Natural History Desktop in Leura, New South Wales | Education
Natural History Desktop
Locality: Leura, New South Wales
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24.01.2022 Hummingbirds are incredible These little birds are not only adorable, they're powerful. Here's everything you need to know about hummingbirds! Thank You Beloved SoulFriend Rory Marinas for sharing this stunning video highlighting hummingbirds. Sharing forward with gratitude
23.01.2022 Lifelines TY Avantgardens for this inspiring post. Sharing with gratitude Photo: KAMUI (@leossenas )
22.01.2022 The most incredible microscope images, revealing a beautiful, hidden universe. Microscopic image seen here depicts the ventral surface of the tarsus ‘foot’ of the Lesser Diving beetle (Acilius sulcatus), family Dytiscidae (Linnaeus, 1758), (photo: Igor Siwanowicz) clearly showing the beetle’s intricate ‘footwear’ that enables it to float and move upon the water surface. TY Beloved SoulFriend Margaret Schmidt for sharing this appreciated post. Sharing... Bert Brunet ... Natural History Desktop
22.01.2022 Picasso Bug aka Zulu Hud Bug (Sphaerocoris annulus), native to tropical and subtropical Africa (Benin, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe). Photo: Eu Curto Biologia Thank You Beloved SoulFriend Natasha for sharing this post.
21.01.2022 How deep is your Love!!! Bee Gees Lyrics: "I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain... And the moment that you wander far from me I want to feel you in my arms again And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love, then you softly leave And it's me you need to show How deep is your love, how deep is your love How deep is your love? I really mean to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down when they all should let us be We belong to you and me I believe in you You know the door to my very soul You're the light in my deepest, darkest hour You're my savior when I fall And you may not think I care for you When you know down inside that I really do And it's me you need to show How deep is your love, how deep is your love How deep is your
20.01.2022 Honeybees... Vital agents of Mother Nature's Workforce. Honeybees are responsible for supplying 40% of the food we eat. Humanity, as a life-form on Earth cannot exist without the insects... and especially the bees. Mother Nature is our greatest teacher There has never been a time in human history where humanity is so out of touch with the natural world....Continue reading
20.01.2022 * Fresh Water: The Precious Liquid All terrestrial life-forms require fresh-water, as their bodies cannot tolerate nor eliminate the high amount of salt present in saline water. It is estimated that approximately one to ‘perhaps three per cent’ of all water occurring in lakes, streams, ponds, the atmosphere, and groundwater on Earth, is fresh and usable. Water is essential to all organisms, as all cellular processes within living bodies occur in a water-medium, and all reac...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Service to Humanity - Service to Gaia New Humanity, New Earth... One Love The indiscrimate use of pesticides must cease. Beloved HeartLight SoulFriends...... "Coming to terms with my own metomorphosis" Clarifying my Facebook post of May 19, 2021: "due to unforseen situation, am being rushed to emergency" In great physical pain at the 'time' awaiting ambulance arrival, could not expand. Since then I have been in the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. MRI scans show that 'pancreatic cancer has extensively spread to vital adjacent organs. Pancreatic cancer is strongly linked with pesticides and rapidly grows undetected and when discovered, generally "too late to reverse" using traditional treatment. Sudden weight loss due to sudden loss of appetite are signs the pancreatic cancer cells have 'taken over its host.' *o*O*O* Embracing the Present moment, living the NOW with gratitude for all the blessings, assists enormously in our graciously transcending, free of self-blame, self-judgment, free of guilt and grief... Surrendering to what is. *o*O*o* Bodies don't last forever and Divine Essence let's us know when we must face our own mortality, accepting 'Life&Death' is inseperable, minimising needless suffering. Background 'story' Unbeknown to me, well intentioned neighbours (husband and wife are now in palliative care) had been supplying me with vegetables on a regular basis for some three years. These plants had been unwittingly sprayed with weed killers... Finding it so ironic that the very subject of health linked with pesticides has strongly featured on my Facebook Page " Natural History Desktop", informing 'people' / public of the hazardness nature of these toxic chemicals in home gardens, industries, agriculture, homes, etc. Humanity has 'saturated the environment with deadly toxins. Even more ironic is the law of attraction stating: "That which we most unconsciously focus upon, manifests in our life ( like attracting like)... The Serenity Prayer "God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can... and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen Beautiful SoulFriends, Keep Shining The Light. Love is ultimately All there is! My beloved son Daniel is coming to ' pick me up' from the hospital (where I am writing this post) and taking me home today. The medic team, Social Workers and Palliative Team together with mySelf have drafted a 'plan' for pain-management. Daniel and Lorraine, and grandchildren Reilly and Reuben are going to be sharing in the home- care plan until such time I choose to go into Dove Care, and complete this magnificent Journey (of this Life)... wherein I have been surrounded Unconditional Love. Sending all of 'my' Love and gratitude to All of You Magnificent Heart Lights, sharing the raising of Universal Love Awareness... Eternal Love Namaste
18.01.2022 Sequoia National Park, California Thank You Beloved Soulfriend Natasha Ilieva for sharing this wonderful post... re-posting with appreciation The Sequoia National Park, located in Sierra Nevada east of Visalia, California was established in 1890 Sept., 25 to essentially protect and preserve 404,064 acres of magnificent forested mountainous terrain. Sequoia National Park is famous for its Giant Sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron giganteum), family (Cupressaceae). ... The original natural habitat of Giant Sequoias is in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains, thriving along the slopes and low ridges at heads of streams. The Giant Sequoia was first discovered in 1853 within the Calaveras North grove. Also popularly named ‘Sierra Redwood’, it is reputed as being the largest tree species on Earth in both height and volume. Its distinctive cinnamon-colored bark also characterizes the species. However regardless of its massive size, its timber is brittle and unsuited to the building industry and is used only for fence posts, clothes-pegs and toothpicks. The height of a fully grown Giant Sequoia is certainly impressive (measuring 250 - 280 ft), and over time, its lower branches thin out (dropping to the ground), leaving the treetrunk branchless for up to 80-125 feet from its base. Its wing-shaped seeds can fly as far as 180 m (590 ft) from the parent tree. The tree's popular name ‘Giant Sequoia’ has come about more because of its massive trunk diameter (measuring between 10 to 32 ft) than its height. Fossil finds show several cypress species of the genus Sequoia once existed throughout Northern Europe, including Iceland, Greenland, and Alaska. Its closest living relatives are the Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). The oldest documented Giant Sequoia is estimated to be around 3,200 years old. These trees are highly adaptable to most climates except extreme environments such as low desert regions. Giant Sequoia groves are mostly located on granite-based residual and alluvial soils. The tree produces its first seeds at around 20 years of age. At one time, stands of Giant Sequoias thrived throughout the Northern Hemisphere, but have steadily declined in density due to land clearing since European settlement, now occurring in scattered groves within the Northern Californian region. It is illegal to cut down a Giant redwood tree. Although these trees are non-resinous, their sap contains tannic acid, a chemical widely used in fire extinguishers making them highly fire-resistant. These giants have been successfully grown in Australian plantations in Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania. -Natural History Desktop
16.01.2022 Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes), family Papilionidae - Nature in Motion "All in real time except the wings unfolding, which is sped up 5x. The large black oval spot on the top row, in the 3rd spot from the tip, indicates that this is a female. Host Plants include Wafer Ash-Ptelea trifoliata, Prickly Ash-Zanthoxylum americanum and Rue-Ruta graveolens (any plant of the citrus family). Filmed in the Missouri Ozarks, USA, May 14." -Nature in Motion
16.01.2022 While the 'simple' may seem 'insignificantly small', it is certain! Like a tiny seed growing into a Mighty Tree!While the 'simple' may seem 'insignificantly small', it is certain! Like a tiny seed growing into a Mighty Tree!
15.01.2022 Dragonfly Symbolisms Humanity as a life-form on Gaia is intimately inseparable from Nature, and recognizing symbolism in Nature is to realize just how much we have in common with other life-forms. Interpreting animal symbolism is a powerful way to connect with Mother Nature, learning valuable Life lessons we can directly apply. A dragonfly’s lifestyle symbolizes and exemplifies freedom, the virtue of living in the Now, living in the Light, fully Alive....Continue reading
15.01.2022 Spoonwing Lacewing (Nemoptera sinuata), native to Balkan peninsula, specifically found in Bulgaria, East Thrace, Greece, and Northern Macedonia. Photo: Ylmaz Akar TY Avantgardens for sharing this stunning photograph featuring this beautiful Lacewing. Sharing... with appreciation
14.01.2022 Come join us at We Love Butterflies for more. The Cairns Birdwing (Ornithoptera euphorion) is a species of birdwing butterfly endemic to northeastern Australia, and is Australia's largest endemic butterfly species. Other common names include Cooktown Birdwing and Northern Birdwing.The name Cairns in its common name is a reference to the Queensland, Australia city in the region where this butterfly is found. Text and Photo credit: Bernard Spragg. NZ Link:
14.01.2022 Making Flower Essences at Home "Flower Readings, Through the Ancient Art of Psychometry 2000, ISBN 0852073380, Suzy Chiazzari. Flower Readings provides the key to unlocking the mysteries of the ancient art of Flower Psychometry. You will discover many ways to interact with ‘your’ flower for spiritual upliftment, health and well-being. Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach from 1920 1930's in England. They gently restore the balanc...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Oh the glorious of this world. No matter what is happening out there in 'TV LAND'... the real truth can be found in the intelligent simplicity of nature. The whole sky was lit up in a stunning pinky-orange just after 4 am (we watched it from bed)... then we wandered down and walked with this. Heaven on Earth. -Simone Matthews TY Beloved Heart Light SoulFriend Simone for sharing this heartfelt video ... Sharing... Om Shanti
12.01.2022 A garden to inspire story books! 'There's no such thing as a low-maintenance garden! No. None. Never.' says legendary painter, illustrator and gardener, Trish Oktober. We explore the lush garden of the famous artist, whose glorious pups, plants and fuchsias bring to life a magical story. ... *o*O*o* "Thank You Beloved SoulFriend Natasha Ilieva for sharing forward this inspiring home-garden video." -Bert Brunet Natural History Desktop
11.01.2022 Australian Cicada (Cyclochila australasiae) There appears a strong correlation between the appearance of these large colourful insects in peak numbers, high temperatures, bushfires, and heavy rainfalls prior to their emergence. The large colourful cicada (Cyclochila australasiae), of which several different variants of this well-loved cicada species exist; each form affectionately named according to its colour and body pattern. Its popular names have been around since the lat...e 1800's and remain unchanged. The wholly orange-coloured ‘yellow Monday', the orange and the black ‘masked bandit’, the rich tan-coloured ‘chocolate soldier’, the ‘greengrocer’, 'black prince', Blue moon, etc. This species occurs in its millions (upon millions) in the Blue Mountains, NSW (peak seasons). The Upper Blue Mountains receives an average rainfall of around 1050 mm per year while the Lower Blue Mountains receives around 850 mm per year. The appearance of this species in this region typically occurs during mid-October. However, depending on climatic conditions (e.g., humidity and temperature), the emergence of these insects can begin in September following heavy rain falls. During peak seasons (cyclic), the cast-off nymphal-skins or 'cicada-shells' (exuviae) of those emerged, can be found clinging to almost every tree trunk (including clothe-lines and paling fences) throughout the region. Their unmistakable mating chorus begins in earnest late September. ~ Bert Brunet Natural History Desktop #AustralianCicadas #CyclochilaAustralasiae
11.01.2022 "Australian Insects: A Natural History" is an outstanding book by one of the greats in the history of great naturalists: Bert Brunet. This is not another coffee table picture-book with no real heart, but an exceptional production. The well-written, informative text (about much more than particular insects' lives) exudes patient observation, insatiable curiosity, and a wish to share the joy of discovery, even to the point of giving photography advice. The layout is clean and e...asy to access. The choice of insects shown is a pleasure whether they are newcomers to your grey-matter bank, or already favourites such as the wattle-pig weevil is to me, and the breathtakingly beautiful greengrocer cicada is to many. Although the cover photo is not by Bert Brunet, every one of the best pictures in this extraordinary book is. The key to the portraits' quality is his philosophy that one should see them alive, in their environment, doing what they do. Hoo-bloody-ray! For an example, a female mottled cup moth (Doratifera vulnerans) is shown, freshly emerged from its art-piece of a cocoon (and the moth looks rather Louis xiv-ishly hirsute) across the page from a jaw-stretcher of a caterpillar of same, captioned in part: "The brightly coloured larva resembles a sea anemone, and is armed with expansible tufts of sharp stinging spines (setae), which the caterpillar is not shy to use if handled. These give a painful sting to the assailant." His caterpillars pictures alone are worth the price of the book, if you only want to gawk. Australian Insects: A Natural History by Bert Brunet gets my highest-level recommendation, no matter where you live or how young or old, ignorant or knowledgeable you are. (And no, I don't know Bert Brunet or anyone associated with this book.)
10.01.2022 Perpetual Positivity Syndrome (PPS) "From Darkness To The Light" Thank You Beloved Open HeartLight SoulFriend Catherine Ross for sharing this starkly-relevant insightful writing by Jeff Brown. Gratefully received Cathi, deeply appreciative of your astute observation powers in sharing this liberating Gem. I was unaware of the term: "Perpetual Positivity Syndrome (PPS)" until today! "There can be no Light without shadow. And no substitute for hard-earned transformation." ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 The Australian Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus), family Psittacidae, Lorini tribe, is unmistakable with its rainbow-coloured plumage and bright red beak. Rainbow lorikeets, like most parrots, mate for life. Both male and female have the same colouring a blue-mauve coloured head and belly; orange-yellow chest; and bright-green wings. The wide range of habitats of these beautiful birds include woodland, heath-land, rain-forest, open sclerophyll-forest, mountain reg...ions, mangroves, watercourses, orchards, mallee-ground, home-gardens and park-lands. Nesting: a hollow limb or a knot-hole in the canopy is favoured, often 25m above ground (preferring open country). The base of the nestsite is prepared from wood shavings and sawdust, whereupon two to three eggs are laid. Three broods are produced per season. Incubation period is normally around 25 days. Both parents feed the hatchlings young leaves for the first seven -- eight weeks. The rainbow lorikeet attains maturity after two years. Although communal roost sizes vary from one season to another, these population can number up to 50,000 birds. Thank You Dear Michelle Cop for sharing these excellent nature photographs of the rainbow lorikeets in their natural habitat. -MC Photography
06.01.2022 Earth does not ‘belong’ to any one life-form - Sharing the Planet with Insects (and all life-forms). indiscriminate use of cancer-causing pesticides must cease "There has never been a time when humanity has been so out of touch with the natural world; Earth does not ‘belong’ to any one life-form. There are no life-forms that rely on human beings for their survival. Plain and simply, humankind cannot live on Earth without the sustaining roles played out by the insects....Continue reading
06.01.2022 The witnessing Presence LOVE IS!~~ Attempting to explain and understand LOVE by ‘going forward into models of understanding’, merely creates more concepts, more theories, and more explanations. However, shifting the process, and 'going back to your roots; to the way you came’, prior to the space that thoughts, language and theories arose in prior to the sense of ‘I am’ prior to consciousness, prior to awareness. You are aligned with the present moment the witnessing P...resence What is! LOVE IS right NOW! ~ Bert Brunet Natural History Desktop Awakening to Essential Self is a natural evolutionary process and the beginning of an entirely new journey into Oneness Blessing ............................................................................... Notes on the honeyeater, photographed on Grevillea shrub growing outside the front door. The spectacular scarlet honeyeater (Myzomela sanguinolenta), family Meliphagidae is the smallest Australian honeyeater measuring 8.89 cm - 10.16 cm (3.5 to 4.3 in). It is recorded to have a large range of distribution, inhabiting coastal forests and heath land of eastern Australia, and is found from northern Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. During winter, south of Sydney, it makes migratory flights north. Honeyeaters are important pollinators of a wide range of native plants including Ericaceae (heathland shrubs), Banksia, Eucalypts, Callistemon, including red bottlebrush (Callistemon viminalis), white bottlebrush (C. salignus), and an enormouse range of Grevillea." Its natural habitat includes heath land (Ericaceae flowering shrubs) and sclerophyll forest, foraging in the upper canopy, feeding on nectar of flowering eucalypt and insects. It varies its song-notes to include bell-like calls. -Natural History Desktop
03.01.2022 Daniel, Alice and Haylie Universal Team Awareness Love is Oneness Joyous Recognition "We" Are The "Ones"... "We" Had Been Waiting For! Namastè See more
02.01.2022 Honey bee (Apis mellifera), family Apidae, gathering nectar (pollinating) spectacular pink flower of lilly pilly (Syzygium cascade), family Myrtaceae. Lilly pillies (riberries) are evergreen rainforest shrubs producing abundant clusters of edible fruit during summer months January - February). "Thank You Lorraine Boss for sharing this delightful video that you created 22nd September within the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanical Gardens. The gardens comprise of some 112 hectares of land, located on Palm Creek Rd, west of Buderim, Queensland.: -Natural History Desktop
02.01.2022 Humanity is the Butterfly Earth is our Chrysalis. ~ LeeAnn Taylor
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