Naturally Harmonious in Yarrabilba | Alternative & holistic health service
Naturally Harmonious
Locality: Yarrabilba
Phone: +61 400 707 921
Address: Lambent street 4207 Yarrabilba, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 I N F E R T I L I T Y A T C H R I S T M A S // Infertility can be a painful condition to manage at the best of times, let alone at Christmas. And depending on how open you have been about your journey, Christmas may bring a whole world of comments and questions you may not be prepared for. It is a tough place to be in. On one hand you wish people understood more, were more sensitive to your needs, but on the other you don't want to share or tell them anything. This is is it difficult. You have every right to not share a single detail of your journey with anyone, and you also have every right to share every detail. It is entirely up to you. When faced with insensitive comments, sometimes it is easier to nod, agree and walk away, and sometimes you can cease the opportunity to educate on how that comment was inappropriate and that whilst the journey is your own, and you control what you choose to share, that everyone has the right to their privacy when it comes to fertility or infertility. It's okay to be honest about your struggles, you can tell someone that you are struggling and that those comments trigger you without having to share details if you wish. I wish the world understood more about infertility, however, I'm sure that little by little we can change that and help make the world a little more understanding and compassionate about such a trialing condition.
25.01.2022 Day 10 of stims for #makingbabymazzer with #ivf Today is technically day 12 for my cycle, but 10 days of stimulating injections. Today I had to do my needles in the car on the way to my appointment- interesting experience but not terrible (I was being driven). The scan went well - my nurse was very lovely and I have some beautiful video so that Hubby could see as he wasn’t allowed in the room due to Covid restrictions. ... I have follicles ready to go, however, as I had suspected, my right ovary didn’t stimulate as much as hoped. After having the two endometrioma’s (and one additional cyst) removed in January this year and the general excision of endometriosis, I suspected the right ovary need more healing time or would be less likely to respond. You can see in the images - the dominant follicle clear on the first image (right ovary) and you can see more on the left in the second image. In total we have 3 good follicles ready to trigger and two more smaller ones that they will still likely try to extract from especially if they grow a little more. Bonus is my lining is looking good and has responded to the meds so is likely to respond well to the next phase. Our EPU is scheduled for Friday and we’ll get a call about when I need to take our trigger shot I won’t lie, today’s appointment whilst still very positive was also a little deflating. I had hoped for more juicy follicles so that there were more to play with in this numbers game. So I’m taking some time to digest it. In saying that - it’s is definitely quality over quantity. This is the tough part of IVF - the heartache, disappointments, failures, and in my case, just not quite loving up to what was hoped. Today was still a good outcome, it just wasn’t as good as I had hoped. We have been working so hard as a couple with all my knowledge and the amazing help from my mentor also to ensure quality of the eggs is there and to optimise sperm quality too. We have done everything we can and now is the time to sit back and trust that the universe has our back Ideally follicles should be between 18-20mm on the trigger day and we have: R Ovary - 18.5 L Ovary - 18.5, 20, 14, 13.5
23.01.2022 C L E A N I N G P R O D U C T S // Did you know that every chemical you come into contact with, either by breathing in, touching or ingesting, needs to be detoxified by your body? The more chemicals you are in contact with, the more your body needs to detoxify. Your body has an incredible natural ability to detoxify and eliminate lots of things, that's why we have such incredible organs like our digestive system, liver, kidneys and even our skin. ... Did you know that an overloaded detoxification system can give symptoms such as headaches altered hormone synthesis and metabolism nausea heightened sensitivity to chemical smells Reducing your chemical exposure can greatly reduce your detoxification load and reduce the impact on your health.
22.01.2022 A week ago today we had our Egg Pick Up for #makingbabymazzer with #ivf We were booked in for 6.30am pick up, which meant presenting at clinic at 6am, leaving home at 5am and waking at 4am Glad it’s all over though. Our procedure was with local anaesthetic in their clinic treatment room. The nurses were so lovely! First I was taken through for BP and observations, then when ready taken through explained all the risks before emptying bladder and gowning up ready for the proc...edure. I had taken anti-metics and pain relief about an hour prior and opted for the green whistle thanks to tips from a fellow IVF friend - I know it sounds like a lot of regular medication but I was very thankful to be able to use it. I didn’t get spacey for a good period of time, but the nurses were great, holding my hand, helping me take the phone photo (spaciness kicked one and almost dropped phone so it went away haha). Right ovary drained fine - strange pulling sensation as it did and a little sting but okay. The Left was a bit more troublesome. Already it has returned to being behind my uterus, where it was pre-Endo excision. So they went through my uterus but that allowed them to drain all 5 follicles. This hurt, definitely hurt, but made it through! I stopped the green whistle and sat for a few moments before they told me we collected 4 eggs!!!! I literally started crying there and then, and still tear up when I think about it. It wasn’t as many as we hoped, but we have 4 little eggs ready to be fertilised and I’m so thankful for that! I was relieved that they managed to get 4 from 5 and it wasn’t none! I sat with my heat pack as we waited for hubby’s appt- they definitely have it much easier! Will be sharing more and news of how many embryos we have developing tomorrow
22.01.2022 Day 9 (today) of stims for #makingbabymazzer with #ivf Feeling a bit brighter this morning, slept a lot better last night thankfully. I’ve been making sure to keep my electrolytes up and that has been helping my headaches/migraines and even my productivity. Managed to get through my work for yesterday and spend some time with my sister ... The fatigue is definitely still there, however I could push through a little more with nice rests in between I feel like I’m jinxing myself by saying I’ve reached a manageable point at the moment, but hey, I’ll say it anyway! Acupuncture day! Helping me to get my body ready for Egg Pick Up, which could be Friday if my follicles are growing the way they hope. So I’ll show you tomorrow when I have photos from the scan, but essentially they are looking for the growth of the follicles to be as big as safe and possible (19-21mm). This usually means that there are more eggs in the follicle (as well as fluid) for them to collect. That’s no guarantee though. Certain conditions such as PCOS can mean that the eggs might not mature meaning they won’t fertilise, some will have lots of fluid but still little amounts of eggs, others may not respond to the medication regime and not have their follicles reach ideal size for collection. Others (often in PCOS also) May get something called Ovarian HyperStimulation Syndrome. Which essentially means their ovaries were over stimulated by the medications and results in a lot of swelling of the follicles and potential inflammation. There are so many different factors to consider it is unreal - hence why it is so important that you trust and feel comfortable with your specialist and clinic Tomorrow I’ll let you know about the EPU process and where we go from there
22.01.2022 There is so much information out there about what to take during preconception care, during IVF, in pregnancy .. it can be a bit confusing... Who wants to know what I’ve taken, and what I’m currently taking throughout our journey? Leave me a note below and ask any questions you have #infertilityhope #infertility #infertilityawareness #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #adenomyosis #adenomyosisawareness #fertilitycare #womenshealthnaturopath #womenshealthnaturopathbrisbane #empoweredwomenshealth
22.01.2022 We've made some changes to our hours of operation from this week. With the start of my studies, I've had to limit my consultation hours so that I can still be working towards all of the incredible dreams I have to help my amazing clients, creating incredible programs for you, and to follow my own advise - have downtime, family time and time for self-care This also means we've reduced the number of new clients I take on each month to ensure I have the time and availability... for my existing beautiful clients. Never fear, once I reach this limit, I have a waitlist ready to utilise for you. Looking forward to assisting you on your health journey
21.01.2022 B E T A T E S T I N G // Today we had our Beta Test. This is our third time, and we had hoped, third times a charm Unfortunately this wasn’t our Christmas miracle or third time lucky. This was the first time we haven’t tested past 5 days post transfer, so we wouldn’t see if it was a chemical, but I also couldn’t face the one solid line again. Mentally, I knew I was at my limit. ... It was somewhat of a shock, although deep down I knew I wasn’t pregnant, I still held hope that I was wrong. Symptoms were mixed, yet all could be linked to stress and medications too. The unknown is an incredibly hard, which is why we have always chosen to test, knowing that the beta was the only true answer of course. Some things I have found helpful, and am finding helpful today: comfort items - for me, hugs with husband and puppy, hot chocolates, PANA chocolate, warm blanket, and tissues near by allowing myself to feel what I feel, not pushing it away, but feeling it, acknowledging it and processing it when I am ready having a plan - we have consulted with an immunology fertility specialist and will review after further testing. Knowing we have things in place to start investigating why failure to implant or failure to progress is occurring and assist in future. While we always hope for the best, and focus 99% of our energy into manifesting the ideal outcome (we have a nursery half set up to help the energy flow in that direction), we still feel more comfortable knowing and having a plan and idea of what we need to do if plan A doesn’t work. What have you found helpful when approaching a Beta test day? . . . . . #Empoweredwomenshealth #womenshealthnaturopath #womenshealthnaturopathbrisbane #brisbanenaturopath #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #endometriosisandivf #adenomyosis #adenomyosisawareness #adenomyosisandivf #autoimmuneawareness #chronicillness #pcos #womenshealth #infertility #infertilityawareness #ivf #ivfawareness #ivfcommunity #ivfwarrior #ivfbrisbane #ivfaustralia #infertilitytreatment #ttc #preconceptioncare #betatest #negativetransfer #negativebeta #multipleivffailure #recurrentmiscarriage
21.01.2022 F O L I C A C I D V S F O L I N I C A C I D // Folic acid is the synthetic version of folate, an important nutrient for red & white blood cell production, egg quality, implantation, and most importantly DNA & RNA synthesis. It can assist in reducing birth defects such as neural tube defects and spina bifida. Folinic acid is the natural version of folate (B9). This is the more natural and bioavailable forms to supplement. It is the more active version, reducing the required ef...fort and enzymes to break down and utilise the vitamin. This is particularly important for those with MTHFR gene variants. There is another form, Levomefolic acid, or 5-MTHF, the most active and bioavailable form. This is preferred for those who can't methylate folate well. This gene variant can reduce the ability to methylate (break down and utilise) the synthetic form of folate which can cause a build-up and false elevation of folate in the blood, however, it is not utilisable. This is preferred for those who can't methylate folate well. Check your prenatal supplement today and see what is in yours
20.01.2022 Fresh juice full of deliciousness, antioxidants and nutrients to start the day What a great way to study, juice in hand and nephew for breaks and laughs How do you like to study?
19.01.2022 BENEFITS OF PRECONCEPTION CARE // There are many benefits of undergoing preconception planning and care. The biggest being optimising the health of the parents, optimising fertility and optimising the health of potential children. In my new blog I go into many more benefits and why it truly is important. Check it out - link is in the bio
18.01.2022 I wanted to say hi and introduce myself again as I've noticed some new followers recently. Hi, I'm Rachael I'm the Naturopath and owner of Naturally Harmonious. I started my journey into natural health after a diagnosis of SLE Lupus and utilising food as medicine to help me put the condition into a manageable remission. ... I met the love of my life a few year later and we are now married with one beautiful furbaby Max - he tends to make a lot of appearances on social media, loves to say hello in person at my home clinic and occasionally jumps in to say hi during video consults. Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for over 2 years now. Fast forward, a surgery, diagnosis of severe endometriosis, severe cystic adenomyosis, and a right ovary reconstruction later, we have moved onto IVF to help make our dream of a family a reality. My own journey is what makes me so passionate about women's health and fertility, especially with chronic illness. I've experienced first hand what it feels like, what it looks like and what can help make the biggest impact to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Outside of clinic life and IVF life, I enjoy another passion - restoring old furniture, and of course walks in nature (especially near water, I love being by the water). I'd love to hear what you enjoy doing in your spare time, leave a comment below Looking forward to getting to know you all
18.01.2022 Hubby recently surprised me with these incredible affirmations (for our paper and first wedding anniversary). I know I needed this reminder today as I logged in to begin my Masters studies. My dream is to help as many women as I can, to educate, to empower and to facilitate better health for them so they may go on to teach other women and empower other women about their health.... My dream is to take away the stigma of talking about periods/menstruation, about infertility, about IVF/IUI, about birth trauma, about breastfeeding/bottle feeding, about post natal depression. These are all things we should be able to openly discuss if we choose What is your dream? What are you doing today to help you follow it?
17.01.2022 C H E M I C A L F R E E C L E A N I N G // Instead of using chemical filled cleaning products that linger on surfaces only to be ingested, are absorbed through the skin, or breathed in through the lungs... let's take a look at some incredible DIY products that are incredibly cheap yet effective! Cleaning Spray //... 1 cup Vinegar 1 cup Filtered water Essential oils (clove, frankincense, myrrh, thyme, rosemary, lemon or tea tree for antibacterial/antimicrobial properties) Mix in a spray bottle and use as an all purpose spray. Add bi-carb directly on area's that require a little more elbow grease, then spray with all purpose spray. Shower Screen Cleaner // 1 cup of heated vinegar 1/3 cup of castille soap Mix in a spray bottle, spray on shower screens, gently brush over glass, wait 10-20 minutes then rinse. Watch them sparkle. **I still advise wearing a mask as even though vinegar is natural, it's still potent There are many more amazing recipes out there on the internet and many more natural products out there too! What's your favourite low/no chemical cleaning products?
16.01.2022 C H A N G I N G Q U A L I T Y // It often surprises people to learn that it takes more than a month to change the quality of their eggs or sperm. For eggs, it takes approximately 85 days to go from that primary follicle you have at birth to the mature egg that is released at ovulation. ... For sperm, it takes approximately 72 days to mature. This is the reason I suggest at least 4 months of preconception care to change and improve egg and sperm quality. By taking the 4 months, it allows time to ease into the lifestyle, environmental, and nutritional changes that can be incredible for optimising your health and fertility. Wanting to know more about how we can work together to improve your egg & sperm quality? Book in for your free 15-minute consult using the link in my bio.
16.01.2022 S E L F C A R E // Self-care is an important part of a healthy and harmonious routine. Did you know, if you are trying to conceive (especially with a chronic health condition), it forms part of your non-negotiable health management? ... It’s widely known how stress can impact your wellbeing, and it is essential that stress is managed for your fertility and reproductive health. That is because stress triggers our "fight or flight" system, flooding our system with adrenaline and epinephrine. This has whole body impacts, including altering your reproductive hormones. Rather than focus on eliminating stress altogether, focus on the small tasks you can do daily to improve your health, ability to manage stress and reduce its effects. Eat nutritious food daily Drink at least 2L of water daily Get regular exercise Implement a good sleep hygiene routine and get adequate rest Do something you love, even for 10 minutes, every day!
14.01.2022 Sometimes we need to stop and breathe. To remind ourselves that what we are experiencing, won't be forever, merely a chapter in what is our amazing life yet to come. This is quote resonated highly with me as I had my second Zoladex injection yesterday and realised I am reactive to the local anaesthetic. With all the changes I've felt in my body and mind the last 4 weeks weeks, it's key to remind myself this is temporary and will pass, just like many situations and circumstances before. It's key to support yourself through these changes, be gentle, kind and understanding of yourself and what you are going through.
14.01.2022 N A U G H T Y O R N I C E // It's easy to forget, be excited and want to know about when a couple is going to stat trying for a baby, however it's a big assumption. It's an assumption that they want children, and then another that they haven't been trying already. ... Here's some naughty and nice ways of supporting loved ones with infertility over Christmas, but also just in general
12.01.2022 Let’s talk about adapting! Life can be so incredibly stressful, especially when you are going through major life shifts such as trying to conceive, health investigations or IUI/IVF. Add in your expectations of how you want the day/event/experience to go and suddenly there is a lot more stress on your plate enhancing the anxiety and overwhelm, tiring out your nervous system which can lead to fatigue.... Today I woke exhausted, I wanted to get up early and study and that didn’t happen. I get my mindset slip, ‘well what’s the point you’ve lost half the day’, hold up it’s 10am. I realised I needed to adapt. I needed something to refill my cup, help my nervous system calm and allow me to shift back into a state where I could study and retain information. So I made a healthy hot chocolate, grabbed my laptop and glasses and went to sit on our patio on the lounge in the sun. Whoops, I was too late and the sun had shifted, we were now full shade. So I adapted again, grabbed the lounge and popped it on the grass where I am now enjoying some Vitamin D and beginning my study in the fresh air What do you do to help you adapt when you find yourself slipping into a stressful mindset? Would you like to hear about how herbal adaptogens can assist with this also?
12.01.2022 You have my love, thoughts and support
12.01.2022 Day 8 (24th August) of stims for #makingbabymazzer with #ivf Today I thought I’d share the ever so glorious and graceful art of stunning yourself with needles each morning This routine actually took 6minutes and 14 seconds. Notice the deep breath before each injection. The only way I can get through these, is by injecting on the out breath ... The first needle is the Orgalutran, there is a purposeful air bubble in the syringe - this is to help you receive the full dose, notice the draw back to make sure there is no blood before injecting - that’s the super fun part But it’s mind over matter. The second needle is the Bemfola, tapping is essential to get rid of any air bubbles, then it prims itself before you can dial up the dose. They aren’t terrible to inject, the aren’t a ball of fun either, but we’d do it all over again to create a beautiful baby Yesterday the fatigue was real, rested but couldn’t really sleep. Poor hubby is picking up on my side effects and had fatigue and a headache right along with me. Overall, doing well. Managing side effects, resting as much as needed and getting plenty of cuddles from Max. As you can see, he wants to be involved in every step of the process hehe Oh - hot tip with Orgalutran, wipe with a sterile water wipe or alcohol wipe for a minute prior (it dulls the nerves), inject then ice for 10minutes+. Icing before will contract the skin making it harder to penetrate with the thicker needle I’d love to know if you have any questions about fertility, preconception planning or IVF? You can leave a comment below, send me a message and I can answer it as a post or even head over to Facebook and joins my Women’s health group where you can ask questions and in a safe group environment
11.01.2022 Trying to conceive and IVF isn’t all glamour and sunshine. More often than not it’s a constant battle to get out of bed or sleep all day fight the anxiety in your head... try to not let comments made by family or friends plough into the depths of depression the courage to face your regular day not let the doubt take over the small hope you have left It’s sadly not always full of rainbows and hope. There are days (or weeks) where you don’t want to get out of bed, when you are too tired, when you feel as though you can’t face those seemingly meaningless tasks (even though they are actually quite important, they just have nothing to do with helping you get a baby in your arms). All of this is okay. You are not alone. In fact I’m there right now. Beta test just days around the corner, it could go either way, no clue, but my body and mind are in constant battle of anxiety and even some depression. Infertility is a tough condition, you are human to want to break down and cry, to not have it together 100% of the time It’s during these times we need to lean on our support network, reach out, connect in a way you are comfortable and know you are not alone. Please reach out if you need support You are not alone
11.01.2022 Q U A L I T Y S U P P L E M E N T S // Taking supplements that have been recommended by your Naturopath or Nutritionist generally mean you will be having POP (Practitioner Only Products). These ensure that they are prescribed by a qualified person in regards to your specific situation after a consultation. The benefits of these products include:... higher quality products more absorbable/better utilised forms of nutrients - eg folinic acid instead of folic acid therapeutic dosage ranges generally tested quality to ensure what you are getting what you pay for Do you know what is in your current supplements? Want to book a chat to talk about how utilising better quality supplements might assist you? Book your free 15 minute chat today by visiting the link in my bio.
11.01.2022 I’m not sure where this originated, but I felt this was a great one to share Remember you are allowed to set boundaries, others don’t have to like it and may even be angry or upset, but you you don’t need to cave and you will be okay You are only responsible for yourself and your own happiness (and your children while they are kids too ) ...
08.01.2022 Who here LOVES Yoga? Who hasn’t tried it? I must admit, I’m the worlds awkwardest yogi! I love it but I’m uncoordinated and do not look graceful in the practice at all (yet anyway) ... However the benefits far outweigh the awkwardness! Yoga is a practice for the mind body and soul! It helps support your adrenals, reduce stress, promote calm all whilst moving your body, working your muscles, stretching your muscles and improving lymphatic flow and circulation. What’s not to love! Let me know what you love about yoga below or if you haven’t tried it yet, what’s stopping you?
08.01.2022 You are enough On days when you feel you aren’t, when the struggles of infertility, endometriosis, Adenomyosis, PCOS, IVF or anything else gets to you, take a deep breathe, pause and remember you are incredible . .... . . . . #Empoweredwomenshealth #womenshealthnaturopath #womenshealthnaturopathbrisbane #brisbanenaturopath #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #endometriosisandivf #adenomyosis #adenomyosisawareness #adenomyosisandivf #autoimmuneawareness #chronicillness #pcos #womenshealth #infertility #infertilityawareness #ivf #ivfawareness #ivfcommunity #ivfwarrior #ivfbrisbane #ivfaustralia #infertilitytreatment #ttc #preconceptioncare #support See more
08.01.2022 Nourishing your body is also nourishing your mind. Sometimes the side effects of IVF, especially the stimulation phase, can really hit hard. You might feel tired, exhausted, nauseous, amongst others. Try to consume as many nourishing foods as you can, and remember to be kind to yourself. IVF isn't an easy process: eat nourishing foods when you can and opt for healthier alternatives in takeaway meals where possible.... Try to prepare meals in the freezer, or cut up veggies in advance so they are easy to grab and utilise when in exhausting phases of IVF.
06.01.2022 D E A L I N G W I T H I N F E R T I L I T Y A T C H R I S T M A S // You can jump over and have a read for yourself (link in comments), however, I wanted to share my biggest tip. and unknowns that lay ahead got the best of me. ... I'm not ashamed to admit that I had a few moments where I broke down, where I needed to be away from the celebrations for a while, where I needed to be held by hubby. I have written a blog on my experience last year and some tips on how I've improved my ability to cope with celebrations and gatherings such as Christmas. You can jump over and have a read for yourself (link in comments), however I wanted to share my biggest tip. Don't be ashamed for doing what is right and best for you. Prioritise your needs. People will understand in the long term, even if they don't in the short term.
06.01.2022 T R I G G E R E D A T C H R I S T M A S ? // Christmas can be a time of joy and love for so many, but for others it can actually be quite triggering. With infertility, being around family with children or family who ask a lot of questions, may be some of the biggest triggers of all. ... You love them dearly, but unless they have experienced themselves, it's truly hard to understand what you are going through. The longing for children, the hope, the depression, the doubts, back to the hope, the feeling that you were meant to be a parent and even that sneaky feeling of being broken or that something is wrong with you - by the way, you are perfectly imperfect, you are not broken. Feeling these things can be massive. Giving yourself permission to feel these emotions, the space and tools to properly process and release them is important. It is because of this, that I am able to be happy for my beautiful pregnant friends and that I am not dreading Christmas with our families. It's not easy, but it's worth doing. Some of the techniques I found helpful: My beautiful counsellor Being honest with hubby, family and friends EFT Tapping Meditation Supportive herbs and nutrients If you are feeling triggered and need to talk to someone this holiday season please reach out and get the assistance you need. BeyondBlue, Headspace, and Lifeline have some great free phone counselling services available if you need to talk.
05.01.2022 S T A R T I N G I V F ? // When you are looking at starting IVF, it can be quite daunting, especially if you have a needle phobia, like I do. Here's some tips I found helpful throughout our journey so far. ... ice area before injecting if worried, rubbing an alcohol wipe over the area for a minute can assist also find something that helps you relax - acupuncture can be very beneficial, there are herbs and nutrients that can assist also prioritise self-care - take at least 10minutes each day for something you love and enjoy listen to your body, rest when needed, enjoy gentle movements like walks don’t be afraid to share your emotions, feelings, and thoughts with your partner and support network - it can definitely help chamomile tea and ginger tea can be helpful for bloating depends on local or general for EPU, but if using narcotics/opioids for pain relief, remember to have plenty of water and fibre to ease the constipation after fluids and staying hydrated can help ease some of the medication side effects Want more tailored support for your journey? Send me a message and we can have a chat about what service would suit you best
05.01.2022 Ask and you shall receive What I am currently taking for my IVF, preimplantation supplement regime. It is important to know that this is not what everyone should be taking, simply what I am taking and I’ll tell you why. BM this is in no way advice on what should be taken, as preconception, conception, and IVF care should be individualised ... 1- Prenatal complex with methylated/active B vitamins, contains iron - this is because I have methylation problems and iron deficiency and a prenatal is recommended when TTC 2-Vegan Omegas. Omega’s are important with TTC - important for baby’s brain development and aids in reducing postnatal depression, also have anti-inflammatory actions (which are highly welcomed due to Endo and Adenomyosis and SLE) 3 - Vitamin D. I am deficient, and is important for healthy immune function & for bone health/calcium metabolism. I have to limit sun exposure so need to supplement. 4- CoQ10. This is antioxidant support and I am trialing it to assist with my migraines at the moment also. It was more important in the lead up to egg pick up to improve egg quality. 5- Methylated B complex. To support everything essentially, to ensure optimal methylation and liver support, support energy production, help improve folate levels (important for implantation and foetus development). 6- NAC. This can be beneficial to improve antioxidant support to help reduce risk of miscarriage, however I use it to assist in management of Endo and Adenomyosis (has had favourable outcomes in studies). See comments for more info
02.01.2022 We are currently going through a Natural FET and wanted to share Feel free to leave any questions below for me
02.01.2022 Day 7 (23rd August) of stims for #makingbabymazzer with #ivf Today’s needles were okay, getting up early to take them is a different story I wipe the area repeatedly with a sterile wipe to dull the nerves before injecting the Orgalutran - works a charm, then insert needle, drawback, and inject. I iced after today and that certainly helped reduce the swelling and rash and itchiness. I had a little nervousness with the Bemfola thanks to the pain yesterday but still ma...naged to breathe and inject away. I’ve now completed 7 Bemfola and 2 Orgalutran injections Yesterday was a fairly good day. Fatigue knocked me for six, but enjoyed a little foot and leg massage pamper session which helped Headache with stiff shoulders and neck but otherwise, I was okay. My body has started gaining weight, and I’ve noticed my lower abdomen is more prominent/bloated so my best guess is it’s not actual weight gain, so much as ovary swelling weight. Will monitor of course but it’s nowhere near as bad as what it could be. I’ve gained 800g in total across yesterday and today, so not bad at all. Today I am super sleepy, and my neck and shoulders feel almost frozen. Will be trying to get a massage and treatment ASAP for them to see if it helps my headaches also. Other than increased fatigue the Orgalutran hasn’t brought any additional side effects which is nice but will of course still be mindful in case others arise. Focusing on Wednesday, the scan and hopefully only one more needle after then to trigger ovulation for EPU Signing off for now to go back to bed for a nap. Sweet dreams and happy Sunday . . . . . . #ivfjourney #ivfwarrior #ivfawareness #infertilityawareness #endometriosisawareness #adenomyosisawareness #brisbanefemaleehealthnaturopath #empoweredwomenshealth #empoweredfertility See more
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