Nat Hill Wildlife Adventurer | Public figure
Nat Hill Wildlife Adventurer
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24.01.2022 Not just a cool story, but a great educational photo too to show that the Eastern Brown snake...commonly referred to as Australias most Dangerous! (not most venomous) because of its commonality in high populated areas. Goes to show that the juveniles look different to like their adult form, they loose the contrast in the black head and stripes, going for the more uniform brown look most people see them as.
22.01.2022 Great weekend away with this lot! @melbourne87 @simoneellies @blinks12 @kierclifford42 @izzy.stewart_ @grease_monkey_adventures @mickjones84 @hannahkia @claudiaberson @saltwater_cowboy1 @tomgodfreytoobs @ The Kimberley, Western Australia
22.01.2022 First trip post covid, after being an artist and a resident at the beach , its good to be back on country sharing my passion for Nature in the Kimberley. Drone shot by @shornhutton #kimberley #northwest #wildplaces #nature #thekimberleyaustralia #lovemyjob
22.01.2022 Was really cool to head out and help catch some big adult flatback seaturtles with these guys this week, and deploy cameras which are attached to the carapace (topof the turtle) using a suctions cups which pop off after about 1-2 days. This is find out what the turtles are eating and small scale movement pattens around roebuck bay. Check out the video to learn a bit more about Jennas, and the North west shelf research project.
22.01.2022 Finished!! Kimberley marine life, mangroves to the ocean! @poscaoficial @posca_aus @poscagallery Hit me up if you want something done, big or small, can use anything as a canvas really, skateboards, paddle boards, paddleboard paddles, freediving fins. If your worried it will come off in the water, dont be, i just put a clear coat on and itll last forever. This one was a commission for @stacetheauzzie hope you like it. #poscamarkers #poscaart #posca #surfboardart #surfboards #art #isolationcreation #marinelifedrawing #oceanart #saltlife #oceanlife #broome #broometime #broomelife #broomewa #broomeart @ Broome, Western Australia
21.01.2022 Not many people get excited about dead things, but as someone who is curious about the natural world my froth levels where high when we came across this dead whale off Scott reef. Thanks to a few whale experts at different organisations including DBCA’s parks and wildlife cetacean gurus, we where able to get a fairly good confirmation on the identification of this dead whale. There are several species that pass through these remote islands off the north west coast. Based on t...he size of True North, being 50m, and the tiger sharks at least 3-5m it looked to be a Pygmy blue whale which can reach up to 24m. Scott and seringapatam reef are part of the migration path of pygmy blue whales as they head north into the banda sea in Indo to calve. See if you can spot the shark coming out of the mouth of the whale. The drone footage is taken by @jacksonhowson #pygmybluewhale #whale #sharks #tigersharks #ceteaceans #scottreef #northwest #whales #epic #nature #sharkfeeding See more
20.01.2022 How cool is this guy...! With the Kimberley having the the largest tides of the year with 10.59m tide, it got the lowest it can get, and a great time to see some of the marine life, sponges and corals which make up the intertidal zone. We havent been exempt from the recent bleaching event seen on the great barrier reef, but their were some cool critters such as brittle sea stars, octopus and this frog fish. Ive only ever seen one frog fish before diving the Exmouth navy (because the dive instructors know where they hang out) as they are incredibly camouflaged and slow moving to the point where they actually walk on their pectoral fins, and mimic sponges, or stones. They have this really cool modified dorsal fin at the front that acts like a fishing rod with bait, and they use it just like us fishing luring in their prey to their mouth which is situated just below it where they can devour prey 12 times their mouths resting size. Theres about 50 different species, so not 100% on this ones ID, but very cool to see one at entrance point Broome this arvo. #frogfish #fish #weirdandwonderful #broome #wa #lowtide @ Broome, Western Australia See more
19.01.2022 This has definitely been a good challenge for me to draw this Hairy ghost pipefish, with only a few reference photos to go off, was testing my abilities. Challenge accepted and completed #ghostpipefish #pipefish #marinelifeart #marineartist #oceanlife #oceanart #ocean #marinelife #drawing #sketch #penandink #drawingchallenge @ Broome, Western Australia
18.01.2022 Lion fish, inspiration from the weekend adventures! #broomeartist #broomeart #broometime #broomelife #broome #wa #northwest #fish #art #lionfish #marinelife #marinewildlife #oceanart #oceanlife #oceanminded_arts #oceanlove
18.01.2022 Prob one of my fav so far, commission for @salty_sessions i dedicate this one to all the lads i work with on deck, who all know i can’t fish, (lucky i’m the Naturalist) and who are all masters at catching the Barra. @blinks12 @raffitalia @kierclifford42 @chris.mirbach @shornhutton @justin_blinco @jacksonhowson #baramundi #barramundiart #fish #fishing #fishinglife #fishingaustralia #art #artistsoninstagram #artwork #broome #broomeartist #barra
18.01.2022 Have i got a story for you! Imagine driving your boat and you feel something brush up against your leg, you look down to see the head of a snake. Well that happened to me today. After doing a land excursion, we found this stowaway. It tucked up nicely at the back of the boat so i was able to get my guests back safely as wrangling a snake and driving a boat at the same time would have been a challenge. We later released the Olive python back to the island it came from un harmed, its lucky it chose my boat as i love snakes. #snakesonaboat #snakes #reptiles #australia #northwest #thekimberleyaustralia #kimberley #nature #lovemyjob
18.01.2022 Were back, stay tuned for some new itineraries this year.
15.01.2022 Kimberley themed uke @kimberleyartsnetwork @thekimberleyaustralia @lovebroomewa @sobroome #broomeart #ukeleleart #poscaart #poscamarkers @poscaoficial @posca_aus #ukelele #uke #hardhatdiver #octopus #boab @australia #australia #wa #northwest @ Broome, Western Australia
14.01.2022 Few pics from the last month at work, all the Drone pics are by Shaun Hutton.
13.01.2022 If your like me and like to spend time volunteering, for conservation organisations, environmental, or humanitarian, but feel you cant right now because of rona. Ive researched a list of organisations who need some virtual volunteering and where you can use your skills to help others and wildlife. Vollie has a wide range of options, theres some great opportunities to use your marketing, web design and public relations skills to help save animals from illegal wildlife trade ... Zooniverse also has a wide range... you can even help scientists by counting penguins Digi vol has volunteer opportunities where you can contribute research like checking camera trap images, installed post bushfires, looking at images of wildlife seen in those areas to get an idea of whats coming back. The UN also have a wide range from humanitarian to environmental @unitednations Last but not least for bird nerds, or soon to be backyard bird nerds, is birdlife Australia autumn survey, birds in backyards @birdlifeoz @virtualvolunteers #virtualvolunteering See more
13.01.2022 The future of a critically endangered frog species could be in the hands of #Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Breeding the amphibians in captivity for the first time, here are their results. #9News | Weeknights at 5.30pm
13.01.2022 I never really see that many Wedge- tailed eagles on the coastline, as they are dominated by Sea eagles. But yesterday it was pretty cool to see 5 large birds of prey, a pair of wedgies, and 3 sea eagles all competing for a feed on a big barracuda carcass.
13.01.2022 Wasnt Raja ampat, but Minari marine life turned it up over the weekend with decent visibility, my fav being the reticulate and cowtail rays just hanging in the shallows, the lion fish, and tomato clowns (nemo) are always photogenic. Plenty of schools of trevelly, barracuda and fusiliers getting around too, what a great spot. #kimberley #underwaterlife #northwest #marinelife #broome #broometime #broomelife #wa #lionfish #stingrays #nemo #ocean #oceanlife @ The Kimberley, Western Australia
12.01.2022 Occies!!!! one of my favourite animals, I know alot of fishos use them for bait, but maybe a few cool facts might make you think twice before putting one under the knife. They have three hearts and blue blood (copper based rather than iron based like ours) being boneless, they can squeeze into (or out of) tight spaces. They are super intelligent and have been observed using tools, like chimps and dolphins, for those of you who love to dance, imagine being able to bust a move with all 8 limbs going in different directions, because they have neuron pathways which allow them to use their 8 arms for different things. And one for the the octopus world you might just get strangled to death...or eaten after making love ! Common Octopus Reddell beach this arvo.
12.01.2022 #inspired by #shackleton what a legend, just finished his story. Commission for @salty_sessions #art #shipwreck #amazingstory #octopus #anchor
12.01.2022 Barn Hill @akubraofficial @yeti_au @ The Kimberley, Western Australia
11.01.2022 Back to the drawing board! @artline_au #pygmyseahorse #seahorse #drawing #art #artwork #marineart #marinelife #oceanart #artcommissions #broomeartist #broomeart #artistsoninstagram #sketch #oceanlife @ Broome, Western Australia
10.01.2022 Happy WORLD OCEANS DAY! The Ocean is shared by all. So stoked i work on it and in it, and get to share and educate people about it! #worldoceansday #ocean #shareit #oceanlife @ The Kimberley, Western Australia
10.01.2022 Predator of the sky, captured this the white bellied sea eagle just before it stooped for a fish. These birds are not only amazing to see fly, but hold a cultural significance for many indigenous groups often holding status as a totem. Its just short of having the largest wingspan and being Australias top aerial predator only to be beaten by the wedge tailed eagle. with talons that can pierce right through to your bones, and sight 8 times better than ours, they truely are the King of the coast. #seaeagle #birdofprey #eagle #thekimberleyaustralia
10.01.2022 They look like a big man eating shark from their silhouette when cruising on the surface of the water, however, the Tawny nurse shark is very mellow, they have poor eyesight as there eyes are tiny relying on the whisker like barbels which are situated on their top lip. These whiskers help them find food which they suck up like a vacuum cleaner and then macerate it with their teeth. They are an iconic shark of the Kimberley often hanging around the back of boats at anchorage...s waiting for the opportunity to scavenge a fish frame. The tiny yellow fish you often see hanging around them are juvenile golden trevally, they hang out with their big shark mate to eat parasites of their skin and leftover food, in return their shark friend protects them against predators. This particular animal came and swam with us at the beach. #sharks #sharklove #kimberley #beach #swims #ocean #sharkfriends #wa See more
09.01.2022 Rowley shoals fun #rowleyshoals #marinelife video by @chris.mirbach he has a way better breath hold than me.
09.01.2022 Dont even need filters, sunrise bird nerding . Glass off perfection! #glassoff #kimberley #reflections
09.01.2022 KEEP YOUR CATS INDOORS......!
09.01.2022 So nice to see people care about wildlife, this sub-adult Osprey took its first flight from high up in the nest and hit the deck, it couldnt fly and was weak, Steve and the team at Arrows pearling base, made a temporary osprey nest and managed to feed it every 1 1/2 hours for a few days to get its energy back, hoping the parents would come down and feed it. To the staffs delight it took off and has now re-united with its parents. They have 3 generations of Ospreys living at the pearling base so were over the moon to see this one survive, onyah guys @arrowpearlingbase
08.01.2022 Last few weeks of work at the Rowley Shoals, had bliss weather, and magic conditions, what an amazing place. #bestjobever #rowleyshoals #marinelife #oceanlife @ Rowley Shoals Marine Park
08.01.2022 Occy love @octonation @ocean_artwork @poscagallery @posca_aus @poscaoficial #art #instaart #octopus #octopusart #marinelife #oceanart #broomeart #broome #broometime #broomelife #kimberley #wa #northwest #artistsoninstagram #instrumentart #poscaart #oceanart @ Broome, Western Australia
06.01.2022 AWCs ground-breaking partnership with Bullo River Station is delivering conservation benefits alongside a commercial cattle operation. We hear from owner, Jul...ian Burt, and get an update from AWC Wildlife Ecologist Dr Eridani Mulder, who is on the ground conducting surveys there. Dont forget to join us next week, when we speak with Wendy Harmer - journalist, comedian, author, producer, and co-host of ABC Sydneys breakfast program - about her recent visit to our Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary. Full details:
05.01.2022 Having a Fin time @posca_aus #poscaart #poscapens #fins #surf #surfing #surffins #surfart #surfartworld #art #broomewa #broomeart #mandala #mandalaart
04.01.2022 Heli swims are the best @ Hunter River (Western Australia)
04.01.2022 Whale shark #whalesharkart #whalesharks #art #pen #paper
03.01.2022 Second board done and dusted, been enjoying the little side hustle over the corona period, but i also enjoy and cant wait to get back to my real job as Naturalist on True North. But dont despair, ill be taking orders for commissions to do in my breaks, hit me up! Swipe to see the detailed work on the board. #broomelife #broometime #kimberley #pindan #reddirt #surfboard #surfboardart #poscart #posca #posca_aus #poscapens #westisbest #wa #broomewa #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #artwork #marinelife #ocean #oceanlife #marineart #oceanart #oceanartist @ The Kimberley, Western Australia
02.01.2022 Not a bad way to send my break #notbad @ The Kimberley, Western Australia
02.01.2022 Good story and great science being done even during Covid 19 in the Kimberley! A great example of good fire management practices. Hats off to my buds in AWC. Check out the video
01.01.2022 Nice challenge to draw a saltwater crocodile for @salty_sessions, not the easiest animal to draw, the teeth are from my favourite crocodile named Holey, i collected a few when i used to clean his pond out at @currumbinsanctuary. I used to be a zookeeper. #crocodile #croc #crocsrule #crocodiledrawing #crocodiles #crocodileart #nature #wildlifeart #wildlifeartist #broomeartist @ Broome, Western Australia
01.01.2022 Bird nerding...Kingfishers, sacred kingfisher and the second photo of collard kingfisher, which ive only ever seen out at the kingfisher islands. #kingfisher #birdnerd #naturelovers #birds #kimberley @ Kimberley
01.01.2022 HAPPY WORLD TURTLE DAY #worldturtleday #turtle #ocean #marinelife @ Broome, Western Australia
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