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25.01.2022 A lovely story & photo from Michael Dempsey today: "Great day out surveying west of St Marys, and west of Mathinna. Lots of Wedgies and report from local landowner of 10-12 Wedgies seen regularly along Fingal-Mathinna road. I saw 3 first up feeding on roadkill. And saw this amazing colonial property from highway near St Marys. Now settled into St Marys pub for the night."
24.01.2022 And we're done. Many, many thanks to everyone who's supported this campaign. What a roller-coaster! With a very happy ending. Can’t wait to get going with the developers on a brilliant booking map. Will just do a little bit of celebrating first though!
22.01.2022 Everyone packed up and ready for their survey trips this weekend? Just before you head out, make sure you check for any more app updates, and don't forget to cache a detailed version of the map of your square! The Tips document has a checklist with the real Where? Where? Wedgie! essentials... including warm clothes and a thermos, and some well-deserved tasty snacks!
22.01.2022 You'll come across a few quite reasonable misunderstandings about this news story. If a good opportunity arises, perhaps you might like to help clear some of these up - in a friendly way! You can see the original paper, and advice for alternatives, in the pinned post at the top of our page. Paraphrased misunderstandings include: - 'One eagle couldn't be poisoned by eating one baited mouse or rat': That's true for 'first generation' rat poisons, but not for 'single dose' aka ...'second generation' rat poisons. One bait is enough to kill a rat, but it doesn't kill instantly, so the rat has time to eat a lot more than are needed. - 'Eagles consume the poison through eating rats': Eagles rarely eat rats, but commonly eat other species that do eat rats, such as ravens. The poison may be affecting quite a large range of species. - 'Poison has long been in use and eagles are still around - surely it's not a problem': The new 'single dose' poisons are much more of a risk (see above). It also seems that poison is being used more and more. - 'Rat poison is only used in domestic areas': No - these poisons are used a lot commercially, for example in agricultural settings. The newer 'single dose' poisons are sold much more widely, and many people haven't been aware of the risks, so they are in heavy use across the state. See more
20.01.2022 Reports of great #WhereWhereWedgie weekends are flowing in! Sign up for the second one? (any or all of 28-30 May):
20.01.2022 The MIdlands needs more surveys - and here are some reasons why YOU should choose a square there! Next survey weekend: 28-30 May
19.01.2022 As Cradle Coast NRM put it, ‘A timely reminder to ensure all your fishing gear goes home with you this holiday season. Burnie residents please be on the look out for this White-bellied Sea Eagle and report via the details below.’
19.01.2022 Last chance to book for #WhereWhereWedgie 2021! The deadline is on *Wednesday*. Angela Hansen AND her baby carried out multiple surveys on the first weekend in an area where, for a good understanding of how the eagle population is going, we desperately need more surveys: northeastern Tasmania. Can you reach a square east of Launceston? St Mary's or Scamander, anyone? Angela's team saw both cockatoos and eagles. She writes 'Be careful in the wet forests, we had a close encoun...ter with a wedgie who flew just meters above our heads to check us out on the trail in Prossers Forest, so thrilling!' In fact all surveys, even without birds, are valuable (as we monitor the *proportion* of surveys that record them each year) - and it's a great reason to get outdoors with friends and family and blow away the cobwebs. Find out what it's all about and book your survey square today - See more
17.01.2022 Today's your last chance to book for #WhereWhereWedgie 2021! Over a hundred teams of citizen scientists (potential, amateur or professional scientists volunteering their time) have now booked in for a great time outdoors helping to monitor Tasmania's bird of prey populations... It's a great day out. TasNetworks team members really enjoyed getting out to survey across Bruny, Snug Falls, Midway Point & more during the first weekend. The cool new app created by Esk Mapping & GIS..., supported by TasNetworks' partnership with the Bookend Trust, is especially tailored to the survey, with features making it really easy for people to record their #WhereWhereWedgie data while out with their eyes to the sky. Learn more about the app & the survey; see if you can fill in a gap on the map; & book TODAY! Photos: TasNetworks staff, #WhereWhereWedgie 2021
17.01.2022 Good luck to everyone heading out today! Looks like you might have to dodge a shower or two today, so it could be time for that sexy raincoat... Bring all you need to have a fabulous day whatever the weather. We can't wait to see how you go! If you'd like to, please share photos of your team's adventures via email or a message to this page. You can see everyone's results as they upload on the new Results Map -
16.01.2022 SO MUCH TO ANNOUNCE!! ONE - it's here! The report on the first 3 years of monitoring the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle population. It's designed for both an enjoyable skim-read & a deep-dive into the detail. Download it from here: TWO - Aaaand also announcing next year’s survey dates: *14-16 & 28-30 May 2021* Sign up now on ... & we’ll alert you when the survey booking map opens (late January). You'll see from the report how much the value of the project increases every year we continue it. THREE - If you like what we're achieving, *please* pledge to our crowd-funding campaign. We’re accumulating some fabulous rewards for donors. The deadline's approaching now - please help make sure we reach our target! Details are here: Warm your heart at least twice over: help more people monitor the eagles, and get someone a lovely Christmas gift. See more
15.01.2022 Chris & Simon Grove have been making a fabulous weekend of it in their survey square - packing in Where Where Wedgie surveys and quality beach picnics - and, of course, searches for Simon's beloved beetles!
15.01.2022 The results are continuing to roll in... wedge-tailed eagles have been recorded in 19 squares so far! From Three Hummock Island to Southport - congratulations to everyone who took part this weekend! Hope you had some great days. (A few people experienced issues with our new setup, recording & uploading data - if that was you, please email us with the details, don't delete or change anything for now, and we'll get back to you in the next few days. All feedback will help us ensure the wrinkles are ironed out for the second weekend). Photo: Keith Martin-Smith (from a northeastern WWW survey today).
14.01.2022 We've had some really nice support for the Where? Where? Wedgie! project on Twitter, following coordinator Clare's presentation at the Ecological Society of Australia conference on Wednesday! (This summarised the details in the report - ) Great endorsement for the crowdfunder!
13.01.2022 Square 3911 in the North West needs 1-2 more bookings! If you prefer, you can do it all from roadsides, but Phil Hrstich, who surveyed it last weekend, walked the refurbished Milkshake Hills track. It's just an hour's walk - a great bonus to the day. It looks stunning!! Photo: Phil Hrstich - taken during #WhereWhereWedgie 2021 Book via Details of Abel Mountain walks that coincide with surveys: See more
11.01.2022 Double rainbows and double wedgies on the way back from Where Where Wedgying. I'm absolutely sure eagles are tamer now and it correlates with less shooting. Soooo simple. These two were 20m away and didnt even flush when I got out with my dodgey phone.
10.01.2022 We’ve done iiiiiiit!! In an incredible flurry of pledges this morning, we've landed! MANY thanks to all the wonderful Pozible supporters for their generosity to #WhereWhereWebsite, on behalf of present, and hopefully lots of future, NatureTrackers - and, most importantly - the eagles! Photos: tasoutsider...
10.01.2022 Help more people help make a difference for Tasmania's threatened eagles? The Where? Where? Website! campaign ends on Monday 7th Dec. Over a hundred people have pledged, but NatureTrackers won't receive anything unless we hit the target... Can you help? We have a range of great little 'thank you' rewards to those who pledge. Photo: NatureTracker Persia Brooks
07.01.2022 Anna Kingston and Amanda Thomson ...have been zero heroes late Friday and yesterday at Lake Chisholm but it has been beautiful. After staying in Zeehan they’re hoping for a sighting today. Have a great day Anna and Amanda!
06.01.2022 Who's headed down Wedge Tail Street this weekend? *Last chance to book your survey square today*! Join the many teams of citizen scientists (potential, amateur or professional scientists volunteering their time) who've booked this year for a great time outdoors helping to monitor Tasmania's bird of prey populations. Details & sign up Photo: Martin O'Bryan #WhereWhereWedgie 2021
06.01.2022 Had a look at the Results Map yet today? The number of #WhereWhereWedgie squares with eagles recorded in them this year is mounting... Lots of other raptors too, plus some star #ZeroHeroes. Really great to see.
04.01.2022 Rodenticides? Please think again! There's no mouse plague in #Tasmania, & increasing evidence that these chemicals have terrible impacts on local species, including our threatened eagles. Yet rodenticide use is rampant. There *are* other options: See the new paper on rodenticides in Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles (authors include some of NatureTrackers' expert advisors). Rodenticides were detected in 74% of eagle carcasses, even though eagles don't eat rodents much. It seems rodenticides may be spreading widely through our ecosystems:
04.01.2022 A misty morning start for Keith Martin-Smith as he headed out of Queenstown for his first #WhereWhereWedgie surveys this morning...
03.01.2022 Ninety-five teams are heading out across Tasmania for the second (final) weekend of #WhereWhereWedgie 2021! Keep an eye on the raptor monitoring progress as the records come in on the Results Map:
03.01.2022 Why do we need to monitor the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle population? Some great context for Where? Where? Wedgie! in That’s What I Call Science’s fascinating podcast, talking eagles & engineering with @TasNetworks You can listen to this episode (89) on any major podcasting platform.
02.01.2022 Schools! Families! Last chance to book your survey today! Learn all about Where? Where? Wedgie! with Clare & Tess, then head out to take part this weekend. Get the details & sign up here: (Teachers - if you can’t make it to one of the survey squares this Friday, consider a practice run on school grounds to inspire students to take part in the real science this weekend...)
02.01.2022 Ever-epic NatureTracker Richard Ashby sent in some *beautiful* photos of the first of his Where? Where? Wedgie! 2021 weekends - around Pine Lake, Liawenee, Sentinels and near Strathgordon...
02.01.2022 Good luck to everyone heading out at the start of the 2nd #WhereWhereWedgie weekend! Looks like it's mostly going to be chilly & bright. Make sure you have your best Tasmanian tuxedo, a thermos & some tasty treats lined up, to ensure a great day - whether you’re a #ZeroHero or record a flock of eagles... Photo:
02.01.2022 Mmm... yet another reason to venture out this weekend - incredible lamingtons in NW #Tasmania! Today’s your last chance to book your #WhereWhereWedgie 2021 eagle survey. Check out the survey booking map - across Tasmania, we still have a lot of yellow survey squares (aka vanilla slices, booked for just one day) which need to be converted to orange (aka caramel slices, booked for two days) - can you help? Find out more, sign up & book TODAY! #WhereWhereVanillaSlice
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