervously around the 11-17 week stage she was carefully balanced and monitored as this was her critical time of previous terminations......she then proceeded to the 20 week mark and then onto the 30 week mark without any issues... at this time as you could appreciate was a very stressful time and Mr S was working away from home...Just to add to the pressure Mrs S managed to go full term delivering a healthy baby boy over 8.5 Lbs (which is normal for my protocol). Mr & Mrs S are so very happy and grateful for this experience.. Working with the MD's and the Home-care nurses along the way and checking ALL the vital signs made my job so much easier...In this job of mine where I see many sad cases, this is one that ends with a happy ending... .so there is always hope once you Re balance and Re correct the bodies mechanisms despite all the criticism from the medical fraternity... I will be talking about this at tomorrow nights presentation. Have a great Day and Month.. Cheers Ross See more
16.01.2022 Update CoronaVirus.. It appears the W.H.O. underestimated how serious this situation was and really is.. Incubation time maybe longer than 14 days as suggested. Italy is the latest country to be hit hard with reported to be over 400 in a short period of time... it's serious enough to be talking about cancelling the olympics in Japan.. so watch Europe explode with new cases.. The Arab nations cases are also on the increase... It's a shame that the late Dr Lee was silenced ans ...was unable to talk freely about where the virus was originated and formulated from... So anyone with repiratory issues or a lowered immune system should take caution and boost their immune system with an intravenous Vitamin C infusion cocktail as suggested in my last post... It's cheap and easy.. I have as pictured in the past few days.. Travelling oversea's, working with large groups of people, having or had chemotherapy recently, stress in your life and it's a good chance your immune system is weakened .. stay safe, get some sun on your skin and body, take your immune boosting supplements, eat fresh foods and see you soon.. Blessings Ross See more
13.01.2022 This post is from Naturalhealth365.... which I have been stating in my presentations for the past 10 years and is getting worst every year... We all have to take note of this "Hidden Danger" effecting our lives...Cheers Ross.... We, at NaturalHealth365, have been highlighting the dangers of EMF pollution for some time now. But, the problem remains, most people find this information hard to ‘digest’, especially when you consider that it’s an invisible threat...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Those who judge will never understand and those who understand will never judge. Credit for Quotes: That girl that you just called fat, shes starving herself.... That guy that you made fun of crying, his mothers dying. That boy you pushed back the other day, he could be being abused at home. And that old man you made fun of for being deformed, he fought for our country.-Unknown Blowing out someones candle doesn’t make ours shine any brighter.-Unknown Remember: If someone’s trying to pull you down that mens they’re already beneath you.- Karen Salmansohn I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Ghandi Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand, will never judge.-Wilson Kanadi See more
10.01.2022 This is an interesting post to be taken seriously... please look at the link... Cheers Ross
10.01.2022 Monthly Newsletter. Hi Everyone. One month down and what a busy one it was... Each month I will be giving handy hints to maintain your good health or just simply to get healthier... This month, I have seen quite a few people having thyroid issues and would like to explain the importance of getting the right tests from your doctor... Most doctors admit they don't know much about the thyroid. Endocronologists or specialist doctors will order T3, T4 & TSH and your Cortisol blood... test. This is VITAL and demand them.!! .as it tells the full story and not just part of it like just having the TSH (total stimulating hormone) test. You see long term stress or instant trauma, radiation from Phones, Xrays, EMF's, soy, Fluoride, Chlorine, Bromine in bread puts stress on the thyroid which may lead to lack of daily energy, sleep issues, weight issues, hunger management, feeling hot or cold, hormone inbalances, unexplained mood swings, decreased libido, pregnancy complications.. The thyroid effects females and yes MALES as well. The thyroid gets signals from the Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands to get enough T4 & T3 (T3 is the active mechanism for the thyroid and the most important). Clean water, Selenium, Glutathione and Iodine are all key nutrients for a healthy thyroid. Cortisol is also important as it shuts down the thyrois if high to cope with the stress or inflammation that is going on within the body. One lady had a cancerous tumour on the thyroid and on removal, the biopsy came back benign (common) so if in doubt get a second opinion.. Cheers Ross Natural Nutritionist Australia
07.01.2022 PLEASE READ... Intravenous vitamin C (IVC) and Covid-19 Dr. Mao also co-authored the Shanghhai Guidelines for the Treatment of Covid-19 Infection, an official document endorsed by the Shanghai Medical Association and the Shanghai city government. As of March 17th, 2020. a total of 358 serious or critically ill Covid-19 patients were treated in Shanghai Public Health Center. Moderate to severe cases were treated with high dose IVC in the range of 10,000 mg-20,000 mg per day, d...epending upon pulmonary status. All patients who received IVC improved and there was no mortality. There were also no recorded side-effects. (Report from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service -1)
06.01.2022 Re Update CoVid.. Monday 16/03/20 As you all are aware this situation changes daily.. Caution is the best remedy for now.. Be Cautious If you are going to b...e around many people in a confined space, or greet and meet many people in a days work, also limit travelling in mass numbers... I have just come back from an overseas working trip and I have just cancelled any future travelling for now.. I would suggest you do the same.. being in-house isolation for 14-21 days is not ideal or my kind of fun...!! please just be aware of sick people or people with respiratory issues... social distancing may just save their life... You may get the virus and it may not kill you but, you may spread it to a person who has a weakened immune system... I state again that intravenous Vitamin C, Mega Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Zinc, Avenger, Entralive Synbiotic & drinking plenty of Water... Yes a wet throat will help flush the virus to your stomach which will get destroyed by your stomach juices and acids but, the virus may attach to a dry throat and end up in your lungs & you could end up in a lot of trouble...which science backs up.. This is very much like the SARS virus that burnt itself out just like this will...we just have to get over it and protect ourselves.. For my friends and clients that have purchased a Kangen Water Machine, Please remember to use the 2.5PH water for washing of the hands (hospital grade disinfectant) also key boards, Phones, benchtops etc etc and drink the 9.5 Ph water. This will also give you greater protection. Keep safe and well.. and I will keep you informed as it comes to me... Best Wishes Ross See more
05.01.2022 Hi Ross, Can you Increase Your Resistance to Coronavirus Attack? Can the cultures in a Super Synbiotic like Entralive Maximal Help to raise our resistance against new and emerging pathogens like the Coronavirus? There are already four coronaviruses circulating in the human population, and together, the four are responsible for an estimated one-quarter of all colds.... Whilst it would be irresponsible to claim that any probiotic could fully protect us against such a threat, there is some reason to think that the right strains of probiotics, boosted to high enough levels, might confer a significant degree of immune support. Certainly, the Lactobacillus helveticus (aka acidophilus) strain LAFTI L10, which is used in Entralive products, has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of the common cold. See The study showed that L. helveticus Lafti L10 supplementation: Significantly shortened by 3.4 days the average duration of URTI-like episodes (7.25 days with the probiotic vs. 10.64 with placebo, P<0.05) (Fig. 2). Significantly decreased the number of URTI-like symptoms by around 29% (4.92 symptoms with the probiotic vs. 6.91 with placebo, P<0.05. URTI severity tended to decrease (P=0.078). Increased the self-rated sense of vigor and tended to reduce the proportion of athletes reporting impaired training. The question is Could a Super Synbiotic like Entralive Maximal boost our immune systems enough to make a difference with the coronavirus that is now circulating? I think there is reason to believe that it would. If you haven’t thought about it before, now might be the time to start taking Entralive Maximal. Kind regards John Ellerman BSc MASM Managing Director Entrapro Pty Ltd
04.01.2022 Shocking footage on television last night with groups of women doing their gym workout in what it seemed a smallish area along with the men doing extreme bench ...presses ... just think about that... exerting all your effort and expelling from the bottom of their lungs....!! a great virus spreader I imagine.... So Please do NOT go running or exerting your self as 2 major mechanisms happen...1. you are sucking IN tremendous amounts of particles good and bad and ...2. you dry your throat which gives a landing pad for a virus molecule to land on... We all have to take precautions for the next few weeks until this deadly virus passes... Take care Ross See more
02.01.2022 ONE QUESTION: Who is cooking your food? Great eye opener from Michael Pollan Video Edit: @IIn the NOW
01.01.2022 Hello .... and a happy 2020 and NEW decade ahead to all.... My mission for this year is that I will dedicating more time to studying the latest and strongest formulas and current science backed studies... then getting the information out to you along with more presentations all around Australia and Vanuatu, New Zealand, and then the U.K. later this year. Health in general is not on the improve, so we must put the odds back in our favour for our health & wellness... We have to... combat the ever increasing risks of Heart disease, Cancers of all kinds, Diabetes, Depression, Thyroid and More... It's up to us to take control before it is too late.. We ALL should demand clean water, local food and fresh air... Its a great start Cheers Ross See more
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