Michelle Dam | Naturopath
Michelle Dam
Phone: +61 400 852 203
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25.01.2022 Gelatinous goodness! This is cold home made chicken soup, you can see how high in gelatin it is when it is cold and set like a jelly! Gelatin is amazing for a healthy gut. A healthy gut is essential for whole body health. Added into this soup is buckwheat, lentils and plenty of veggies. Yummy!
25.01.2022 Making some lemon bliss balls to have in the freezer as snacks once the new baby arrives. No refined sugar, good protein and healthy fats.
25.01.2022 Has anyone else been struck down by colds lately, or the flu? A naturopath’s family is not immune to germs, but thankfully I have easy access to my favourite tools. With my eldest now in kinder, the viruses are coming home. Thankfully, there is no objection from the kids when I hand them their herbs. In fact, they ask for them multiple times a day if they are feeling unwell. The herbs were prescribed along with probiotics, vitamin C, rest and plenty of fresh and nourishing f...oods. The result was a short-lived illness. I offer shorter, acute consults for those with colds who want to have a personalised herb mix tailored for their symptoms. See more
25.01.2022 Have you ever wondered about the concept of wholism in naturopathy? It involves nurturing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health because these are all inseparable parts of the whole being. My focus today is on my spiritual health: a healthy spirit creates a positive attitude, which filters into healthy emotions and mindset, into physical wellbeing.... I am a believer in Christ, a Christian. This is an integral part of me. I believe I am forgiven and this truth is my focus this Lent. I am far from perfect, but Jesus’ forgiveness makes me whole. From this, I have purpose and peace. Looking after the ‘spirit’ component of my health requires intent and I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of neglecting it too often. For me, nourishing my soul is connecting with God, a being far greater than myself. This can be in the form of prayer, bible reading, meditation and attending church worship. I also immerse myself in nature, practice gratitude, actively identify the blessings in my life, and look for opportunities to make a positive difference in the life of other people. I fail. Often. But I know that nourishing my soul is ultimately about love. I choose love. Love received, love accepted, love given.
24.01.2022 Rest. Unwind. Relax. It’s hard for some people to do. Time seems to speed up as we get older and try to cram in more things. Take a breath, watch the second hand on the clock tick around for a while, or go out and look at the stars (it’s clear skies here this evening).... It’s hard to do, but sacrificing some busy-ness for rest is worthwhile for your health.
23.01.2022 Great post by Ben’s Bees! Food is more than just the nutrients in it.
23.01.2022 I have a pot of tea brewing for my little girl. Aside from walks, she’s not left our property in 6 weeks and she is tearful today. Who else can relate? I’ve put in passionflower and chamomile for her nervous system; nettle as a general tonic, and Licorice to support her adrenal glands and give a beautiful sweetness to it. ... She is also taking some Bach flower essences and will get extra cuddles today. Isolation is getting to a lot of us. It’s a dreary week (hailing here right now), and even the introverts amongst us are wishing for these restrictions to do their job so we can move about freely again. Go gently, put the kettle on, take some deep breaths and scroll through your photo roll to remember more carefree times. We are very blessed here, and I am so grateful, but it’s ok to get a bit down sometimes.
22.01.2022 I’m new to the process of curing pumpkins, but I’m excited to be putting aside these ones from my garden this year. As you can see, I researched the process after I picked the first one (short stem). Oops! I just love the process of planting, tending and harvesting my own food. It increases my appreciation for all that I eat, I know it hasn’t been sprayed with nasties, and the food miles are super low!
22.01.2022 Hello Passion Flower! This flower popped out on my vine today. I love the intricacies of it, and how delicate it looks. This is a modern day variety specifically grown in my garden for the delicious fruit, but did you know that Passion Flower is a useful herb? Passion Flower (‘Passiflora incarnata’) as a herbal preparation is one of my favourites. It is a nervous system tonic, mild sedative and antispasmodic. I find it excellent in cases of anxiety with insomnia, jet lag, str...ess and tension. It has powerful properties, but is gentle in action. I will always add it into a herbal preparation for high achievers whose dedication and drive cause them to become unduly stressed. Often times these people are sacrificing their health for their work/study. They will say things like I know I should be able to take a step back, but... or I work through almost every lunch break. Passion flower seems to have a balancing effect on their priorities which I can’t explain, but the result is a calmer, happier individual.
22.01.2022 I’m feeling truly refreshed after a long walk in this beautiful creation this morning! Check out these wildflowers If, however, you suffer from hay fever or sinus congestion due to the abundant pollens in Spring, I can help! Naturopathy can help to tone the immune response to pollens and make it more enjoyable for you to get out and enjoy the mild weather we’ve been having.
22.01.2022 My Echinacea plants have been flowering for a long time and bring me so much joy. I’m not sure on the species of these ones as I just bought them labelled as Cone flowers. So, I may not be using them medicinally, but they are still therapeutic in that I get to connect with nature when I go and stare at them and feel their spiky seeds. If I knew they were the medicinal species, I could use it to help ward off colds and help my immune system. In the background is yarrow... another herb used for colds, usually in tea form. I always find the change of season brings the sniffles to our household, so it’s good to have a few herbs and nutrients on hand to help us all navigate the worst of it.
22.01.2022 Some *healthier* treats! I’ve made these lemon bliss balls and raw caramel slice for a friend with a newborn and 3 older kids. I’ll be dropping a supply of these off this afternoon. Packed with nuts, tahini, coconut and unrefined sources of sweetness (dates, maple syrup, honey), they are delicious and healthier than some of the highly refined alternatives. They are still high in kilojoules, but contain protein and fibre to help with sustained energy release.
21.01.2022 Turmeric latte: because I need some natural anti-inflammatory action. I’ve spent most of the last week doing work in and around the garden. It makes me very happy but can leave me with a sore back. Add in a few nights of broken sleep and my body is in a place of stress which can contribute to inflammation as well. Winding down with this warm drink is beneficial on more than one level.
21.01.2022 My Oborne Health order arrived today. I love unpacking my goodies, but not as much as the kids do, so I let them help. Hours of fun!
21.01.2022 Heads up that I am going camping with my family from the end of next week until after Easter. I will be available for consults again from 20th April. If you are a current patient and require a consult before I leave, please call me as soon as possible as I have limited times available. In the meantime, stay healthy. Enjoy sunshine, fresh water and nutritious food. Rest, be kind, smile. Take vitamin C, and drink lemon balm tea (it’s antiviral and great for stress).
20.01.2022 This is roughly half of today’s tomato and strawberry haul from the garden. The kids ate the rest as it came off the plant. If your children are resistant to eating fresh food, try growing some of your own. Get them involved from planting seeds, to watering and picking, and of course eating!
20.01.2022 Breathe in... and out.
19.01.2022 Exercise doesn’t need to happen in a gym. Yesterday I took the kids for a bush walk around Doongalla Picnic Ground. We recharged in nature, worked up a bit of a sweat and breathed clean air while we admired the parrots, studied the fallen leaves, and commented on how fallen tree fern fronds look very similar to lyrebird tails. Exercise is important for maintaining healthy circulation and lymphatic flow, respiratory function, weight management, elimination of toxins (through sweat, breath and assisting healthy bowel function) and mental health.
19.01.2022 I scored a cheap box of mangoes from the Dandenong Market and though they are still firm and good to eat as a fresh fruit, there are just too many to get trough before they go bad. As a result, I’ve spent an hour or so blending up the golden flesh and pouring it into ice block moulds to freeze. These frozen mango blocks will now be used for smoothie making over the next couple of months. I add coconut yoghurt, water, and a scoop of raw protein powder and blend it all up. It’s very refreshing on these hot days.
19.01.2022 Mandarins are a great source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Especially if you leave a bit of the pith on there. Vitamin C is widely known for benefiting the immune system, but did you know it is an ingredient in collagen production? Get your hit of citrus for healthy skin, immune function and strong blood vessels.
19.01.2022 Not the most flattering of photos maybe, but I’m super happy because I went outside into the sunshine, got my hands dirty, and cleared a patch of couch grass and clover so I can put my winter seeds in. My plan for the morning was to clean the inside of my house which has been rather neglected this week, but this was way better for my soul! Fresh air, sunshine, dirt under the fingernails, chooks, dog and delightful 2 year old for company (photo credit to him). What’s your plan for self-care today? What will you forfeit to do an extra little thing for your health and happiness?
19.01.2022 5G rollout has been put on hold in Geneva, Brussels, and other places, as the health implications appear rather damning. If you want further safety testing before full roll out here, please sign this petition to government. Please note, the site takes a while to load AND you have to verify your signing via a link in an email you get sent. A worthwhile 5 minutes though, I believe. https://www.aph.gov.au///Petitions_General/Petitions_List
18.01.2022 Bottoms up! When your mum’s a naturopath, you learn to take herbal medicines, and enjoy them! We’ve had colds sweep through our house recently and the kids have been asking for their herbs. That’s right, asking for them. Natural medicine, when correctly prescribed, can be ideal for use in treating children. The dosages are small, but the results can be big, and surprisingly fast.
17.01.2022 We had the flu a few weeks ago. The whole household went down for a week or so and though it wasn’t pleasant, I was very grateful for my naturopathic dispensary, my wonderful homeopath, and the beautiful rooster who is in the photo. You see, the rooster (brown one at the back) was sold to me as a day old female chick for egg laying purposes. When he started crowing, I thanked him for being a lovely pet and made him into the most delicious chicken soup I’ve made to date. The soup sat in the freezer for a while but was utilised as delicious, healing and nourishing food during our time of illness. Thanks chook!
16.01.2022 I had a chance to recharge over Easter. What a joy it was to stand with my son, be rocked by the tide, and experience his delight as we got caught out by the occasional big wave. It was cold in the wind, and I wasn’t keen on the idea to begin with, but I’m so glad that I decided to live in the moment and make the memories. This is what self-care looks like for me. How are you practising self-care?
16.01.2022 I’ve reached 36 weeks pregnant! Lockdown has certainly changed this body of mine. If you are needing a consultation, please get in touch soon. I’m doing consults over the phone predominantly, with contactless pick up of herbs and supplements. Working from home means that I hopefully won’t be out of action for too long when this baby arrives, but please be aware that there will likely be a few weeks when I won’t take patients.
15.01.2022 Welcome to my page. I'm a naturopath who understands that life is hectic and taking care of your health often gets put on the to-do list but rarely gets the attention it deserves. Thankfully, our bodies are designed to heal themselves and naturally try to restore balance at all times. A little support in this process can go a long way. Discussion around healthy living often reinforces what you instinctively know about the needs of your system. Treatments can assist in healing disease and dysfunction and bring you into a more favourable state of health. Curious about the bee? I think bees are wonderful and appreciate their very important role in pollenating our plants. Also, bees and I have a common interest: we love herbs! You'll hear more about my love of herbs as medicine in the future.
15.01.2022 What a year it has been so far! This last week, as remote learning looms and the kids become more frustrated with the second lockdown, it has done my soul good to focus on the promises of renewal which are all around. My garden may be flowering a little early, but it’s nice to be reminded of new life, of the cycle continuing, despite the doom of the daily news and fear of an invisible enemy. ... The clear starry nights have reminded me that this is a tiny fraction of time in all of history and that I can not control what is happening but can try to control my response to it. So today I choose hope. I choose to smile. I choose to share happiness and love. May you feel peace today and take some joy from this glorious sunny winter day.
14.01.2022 It’s been a rather quiet year with all the time spent in lockdowns, but this is the result of what I’ve been growing. We welcomed Dorothy Matilda Dam on Monday afternoon and have been enjoying settling into life as a family of six.
14.01.2022 Lest we forget. My husband and I drag our kids out of bed to the dawn service each year. We do our best to explain to a 4, 3 and 1 year old that standing in the cold for one morning, in peace, is easy. I am so grateful that we live in this country, and pray that we never experience the atrocity of war first hand. Let’s remember our service people, their families and friends.
13.01.2022 Bach Flower Essences! I love how powerful these gentle remedies are when it comes to emotional health. They are vibrational medicine, resonating at the same frequency as a number of emotional states. Entirely safe, with significant benefits. The mix I’m creating below is for a new mum. See the comments if you want to know how each of the five remedies will support her.
11.01.2022 It’s berry season here in Melbourne. Berries are a tasty, healthy, nutritious mouthful of a snack. Full of antioxidants, most kids and adults alike will happily devour them. It is, however, advisable to buy these little morsels as certified organic produce, or, grow your own as commercial berry crops are often heavily sprayed with chemicals. They are easy to grow, and you can’t get any fresher than picking the fruit and popping it straight in your mouth!
10.01.2022 PMS got you going a bit haywire? Are you saving up a month’s worth of grievances to pick a big fight with your significant other? Suddenly incredibly impatient? Hate everyone and everything? Some flower essences might do the trick to help balance your emotions...... See the comments for why I’ve chosen these five remedies for my client.
08.01.2022 I’ve reached 36 weeks pregnant! Lockdown has certainly changed this body of mine. If you are needing a consultation, please get in touch soon. I’m doing consults over the phone predominantly, with contactless pick up of herbs and supplements. Working from home means that I hopefully won’t be out of action for too long when this baby arrives, but please be aware that there will likely be a few weeks when I won’t take patients.
04.01.2022 The cold weather has started to make my sage look a bit sad, and I know the frost will damage it. So, I’ve harvested a decent bunch and will let it dry for use as tea. It’s good to have on hand at this time of year. Sage is great for sore throats and the irritating cough which comes with post nasal drip (mucous running down the throat).
04.01.2022 My confidence as a naturopath and a mum takes a big hit when my little ones are sick. Thankful for being able to soothe this guy a bit with cuddles, and have him soothe my battered self-esteem with his adoring heart. I love that my kids are tough and don’t complain too much about pain, the downside is that things can escalate seemingly out of nowhere. Today, the most common phrase out of the mouth of this babe was ear hurt ... How I wish he’d been able to say that 2 days ago! I thought his sleep refusal was due to the leap in language development that has been happening for him lately. I need to work a bit on taking a step back and seeing my kids’ health objectively... I need to work a LOT on forgiving my failures and altering what I base my confidence on.
04.01.2022 I rescued some fruit from church yesterday that was destined for the compost bin. I pulled out the dehydrator, dried some mango and kiwi fruit and made some fruit leather out of the stone fruit. Absolutely delicious with no added sugar. If I’m feeling particularly generous, I might share some with the kids.
03.01.2022 Conventional medicine doesn’t have too many options for treating acne without adverse effects. For females, the oral contraceptive pill is commonly prescribed. This can have long term effects on gut health, depletes B vitamin stores and can impact negatively on hormonal function. Antibiotics are purported to be safe and prescribed long term, but again disrupt gut microbiota. The most severe treatment is roaccutane and this drug has a severe impact on the organs. As a naturopa...th I look to find the cause of the acne. It can be related to poor detoxification via organs other than skin, poor balance of gut microbiota, hormonal imbalance, nutrient deficiency, food allergy, general inflammation, and stress. Usually it is a complex combination of factors. It always takes time and commitment to heal. Tailoring a specific herbal mix on a case by case basis is highly beneficial!
02.01.2022 I’ve learnt that now, when the seasons change, is the time of year that the sniffles and coughs appear, regardless of circulating pandemics. As my kids and I are all happy to take liquid herbs (still working on the husband’s compliance), I’ve made us up a tailored respiratory and immune supporting mix. It will boost our immune systems and help to fight off any bugs that infiltrate the first line of defence. **Note: My kids are still at the age where at least one will lick every surface in the public places we visit. This behaviour only escalates when I ask them, in panicked whispers, to stop. So I’m sure we’ll still catch most of what happens to go around, but hopefully it will be milder and shorter lived due to supportive therapies.
01.01.2022 One of my favourite songs has got to be Wrinkles by John Williamson. This is the refrain: And you ask is he happy... and you ask is he happy...? He's got wrinkles from smiling, he feels lucky and free And he knows what it means to live here in the sunshine... He's got wrinkles... I don’t mind my smile wrinkles. It’s testament to a life of blessings and being able to recognise and celebrate the good things. Happy New Year! May 2020 be full of smiles for you.
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