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Nature Glenelg Trust
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25.01.2022 Did you know that bats make up 20% of the world’s mammal species? All sorts of misconceptions exist around our nocturnal flying friends, but bats are super interesting, diverse, and helpful to humans! Rose recently gave a talk at the Limestone Coast (LC) Landscape Board’s Bat Night at the Naracoorte Caves, home to the southern bent-winged bat. Get in touch with Rose (follow the link) if you'd like to know more about an upcoming citizen science project looking at bats or to attend future Bat Nights. LC Landscape Board
23.01.2022 Are you interested in volunteering with us but would prefer to do it from the comfort of your own home? Lauren might have something for you. Read her latest blog to learn more.
23.01.2022 Recently NGT volunteers and One Forty One staff were involved in a working bee at Mt Burr Swamp to help lay rubble to finish off the Creations Stories Walk trail, trim the trunks with creation story carvings -and socialise and meet new people with culture in mind. Those that stayed late were treated to a large bon-fire to remove timber left over from the failed plantation area which was removed to help create the space for the Creation Stories Walk project. We thank One Forty... One for arranging the removal of the plantation back in 2020 and for their continued support for NGT projects. This project is made possible with funding from Responsible Wood 1: raking rubble along track 2: hand weeding revegetation area 3: spreading rubble 4: David, Heidi, Martin, Janeth, Carole, Sue, Ben, John, Sarah, Jan, & Christina - absent from photo Mick (from OFO) and Bryan (photographer) 5: bon-fire heap alight All photos taken by Bryan Tenison Woods College Mount Gambier - Aussie Disposals Mount Gambier -
21.01.2022 The Hare of the Sea Keeping with the coastal summer theme of recent species of the months, we bring you: Sea Hares! This month’s focal species is actually a genus; several species of Sea Hare are commonly found along the southern coastline of Australia. Sea Hares are slug-like organisms that live in seagrass beds or rocky reefs and can be found in the intertidal zone, grazing on algae. To read more on Sea Hares follow the link.
20.01.2022 HAPPY WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY! This years theme is Reimagine. Recreate. Restore. All of which NGT is well known for. ... Here's some quick facts about Mt VanDyke - NGT's new restoration trial, a project which is Reimagining. Recreating. Restoring. Traditionally known as Banbangil, originally sustained open native grassland and sedgeland, likely created by millennia of traditional burning of the hill by Gunditjmara people. This 85 acre parcel of land presents a unique opportunity for NGT to embark on a very exciting and different type of restoration project one that puts some of our threatened small mammal fauna in the spotlight. If you'd like to read more about Mt VanDyke follow the link to Mark's blog. Or you can donate here
20.01.2022 The Orange-bellied Parrots have arrived on the mainland. On the 30th of March we received the great news that the first OBP had arrived in Werribee, western Melbourne this means that the OBP winter season has started a little early this year! The first official survey weekend is only a couple of weeks away, May 15 & 16. If you're interested in being part of the volunteer surveys let Jess know via [email protected] You may have notice the SW Victoria OBP monitoring coo...rdinator has changed. Nicole has passed on the project to Jess. Thank you Nicole for all your hard work on the project! She has written a few parting words in NGT's latest newsletter. The OBP project is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program
19.01.2022 Exciting news for SE SA! An Orange-bellied Parrot spotted in the Coorong National Park on the weekend during a Parrot identification workshop.
18.01.2022 An exciting species find at Hutt Bay Restoration Reserve - Swamp Antechinus. : male swamp antechinus, Rose Thompson Follow the blog to find out more
17.01.2022 Field Naturalists groups recently visited NGT wetlands. Find out what they found in Mark's latest blog.
16.01.2022 National Volunteer Week A huge THANK YOU to all our Volunteers who help NGT do what we do. We would not be able to get as many plants in the ground, make as many nets, water as many plants, pull up flooring, build structures, pull as many weeds, clean up as much beach, find that species we're chasing, grow as many plants, enter as much data or supporting our threatened conservation without the help of our Volunteers. THANK YOU
16.01.2022 The southern bell frog conservation facility in Clayton Bay, the first such facility for the species, would not be possible without the amazing efforts of a committed band of volunteers!
16.01.2022 ANNOUNCING.... MOUNT VANDYKE NGT'S new Restoration Trial in the heart of Cobboboonee National Park, and YOU can be a part of it. Mount Vandyke, traditionally known as Banbangil a really special place, with unique possibilities as a safe haven for threatened species and a site where important concepts in reintroduction science can be tested. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and, as we know from previous fundraising efforts, every single donation large and small r...eally counts. Donate before 30th June and you can claim a deduction in this year’s tax return. To make your donation head to NGT's website To find out more about the site follow
16.01.2022 Frances Thompson and her partner Rick moved to Nelson in 2018 and since they moved to our region, they have become regular volunteers at NGT’s Reserve in Nelson, Kurrawonga. Fran recently had some thoughts about volunteering and the Nelson community that she wanted to share: "Recently, at Nature Glenelg Trust’s (NGT) Kurrawonga Reserve at Nelson, Victoria, a small group gathered to tackle the tough grass, kikuyu, and slow its progress into native vegetation. Sue is a frequent... NGT volunteer who lives in Mount Gambier, South Australia. She’s primed for this kind of work being an active south-east SA field naturalist and said she didn’t want to spend her retirement playing golf or croquet. Helen, also from Mount Gambier, is often at NGT’s nursery getting seedlings ready for planting. At Kurrawonga, she loves the birds. I’m there because I live in Nelson. Kurrawonga, which is covered by a conservation covenant, was donated by the Moore family in 2018. The reserve is somewhat different from others in the NGT portfolio; Kurrawonga is on the edge of a town and (being bushland) it is not a restoration project, such as the 2018 award-winning Walker Swamp in Victoria, and Mount Burr Swamp in SA. Nelson has been a place of pleasure and recreation for European settlers dating back to the 1850s. Even among today’s big holiday population are many families who have visited generation after generation. They have strong bonds to the town, the river, the forests and the sea. The 2016 Census shows that 190 people live permanently in Nelson. About 35% of those had carried out voluntary work in the 12 months before the Census was taken. Nelson’s Litter Ladies are well known and together with Coastcare, help keep roads and beaches as clean as possible. The reasons why Australians volunteer are as many as there are volunteers. In 2010 more than six million adults in Australia worked without pay. Research by Volunteering Australia (VA) shows volunteering creates connections between people, strengthens communities, improves communication and helps solve problems. A VA 2015 report found volunteering develops political and negotiation skills and can improve community life. It is regarding this latter point that I believe Kurrawonga could play an important role in regenerating community spirit in Nelson. The Long Swamp project (where community members helped fill, move, and install more than 7,000 sandbags to create a trial structure to begin the restoration on this site) showed how Nelson residents can pitch in and make a difference. I hope to see more regular volunteers and community members making spending time at Kurrawonga a natural part of life in Nelson." Email Becci to register your interest in volunteering with NGT [email protected] : Volunteers Martin, Helen, and Sue with Nicole (formerly of NGT) relaxing after working on the kikuyu. (photo: Fran Thompson)
15.01.2022 MT VANDYKE - NGT's New Restoration Reserve It has been 2 weeks since we launched the new NGT fundraiser for Mt Vandyke, and the great news is that thanks to the generosity of some wonderful early supporters, we have already made a big dent in the land purchase loan! All donations made are tax deductible and donations made before 30th June can go into this year's tax return.
14.01.2022 Looking for something to do in Robe, SA over the next couple weeks? NGT will be part of the Robe Holiday Program with rockpool rambles, sustainable fishing, and estuary discoveries. Bookings essential with a small fee head to or scan the QR code.
13.01.2022 Always something interesting when we go sampling in the Torrens River in Adelaide!
13.01.2022 Since Sheryl's discovery of the Nemo peacock spider (Maratus nemo) last month and the scientific paper describing it was released last month, Sheryl and Nemo have been published internationally. You can find some of the articles in Sheryl's latest blog.
11.01.2022 Rose has been busy surveying remnant pockets of wet shrubland habitat between Carpenters Rocks and the Victorian Border for Swamp Antechinus. With some fantastic early results.
10.01.2022 Orange-bellied Parrot Workshop this weekend - Free & Online Join Jess, SW Vic OBP volunteer coordinator, and Rachel Prichard, DEWLP Natural Environment Program Officer, for an update on the OBP Recovery Program, find out how you can volunteer, and learn how to identify Orange-bellied Parrots and other Neophemea species. To register contact Jess at [email protected]... The OBP project is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program .
09.01.2022 This immersive exhibition exploring the South West Victorian wetlands by local artist, Megan Nicolson, is on throughout the holidays. Come along, play and get your very own Field Guide!
08.01.2022 This years staff photo is in true 2020 style, from our recent annual workshop (with a few missing). To all the people who have supported and volunteered to help NGT’s projects we thank you wholeheartedly. The great outcomes achieved wouldn’t have happened without your support. To our readers and newsletter subscribers we thank you too! Sharing stories and knowledge is such a big part of the conservation story. We also wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and holiday period we look forward to sharing many more great stories with you in 2021
07.01.2022 NGT Welcomes 3 new faces to our team Bec Sheldon is based in Hobart and working part-time as a Senior Wetland Ecologist on our Tasmanian projects alongside Mark and Ben. Tom Sheehan is based in Port Fairy and working as a Field Works Officer on a number of projects in SW Vic.... Leah Kemp is based in Adelaide and will soon commence in an advisory role as a Senior Threatened Species Ecologist, starting with the restoration project at Mt Vandyke, where here extensive background in threatened mammal reintroduction ecology will be invaluable. It is fantastic to have them on board.
07.01.2022 Flying fish - Nick was fortunate to be involved with the translocation of the endangered Flinders Ranges purple-spotted gudgeon. Awesome and urgently needed project.
05.01.2022 Wind, water and vegetation are reshaping the Long Swamp restoration site! Sand has gradually been filling the formerly free-flowing drain, and on the beach where it used to flow to the sea, a huge volume of sand is building up, continuing to knit together a new foredune. Read more and check out some comparison photos in our blog...
02.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago the New Tech Volunteering project kicked off at Walker Swamp with 17 volunteers attending a meet and greet afternoon at Walker Swamp. Head to Lauren's blog if you'd like to hear more about the project and the event. The New Tech Volunteering: Novel citizen science for Grampians wetlands is supported by the Victorian Government through the Volunteering Innovation Fund. #VicGreatOutdoors #VolInnovationFund
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