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25.01.2022 Playtime for adults just as important as childs play - we talk a lot about the importance of play for our children, particularly in nature, but its just as important for adults to have time to play too! It might be building Lego, baking or craft, or kicking the footy down the park with mates - what do you enjoy just for the sake of it?
25.01.2022 Being out in fresh air, whatever the weather, can improve childrens mood and reduce stress. When children play and learn outdoors, they are naturally more active than when taking part in organised activities or sitting at a desk. Thats why Nature Play is championing the Outdoor Classroom Day movement! Will you join us in celebrating taking learning and play outdoors? Find out more and join in! #OutdoorClassroomDay #OutdoorClassroomDayAustralia #LoveTheOutdoors
25.01.2022 Fights, classroom violence and suspensions have dropped 'dramatically' at this primary school here's how they did it. Rebecca Burch from Nature Play QLD said interest from schools wanting to move lessons outside had doubled since the pandemic began. "Coronavirus has teachers across the country thinking outside the box about ways to do things differently," she said.... See more
24.01.2022 More news on the recent research we shared showing UK children being held back from playing outside unsupervised. Helen Dodd, a professor of child psychology at the University of Reading said, The concerns we have from this report are twofold. First, we are seeing children getting towards the end of their primary school years without having had enough opportunities to develop their ability to assess and manage risk independently. "Second, if children are getting less time to play outdoors in an adventurous way, this may have an impact on their mental health and overall wellbeing.
24.01.2022 For many parents raising resilient kids is one of the holy grails of child rearing. But how do parents teach children to bounce back from their failures a bit stronger and a bit wiser? The answer could be as simple as doing nothing.
22.01.2022 A new study from University of Illinois Chicago researchers suggests daily outdoor lessons in green spaces could boost self-regulation in young children, setting them up for greater academic and social-emotional success.
22.01.2022 We need to learn to be trampoline parents, encouraging kids to push themselves as much as they dare. Now more than ever, its important for parents to allow children to stretch themselves; and let them know were still there to catch them.
21.01.2022 Out of ideas for new things to do? Go old-school instead Dust off those retro board games and analogue activitiesplaytimes of yesteryear fuel new connections today.
21.01.2022 During lockdown, many families have found the time to reconnect with the outdoors. Now that restrictions are starting to ease, conservation expert Jeff Waddell explains why its important that families continue to explore nature together and gives advice on how to keep young ones engaged with the great outdoors.
21.01.2022 It's Outdoor Classroom Day! What are you waiting for - let's get those kids outdoors! With more than 1,062,000 children and 9,100 teachers and educators registering over the four years of the Australian movement, we're hearing you loud and clear! You love and value outdoor play and learning, and you're making it a part of every school day! Be sure to check out the many lesson plans and ideas on the Outdoor Classroom Day website and share any pics of your celebrations with the hashtags - #OutdoorClassroomDayAustralia #LoveTheOutdoors
20.01.2022 Scooter track proves popular ahead of stage two Port Macquarie Town Beach playground upgrade. The scooter track, added in stage one of the Town Beach playground upgrade, forms part of a larger play space revamp. The stage two playground upgrade is scheduled to start in September. Dirt Art Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
20.01.2022 How To Manage Childrens Screen Time And Ease That Dreaded Mum Guilt - Screen time gets demonized a lot, but as parents we need to look at the bigger picture and just do our best, explains wellness expert Adrienne Herbert. Need some support managing screen time in your home? Check out the Digital Wellbeing section of our sister organisation Nature Play WA website for advice -
20.01.2022 Fun with hammers and nails in a 1970s Toronto playground. Adventure Playground drew kids to a desolate part of downtown Toronto (Canada) in 1980, where children were encouraged to pick up hammers, nails, rope and old tyres.
20.01.2022 It has long been recognised that humans are drawn to all things alive and natural. And for children, getting outdoors helps to aid their exploration of the world. Its how they learn best through an environment made up of loose parts, which allows for creativity and problem solving. They use their ingenuity to make up games, construct new imaginary worlds and develop their own solutions to problems.
19.01.2022 What makes a great playground for teens? Kingborough Council are retiring their teen rager playground at Dru Point after 20 years service. Teens are often left out of play spaces. But not here. Mayor Dean Winter wants to know what to replace it with.
19.01.2022 We love this so much! We wont ruin the surprise by telling you anything about this video, but please enjoy!
18.01.2022 Cards Against Humanity : Family Edition is a new fill-in-the-blank comedy game thats just like Cards Against Humanity, but its written for kids and adults to play together. The creators have been working on this version for over a year in consultation with child development experts and psychologists. Their plan was to surprise everyone with it later in the year, but they know a lot of families need cheering up right now. Download and print the free beta version here!
18.01.2022 Preschool and primary school children across Bathurst are being encouraged to take part in a program designed to complement early education around environmental sustainability. Bathurst Regional Council has partnered with Get Grubby, a major Australian online sustainability program introducing children to the importance of recycling, composting and gardening!
18.01.2022 Screen time vs green time: New research suggests parents are right to nag kids about playing outside Need help getting off the devices and into nature? Check out our Green Time vs Screen Time resources for families!
18.01.2022 Theres a scientific reason why water is so calming - Exploring the Blue Health phenomenon and the well-being benefits of oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water.
17.01.2022 Canadian kids arent playing outside enough, experts say, and its harming their health. The belief that kids are safer inside, is the biggest myth going, because from a health perspective almost nothing good happens indoors. says Dr. Mark Tremblay, a senior scientist at the CHEO (Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario) Research Institute.
16.01.2022 Go on a nature walk with your pencil at the ready! Tick off as many of these 16 things as you can. Can you complete your whole bingo card in one go? Find this and more great nature play resources for families at the Nature Play Australia website -
16.01.2022 Have you downloaded our free Nature Passport App yet? Nature Passport encourages and motivates children to have fun engaging with their environment wherever that may befrom backyards and city parks, to beaches and other wild places. With activities designed by experts in outdoor play and experiential education, the app is a robust tool for both families and classrooms. It's available for iOS and Android, and is also available as a web app. Search "Nature Passport" in your app store, or find out more at our website
16.01.2022 Let's turn our streets into playgrounds! In the time of COVID-19, given the greater risk of contagion indoors, it makes sense to use our outdoor spaces as much as we can. And turning our streets into playgrounds also enables us to connect with each other, in a year when many of us have struggled with isolation.
16.01.2022 Welcome to the first day of Spring! We hope youre more of a Full Throttle Wattle than a Cranky Banky!
14.01.2022 We love this video of Alfie from Mount Isa, busy with his tinkering in the shed, singing his favourite song! Not gonna lie, this one gave us all the feels!
14.01.2022 Adventure playgrounds are sometimes even referred to as "junk playgrounds" or "nature playgrounds" because kids can play amongst a hodgepodge of tires, logs, sand pits, mud puddles, large boxes or blocks, and other untraditional playground elements. By utilising these elements of nature, found objects, and sometimes even tools, adventure playgrounds allow for more self-directed, imaginative, and risky play than most contemporary playgrounds.
14.01.2022 Tomorrow is Outdoor Classroom Day! Is your child's school participating? Nature Play has been driving Outdoor Classroom Day in Australia since 2017, and we're thrilled that more than 1 million Aussie kids and 9,000 teachers have been registered over the four years we've been a part of this global movement! Find out more -
13.01.2022 Primary-age children in Britain are losing the freedom to play independently and typically are not are allowed to play outside on their own until two years older than their parents’ generation were, according to research. Play England Tim Gill
13.01.2022 Survey highlights motivations for time in nature! Mental and physical health and a desire to connect with history and nature are among the motivations for time in the outdoors, according to New Zealanders who responded to a Department of Conservation survey.
13.01.2022 The COVID-19 crisis offers a unique opportunity to transform Sydneys public spaces, as the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes, urges Sydneysiders to "seize the moment" and come up with ideas for parks and public facilities. From parks and plazas to pop-ups, the state government is seeking ideas for improving public spaces across the city.
12.01.2022 A pandemic tradition worth keeping: Walking together. Experts agree that family walks are valuable, for many reasons. One outcome of this covid pandemic has been the increased recognition and acknowledgment of the importance of physical activity and the importance of outdoor play for children and youth, says Guy Faulkner, a professor of kinesiology at the University of British Columbia and principal investigator at its Population Physical Activity Lab.
11.01.2022 We love this new campaign from Kathmandu ! It succinctly tells the story of what happens to our bodies and our brains when we spend time in nature, and the mental and physical health benefits it brings! Nature Play's mission is to get more children outdoors and into nature more often - so we're with Kathmandu when they say "We're out there!" #natureplay #mentalhealth #childrenoutdoors #childreninnature #kathmandu
11.01.2022 Were getting into some #DIYPlay with our Nature Passport outdoor app. Feeling artistic? Use some dried mud as your next canvas. Let your inner artist flow through you as you etch your design or message into the mud, and earn your artists badge! Check out this mission (and more!) in the Mission Mud activity pack of the Nature Passport app.
11.01.2022 Osteria ai Pioppi began as a small collection of simple rides in the 1970s. Its now a sprawling complex of nearly 50 rides powered completely by hand with pulleys, bicycle cranks, and gravity, and is a major destination for locals and tourists alike!
11.01.2022 Doctors in England will soon be prescribing patients a walk in the park or a spot of gardening instead of a packet of pills, as part of a national experiment to test whether so-called green prescriptions could offer a cheap way of improving the nations health.
11.01.2022 "The beauty of the natural world lies in the details." - Natalie Angier. We hope you find some beauty in nature today!
11.01.2022 Do you know how to say "hello" in the language of the First Nation you live on? Have you heard someone speak it? The 50 Words project is an interactive online map giving everyone the opportunity to hear Aboriginal languages spoken all across the continent. #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOCWeek2020 #NAIDOC2020 #alwayswasalwayswillbe
11.01.2022 Puddle jumping weather is on its way, so it's time to check if the gum boots still fit! Nothing ruins spontaneous puddle jumping plans more than boots that have been grown out of. Do your nature players (and you) love jumping in muddy puddles? Show us your boots! Tag someone with awesome gumboots, or to remind them it's time for a size check!
10.01.2022 How talking to kids about the zoo in their poo could inspire healthier food choices, to support the development of gut bacteria that support good physical (and mental) health outcomes.
10.01.2022 It's NAIDOC Week 2020, when we celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year’s theme Always Was, Always Will Be. recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists. NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the true history of this country and to celebrate and take pride in having the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC2020
09.01.2022 Everyone Needs a Special 'Sit Spot' in Nature. It could be anywhere, from an urban backyard to a nearby forest to spend time in, sitting quietly. TreeHugger's editorial team describes the spots that influenced them as children.
09.01.2022 Parks and green spaces are important for our mental health but we need to make sure that everyone can benefit.
09.01.2022 Mud play allow kids to make, squish, and experience mud. More importantly, it helps them explore their imaginations and thrive. Theres an interesting study from the University of Bristol that found that mud contains a type of bacteria that increases serotonin production in the brain, leading to an improved sense of wellbeing!
09.01.2022 After a few months spent indoors with only your family pod for company, you might be craving fresh air, birdsong, and the scent of a pine forest. A new theory called "the Lovebug Effect" suggests there may be a backseat driver in our daydreams of nature holidays and woodland strolls: the gut microbiome.
09.01.2022 The media is a tough industry to break into, but that hasnt stopped Victorias youngest journalists from keeping their neighbours informed through the coronavirus pandemic. Frankie Davis, 9, published her newspaper, The Cheer Up Weekly, last week as a way to escape the boredom of being in lockdown because of COVID-19. Way to go, Frankie!
07.01.2022 With Christmas on the horizon, we thought it was a good time to share this article - Why It’s Important To Let Your Toddler Play With An Empty Box. You know when you purchase a really expensive gift for your toddler, spend hours setting it up, and then they play with the box that it came in? Well, experts are suggesting getting children boxes as their gift. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on toys, it is actually more exciting and beneficial for children.
06.01.2022 A reimagined City of Sydney playground in Surry Hills will allow local children to climb, swing and play as they get in touch with nature. The Shannon Reserve Playground on Crown Street was designed with feedback from local primary school students, community members and a playground consultant.
06.01.2022 Boredom. To some parents, its a four-letter word synonymous with laziness or a lack of motivation. But to others, its one of the best things you can provide for your otherwise over-scheduled children. Play expert Sandra Stone, PhD reveals what kids really mean when they say "Im so bored!"
06.01.2022 Greater levels of residential green space in urban areas could lead to a shift in population IQ, with children attaining better results, according to a research team at Universiteit Hasselt and Ghent University in Belgium. Though several previous studies have linked access to green areas with positive outcomes for child development, the study is the first to examine the connection with IQ.
05.01.2022 Kids need to play together outsideheres how to do it safely Heres why outdoor play, and lots of it, should be at the top of your to-do list, especially now.
03.01.2022 Play is, by definition, intrinsically motivated. Children and many animals do it just because. But apparently grownups these days need more of a nudge than that to make the space for play. Here are some of the research findings from the journal JAMA Pediatrics on five proven benefits of play.
03.01.2022 Nature Play is proud to be the not-for-profit delivering Outdoor Classroom Day in Australia, and its our fourth year of participation in this global movement celebrating and inspiring outdoor play and learning! More than just one day, our aim is to get as many children as possible playing and learning outside, every day, with a celebration of outdoor learning and play on Thursday 5 November 2020. If YOU believe that time outdoors is good for children AND good for the planet , sign up today! #OutdoorClassroomDayAustralia #LoveTheOutdoors
02.01.2022 Better playground design could help kids get more exercise Designs that encourage imaginative play and keep kids off the sidelines make a difference.
02.01.2022 "Rewarding participation in junior sport doesnt make kids soft, it makes them come back". This opinion piece highlights the importance of having opportunities for all children to build their physical skills and confidence, and enjoy the time they spend on the sporting field.
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