Naturopathy & Iridology in Mareeba, Queensland | Local business
Naturopathy & Iridology
Locality: Mareeba, Queensland
Phone: +61 467 400 466
Address: Suite 3/114 Byrnes St 4880 Mareeba, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
24.01.2022 This is Govenor William Powi of Papua New giving his testimony at my clinic in Mareeba, Queensland.
23.01.2022 This is a typical hormonal constitution.
15.01.2022 When people cant give an intelligible reply to an intelligible statement they usually get upset with you. Everything that i have written on fb about flat earth has a legitimate scientific and biblical explaination. But no, when people cant intelligently back up their argument they naturally get upset with you.... Yes, you may call me a fruit loop if you like for my controversial beliefs, but who cares at least i am not a follower or a people pleaser that beat the same rhythmic drum sound like everyone else. I am a freelance thinker. Anyway, i guess one ought to be a bit authentic in his/her way of thinking to be a holistic doctor because everything about us differs from the mainstream mindset. The same way conventional doctors are gradually catching up with our scientific philosophy and begin to prove and accept its legitimacy. The same way conventional scientists will begin to see that the earth is flat. Of course they wont all of the sudden tell us that the earth is flat because they will be laughed at. Some scientists have already started to say that the earth is not a ball as they once thought, but has an oblate shape, meaning, not quite flat like a frisbee, but like a flatten ball. God has given us a brain to think for ourselves, so lets not be deceived by the bigotry of mankind.
15.01.2022 According to a 2005 study conducted using national nutrition survey data from 1999 to 2000, 68 percent of Americans consumed less than the recommended dietary allowance of magnesium. Deficiency of the mineral has been associated with 100 conditions and symptoms uited to constipation, insomnia, attention deficit disorder, anxiety, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, Type 2 diabetes, premenstrual syndrome, cardiovascular disease, migraines and premature aging.
14.01.2022 Our blood pH ratio should be between 7.35 : 7.45 Any reading below 7.35 the blood pH is too acidic and any reading above 7.45 the blood pH is too alkaline. If our blood pH becomes too acidic the influx of acid into our bloodstream will impede the absorption of calcium deposit into our bone matrix.... As a result, calcium is deposited into our joints instead, thus the precursor of both osteoarthritis when calcium is calcified into our joints and manifest as joint pain and osteoporosis when calcium is osteclasted (leached out) from our bone matrix leaving it porous and brittle. Hence easily fractured. An influx of calcium into our bloodstream as opposed to inside our bone matrix will consequently damage the delicate smooth muscle ligning of our blood vessels the underlying causes of atherosclerosis the "narrowing" of the arteries. A diet high in animal and dairy products, crustaceans (shell fish), coffee, carbonated beverages, refined carbohydrate as in: white bread, pasta, pastry and white rice and confectionery are the culprits of a low blood pH level.
14.01.2022 A biochemical and spiritual approach to depression. Depression may be due to a chemical imbalance with the neurotransmitters in the limbic system of the brain. A depressed person is usually deficient in one or more of the following neurotransmitters namely: acetylcholine, glutamate, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin, norepinephrine and or dopamine.... There are a number of scientific studies that may eloquently explain the underlying causation of depression by accentuating on the physiology of these neurotransmitters upon our moods, but unfortunately to no restoring availability to the mind of the sufferer. Scientifically speaking, dopamine and serotonin are our actual happy hormones that play an essential role with our reward and pleasure centre in our brain. Too much stimulants as with: coffee, tea, carbonated soft drinks, cigarettes, recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, flesh foods and or pornography may inadvertently exacerbate the secretion of these hormones into our bloodstream. If these stimulants are constantly ingested and released into our system or perceived by our minds chances are that our dopamine and serotonin will be markedly depleted, thus manifest as one of the many causes of depression. When a person is exposed to these stimulants their dopamine and serotonin will spike to the max, hence the contributing factors of their euphoric state of mind followed by a radical decrement of these happy hormones in their blood serum levels known as depression. While they are having their fix or their enjoyment if you will norepinephrine is released into their bloodstream constricting their arteries in order to raise their blood pressure (BP). If this is experienced on a regular basis this may contribute to the development of coronary heart and or kidney diseases due to the on going excitement on these two organs that synergistically work in unison. In times the acetycholine will be depleted. As a result, the short term memory and cognitive faculties will be compromised. If any of these hormones gets out of kilter there will be a negative feedback effects on glutamate and GABA, thus creating a chain reaction for depression. The only remedy that i may prescribe to cure depression in my clinical empirical observation is to have ones mind fully connected with our higherselves or our God within. Food for thought and God blessed!!!
07.01.2022 Our blood pH ratio should be between 7.35 and 7.45 Any reading below 7.35 the blood pH is too acidic and any reading above 7.45 the blood pH is too alkaline. If our blood pH becomes too acidic the influx of acid into our bloodstream will impede the absorption of calcium deposit into our bone matrix.... As a result, calcium is deposited into our joints instead, thus the precursor of both osteoarthritis when calcium is calcified into our joints and manifest as joint pain and osteoporosis when calcium is osteoclasted (leached out) from our bone matrix leaving it porous and brittle. Hence easily fractured. An influx of calcium into our bloodstream as opposed to inside our bone matrix where its concentration should be more pronounced will consequently damage the delicate smooth muscle ligning of our blood vessels the underlying causes of atherosclerosis the "narrowing" of the arteries. A diet high in animal and dairy products, crustaceans (shell fish), coffee, carbonated beverages, alcohol, refined carbohydrate as in: white bread, pasta, pastry, white rice and confectionery are the culprits of a low blood pH level, the precursor of acidosis, the very foundation where most inflammatory and metabolic diseases stem from.
07.01.2022 Calcium in the form of dairy products is an absolute fallacy by the dairy companies. Our human calcium intake should be before the age of 7 nurtured to us by our biological mother or surrogate mother. To ingest calcium in the form of milk, cheese, butter or yoghurt especially from another species is contradictory to the way our digestive system is designed.... After the age of 7 our bones have solidified, hence any ingested calcium thereafter will not be able to penetrate its tough matrix. As a result, the residual calcium will lurk and meandering through our bloodstream causing damage to our arteries. Because calcium is a macro-mineral, meaning a large molecular mineral, its excess in our bloodstream will cause havoc against the smooth muscle lining of our blood vessels. Just imagine a sandy liquid flowing through a smooth surface. What will happen to the smooth surface? The coarse texture of the sand will eventually roughen its smooth surface. Correct? Now just imagine our blood which consist of lipids (fats) and cholesterol travel through this rough surface. What will happen to the surface? It will gradually clog correct? Well, here is your blocked arteries. Furthermore, if calcium cant access our bone matrix because it has already solidified where else will it go beside aimlessly flowing through our blood vessels? It will deposit itself into our joints known as "osteoarthritis" in the medical parlance. A healthy blood calcium level should vary between 9 - 11 mg/100 ml, meaning, between 9 -11 milligram of calcium molecule in 100 mills of blood. When a person ingest calcium after the age of 7 from animal products his/her parathyroid will release parathyroid hormone "PTH" which will consequently osteoclast "degrade" the bone matrix causing calcium to leach out from the bones, the precursor of osteoporosis "porous bones". Our ideal calcium intake after we have weaned from our mother should be in the form of green leafy vegetables like all herbivores get their calcium from. Food for thought and God bless!!!
04.01.2022 When people can't give an intelligible reply to an intelligible statement they usually get upset with you. Everything that i have written on fb about flat earth has a legitimate scientific and biblical explaination. But no, when people can't intelligently back up their argument they naturally get upset with you.... Yes, you may call me a fruit loop if you like for my controversial beliefs, but who cares at least i am not a follower or a people pleaser that beat the same rhythmic drum sound like everyone else. I am a freelance thinker. Anyway, i guess one ought to be a bit authentic in his/her way of thinking to be a holistic doctor because everything about us differs from the mainstream mindset. The same way conventional doctors are gradually catching up with our scientific philosophy and begin to prove and accept its legitimacy. The same way conventional scientists will begin to see that the earth is flat. Of course they won't all of the sudden tell us that the earth is flat because they will be laughed at. Some scientists have already started to say that the earth is not a ball as they once thought, but has an oblate shape, meaning, not quite flat like a frisbee, but like a flatten ball. God has given us a brain to think for ourselves, so let's not be deceived by the bigotry of mankind.
04.01.2022 I have made a vow with God that i will continue to educate His people in their quest for better health for as long as i shall live. For a true doctor is a teacher and is not ashamed of including God in his/her work. Without the blessing of God in my work all my scientific, medical, naturopathic, homoeopathic and Bowen therapy knowledge are to no avail and futile. ... I pray that you guys continue to pray for me for my job is not just a job or a business or a profession, but it is a calling. Hence a calling can be very demanding at times. Thank you and God bless!!!