National Campdraft Council of Australia | Non-profit organisation
National Campdraft Council of Australia
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25.01.2022 The NCCA would like to Congratulate Michael Hiscock from the GCA on his fantastic win riding his mare Tip Top. We would like to also acknowledge Terry Snow and the Willinga Park team on an outstanding event. An event which continues to not only provide an unequalled standard for competitors but takes our sport to a new audience. The coverage of the Final on Free to Air was sensational and will give our sport increased exposure. This in turn will allow event organizers grea...ter access to sponsorship. We commend the Willinga hosting committee, the SCA and of course the competitors for a great showcase of camp drafting. Codie Law President #GCA #willingapark #goldbuckle See more
25.01.2022 Congratulations Cindy Ryder from the GCA being awarded the Judges award from our judges Tim Hollis and Pete O’Neill. Pryde’s EasiFeed sponsoring 5 bags of feed for the award.
24.01.2022 #doitfordolly #bekind
24.01.2022 Team GCA have taken out the win again this year!! Congrats Team GCA. Team GCAs Charity of Choice is Drought Angels, who will now receive $2,000. 2020 Nutrien Classic Pryde's EasiFeed
23.01.2022 Meet Team GCA that will hopefully head to Tamworth in Feb 2021 for the National Rider Title Event which will be ran at the Nutrien Classic.
23.01.2022 The NCCA will be attending this meeting to keep all our associations up to date with the latest information.
22.01.2022 Thank you to Lachie Maxwell and the team of Nutrien yardmen that work tirelessly in the back yards with the cattle during our 3 rounds. Big shout out also to Martin’s for transporting the cattle. Cheers everyone and hope to see you all next year. Travel safe.
21.01.2022 Pryde's EasiFeed
20.01.2022 Thanks to Steve Condell for commentating our event and Kelly Smith for all her assistance scoring. Nutrien Equine Pryde's EasiFeed
20.01.2022 Phillip Kirkby It is with great sadness that we advise of the recent passing of Mr Phillip Kirkby. Phillip was the inaugural Vice Chairman of the National Campdraft Council of Australia in 1995 then was elected Chairman in 1996 for a 4 year term. He was a driving force in bringing all the Campdraft Associations together.... Phillip has always been generous with his time to a number of organisations. He was a Director and later Chairman of the Australian Stock Horse Society. The horses he bred regularly topped the sales over many decades. He had a fascination with breeding animals in general. From his beloved Stock horses and Santa Gertrudis cattle to working dogs and chooks, he always had an eye for quality. The Campdraft and Performance Horse industry are indebted to Phillip for his foresight and sustained contribution of time, energy and knowledge. On behalf of the NCCA may I offer our sincere condolences to his family. May he Rest In Peace. Codie Law NCCA Chairman
19.01.2022 Another shout out to our major sponsors Pryde’s EasiFeed. Great to catch up with Matt and Orla from Pryde’s. $25,000 cash and prize pool for our event.
18.01.2022 Service Fee to Kniepps Conray going to the winner Pete Comiskey. Thanks to Codie and Natalie Law from Yarrawa Park Stock Horses for your sponsorship. Yarrawa Park Stock Horses
17.01.2022 Prydes EasiFeed, not only supporting and sponsoring our event, but also sponsoring campdraft riders. Find this and many more videos on their website.
17.01.2022 On Friday 7th August, 2020 the NCCA for the first time, held it's AGM via a Zoom Meeting. The President, Committee and Delegates for 2020 remains unchanged. Please visit our website at for all the updates. President: Mr Codie Law Vice President: Ron Berkley Secretary/Treasurer: Cheryl Joosten
17.01.2022 Thanks Holland Customized Services for the sponsorship of the beautiful handcrafted Championship Buckle. Holland Customized Services - HCS
16.01.2022 Thanks Rod, from Rod Kaye Bits and Spurs for the beautiful handcrafted bit for the winner Pete Comiskey. Rod Kaye Bits and Spurs Pete Comiskey Campdrafting Nutrien Equine
16.01.2022 Congrats to Jack Sutherland taking out the Judges award in this years 2020 Prydes EasiFeed NCCA National Champion Rider Title Event. Thanks to Prydes Jack received 5 bags of feed. Pryde's EasiFeed Nutrien Equine Southern Campdrafting Association
14.01.2022 Congratulations Pete Comiskey and Harry on your 3rd straight win to take out the Pryde’s EasiFeed NCCA National Champion Rider 2021. Pete also won the first event back in 2004 at Paradise Lagoons. Pete won feed and cash from the $25,000 prize pool from Pryde’s, a rug sponsored by the NCCA, a championship belt buckle sponsored by Holland Customized Services, a handcrafted bit from Rod Kaye Bits and Spurs and a service fee from Yarrawa Park Stock Horses to their stallion Kneipps Conray. Thank you to all our sponsors.
13.01.2022 Congrats to Ken Boulton receiving the 2020 Horsemanship award. This award is sponsored by John Davison from Davos Whips. Unfortunately due to ill health Davo was unable to be at the event this year, so the award was selected and presented by Rod Kidner from Prydes EasiFeed. Pryde's EasiFeed Gippsland Campdrafting Association Nutrien Equine
13.01.2022 Thanks to all the Nutrien team for being on hand to help during our event and hosting the Prydes EasiFeed 2020 NCCA National Champion Ruder Title event. 2020 Nutrien Classic Nutrien Equine
12.01.2022 As part of our first NCCA FUTURE LEADERS YOUTH FORUM 2020 we were fortunate enough to have Damien Hall from Nutrien speak and give up his time to talk about OH&S and Livestock Management in our sport. Tim Coates also gave up his time and talked to the Forum about Conflict Resolution and how to adapt these strategies to not only being a great leader but throughout your life. Vicki Hiscock the GCA Delegate of the NCCA also spoke the group about the NCCA and what it involves. Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Pryde's EasiFeed Southern Campdrafting Association Gippsland Campdrafting Association ABCRA Australian Campdraft Assoc Nutrien Equine
11.01.2022 COVID-19 With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 the NCCA held a meeting and resolved to recommend all organisations postpone all events until further notice . All 4 associations agreed to cancel their events. The NCCA will continue to monitor the situation and make further recommendations accordingly. The NCCA recommends all event organisers liaise with their respective Associations and relevant Regulatory Bodies. These are unprecedented times, which will continue to develop on a daily basis. We want to provide you with as much guidance as possible going forward, whilst also following the advice of the government.
11.01.2022 This years attendees at the NCCA Youth Leadership Forum. Wyatt Young, Cameron Ninness, Ella Brabon, Jaye Charlton, Tom Hukins, Angus Patterson, Thomas Sharp, Daniel Ternes, James Moorehead, Hamish Palmer and Nick Palmer. Thank to the Vicki Hiscock and Cheryl Joosten for organizing this years forum. #willingapark #aca #sca #abrca #gca We hope these youth go on to be great leaders in their associations.
10.01.2022 The winning teams line up. 1-4
10.01.2022 At the recent AGM the only rule change was as follows: The rule book has also been professionally proof read with formatting, spelling and grammar updated. 8.4 Rookie Horse A Rookie Horse is a horse that has not started in a Campdraft prior to the commencement of the relevant associations competition season and rules.... The full rule book is available on our website at
09.01.2022 The National Campdraft Council of Australia (NCCA) is looking for campdrafters aged 15 - 25 years of age who are interested in attending this year’s Youth Leadership Forum to be held at Willinga on Wednesday 12th May, 2021. The forum will cover topics to give you the skills to develop as a Leader in your association. Topics include: OH&S, running a successful meeting, governance, how to attract sponsorship to your draft, what it takes to become a successful leader, conflict resolution and the history of the NCCA. The forum will consist of youth from the four associations GCA, SCA, ACA and ABCRA. If you are interested, please contact your relevant association.
08.01.2022 The daily grind . . . #welder #fitter #heavyequipment #engineeringworkshop #machineshop #behindthescenes #engineering #cus...tomized #boilermaker #boilermakers #service #smallbusiness #gippsland #wellingtonshire @joemanlothian See more
07.01.2022 This year the NCCA was excited to hold their Inaugural Future Leaders Youth Forum at Tamworth during the Nutrien Classic. The idea was part of the NCCA's Strategic Plan and was run and organized by Vicki Hiscock and Cheryl Joosten, with great assistance from the Nutrien group and the NCCA committee. The Forum was open to youth age 15-25yrs. Southern Campdrafting Association Gippsland Campdrafting Association ABCRA Australian Campdraft Assoc Pryde's EasiFeed. The following ...youth that were selected and attended from their associations where: SCA Lexie Belcec Bec Sim Brooke Dodwell Harry Steiger Alice Fitzpatrick ACA Hayley Condon Lucy Cunningham GCA Johnny Holz Trinity McInnes Angus O'Loughlin ABCRA Katie DeJong See more
07.01.2022 Thank you to all our sponsors, riders, helpers and Nutrien Equine for hosting our event. The big win went to Pete Comiskey, crowned the 2020 Prydes EasiFeed NCCA National Champion Rider. Congrats Pete Comiskey Campdrafting
07.01.2022 Brett Welsh is back to give you all the news from the 2020 Nutrien Classic with the Day 5 Classic Round Up! Todays guests include our Managing Director of Nu...trien Mr Rob Clayton and none other than the shining star of Nutrien Mr Simon Booth Day 5 brought us the final day of Pre-Works before we kick off with the sale tomorrow. This evenings entertainment is certainly something to be tuning into, with a very exciting list of campdrafting We kicked off with the NCCA Pryde's EasiFeed National Rider Title Rnd 3, then moved onto Round 2 of the Dalgety Animal Health Stallion Shootout. Never fear as more finals are here!!! Our first final of the evening is the Jimmy Mathews Memorial Ladies Invitational Final, followed by the 4Cyte Masters Final and to cap of a very exciting evening we have the event that everyones been waiting and riding for the 2020 Nutrien Classic Campdraft Final!!!! So its time to kick back and enjoy another cracking Classic Round Up Nutrien Equine Australian Equine Network Wild Colt Productions Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre Martins Stock Haulage Navaho Trailers Interpath Joint Health Experts Ringers Western #classic2020 #nutrienclassic #classicroundup #australianequinenetwork #wildcoltproductions #prydeseasifeed #aelec #martinsstockhaulage #navahotrailers #4cyte #ringerswesternwear #performancehorses #campdrafting #salehorses See more
06.01.2022 Are you looking for an economical extruded feed? PRYDE'S EASIGOING - For work or pleasure SUITED TO: Pony Club, Pleasure Horses, Equestrian & Sport ... THE COOL CHOICE FOR CALM HORSES Prydes Easi Going 20KG #prydeseasifeed #horsenutrition #horsecare @kirkwoodproduce
05.01.2022 Thanks to Prydes EasiFeed our major sponsor and all our other sponsors for coming on board. Nutrien Equine Pryde's EasiFeed
05.01.2022 Big night of finals. Round 3 winner of the Prydes EasiFeed 2020 NCCA National Champion Event was Ben Hall after a run off with Bruce Coulthard. Ben pictured here with Ben Rossiter from CTO sponsoring the rugs to the 3 round winners. Thanks Ben. Campdraft Training Online Ben Hall.
05.01.2022 Team GCA winnings. Thank you from Drought Angels
04.01.2022 The rules of the NCCA are mandatory to all NCCA member Associations. The aim is to have uniformity of Campdraft rules Australia-wide. Any Association wanting to change or alter a rule, must initially write to the NCCA, who will then circulate the proposed changes to member bodies. The NCCA will co-ordinate discussion and bring about a resolution of the proposed changes. The NCCA recognizes that each Association will have their own by law rules pertaining to; awarding of point...s, protective headgear, fencing etc. Your elected delegates are GCA Delegate: Vicki Hiscock SCA Delegates: Ian Laurie & Mark Barton ACA Delegates: Sean Dillon, Stephen Sheppard, Andrew Stallmann & Hugh Philp ABCRA Delegates: Lachie Maxwell, Mat Weber & Ron Berkley
04.01.2022 The NCCA is a member of the AHIC. Find out what the AHIC is all about. Visit their Facebook page and website at
04.01.2022 Well Done to everyone involved and Nutrien Equine for being so welcoming and hosting our event. Final placings as follows:
02.01.2022 A message from Codie Law - NCCA President, Recently, the Northern Territory government announced a 3 Phase plan to lift restrictions. Each Phase clearly outlines which activities will be permitted and the guidelines aligned to these. Accordingly, the NCCA met recently and have agreed to allow the relevant Associations to begin planning for a return to Campdrafting in the NT. The Associations will liaise directly with NT committees for campdraft events to begin again in June f...or NT residents only. It is our plan, that as each State or Territory makes changes, the relevant Association advise their committees of new time frames and requirements for running events post COVID 19. I encourage all Campdraft members to be patient and to strictly adhere to guidelines put in place in each State and the hosting committees.
02.01.2022 Thank you to all our participants attending this years NCCA Youth Leadership Forum from the ACA, ABCRA and SCA. It was great to be able to hold the event at Willinga Park in their magnificent premises. Thank you to our guest speakers, Glenn Evans (Conflict Resolution), Damien Hall (Animal Welfare and OH&S) and Darby Smith (Social Media and Sponsorship), Vicki Hiscock (Leadership and history of the NCCA), Cheryl Joosten (running a successful and efficient meeting).
01.01.2022 Today the GCA handed over their $2,000 winnings to Drought Angels Congrats again Team GCA - Ken Boulton, Mat Holz, Vicki Hiscock, Michael Hiscock, Ethan Park, Jordi Stockdale. Pryde's EasiFeed National Campdraft Council of Australia
01.01.2022 2020 Prydes EasiFeed NCCA National Champion Rider Pete Comiskey. Thanks Prydes. $25,000 worth of Prize money and feed paid out over the 3 rounds. Pryde's EasiFeed Nutrien Equine Southern Campdrafting Association Australian Campdraft Assoc Gippsland Campdrafting Association ABCRA
01.01.2022 Day 2 of our Youth Forum we drove out to the Pryde's EasiFeed factory in Gunnedah and were shown around by Peter and Matt Pryde. Thanks Matt and Peter for taking the time out of your busy day, it was extremely informative and interesting. Pryde's EasiFeed have been sponsoring the NCCA Rider Title event for many years with $25,000 worth of prize money and product on offer to the 2020 winners this year. Southern Campdrafting Association Gippsland Campdrafting Association Australian Campdraft Assoc ABCRA
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