Navarre Primary School | Education website
Navarre Primary School
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24.01.2022 Be sure to check out this week’s edition of the Pyrenees Advocate. Our school features on page 11!
23.01.2022 Good morning community. I hope you are all well, stress free and happy. I want to share an amazing resource from an old colleague of mine. This website is an amazing website with ideas and activities for physical and mental well-being. I hope it helps you as much as it does us for some ideas.
22.01.2022 Our insect theme continues to inspire and enthuse us! Did you know? The praying mantis eats insects, crickets and beetles ... Caterpillars only have 6 true legs Butterflies eat nectar from flowers, and rotting fruit Bees die after they sting you We can’t wait to learn more!
22.01.2022 This week we have welcomed Foundation students Jack and Ayla to school. Our theme for Term 1 is entomology - the study of insects. We have enjoyed learning lots of new things and reconnecting with our friends.
20.01.2022 Shout out to Gateway Cleaning. A local helping locals. While no-one is at school, and the school in need of a very good clean, we took up the opportunity. What a wonderful job they did. From carpets to tables, to toilets and vinyl to dusting and killing spiders to disinfecting EVERYTHING. This is what 7 hours of cleaning looks like. All ready for when the kids come back!
19.01.2022 Hello Community. As you would be aware, the Victorian Government yesterday made a series of significant announcements about the introduction of new measures across metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). These include announcements about a change to arrangements for schools at the start of Term 3.... It is important to note that these new announcements apply only to schools in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire. These announcements do not apply to schools in regional and rural Victoria, other than those in Mitchell Shire. ***Schools in those areas will continue to operate as normal from the start of Term 3 on Monday 13 July.**** Our staff are excited to continue business as usual next monday, ad look forward to seeing our community. *Remember social distancing and our practice of arrival and pick for school routine is still being managed*** Thank you Travis Hewish
19.01.2022 Just a reminder to be at school at 8:45 tomorrow morning ready to go to camp!! Please also remember to bring a drink bottle (or 2), a packed lunch and a few snacks as it will be a long and action packed day!Just a reminder to be at school at 8:45 tomorrow morning ready to go to camp!! Please also remember to bring a drink bottle (or 2), a packed lunch and a few snacks as it will be a long and action packed day!
18.01.2022 Good Morning, Everyone Our state leaders made an announcement this morning about a return to face to face learning. At this stage the following will occur, with further details to be provided once they come to hand. ... May 25th - Student free day. May 26th - Prep to Grade 2 students return to school June 9th - Grades 3-6 return to school. There will be a number of hygiene and social distancing requirements that will be mandated, and once this information becomes available, I will update you all.
16.01.2022 This week it was a joy to welcome our two 2021, Foundation students as they begin their exciting transition program. We look forward to seeing their bright and happy faces again on Monday morning. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
16.01.2022 Happy mothers day to all the wonderful Mums, Grandmums, Grannies, Nanas, Aunties and all the other special women in people's lives. Hope you have a wonderful day.
15.01.2022 The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn is a lovely story to start back at school after remote learning. Today we are sending home a hand print for our special person to kiss and send back to school as a constant reminder of their love just like in the story.
14.01.2022 Dear Shake Rattle n' Read families, We invite you to join us on our new Shake, Rattle n' Read journey - Online! Our new program will look a little different to what your used to, but we have tried very hard to ensure we can still provide a fun, interactive and enjoyable program. ... Our new program will begin next week and each child will be given a bag of Shake, Rattle n Read goodies which will help them to participate in the videos, sing alongs, stories and activities. The first bag will contain enough materials for the first four weeks. Over the first two weeks, many of these videos will be posted to our Facebook page while we set up a more permanent platform and we will keep you updated on how this will work. We want to thank our Shake, Rattle n Read families for their patience while we have worked on how to continue our program during such an extraordinary time. Please note, there is no pressure on any of our families to complete the activities or use the materials provided, we understand that each family has unique needs. We ask that you keep the bags somewhere safe as we will be swapping these over for new books and materials in 4 weeks' time. If you would like to participate in our new online community or would like further information, please contact Navarre Primary School on 5357 4256 or Kelsie Coleman via messenger.
14.01.2022 Dear parents, Please find the updated schedule for Student Led Conferences below. We look forward to celebrating your child’s learning journey with you! Our students have been hard at work preparing their magnificent portfolios to share with you in the coming days
13.01.2022 Happy Easter to everyone. We hope you are enjoying the day in your own ways the best way you can.
13.01.2022 AND JUST LIKE THAT OUR WORLD CHANGES AGAIN! Here we go, ill attempt to keep you in the loop as I'm told but here is what I know so far! I'm sure many of you have been watching Premier Andrews addressing all Victorians this afternoon regarding reintroducing Stage 3 Restrictions for Regional Victoria and Stage 4 for Metropolitan Melbourne.... Further details will be put out by the Government and DET tomorrow and, hopefully, I get a bit more direction on exactly what schools will be doing over the short, medium and long terms. My understanding at the moment is that schools are open as per normal tomorrow but closed for a Pupil Free Day on Tuesday, with remote learning to start from Wednesday. If this ends up being the expectation, Navarre Primary School will not be ready in 1 days notice, and be ready to resume a remote learning program that benefits the students. It will take at least a few days to get things ready. We need to distribute technology, get hard copies of classroom work out to everyone and have our teachers prepare on-line lessons. Hopefully we will be able to run off some sheets in the next day or so and these will keep kids busy for a couple of days while everything else gets organised. Rest assured that once we get up and running properly we will provide a similar but more improved program to what was offered by teachers in Term 2. We will maintain the emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy and certainly continue to follow the Victorian Curriculum to ensure we are covering the expected content. These are very challenging times, in many ways the situation is much more dire than what we faced in Term 2. Please take care and look after your families.I will post additional information as it comes to hand via Facebook and will attempt to call or contact you all tomorrow! Cheers. Trav
12.01.2022 Amazingly each of our students received a letter from Santa this morning in the post, and then to our surprise he arrived in person on the back of the fire truck! We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness!
12.01.2022 Good morning school community, this is a link to some virtual tours of the zoos in the Melbourne area. Great facts hidden in these tours for our Information Report. The Halls Gap Zoo is also going live with zoo keepers and a different animal each day and that is worth checking out also.
12.01.2022 What a fantastic first day at camp!
11.01.2022 It was fabulous to be able to end the school term sharing our learning and setting new learning goals. Learning from home can now begin on a firm footing with everyone in the partnership understanding what each child needs to learn next. We will be here to support you every step of the way. ... Take home work packs and books will be available for collection on Thursday afternoon at the school. We look forward to seeing you all then.
10.01.2022 Welcome to the 2021 school year! We can’t wait to see all your bright and happy faces tomorrow morning! Our theme for Term 1 will be entomology! What is entomology? ... Our video clip may give you a clue watch it and bring your ideas to school tomorrow!
10.01.2022 Hello Navarre Community. Have a look at Ellie go! This is one of the many photos we have received from our amazing families, and students absolutely smashing the at-home, remote learning all schools have undertook for term 2. Remember you're all doing a wonderful job. Keep up the amazing work. Absolute legend!
10.01.2022 How good was this. A Webex dance off, to end the day for the 1st day of remote learning. So much fun, so many laughs all worth it.
09.01.2022 I was so excited, so as soon as I got home, I scurried to my room, dropped my bag and went straight to my wardrobe and picked out my most glorious dress and a pair of shoes to match... wrote Courtney when reflecting upon her preparations for our Oaks Day dress up day. That was the best day ever! Perhaps we should do Oaks Day maybe every two weeks! wrote Sarah.
09.01.2022 Hello families and community. I have now received word and procedures that affect us, and how we move forward from here. The following will apply to our school operations from Monday 3rd August: (tomorrow)... Teachers and education support staff Teachers and education support staff will not be required to wear face coverings while teaching, but those who wish to do so, can. Teachers should wear face coverings in other areas of the school when not teaching (for example, in the staffroom, on yard duty and when providing first aid). Primary students Students who attend primary school will not be required to wear a face covering. Students who are aged 12 or over by Year 6 will not be required to wear face coverings. The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that it is not practical to require some primary school students to wear face coverings while others are not required to. Exemptions Some students and staff are exempt from these requirements. This includes students or staff who have a medical condition - including problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability or a mental health condition. However, you will need to provide a certificate to prove this and keep it on you as proof incase you get asked. Parents and carers Parents and carers will be required to wear face coverings whenever they leave the house, including for school drop off and pick up. If they are travelling in a car alone, or only with members of their household, they do not need to wear a mask *in the car only*. If parents get out of the car, during pick up or drop off, masks must be worn. So to summarise. Any visitors who come to the school and leave their car MUST and WILL wear a mask in and outside of the school boundary. Teachers and staff will wear masks at all times unless they are teaching where they will have a choice to wear or not. Also, please no visitors to the school unless prior permission via a phone call and appointment has been made. And of course we will continue to practice hand hygiene at school at all times. Trav Hewish
09.01.2022 Remembrance Day this year looked very different! Due to thunderstorms, we held our service indoors. We reflected deeply during our minute of silence. The school day finished with the smell of freshly baked ANZAC biscuits wafting through the building.
08.01.2022 A stolen post I'll admit. But so relevant. I think something everyone should be sharing to help. As always remember to call or email if you need my help always ready! Know that Georgie, Grace and myself have your children at the forefront of all our decisions and we will make it the easiest happiest and safest transition back as we can!
08.01.2022 One of the activities we enjoyed most this week was making ladybird biscuits!
07.01.2022 The students have been learning about ANZAC DAY today at school. Miss Morris shared photographs, postcards and writing from her Great, Great Uncle who was at Gallipolli and the students were enthralled! The students enjoyed writing their own postcards to the soldiers asking questions and thanking them for their service. We also made some delicious ANZAC biscuits in the afternoon. It would be wonderful if you were able to share your family stories about the day with your children, particularly if you had a family member involved. Wishing you all a restful weekend in preparation for a very exciting week ahead!
07.01.2022 This week at Navarre Primary School we researched the war experience of Alec Campbell during our literacy lessons. We have also embraced our diversity during NAIDOC week completing some special art work and discussing the wonderful differences in cultures from around the world. Sarah, Joseph and Sammy impressed us with their ability to count to ten in Tagalog, the language that is spoken in the Philippines.... Our Foundation students were excited to showcase their independent reading. We hope you enjoy our reflections.
06.01.2022 Another busy day at Navarre Primary. In maths today we worked on expanded notation trains. Our term topic for discoveries learning is Sustainability. Our kids learnt all about the word sustain, and how to stop creating large environmental footprints and how to help the environment with small footprints. Wonderful day today. So proud. Cheers,... Trav Hewish. See more
05.01.2022 Full STEAM Ahead!!!!! Full STEAM Ahead days recommence this coming Monday the 26th of April! This term we will be going to Natte Yallock Primary School so our students need to be ready to leave Navarre at 8.45am Students need a packed lunch, snacks and a drink bottle filled with water.... Students need to wear their school uniform. See more
05.01.2022 Day 2 at Roses Gap! The students did many activities including crate stacking, hut building, the flying fox and the giant swing. They have all had such a great time! The older students have been doing some canoeing and abseiling (photos of these to come). What an adventure!!!
04.01.2022 Stawell Secondary College are now taking enrolments for 2021. Have a look at our Promotional video of our College Enrolment show bags will be distributed to all Grade 6 students at their primary schools in the coming weeks. If you are wishing to enrol your child with us please complete the enrolment form in the show bag and return it us. Please contact Cindy Bibby on 53581700 if you would like a College tour or you require further information.
04.01.2022 This is fantastic. Hey guys take some time out of your learning schedule or work schedules and enjoy the Mik Maks. Tomorrow at 2pm (Tuesday). The Resilience Project suggest 7 seconds of music changes your entire thought pattern and makes you happier. Enjoy....
01.01.2022 What a return to school by the students so far. So proud of the way they have settled back into routine. The staff haven't seen them playing like this since we been there. They love the sports equipment we have purchased. Had a go at a challenging task for maths using the new base 10 blocks and had a bit of fun using pastels to blend and create wonderful artwork. Its been a busy 2 days. What absolute legends they are. Well done crew. Mr Hewish.
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